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China's Inner Mongolia 'under heavy security'

Non Kashmirs are not allowed to settle in Kashmir.

The 'minority' remains the 'majority'!

And in China?

Change the demography and make the majority of an area into a minority!!

What hypocrisy!

And the temerity to spread psychobabble!

It does not matter. Inner Mongolia is a part of China and it doesn't take a genius to work out that the government of China gets to do whatever it wants to it. We don't need powerless outsiders to suggest what needs to be done to our country. As if India is the land of pure without its problems. Riots in India were far worse. What hypocrisy eh? another classic case of 'pot calling kettle black'? :wave:
It does not matter. Inner Mongolia is a part of China and it doesn't take a genius to work out that the government of China gets to do whatever it wants to it. We don't need powerless outsiders to suggest what needs to be done to our country. As if India is the land of pure without its problems. Riots in India were far worse. What hypocrisy eh? another classic case of 'pot calling kettle black'? :wave:

It does matter.

It should tell you not to ride the high horse or spread psychobabble.

Imperialist and colonialist that is what China is.

The hypocrisy is that China take over an area and change the demography and then claim that the people who are of that area are merely minority, when they refuse to accept themselves being converted to Han!

And then gobgasses on principles and all that!

Outright arrogance to expect Muslims of Xinjiang or Buddhists of Tibet to become Hans by forcing them to learn Mandarin if they want to do well in life, or control their religion through CCP apparatchiks!

And ensure that the locals do not hold high posts or white collar posts and instead work as menials and labour!
There is also unrest in Spain, similar to the Egypt Tahir place first demonstration and also rioting in Yemen and demonstration in Serbia. Any kind of unrest in China is highly publicized by CNN. Guess CIA and Western secret service are behind such unrest. China should consider creating its own Human Rights watch group for Lybia and Ivory Coast to investigate in the civilian killings by French Rafale, Mirage 2000 and NATO bombings and the French military intervention in Ivory Coast to kill Laurent Gbagbo. Why the West is so quick in intervening militarily in Lybia? It is to protect civilians while thanks to NATO intervention more civilian killings are reported and NATO is now targeting to kill Ghadhafi. There is no UN mandate to kill Ghadhafi. Why there is no NATO intervention to protect civilians in Syria and Yemen. The so called protecting civilians are just pretext for western neo colonialism to push China out of Africa, to have a hand on Lybian petrol, to sell weapons to India and Brazil and to install pro western Government in Africa. Thats why the French President has been so prompt in assisting the installation of Ouattara as the Ivory Coast new President and so prompt in sending helicopter gunship in Lybia. The Human Rights Watch/Observation Centre for Lybia and Ivory Coast should invvestigate and file a case against Western President and Government responsible for mass killing and assasination in Lybia and Ivory Coast. Such cases must be sent to the La Haye International Tribunal whose mandate is not only to judge non western criminal but also Criminals from Western countries who are using democracy to kill civilians and overthrown elected Government who have different opinion.
Yes there is unrest everywhere.

But no one denies that such problems are occurring.

Note Obambam's posts.

As if it is the minorities who are the problem and Hans are ever so sweet!

Check what they have done in Xinjiang.

In any country that is non Muslim, is the prayers or what the Mullah says have to be cleared by the Govt?

In any country that is non Muslim, are children below 18 prevented from religious education?

Yes, it happens in China.

Let it happen in China, but why act as if China and Hans are pure as driven snow and the whole world stinks?
Big deal. The Mongolians have conquered China and subjugated Han people in the past. Who bitches about it? Also don't turn this into ethnic based crap, it is purely a land issue, mining vs traditional herding.

Outright arrogance to expect Muslims of Xinjiang or Buddhists of Tibet to become Hans by forcing them to learn Mandarin if they want to do well in life, or control their religion through CCP apparatchiks!
You don't lose your ethnicity by speaking another language.

