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China's Largest Rocket CZ-5 ... Maiden Launch 20:42 November 3, 2016!

I became a military fan since mid-1990s'. I still remember the desperate days when we can do nothing but to YY how the old J8 can deal with F16, or even F22. The desperate days!! Few hope seen at all!!

But in just two decade time, we have almost everything that once we even didn't dare to dream! Too fast! It is just too fast!!
You should be older than me, I at that time, I was too young, and you know, I am from little village, just can know the world though TV, when I was in senior high school, sometimes I would buy military magazine, alse had read the article the YY story you mentioned, and when I saw the American weapon, their normal force individual equipment, compared with our special force individual equipment, I was desperate, infact, untill now, I still not be contented with our individual equipment.

Now, we are more confident, but I know we still have very very long way to walk to be really powerful, and sometimes, compared with western advanced countries in some dormains, I still become desperate, :(, because there are still huge gap I feel, this is real life filled with surprise and despair.:-)
Well, it all depends from which vantage point you are looking at it.

I would not blame people if they felt annoying.

Agreed; we all have our feelings ... but there's no need to express that all in public.
yes, fully agree with you.

Maybe it is time to discuss the other critical space missions that are going to be done in rest of the year. Here are some I could think of!

1. The two Taikonaults, Jin Haipeng and Chen Dong, will soon return to earth from the Tiangong-II space lab.

2. Launch of world's first X-ray pulsar navigation satellite in November 2016

3. The quantumn communication satellite will start to conduct quantumn experiments in mid-November

4. The launch of our 4th Data Relay satellite, Tianlian 01-IV (天链一号04星)
Looks like you feel annoy by CZ-5 rocket. If you feel what I say is lying. Feel free to dispute it! I challenge you!

Western European are too arrogant. They need to eat the humble pie! :enjoy:

Honestly; there's nothing to challenge. I agree You can be proud, maybe very much but why this constant war-mongering. No-one in the West will throw anything on China but it seems as Your would love to throw in advance ??

Therefore I won't challenge You and esp. not Your arrogance ...

I simply would prefer to celebrate that success without any military-ulterior motive.

Agreed; we all have our feelings ... but there's no need to express that all in public.

I do not see much exaggeration. This nation went through real hardships and tests; and, without arrested by complacence, I guess it is legitimate to recall them and express joy over what has been overcome.

Apparently, rocket technology is a branch of military technology. So, this (still minor) achievement means something in terms of military industrial capability of China.
Honestly; there's nothing to challenge. I agree You can be proud, maybe very much but why this constant war-mongering. No-one in the West will throw anything on China but it seems as Your would love to throw in advance ??

Therefore I won't challenge You and esp. not Your arrogance ...

I simply would prefer to celebrate that success without any military-ulterior motive.

Not Europeans, but USA/pentagon is moving most assets into China neighborhoods, didn't Clinton just said "ring China with missile defense", I don't think this war-mongrring is one way street, it takes two to tango. Anyway, u guys are not threatened by anyone, u probably don't understand
Agreed; we all have our feelings ... but there's no need to express that all in public.
I disgree with you! :rolleyes:

There are too many arrogant breeds that need to be taught a lesson. Chinese are a good of hardworking and intelligent people where respect shall be given. But some racist refused to give the credit where due. So why shall I be nice to them? :enjoy:

Let them eat their own sourgraped. I still remember Bussard Ramjet mock Chinese as inferior few days ago and claim Japanese has a more powerful rocket. Now I am inviting him to come to this thread to eat back his words. HIs thick skinned will still denial him of the reality! :lol:
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