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China's Mach 6 air-to-air missile (VLRAAM) at 200 miles successful | Popular Science


Dec 15, 2009
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"In November 2016, a Chinese J-16 strike fighter test-fired a gigantic hypersonic missile, successfully destroying the target drone at a very long range.
Reports are that the size would put into the category of a very long range air to air missile (VLRAAM) with ranges exceeding 300 km (roughly 186 miles), likely max out between 250 and 310 miles.
This is a big deal: this missile would easily outrange any American (or other NATO) air-to-air missile. Additionally, the VLRAAM's powerful rocket engine will push it to Mach 6 speeds, which will increase the no escape zone (NEZ), that is the area where a target cannot outrun the missile, against even supersonic targets like stealth fighters.
The new, larger missile's added value is not just in range. Another key feature: its large active electronically scanned (AESA) radar, which is used in the terminal phase of flight to lock onto the target. The AESA radar's large size—about 300-400% larger than that of most long range air-to-air missiles—and digital adaptability makes it highly effective against distant and stealthy targets, and resilient against electronic countermeasures like jamming and spoofing.

The VLRAAM's backup sensor is a infrared/electro-optical seeker that can identify and hone in on high-value targets like aerial tankers and airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) radar aircraft. The VLRAAM also uses lateral thrusters built into the rear for improving its terminal phase maneuverability when engaging agile targets like fighters."

Are you stupid or something:hitwall:, how can JF-17 Block-3 guide 300 km AAM with radar range 180 or so km? care to explain?:blah:

I agree with your point, but try to look it a different way.

The missile range is 300km and JF17 radar is 180km range....correct?

Its use at its maximum range (300km or close) is likely to result in a less hit rate (OR...the probability of failure would be higher). If it is used for a range of 180km then the kill ratio would be higher.

In addition, it has a Mach-6 speed. So, it will take much shorter time to hit the target at 180km.

Summary: Hit the target at 180km. Mach-6 speed with high kill probability....
I agree with your point, but try to look it a different way.

The missile range is 300km and JF17 radar is 180km range....correct?

Its use at its maximum range (300km or close) is likely to result in a less hit rate (OR...the probability of failure would be higher). If it is used for a range of 180km then the kill ratio would be higher.

In addition, it has a Mach-6 speed. So, it will take much shorter time to hit the target at 180km.

Summary: Hit the target at 180km. Mach-6 speed with high kill probability....
the export variant will probably have the range toned down.
I agree with your point, but try to look it a different way.

The missile range is 300km and JF17 radar is 180km range....correct?

Its use at its maximum range (300km or close) is likely to result in a less hit rate (OR...the probability of failure would be higher). If it is used for a range of 180km then the kill ratio would be higher.

In addition, it has a Mach-6 speed. So, it will take much shorter time to hit the target at 180km.

Summary: Hit the target at 180km. Mach-6 speed with high kill probability....
yes bro you are right:tup: but we want much lighter missiles on JF-17 block-3 in near future, which will be PL-15, lighter means it can carry more by JF-17 than we have multi shot capability,look at dimensions of that missile only one carried by JF-17 on the center hard-point and as for your information PL-15 range will be 160 Km

Just like the way our mirages use Raad alcm which have a range of 350+ km
What a bright logic you have:hitwall: you are comparing CM with BVR AAM:crazy: Cruise missile is totally automatic after launch not in link with launching vehicle whereas VLR BVRAAM rely on the radar range of launching vehicle:crazy:
What a bright logic you have:hitwall: you are comparing CM with BVR AAM:crazy: Cruise missile is totally automatic after launch not in link with launching vehicle whereas VLR BVRAAM rely on the radar range of launching vehicle:crazy:
Ever heard of AWACS?

P.S sir pharva lo gy kisi din takry mar mar k pahari dunmbay
the export variant will probably have the range toned down.
And how do you know it will be water down in your wet dream:blah: it is in developmental stages first they will induct PLAAF in numbers, its main missions is similar to Russian K-100, to destrying AWACS, TANKER, ECM, EW aircraft, not for fighter Jets

Ever heard of AWACS?

P.S sir pharva lo gy kisi din takry mar mar k pahari dunmbay
AWACS can detect enemy but can't guide AAM sir ask this question from @Oscar, @gambit sir so why fighter jets usnig radar to guide weapon if there is a AWACS can do same thing and why you can't put VLRAAM on your AWACS? Just give me these answers :p:
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