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China's Largest Rocket CZ-5 ... Maiden Launch 20:42 November 3, 2016!

That rocket looks huge but can only lift 8 tons on to LEO. I wouldnt even classify into heavy lift rocket under international standard. :enjoy:

By International standard, "Heavy Lift Rocket" usually means LEO 25t and above, but they might have a different standard who knows. CZ-5 barely touches that category, and CZ-9 will be a true "heavy lift rocket".


(1)20161028 CZ-5完成技术区全部测试工作,垂直转移至发射区,进入加注发射阶段。
(2)20161030 发射区模拟发射演练。射前瞄准角装订异常,助推发动机异常摆动到极限摆角。对发动机会否造成损害?是否需要将火箭拉回天津?
(3)20161031 中国人民解放军战略支援部队司令、军事航天部司令参会,助推发动机表态:经复查发动机没问题。(感谢六院11所的兄弟们???)
(4)20161103 发射日。发射时间:18:00:00。发射窗口:18:00~20:40。
(5)10:30 左右,助推1、3疑似液氧泄露,01下达口令:“各号保持状态,暂不进入-7小时程序”。
(10)19:10 领导决策:若到19:30一级发动机预冷仍不正常,考虑进入终止发射流程。阵地开始进行终止发射流程准备工作,抢险人员到位。
(13)20:30 线路综合专业射前监测参数不再更新,软件显示异常。
(14)20:38 01口令:“暂缓进入-3分钟准备程序。设定点火时间为20:41:17。”
(15)20:39 01口令:“暂缓进入-2分钟准备程序。设定点火时间为20:41:56。”
(16)-90s 120口令:“转电。”
(19) 01:“怎么搞得?”
(22) -10秒,01开始点火倒计时报数:“10、9、8……”制导专业报告:“还没有数”,姿控专业报告:“姿态角偏差还没有。”
(23) 120报告:“01,稍等。”01口令:“……7、6……”。


(1)20161028 CZ-5完成技术区全部测试工作,垂直转移至发射区,进入加注发射阶段。
(2)20161030 发射区模拟发射演练。射前瞄准角装订异常,助推发动机异常摆动到极限摆角。对发动机会否造成损害?是否需要将火箭拉回天津?
(3)20161031 中国人民解放军战略支援部队司令、军事航天部司令参会,助推发动机表态:经复查发动机没问题。(感谢六院11所的兄弟们???)
(4)20161103 发射日。发射时间:18:00:00。发射窗口:18:00~20:40。
(5)10:30 左右,助推1、3疑似液氧泄露,01下达口令:“各号保持状态,暂不进入-7小时程序”。
(10)19:10 领导决策:若到19:30一级发动机预冷仍不正常,考虑进入终止发射流程。阵地开始进行终止发射流程准备工作,抢险人员到位。
(13)20:30 线路综合专业射前监测参数不再更新,软件显示异常。
(14)20:38 01口令:“暂缓进入-3分钟准备程序。设定点火时间为20:41:17。”
(15)20:39 01口令:“暂缓进入-2分钟准备程序。设定点火时间为20:41:56。”
(16)-90s 120口令:“转电。”
(19) 01:“怎么搞得?”
(22) -10秒,01开始点火倒计时报数:“10、9、8……”制导专业报告:“还没有数”,姿控专业报告:“姿态角偏差还没有。”
(23) 120报告:“01,稍等。”01口令:“……7、6……”。
By International standard, "Heavy Lift Rocket" usually means LEO 25t and above, but they might have a different standard who knows. CZ-5 barely touches that category, and CZ-9 will be a true "heavy lift rocket".
Actually any rocket that can lift 20,000 kg payload to low earth orbit can be classified as heavy-lift launch vehicle, so LM-5 with 25,000 kg is definitely in this category. Above 50,000 kg is super heavy-lift launch vehicle.






New heavy-lift carrier rocket boosts China's space dream
(Xinhua) November 04, 2016

WENCHANG, Hainan, Nov. 3 -- China on Thursday launched its new heavy-lift carrier rocket Long March-5.

The rocket, which looked much "fatter" than other rockets of Long March series, blasted off at 8:43 p.m. Beijing Time from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in south China's Hainan Province. The payload was sent into the preset orbit about 30 minutes later.

The State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND) later announced the complete success of the launch.

The launch was delayed for less than two hours from the previously scheduled time. Tian Yulong, chief engineer of the SASTIND, told Xinhua that as it was the first launch of Long March-5 in a new launch site, many parameters needed to be debugged and various systems needed to be matched with each other.

