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China's human rightsrecord getting worse: USambassador

Why the Mods are allowing shameless trolling and off topic posts by chinese????????????

I think, the rules are same for everyone.

This chinese member "beijingwalker" always post offtopic and still here to do it more.

Mods plz take action.

Amnesty International has documented widespread human rights violations in China. An estimated 500,000 people are currently enduring punitive detention without charge or trial, and millions are unable to access the legal system to seek redress for their grievances. Harassment, surveillance, house arrest, and imprisonment of human rights defenders are on the rise, and censorship of the Internet and other media has grown.

Repression of minority groups, including Tibetans, Uighurs and Mongolians, and of Falun Gong practitioners and Christians who practice their religion outside state-sanctioned churches continues. While the recent reinstatement of Supreme People's Court review of death penalty cases may result in lower numbers of executions, China remains the leading executioner in the world.

Detention Without Trial

The authorities frequently used administrative punishments, including Re-education through Labour (RTL), to detain people without trial. According to the government, 190,000 people were held in RTL facilities, down from half a million several years ago, although the real figures were likely to be much higher. Former RTL prisoners reported that Falun Gong constituted one of the largest groups of prisoners, and political activists, petitioners and others practising their religion outside permitted bounds were common targets. The authorities used a variety of illegal forms of detention, including "black jails", "legal education classes", "study classes" and mental health institutions to detain thousands of people.

Death Penalty

China continued to make extensive use of the death penalty, including for non-violent crimes. The death sentence continued to be imposed after unfair trials. Statistics on death sentences and executions remained classified as state secrets and, while executions numbered in the thousands, the government did not release actual figures.

Freedom of Expression

As the internet was increasingly used to disseminate news and conduct debates, the authorities tried to control its use by restricting news reporting and shutting down publications and internet sites, including ones that "slandered the country's political system", "distorted the history of the Party", "publicized Falun Gong and other evil cults", and "incited ethnic splittism". The government blocked access to content and recorded individuals' activities through new filtering software such as Blue Shield.

Following the publication of Charter 08 in December 2008, a document calling for political reform and greater protection of human rights, police questioned signatories and put them under surveillance for many months.

•Liu Xiaobo, a prominent intellectual and signatory originally detained in December 2008, was sentenced to 11 years' imprisonment on 25 December for "inciting subversion of state power". His lawyers were given only 20 minutes to present their case, in a trial that lasted less than three hours.

China Human Rights | Amnesty International USA

How do throw 500,000 people in jail without charging them or any trail !!!!. Even the TALIBAN hold court and give a trail to its prisoners
OMg you did not make this into a typical chinese menu of dry comebacks.

Chinese are so dumb that when they come to america they think a quaterback is cash back..:rofl:

Nǐ zěnme zhème bèn?

what about you Indians?are Indians any better than Chinese in white Americans eyes?dont lie to me,ha,I LIVED in US before.

---------- Post added at 02:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 AM ----------

Why the Mods are allowing shameless trolling and off topic posts by chinese????????????

I think, the rules are same for everyone.

This chinese member "beijingwalker" always post offtopic and still here to do it more.

Mods plz take action.


you shut up and go back to check who started it.

---------- Post added at 02:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 AM ----------

India's rights record dismal: report

NEW DELHI, December 11, 2011
Sandeep Dikshit

Six months before India's human rights gets reviewed at the United Nations, the Working Group on Human Rights (WGHR) in India released a report painting a dismal picture of its rights record.

The U.N. Human Rights Council examines the rights record of its members on a rotational basis every four years through a peer review process, the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). Reports by the civil society, U.N. agencies and the country under review are relied upon during the UPR. India's review is due in May next year.

“The report presents a very bleak scenario of the actual state of human rights across India. The government has shown positive signs in dealing with the U.N. human rights system in the past year. We hope that this change extends to the UPR review in 2012 and beyond. Nothing but a radical shift in economic, security and social policy is needed to meet India's national and international human rights commitments,” said the former U.N. Special Rapporteur and WGHR convener, Miloon Kothari.

“The last four years have seen a marked increase in the deployment of security forces and draconian laws to deal with socio-economic uprisings and political dissent. Conflict is no longer confined to Kashmir and the northeast but also many parts of central India. In all these areas, human rights violations are overlooked and even condoned. The legal framework and practice have entrenched the culture of impunity. People are increasingly losing faith in systems of justice and governance,” cautioned noted human rights lawyer Vrinda Grover.

