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China's Military Buildup Could Push USA Out of Asia

Asia is becoming a dangerous place.

It is only the Asian who will suffer.
Vietnam doesn't trust the US, but rather wants to play China and US against each other. It knows that we can make an example out of it easily.

Phillipines has no power projection, we don't lose anything except cheap maids if they go against us.

South Korea has to worry about North Korea first. They're begging us to rein in North Korea.

Malaysia and Indonesia are some of the few VISA FREE/VISA ON ARRIVAL destinations for Chinese citizens. They're not going anywhere.

Russia is our strategic partner and we hold more joint military exercises than Russia and India. Indians love Russians but Russians treat India like an ATM.

Taiwan is not going to do anything because 1.) Chinese don't fight Chinese and 2.) Their military is not in the position to realistically launch a 1st strike.

So India, Japan and US are going to be alone. Guess which one is going to be made an example of?

U.S. Warship Docks in Vietnam Amid China Sea Dispute
August 10, 2010, 1:17 PM EDT

By Daniel Ten Kate

Aug. 10 (Bloomberg) -- A U.S. warship docked in Vietnam today as part of weeklong naval exercises that highlight a more assertive American role in the region that has irked China.

The USS John S. McCain is visiting Danang to mark the 15- year anniversary of normalized relations between the U.S. and Vietnam, according to the Navy. Vietnamese officials made an offshore visit to the USS George Washington nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the South China Sea two days ago.

The exercises follow a diplomatic tiff between the U.S. and China after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton commented on a regional territorial dispute in the sea, which China considers its own. Clinton said last month that resolving disputes was a “leading diplomatic priority,” and she offered to help countries negotiate a code of conduct in the waters.

“From Vietnam’s perspective, it’s wonderful to have the Seventh Fleet present, it increases stability,” said Ralf Emmers, a professor at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore. “What is at stake is really to try to ratify a code of conduct with China.”

China’s Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi called Clinton’s remark “virtually an attack on China.” Today a Chinese general said in an editorial that U.S. plans to bring the USS George Washington to the Yellow Sea, situated between China’s coast and the Korean peninsula, may provoke economic retaliation.

Exxon, BP Pressured

China has pressured Exxon Mobil Corp. and BP Plc to halt exploration in waters that Vietnam considers part of its territory, according to U.S. government agencies. Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Nguyen Phuong Nga said Aug. 5 that China had conducted seismic surveys of areas near the Paracel islands and encompassing its continental shelf.

The ministry “has made numerous representations with the Chinese side at different levels to expound its official views on these matters,” she said. “However, China is continuing those activities.”

On Aug. 6 China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said “China has indisputable sovereignty over the Paracel Islands and the sea around them.”

The USS John S. McCain is the second U.S. ship to visit a Vietnamese port this year, and two others received repairs at a shipyard in the country, according to the Seventh Fleet’s website. U.S. ships made two port visits to Vietnam in each of the past two years and a different aircraft carrier hosted Vietnamese guests offshore last year, it said.

‘Ties Strengthened’

“We share a common interest in maritime security in this region,” John S. McCain Commander Jeffrey Kim told reporters today in Danang after the ship docked. “I see our ties strengthened as we continue to develop our friendship in this region.”

The ship is named after the father and grandfather of U.S. Senator John McCain of Arizona, a former Republican presidential nominee.

McCain’s father and grandfather were both career Navy officers. The senator, a former Navy pilot, was shot down over Hanoi and imprisoned for six years in Vietnam.

The Southeast Asian nation “has become one of America’s most important and most promising emerging partners in the Asia- Pacific region,” the senator said in a statement from Washington. “Today’s port call is certainly rich with historical significance, especially for my family and me.”

Naval Prowess

China has bolstered its naval capabilities over the past decade, enhancing its ability to enforce territorial claims. Last year, Chinese fishing boats harassed two U.S. naval vessels in the South China Sea, where American forces have patrolled since World War II.

The South China Sea covers 3.5 million square kilometers (1.4 million square miles) stretching from Singapore to the Straits of Taiwan. Its waters carry about half the world’s merchant fleet by tonnage each year, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Estimates of oil and gas reserves in the waters vary, with some Chinese studies suggesting they contain more oil than Iran and more natural gas than Saudi Arabia, according to the U.S. agency. Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei and Taiwan also claim some or all of the disputed islands.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is negfor this story: Bill Austin at billaustin@bloomberg.net
U.S. Warship Docks in Vietnam Amid China Sea Dispute - Businessweek
Singapore will most likely stay neutral, the most support we will give is to allow US ships refueling. Join in the fray no thank you

Singapore is a de facto US Military base . You allow USAF to park their planes in Paya Lebar & Tengar , and host a naval base at Changi that can dock and resupply a USN Carrier . And you label them as supply bases...

And then you assume you can stay neutral ?

You must be assuming that the PLA is run by fools ? :wave:

In times of war, China must be an idiot if they do not launch their DF21 ASBM against the US Carriers when they are docked at Changi .

A stationary target that is easily tracked or "laser painted" with be hard to miss .

Make no mistake, Singapore cannot continue to play the Superpowers against each other .

You must choose a side, sooner or later .

Remember , China stragetic thinking is always for the long term . They map 10 years ahead...
Asia belongs to Asian, so the US military power shouldn't exist in Asia.
Singapore is a de facto US Military base . You allow USAF to park their planes in Paya Lebar & Tengar , and host a naval base at Changi that can dock and resupply a USN Carrier . And you label them as supply bases...

And then you assume you can stay neutral ?

You must be assuming that the PLA is run by fools ? :wave:

In times of war, China must be an idiot if they do not launch their DF21 ASBM against the US Carriers when they are docked at Changi .

A stationary target that is easily tracked or "laser painted" with be hard to miss .

Make no mistake, Singapore cannot continue to play the Superpowers against each other .

You must choose a side, sooner or later .

Remember , China stragetic thinking is always for the long term . They map 10 years ahead...

Ultimately if US and China went head to head and China told us to butt out Singapore will do so, we're a nation of 5 million with maybe 71,000 of active personnel (not including conscripts of 500k) we cannot afford to "take sides" of two major superpowers going head to head.

The US base was established here to keep peace in the South East Asian region, do you really think our government wants to become a painted target for one of the worlds largest armed forces? If you do you must think our government is run by fools too :argh:
If China can ensure that the US evacuates from the Asian continent, the cause of peace will be furthered, seriously -- notice that war has become a way of life for the US, it is more or less constantly at war - and if China can ensure the US evacuates Asian continent, it will be a great achievement for all Asia and really also a great benefit to the people of the US.

Lots of people will want China to be a overwhelming military power, but China, the people of Asia and peace, are better served by a China that is a economic and soft power juggernaut.
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