"It was normal preparation work to ensure a successful first launch," Tian said, adding that it caught up with the launch window.

The major targets of the mission are to verify the design and performance of the new rocket and test the rocket's flight program, according to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), the developer of Long March-5.

A congratulatory letter sent late Thursday night by the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission hailed the new rocket as the pinnacle of innovation in carrier rocket science and technology.

Its successful launch has propelled China to the forefront of the world in terms of rocket carrying capacity, and marks a milestone in China's transition from a major player in space to a major power in space, the letter said.

The Long March-5 is a large, two-stage rocket with a payload capacity of 25 tonnes to low-Earth orbit and 14 tonnes to geostationary transfer orbit, the largest of China's carrier rockets. Its carrying capacity is about 2.5 times that of the current main model Long March carrier rockets.

According to the CASC, the rocket uses two kinds of fuel, kerosene/liquid oxygen as well as liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen, rather than highly toxic propellant, making it more environmental friendly and less expensive.

The rocket is about 57 meters long, with a takeoff weight of 870 tonnes and a thrust of 1,060 tonnes. It is equipped with eight liquid oxygen/kerosene rocket engines in four strap-on boosters, two liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen engines in the first stage and two relatively small liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen engines in the second stage.

Li Dong, designer-in-chief, said the rocket was the most complicated of the Long March series with over 100,000 components instead of tens of thousands of components in other Long March rockets. Scientists conducted over 7,000 tests during its 10 years of development.

With a 5-meter diameter core stage, Long March-5 is much thicker than China's previous carrier rockets with 3.35-meter diameter core stages.

Other launch sites in China are located in inland areas. Accordingly, transportation of rockets rely on railways, so that rockets cannot be too wide.

The heavy-lift rocket launched Thursday was taken to coastal Wenchang from the northern port city of Tianjin by ship in early September.

"It is not just a simple enlargement of the diameter, it raised new requirements of materials, manufacturing and equipment," said Lou Luliang, deputy designer-in-chief.

Lou said the new technology in Long March-5 would be used in other Long March series rockets in a bid to upgrade all rockets.

The heavy-lift rocket is a milestone for China to become a real space power in the world, said Li Dong.

Experts said the Long March-5 will also lay the foundation for future rockets with heavier payload capabilities.

The new rocket is of great significance as China's space program relies on the carrying capabilities of launch vehicle systems.

With the heavy-lift carrier rocket, China can build a permanent manned space station and explore the moon and Mars.

In 2017, China will launch the Chang'e-5 probe to the moon, which will bring lunar samples back to Earth aborad the Long March-5. The 20-tonne core module of its first space station will also be delivered by the rocket in 2018.

The rocket will launch the Mars probe around 2021.

It is the second launch from the coastal Wenchang center. On June 25, China's new generation medium-sized Long March-7 made its debut at the site.

On Sept. 15 China sent Tiangong-2 space lab into orbit, making a step closer to the dream of building the country's permanent space station.

On Oct. 17, the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft carried two Chinese astronauts to space. Two days later it docked with Tiangong-2.

The two astronauts will spend a month in the space lab and return to Earth, making it the longest-ever manned space mission of China.

Tian Yulong said at a press conference after the launch on Thursday that China is now developing a mega rocket with the capacity of sending up to 100 tonnes of payload to low-Earth orbit.

The mega rocket will probably make its maiden flight before 2030, Tian added.
Indians are so delusional

This Indian poster simon claimed - India is qualitatively much better than China. I just don't understand how Indians can be this stupid? They are lagging behind at least 20 years. In what way, like payload capability, soft landing on moon, manned space flight, docking, space station? their none stop bragging about 13kg MoM is so annoying
Indians are so delusional

This Indian poster simon claimed - India is qualitatively much better than China. I just don't understand how Indians can be this stupid? They are lagging behind at least 20 years. In what way, like payload capability, soft landing on moon, manned space flight, docking, space station? their none stop bragging about 13kg MoM is so annoying

Let them be. I have no interest in India and do not care what Indians think.
Indians are so delusional

This Indian poster simon claimed - India is qualitatively much better than China. I just don't understand how Indians can be this stupid? They are lagging behind at least 20 years. In what way, like payload capability, soft landing on moon, manned space flight, docking, space station? their none stop bragging about 13kg MoM is so annoying

You would think with all their "free media", they would have developed the skill of critical thinking, but no, many of them actually wander into a Self-Hypnosis mode. For them, "brainwashing" is a self-performed surgery. No cure, don't bother.
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