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China's human rightsrecord getting worse: USambassador

why do chinese troll on forums

ans - so they could feed there starving families through the 50 cent they earn for each troll post
So we can make 50 extra cents and donate it to feed 1 billion untouchable livestocks in India, since the other 200 million Indian "people" won't feed them.

Like I said people living in glass houses shouldnt throw stones:

BBC NEWS | Health | Indians selling human organs
50 cents is average daily wage of chinese factory worker per day. In My country , a kid working in Mcdonals makes more in a day that chinese make in 2 weeks.:rofl: . talk about peasant country...

LOL, what's India if China is a peasant country. If a Chinese worker makes 50 cents, the Indian worker makes 2 cents.

---------- Post added at 02:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 AM ----------

Indians in glass slums love to throw stones at Caterpillar bulldozers. Such is the "special" gift you possess.
Like I said, people who don't know the difference between a Govt selling organs vs. criminals. should be barred from saying " Like I said "...

Show me evidence that chinese govt is selling organs???? Not just propaganda from americans who are so scared of chinese they have to make things up
yes,just forgot that.Indians dont use toilet paper,you use your left hand,right?you use you right hand to eat.
lol```very true, i always heard that from Indians in U.K, I thought it was unbelieveble, but when I went there``````

on topic, we have beening hearing China's human rights are getting 'worse' since 1980s, so if it is ture that China's human rights are getting worse and worse from time to time and how come for last 30 years our life is getting better and better? I hope those stupid and brainwashed people can get the idea that what is propaganda and what is not`````especially some western wannabes here like the one got banned
I think the US better be looking at all the Occupy Movements we have in this country (which are increasing in size & number as well) before talking about China.
China's deteriorating human rights record is a growing concern for the United States
Why can't the US of A shut the fu@k up? When will they stop preaching others on human rights? Just look at them......

America's Human Rights Record; New UN Report Denounces Washington

Report of the Special Rapporteur (Philip Alston) on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions:

(1) Its imposition of the death penalty under which innocent people are executed. Alston was shocked about "glaring criminal justice system flaws," citing Texas and Alabama as examples, but many other states are as derelict. He criticized politicized judges and recommended that Congress "should enact legislation permitting federal court habeas review of state and federal death penalty cases on their merits."

He condemned the 2006 Military Commissions Act and its provisions that violate international human rights and humanitarian law with regard to due process and fairness.

(2) America needs "greater transparency into law enforcement, military, and intelligence operations that result in unlawful deaths." Domestically, it provides inadequate information about deaths of immigrants and other detainees, but the worst failures are in international military and intelligence operations.

(3) The government fails to "provide greater accountability for potentially unlawful deaths in its international operations." It ignores civilian casualties, both their number and conditions under which they occur, and fails to provide ordinary people, including US citizens, with basic information regarding investigations and prosecutions when laws were violated. It fails to assure safeguards are in place to prevent so-called collateral damage - that is, civilians wrongfully (and at times willfully) targeted and killed.

Overall, "there have been chronic and deplorable accountability failures with respect to policies, practices and conduct that (cause) alleged unlawful killings - including possible war crimes - in the United States' international operations."

Naked people need to cover themselves up first! :tdown:
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