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China's human rightsrecord getting worse: USambassador

Why can't the US of A shut the fu@k up? When will they stop preching others on human rights? Just look at them......

America's Human Rights Record; New UN Report Denounces Washington

Report of the Special Rapporteur (Philip Alston) on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions:

(1) Its imposition of the death penalty under which innocent people are executed. Alston was shocked about "glaring criminal justice system flaws," citing Texas and Alabama as examples, but many other states are as derelict. He criticized politicized judges and recommended that Congress "should enact legislation permitting federal court habeas review of state and federal death penalty cases on their merits."

He condemned the 2006 Military Commissions Act and its provisions that violate international human rights and humanitarian law with regard to due process and fairness.

(2) America needs "greater transparency into law enforcement, military, and intelligence operations that result in unlawful deaths." Domestically, it provides inadequate information about deaths of immigrants and other detainees, but the worst failures are in international military and intelligence operations.

(3) The government fails to "provide greater accountability for potentially unlawful deaths in its international operations." It ignores civilian casualties, both their number and conditions under which they occur, and fails to provide ordinary people, including US citizens, with basic information regarding investigations and prosecutions when laws were violated. It fails to assure safeguards are in place to prevent so-called collateral damage - that is, civilians wrongfully (and at times willfully) targeted and killed.

Overall, "there have been chronic and deplorable accountability failures with respect to policies, practices and conduct that (cause) alleged unlawful killings - including possible war crimes - in the United States' international operations."

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones! :tdown:

U S just passed a law allowing the U S military to detain any suspected terrorist, both foreign and domestic, indefinitely and without trial.
India tops in childhood flu-linked pneumonia deaths
Published: Friday, Nov 11, 2011, 20:52 IST
Place: New Delhi | Agency: IANS

About one in every four infants who die from flu-related pneumonia is an Indian, says new research by the University of Edinburgh published Friday.

The study was led by the varsity and involved 47 researchers from 14 countries. Data from high-income and developing countries was reviewed.

“India is the world leader for pneumonia mortality in under-five children contributing about a fourth of the global pneumonia deaths,” said the study's leader Harish Nair of the varsity's Centre for Population Health Sciences and the Public Health Foundation of India.

"We think that until the widespread implementation of an effective influenza vaccine is achievable, reliable provision of antibiotics and oxygen therapy will substantially reduce mortality associated with flu," he added.

The estimates were based on influenza and pneumonia data from Ballabgarh in north Indian state of Haryana.

According to the study, annually, more than 3.7 lakh Indian children under the age of five die as a result of pneumonia and as many as seven percent of those die after contracting flu.

“90 million cases of seasonal flu occur in under-five children each year globally and 20 million of these are flu-related pneumonia resulting in 1 million hospital admissions,” said the study.

Although about 6,000 flu-related pneumonia deaths occur in hospitals, as many as three times this number could be occurring at home, researchers estimate.

The data used in the study suggests that the extent of the flu epidemic and associated pneumonia deaths could vary widely each year - within India and the rest of the world.

With vaccines being available for the common bacterial causes of childhood pneumonia, the bacterial pneumonia rates have started to decline, the study says.

---------- Post added at 01:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:11 AM ----------

India’s most striking feature is its diversity. The country’s population of about 1.2 billion people is composed of several ethnic groups, speaking more than 1,000 languages and following six major religions. With an annual population growth rate of 1.4 per cent, India is projected to become the most populous country in the world by 2035.

With 33 per cent of the world’s poor people, 41.6 per cent of India’s population lives on less than US$1.25 a day. Based on the country’s new official poverty lines, 42 per cent of people in rural areas and 26 per cent of people in urban areas lived below the poverty line in 2004/05. Official poverty estimates for 2009/10 are not yet available, but preliminary estimates suggest that the combined all-India poverty rate was 32 per cent, compared with 37 per cent in 2004/05.

India ranks 134 out of 187 countries on the United Nations Development Programme’s 2011 Human Development Index – a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide.

A total of 72 per cent of India’s population lives in rural areas, and 10 per cent of rural households are reported to be landless. Agricultural wage earners, smallholder farmers and casual workers in the non-farm sector constitute the bulk of poor rural people. Within these categories, women and tribal communities are the most deprived. About 300 million young people ages 13 to 35 live in rural areas, and most of them are forced to migrate seasonally or permanently, without the skills and competencies required by the modern economy that India is rapidly becoming.