WEll I suppose PRC did not exist till 1950 as well then ey?
And also not a good thing to have a 'century of humiliation' by British and Japanese forces. Small number of Japanese Samurais have conquered China time and again including Manchu in WWII. Well I guess it's 'Millennia of humiliation'. :)
China wasn't conquered by either. Also check the size of IJA and quit bullsh!ting.
Big deal. The Mongolians have conquered China and subjugated Han people in the past. Who bitches about it?

Guess who?

You don't lose your ethnicity by speaking another language.

Han is not a language.

It is a race.

You lose your ethnic identity, when the demographic pattern is changed. And more so, when in your own land you become a minority. Inner Mongolia has 80% Han and 20% Mongolian.

Are you a Chinese of Malaysia. It appears so.

Guess why Mahatir brought in the Bhumiputra stuff? They were getting professionally and economically swamped!! And guess by who?

And why do the Chinese of Malaysia go to Australia for education? Three guesses!

China wasn't conquered by either. Also check the size of IJA and quit bullsh!ting.

Now, now, guess who is bullshitting!

Have you read of the Chinese white paper, so to say, on 100 Years of National Shame?

Apparently, you have not. You have much reading to do, so don't waste time!

As they say, Time and Tide waits for none!!
Yes there is unrest everywhere.

But no one denies that such problems are occurring.

Note Obambam's posts.

As if it is the minorities who are the problem and Hans are ever so sweet!

Check what they have done in Xinjiang.

In any country that is non Muslim, is the prayers or what the Mullah says have to be cleared by the Govt?

In any country that is non Muslim, are children below 18 prevented from religious education?

Yes, it happens in China.

Let it happen in China, but why act as if China and Hans are pure as driven snow and the whole world stinks?

CPC is anti-Islamic muslims from all over must unite and launch Jihad against them.
China is anti religion and more so they are afraid of 'foreign' religions like Islam and Christianity.

They are afraid that the 'foreign' ideas will ruin the Han culture and legacy.

They are also afraid that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and they will be affected by it.

China does not want any foreign ideas to contaminate them.

Though not a civilised way of looking at the world, but I presume because of this, they succeed.
Guess who?
You. See post #11

Han is not a language.

It is a race.
You don't become Han by speaking Mandarin.

You lose your ethnic identity, when the demographic pattern is changed. And more so, when in your own land you become a minority. Inner Mongolia has 80% Han and 20% Mongolian.
Pure garbage. Mongolia was incorporated into China by Mongols first, then Manchus. Han people only retained the land. Classical Mongolian script is still used in Inner Mongolia, but not in Outer Mongolia. Obviously if Mongolians care as much about ethnic identity as you do, they will mass migrate to Outer Mongolia. There also wouldn't be Mongolians in other parts of China.

Now, now, guess who is bullshitting!

Have you read of the Chinese white paper, so to say, on 100 Years of National Shame?

Apparently, you have not. You have much reading to do, so don't waste time!

As they say, Time and Tide waits for none!!
Besides my point entirely.
Why are Mongolia belongs to the 'Mongolian'?

China has a civilization of more than 4000 years history but the concept of 'Mongol' first came out only 800 years ago. Dynasties of Han, Wei, and Tang had conquered and re-conquered the Great North Land many times far before the Mongolians' oldest legends. If you wanna argue with that you should kill yourself and travel back 2000 years ago.
You. See post #11

I have no doubts about China.

You don't become Han by speaking Mandarin.

Language is one input.

Changing the demography is the second. Make the Majority into a nondescript minority. Let the years pass and then claim that it was always Han. Let me give you an example - all area below the Yellow River. Aren't they all Han? And also Hongkong, Macau and even Taiwan?

Then having made the Han the majority by huge numbers as in Inner Mongolia (80%), impose the Han culture and way of life and ridicule the original people. Humiliate the originals as primitive and barbarians.

Control their religion and make their religion die by all sorts of obstacles to maintain their religion (Xinjiang and Tibet are the modern examples).

