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China's Jade Rabbit lunar rover dies on moon

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care to back up the "stealing from west" part, or you pulled that out of your ***?

not your indians, you haven't done it and won't be able to for another 20 years

It is JayAtl. Along with Gambit, they are probably the two individuals on this forum that hate China the most. They don't really need a reason to smear China.

bhai bhai its chinese tech use and throw...this time they threw their toon character with a very costly vehicle....that too far off in space...earlier on earth people were in tense about disposal of chinese equipments now they seriously showed whole world that moon is best place...to throw........except giving ranking ...what china had contributed to modern human kind just whole sale item /made in china/ such bullish population might be more than europe and usa ... bhai u are on fall.....in hindi there is saying ...har kutte ke din ate hain ...if not understood might ur doggy friends may explain u better...

Learn some proper English first Curry Indian, we have no idea what you are rambling. There's also no need to lecture us about mutual cooperation if China's technology and contributions are not recognized by you Indians. China certainly doesn't need to cooperate with Indians on space programs or other fields and you certainly don't have to buy made in China products either if it has some inferior sound to it.
chinese are some of the worst people I have ever met in my life. When I met people I give them the utmost respect because that is what I have been taught. I treat everyone, black, white, asian, with respect. Let me tell you something, these chinese never return that respect. Everyone else seems to reciprocate respect, but not oriental asians. I remember once of the asian person's father in my elementary school used to call me ahcha. I didn't know that it was a racial slur to Indians until I grew up. Why do you insult a child?
we can see your success, 2nd highest GDP and still a vastly 3rd world country :lol:

don't be mad that once you come out of the great wall of propaganda, into other countries, you are mediocre at best.

haha, yes don't be mad, like how your indians can't compete with the chinese at almost every non-english/non-chinese countries, we all know indian can't survive if they are left high and dry in non-english countries, almost always end up in the bottom tier.

and india with 10th gdp is like bottom tier country, yes, china is 3rd world, india, nobody cares, your guys are swept to the same pile as sub-sahara africa, lol, lol. yes, stop being jealous and accept you're way below the chinese, hahaha.
I remember once of the asian person's father in my elementary school used to call me ahcha. I didn't know that it was a racial slur to Indians until I grew up. Why do you insult a child?

You are mistaken, ahcha has versatile meanings as you should know Learning Hindi: 6 Different Meanings of Accha in Hindi

There were many Indians working in Hong Kong as laborers during the 50'-70' and HongKong people used "ah cha" to refer Indians because they heard it so frequently. This phrase is only used by HK people and not by the rest of Mainland. It's not mean as racial slur or to insult Indians. For example HK people also has this phrase "lo baat tau" which means radish head to refer the Japanese because during certain of period Japanese hairstyle which looked like a radish was very popular amongst the Japanese.
Another phrase is "ga jai" , "ga mui" referring to Japanese boy and Japanese girl because Japanese sentences often ends with "ga" this is not racial slur against the Japanese by the Cantonese. Again Mainland Chinese don't have these phrases referring the Japanese.

So it was not meant as an insult to you when you first heard it as a kid but people translate it as some racial insults against the Indians which is not true. So yeah you are totally mistaken and it's not even used by the rest of Mainland Chinese.
Another phrase is "ga jai" , "ga mui" referring to Japanese boy and Japanese girl because Japanese sentences often ends with "ga" this is not racial slur against the Japanese by the Cantonese. Again Mainland Chinese don't have these phrases referring the Japanese.


China's troubled Jade Rabbit lunar rover has died on the surface of the moon, state media reported on Wednesday, posing a big setback for the country's ambitious space programme.

The first moon rover sent out by China "could not be restored to full function", the state-owned China News Service said in a brief report. The landmark mission had run into mechanical problems last month.

The Jade Rabbit, or Yutu in Chinese, was deployed on the moon's surface on 15 December and was a huge source of pride in China, only the third country to complete a lunar rover mission after the US and former Soviet Union.

The landing was a key step forward in Beijing's ambitious military-run space programme, which includes plans for a permanent orbiting station by 2020 and eventually person sent to the moon.

The silver rover had a mechanical control abnormality late January due to "the complicated lunar surface environment", according to the official Xinhua news agency. It had been unable to function since then.

Condolences poured in on Weibo, China's Twitter-like service, where internet users mourned the demise of the rover, China News Service said in its brief report entitled Loss of lunar rover.

The Jade Rabbit rover had sent back its first photographs from the moon, and officials lauded the first lunar soft landing in nearly 40 years as a step forward for "mankind as a whole".

The lunar mission, which came 10 years after China first sent an astronaut into space, was seen as a symbol of the country's rising global stature and technological advancement, as well as a Communist party success in reversing the fortunes of the nation.

Beijing plans to establish a permanent space station by 2020 and eventually send a human to the moon.

The potential to extract lunar resources has been touted as a key reason behind Beijing's space programme. The moon is suspected to hold uranium, titanium, and other mineral resources, and could offer the possibility of solar power generation.

Jade Rabbit lunar rover dies on moon | World news | theguardian.com

looking at the title i thought china sent a real live rabbit to moon and now its dead...:no:

any how chinese no need to be sad because
,losing is part and parcel of winning ,china has very big and ambitious space plan and to my fellow indians please stop being dickheads
Good show by China. Even if this mission results in the loss of the equipment, so what? China has made strides in space exploration and this will benefit humanity. Go for it China. It is about time that countries apart from Russia and America start exploring space not to outdo each other but to genuinely assimilate information and educate mankind
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