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China's J-15 Carrier-Based Fighter is Inferior to Russian Su-33 fighter: Russia

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No it isn't .. not really. You have no idea what the operational capabilities of fighter planes are and your approach on how good something is is based on how good it looks and how recently it was made.

I can also tell you that the brand new J-10 would be blown out of the sky by 46 year old F-4 AUP phantoms.

The phantoms I am talking about have this capability documented by countless NATO exercises.. what does the J-10 have to back it up.

p.s. that doesn't mean it's a bad plane, i am just pointing the obvious, that things you don't know you don't hype.

These words came out of your mouth can only prove that you are an amateur.
You know, you can never stop a businessman (like Russia) to do an advertisement for his product, his only purpose is to sell it and get money from your pocket.
Of course you can, if you stand next to a parked F-22 with wing fuel fill-up cap open, you can probably destroy the F-22 in just a few shot.

Anyway, reverse engineer or copying aside, do bear in mind J-15 is 201x technology verus Su-33 which stop developing after 2000, which you just cannot compare, same as comparing a F/A-18A and a F-4.....Cannot be done.

That is not point , whether you stop develop or whatever... The fact is J-15 indeed is more advance than Su-33. Not as what the nonsense Russian say about.

European countries wanted the arms embargo on China lifted.

The only reason why it wasn't was because America threatened to stop all co-operation and technology sharing with European arms companies if they sell to China.
Especially the sly son of Uncle Sam in Europe, obstructive UK!
27 Nov, 2012, 06.33PM IST, PTI

BEIJING: China today refuted as "groundless" reports that its new J-15 carrier-borne fighter jet, which successfully landed on the country's first aircraft carrier, is a copy of Russian Su-33.

"It is not surprising that some western media quickly responded to the inspiring news with criticism and taunts, since the J-15, with an unfinished coating during the exercise had a similar aerodynamic shape with the Russian Su-33 jet", state-run Xinhua news agency said in a commentary today.

"There is always criticism of China for the crime of "plagiarism" when the country makes progress in military hardware development, questioning China's respect to others' intellectual property rights and belittling the hardware's technological and tactical qualities", it said.

"It is true that China used to rely heavily on imported Russian military aircraft, warships and other hardware to modernise its troops due to a lack of independent innovation abilities, it said. But people should not use that as an excuse for criticising Chinese people who have made tough endeavours and even sacrifices in developing the J-15's engine, fire-control system, electronics system and other key components", it said.

The write up claimed that China has already made breakthroughs in manufacturing home-made turbofan engines which provides high-performance home-made fighter jets with a strong "heart."

The J-15's successful landing on 'The Liaoning' aircraft carrier last week, ended on a sad note as the Chief engineer of the fighter jet project Luo Yang died during exercise.

"Those with ulterior motives should never underestimate China's capabilities of independent innovation in national defence technologies", it said.

China developed nuclear weapons and artificial satellites when the country was still in poverty and hardship.

It has also made significant breakthroughs in a series of key technologies, including the manned space programme, it said.
Lie ?

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I just can't see what those Russians are on about, they look nothing alike!





I mean one is Blue, the other is Yellow for Christ sake's- what more do you want?

Ya you are right. I don see why the Russians are complaining when the colors are different?
Its just the aero design looks alike. its no big deal, when u cover that mistake with different paint.
So it a copy, then? The money spend on this plane will regenerate into our own economy and military sector. It's better than just buy and let the other spend your money without any benefit to your own R&D sector,right?
So it a copy, then? The money spend on this plane will regenerate into our own economy and military sector. It's better than just buy and let the other spend your money without any benefit to your own R&D sector,right?

Fair enough- be honest. But the OP is flat out refusing it is a Russian copy.
is Su-30MKI a copy of Su-33?
same thing as J-15.

COMPLETLY DIFFERENT! The MKI is a DERIVATIVE of the SU-30. The MKI was customised for India with help from Russia. All the revenue goes to Russia. Any production in India by HAL is only license production from Russis. No IP infringment has occured. No one is selling the MKI as a 100% indigenious product.
is Su-30MKI a copy of Su-33?
same thing as J-15.

Are u a kiddo?
Why relating something to something? Su 30 is Air force fighter while the Su 33, is a carrier based fighter, which Russia have stopped producing now in favour of mig 29k.
And yes J 15 is a copy of Su 33
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