She felt the military approach and the ongoing conflicts contradicted India's stated position in the U.N. that it did not face armed conflict and pointed out that militarisation was also being used to forward the state's ‘development' agenda.

“Today, our institutions are in disrepair and failing our needs. Our police need urgent reform. Our bar bench and our myriad commissions need much more vigour, commitment and accountability. Every moment reforms are neglected, thousands of tragedies occur and we cannot build a nation on that,” according to Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative Executive Director Maja Daruwala.
How do throw 500,000 people in jail without charging them or any trail !!!!. Even the TALIBAN hold court and give a trail to its prisoners

Better than throwing 2,000,000 children in grave every year and nobody questions it! Even Taliban doesn't murder their own children in this massive scale! :tdown:
Mass Graves Hold Thousands, Kashmir Inquiry Finds
Published: August 22, 2011

NEW DELHI — Thousands of bullet-riddled bodies are buried in dozens of unmarked graves across Kashmir, a state human rights commission inquiry has concluded, many of them likely to be those of civilians who disappeared more than a decade ago in a brutal insurgency.

The inquiry, the result of three years of investigative work by senior police officers working for the Jammu and Kashmir State Human Rights Commission, brings the first official acknowledgment that civilians might have been buried in mass graves in Kashmir, a region claimed by both India and Pakistan where insurgents waged a bloody battle for independence in the early 1990s.

The report sheds new light on a grim chapter in the history of the troubled region and confirms a 2008 report by a Kashmiri human rights organization that found hundreds of bodies buried in the Kashmir Valley.

Tens of thousands of people died in the insurgency, which began in 1989 and was partly fueled by weapons, cash and training from Pakistan.

According to the report, the bodies of hundreds of men described as unidentified militants were buried in unmarked graves. But of the more than 2,000 bodies, 574 were identified as local residents.

“There is every probability that these unidentified dead bodies buried in various unmarked graves at 38 places of North Kashmir may contain the dead bodies of enforced disappearances,” the report said.

The report catalogs 2,156 bodies found in graves in four districts of Kashmir that had been at the heart of the insurgency. It called for a thorough inquiry and a collection of DNA evidence to identify the dead, and, for the future, proper identification of anyone killed by security forces in Kashmir to avoid abuse of special laws shielding the military from prosecution there.

Thousands of people, mostly young men, have disappeared in Kashmir. Some went to be trained as militants in the Pakistan-controlled portion of Kashmir and were killed in the fighting. Many others were detained by Indian security forces. The wives they left behind are known as half-widows, because the fates of their husbands are unknown. Parents keep vigil for sons who were arrested two decades ago.

Parveena Ahanger’s son Javed was taken away by the police on Aug. 18, 1990, and never seen again. An investigation found that he had been killed by security forces, but they have not been prosecuted, she said.

“I never got any response from the government,” she said. “I never got his dead body.”

After years of fighting in the courts to find out what happened to Javed, Ms. Ahanger was skeptical that the human rights report would get her son’s body back, or bring her justice.

“If the high court doesn’t give any justice on this issue, what will the state human rights commission do?” she said.

Zahoor Wani, an activist who works with the families of people who disappeared during the insurgency, said that the report was a welcome first step but that the government must identify the dead and allow families to bury their relatives.

“It is a very good thing that they acknowledge it,” Mr. Wani said. “These families have been living in a hope to see these people again.

“They are neither dead nor alive,” he said. “We need to move them to one pole or the other.”
^^^^^ 500, 0000 innocent people thrown in Jail without charge or trail! ... how can you be worse than the taliban ?
2,000,000 children are killed in China ?

by Indian starvation and malnutrition and lack of vaccination against major diseases.

---------- Post added at 02:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 AM ----------

^^^^^ 500, 0000 innocent people thrown in Jail without charge or trail! ... how can you be worse than the taliban ?

if China ever had a jail that big ,haha,India is a big jail for the world's poor.
by Indian starvation and malnutrition and lack of vaccination against major diseases.

---------- Post added at 02:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 AM ----------

if China ever had a jail that big ,haha,India is a big jail for the world's poor.

Why would Chinese children die by Indian starvation and malnutrition ? :rofl:
India is Far Poorer than Africa in Intensity and in Number

Africa is poor but India is poorer. Africans are poor people but Indians are poorer than Africans. Africa is the poorest continent but India is far poorer than the poorest African countries combined and that poverty is worse in India not just in number but also in intensity. Recent studies show that Africa is far better than India in terms of economic and social development. Recent Studies show that taking the population size, Human development, poverty levels, education, and everything else into consideration, there are more poor people in India than In Africa and that the poverty of the poor in India is far greater than the poverty of the poor in Africa. To put it in simple terms, Recent studies show that Life in Africa is far better than Life in India and that Indians are living in worse conditions than Africans which means that Indians are poorer than Africans not only in the number but also in intensity.