Poverty is deepest among members of scheduled castes and tribes in the country's rural areas. On the map of poverty in India, the poorest areas are in parts of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chattisgarh and West Bengal.

Large numbers of India's poorest people live in the country's semi-arid tropical region. In this area, shortages of water and recurrent droughts impede the transformation of agriculture that the Green Revolution achieved elsewhere. There is also a high incidence of poverty in flood-prone areas, such as those extending from eastern Uttar Pradesh to the Assam plains, and especially in northern Bihar. Poverty affects tribal people in forest areas, where loss of entitlement to resources has made them even poorer. In coastal fishing communities, people’s living conditions are deteriorating because of environmental degradation, stock depletion and vulnerability to natural disasters.

Despite recent economic growth, poverty levels have not been reduced at the same pace. Poor rural people continue to live with inadequate physical and social infrastructure, poor access to services, and a highly stratified and hierarchical social structure, characterized by inequalities in assets, status and power.

If we start posting too many hard facts exposing the true face of India, they may start blaming the boogie man ISI soon.
haha,an Amerian? are you shamed of your country of origin?

I don't blame him.

Would you want to defend this?

Beautiful Mumbai

again look up the meaning of 'killing'

India has enough food to feed the poor.

The 2,000,000 children died yearly are not because there is no food. Rather it is you bureaucrats that discriminate the low caste and do not distribute food to the starved.

There have been detailed studies.

Your government purposely starved those poor of low caste into death.

If that is not a killing, what is that?

Of course we all know you use a different dictionary dedicated for use by your upper caste.
India has enough food to feed the poor.

The 2,000,000 children died yearly are not because there is no food. Rather it is you bureaucrats that discriminate the low caste and do not distribute food to the starved.

There have been detailed studies.

Your government purposely starved those poor of low caste into death.

If that is not a killing, what is that?

Pls present these studies ..which state lower castes are deliberately being starved to death..
yes,just forgot that.Indians dont use toilet paper,you use your left hand,right?you use you right hand to eat.

You guys use toilet paper with what ? Not hands ? You mean you use the same hand for eating ?
Pls present these studies ..which state lower castes are deliberately being starved to death..

Read this:


India is home to a quarter of the world’s hungry people.1
Stellar economic growth has not proved to be the promised silver bullet either. Following the wave of neoliberal economic reforms in 1991 India’s GDP has doubled,5 but despite this 53 million more people now go to bed hungry every night.6 The media also frequently chronicle heart-rending accounts of deaths due purely to starvation.7 Since the Green Revolution2 the country has produced enough to feed itself,3 but it has not yet been able to wipe out mass hunger, which haunts the landscape of the countryside and lurks in the narrow alleys of urban slums. Currently, 40 per cent of the population is malnourished – a decrease of only 10 per cent over the past three decades.4


Social exclusion

Caste, which has regimented occupational choices in India for generations, also plays a role in aggravating poverty and hunger (Figure 3).



In the figure that is not able to show because of the article in PDF, low caste is the one suffers the most.


Dalits are treated as sub-humans and denied basic human rights, from the right to health, to food, to due process, to the right to vote. Such treatment is legitimized by the country’s justice system, with the police and judicial officers routinely taking no action to assist Dalits in seeking justice, but in fact preventing them from doing so.

Lesson 1: An introduction of the caste system in India and its legal and social premises

There are too many such articles, Your domestic propaganda tools will not show them often...
Read this:

In the figure that is not able to show because of the article in PDF, low caste is the one suffers the most.

There are too many such articles, Your domestic propaganda tools will not show them often...

It is classic example, when a non -Indian ..who does not understand the working in India, tries to expose India to an Indian based on what he has read on his computer screens.

fisrtly there were many Castes which were included in SC/ST quotas at the the time of independence..they are collectively called Dalits.
These castes were given special reservation in Constitution of India eg reservation in govt colleges, schools , govt jobs , faster promotions...ie unequal oppertunities to rise faster..on top of it to even call SC/ST/OBC as lower is Caste is an offence under IPC.
A person will get upto 2 yrs in Jail.

As Dalits includes (just like any other castes) people who are very poor to super rich ..there is no one ..least of all Indian govt who can deny them food..not only but they gets food a subsidised rates from govt shops.
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