Pure garbage. Mongolia was incorporated into China by Mongols first, then Manchus. Han people only retained the land. Classical Mongolian script is still used in Inner Mongolia, but not in Outer Mongolia. Obviously if Mongolians care as much about ethnic identity as you do, they will mass migrate to Outer Mongolia. There also wouldn't be Mongolians in other parts of China.

I am afraid you are the leader as the purveyor of garbage, horse manure and bilge water not anyone else.

Let me explain.

So, it is the Mongols and Manchus who are at fault.

The Han Chinese, as per you, merely 'retained' the land!!

How marvellous and how kind. Merely retained the land!! Why? It would vanish into thin air? What logic is that? Isn't it pure garbage and tripe?

I find it arrogant and outrageous that you are shameful enough to state that Inner Mongolians, if they want to maintain their identity, they should go to Outer Mongolia. You steal their land and then tell them that if they don't adopt to your Chinese ways, they should leave their land, hearth and home and go off to Outer Mongolia.

It is arrogant and outrageous but not surprising. This is just what I have been discussing at length on this forum about Han Arrogance! You steal the land, change the demography, impose your language and culture and then tell the Majority (the real inhabitants of the land) to buzz off if they want to retain their identity. You can do so, since you have made yourself the majority by dubious and devious means. This is what is historical of Han Chinese arrogance. Humiliate the indigenous people into accepting the Han culture and being called Han!!

Thank you you prove my point that has been so vehemently denied by other Han Chinese.

Let your Post be an eyeopener to all!!

Let me use your logic on you.

If you feel that the Mongolians don't care about their ethnicity, may I ask you, do you care?

You are in Malaysia and you are a Chinese.

If ethnicity is no big deal, then:

Why are you a Chinese? Why do you speak Chinese and why do you have all the Dragons roaming around the street on Chinese New Year and have the red letter bombs and all that. Why gather the family around at this time?

Why do you speak Chinese? Speak Malay and forget Chinese altogether.

Why must you remain a Buddhist/ Christian Chinese?

You should become a Malay Muslim.

Even if you cannot be one, why don't you marry a Malay Muslim girl so that your children and their children can claim to be Bhumiputras and Malays? Why bother about your ethnicity?

Or if you are bothered, then why don't you go to China.

Besides my point entirely.

It is not besides the point.

It is a solid enjoinder that you are spawning garbage and to use your phrase - bullshitting!!

---------- Post added at 10:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 PM ----------

So does India

so does India, what?
Why are Mongolia belongs to the 'Mongolian'?

China has a civilization of more than 4000 years history but the concept of 'Mongol' first came out only 800 years ago. Dynasties of Han, Wei, and Tang had conquered and re-conquered the Great North Land many times far before the Mongolians' oldest legends. If you wanna argue with that you should kill yourself and travel back 2000 years ago.

Imperialism and colonialism, right?


That is acceptable.

China was always an Imperialist nation!
Colonialism and imperialism are modern concepts and are not suitable for the collision of the agricultural dynasties and the tribal unions on the grasslands.

The nomads in north generally do not have the concept of property and trades, and they try hunt every they can find down the south and flee if they can't win the fight. So conflicts can't be avoided if the Empire decided to protect her people from the harassment of the nomadic tribes. So did they fight and sometimes they won other times they loss. But there relic of Great Wall of Qin Dynasty 2200 years old within what you know as Inner Mongolia which well illustrates the agricultural-nomadic concerto.

So colonialism and imperialism is modern.

What was it before being modern.

Barbarian uncivilised pillage, loot and rape to include rape of the land?

How disingenuous can one get not to call a spade and spade?

I hope you know that the Israelis claim that Palestinians have no claim on the land being nomadic and having no title deed to the land!!

I am sure you agree with the Israelis and find their killing the Palestinians and keeping them in that cage called Gaza strip is perfectly kosher and damn the Palestinian Bedous, right?

Just like the upstart Uighurs Muslims, right?

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