According to a new study more people live in poverty in eight Indian states than in 26 of sub-Saharan Africa's poorest countries combined. The creators of the new study said the level of poverty in South Asia compared to Africa was a surprising discovery.

The Multidimensional Poverty Index takes into account issues such as health and education and whether or not people have access to clean water and electricity.

Sabina Alkire is director of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative and she co-created the new index.

"One striking feature is that most of the poor people live in South Asia – 51 percent of the 1.7 billion people that we have identified as poor are resident in that continent," says Alkire. "And it is not only the number, but also the intensity."
She says about one-quarter of the world's poor live in Africa, according to the MPI.

"When we compare the 26 poorest countries of Africa with states in India that have the same intensity of deprivation, we find there are more poor people with this intensity of deprivation in India than in sub-Saharan Africa. And that is quite striking," Alkire adds.

Alkire says the new Index paints a different and sometimes surprising picture of poverty than studies that look at income alone.

For example, in Ethiopia 90 percent of people are 'MPI poor' compared to the 39 percent who are classified as living in 'extreme poverty'. And 1.7-billion people living in the countries covered by the Index live in poverty according to the MPI – that is higher than the 1.3-billion people who live on $1.25 a day or less.

Alkire says a benefit of the new index is that it shows how poverty affects people living in different regions of a country.

"So we looked at Kenya, where Nairobi has the poverty of the Dominican Republic – not too much poverty – whereas the northeastern rural area of Kenya is worse than our poorest country, Niger, with more than 90 percent of people poor," Alkire said.

She says it also shows the range of poverty amongst different ethnic groups – she says in some countries the variety is tremendous.

The Multidimensional Poverty Index was developed by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative with support from the United Nations. It will be featured in the upcoming UNDP Human Development Report, replacing the Human Poverty Index.

Researchers analyzed data from 104 countries with a combined population of 5.2 billion – just under 80 percent of the world's total population.

---------- Post added at 02:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 AM ----------

India is Far Poorer than Africa in Intensity and in Number


I'm not blaming your illiteracy and your screwed-up brain... Ask your fake democracy why and how.

Two million slum children die every year as India booms

You dont know the meaning of human rights. No wonder china's human right records are worse

---------- Post added at 01:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 PM ----------

Chinese are at it again. Derailing a thread bringing in same old Indian poverty and malnutrition crap. The words 'human rights' gets stuck in their throat

Chinese - "We rather starve and kill people in winter - This way we can preserve their organs, to be sold off, for a longer time"

Out of your hatred against China, now you inadvertently ejaculated your trading secret?

India Kidney Trade

For years, India has been known as a "warehouse for kidneys" or
a "great organ bazaar" and has become one of the largest centers
for kidney transplants in the world,
offering low costs and
almost immediate availability. In a country where one person out
of every three lives in poverty, a huge transplant industry arose
after drugs were developed in the 1970's to control the body's
rejection of foreign objects. Renal transplants became common in
India about thirteen years ago when the anti-rejection drug
cyclosporine became available locally. The use of powerful
immuno-suppressant drugs and new surgical techniques has
indirectly boosted the kidney transplant activities. The
dramatic success rates of operations, India's lack of medical
regulations and an atmosphere of "loose medical ethics" has also
fueled the kidney transplant growth.


India Kidney Trade

You must have taken your poor's kindey in winter? :tdown:
I'm not blaming your illiteracy and your screwed-up brain... Ask your fake democracy why and how.

Two million slum children die every year as India booms

The chiense are so dumb that they compare open free media articles vs. borg censored machine. Open free media allows it to be discussed and checked in India . closed media allows 30 million people to starve to death in china , 100,000 to die every time the earth shakes a little bit in China ... yet govt tries it's best to cover it up . ask you commi loving , human rights shame stain of a country why they don't allow themselves to be audited...

the Chinese are so dumb that they they think comparison studies equates to one side being benchmarked and audited only...

---------- Post added at 01:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 PM ----------

Out of your hatred against China, now you inadvertently ejaculated your trading secret?

You must have taken your poor's kindey in winter? :tdown:

the chinese are so dumb that they don't know the difference between their GOVT selling Organs vs Criminals.... China 'selling prisoners' organs' http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2006/11/china_admits_se/
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