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China's Ford class supercarrier

because there is something wrong with a group of people who all agree and have no counter voice to keep them in check.

for example, without americans, indians, etc in this forum you would all believe that naval aviation is really easy to pick up !!!

would you want that distortion of the truth ? even if it is just the internet ?

I actually think Speeder 2 has a point. Brazil, Thailand and India all have naval aviation, so how hard can it be ?? Let me make the point simpler. If Zimbabwe, Burma and Cuba all had manned space flight, would you think it was difficult?? But they don't. Only US, Russia and China.
I actually think Speeder 2 has a point. Brazil, Thailand and India all have naval aviation, so how hard can it be ?? Let me make the point simpler. If Zimbabwe, Burma and Cuba all had manned space flight, would you think it was difficult?? But they don't. Only US, Russia and China.

We have used our carrier in real wars, we have bombed enemy ports and enforced blackades.

All you have is dumb cheap insults and computer graphics. Hence the whining! Your argumrnt is flawed, as it starts with the assumption than Indian navy must be equal to Thai navy. Thats plain dumb.
We have used our carrier in real wars, we have bombed enemy ports and enforced blackades.

All you have is dumb cheap insults and computer graphics. Hnece the whining!

Take it easy. Not an insult. I don't think naval aviation is that hard to master. You are judged by the company you keep. If Brazil, Thailand and India can do it, most if not all G20 countries can do it too. That's reality, not denial.
Take it easy. Not an insult. I don't think naval aviation is that hard to master. You are judged by the company you keep. If Brazil, Thailand and India can do it, most if not all G20 countries can do it too. That's reality, not denial.

You are wrong again, what brazil and Thailand have done is not what China wants to achieve. India after decades and decades of experience of operating an AC still NOWHERE near the more stablished powers. Its not easy, it takes time.

Of course China can and will do it, but to use your own logic, if it was easy, would zimbabwe, chad and congo not have done it already???

Bottom line - your logic is flawed.

Thai Navy could be better than Indian Navy. How would you know? The Thais have never been colonized. They probably are better. Who knows unless there is a Indo-Thai War.

My logic is not flawed. What's hard for India means nothing to China.

Thai Navy could be better than Indian Navy. How would you know? The Thais have never been colonized. They probably are better. Who knows unless there is a Indo-Thai War.

I see your logical faculties are limited to taunts. No surprise there.

OK, your supercruiser is AWESOME and Indians and Americans should not comment on this photoshopped thread, except to worship you as you make your client states and their citizens do.

My logic is not flawed. What's hard for India means nothing to China.

Its hard for us to not blink when the state and dumb nationalistic internet warriors throw dust into our eyes, but it seems easy for you.
I see your logical faculties are limited to taunts. No surprise there.

OK, your supercruiser is AWESOME and Indians and Americans should not comment on this photoshopped thread, except to worship you as you make your client states and their citizens do.

It is true India has old carrier but no planes. And new Mig-29k but no ship??
And logical conclusion - Naval aviation is easy!!!

LOL, this guy is priceless.

BYE BYE Einstein! I'm outta here, can't fight a photoshop war with the numero uno in the world!

Thailand, Brazil and India can do it, how hard can it be ???
Zimbabwe, Burma and Cuba have all mastered agriculture. How hard can it be???
Naval aviation in its simplest form is nothing more than launching an aircraft from a flattop, taking several circles nearby launching a missle or two, before landing back on it in one piece, ok?

It's as easy as learning how to ride a bike: you purchase a bike, follow its standard operating precedures, and practise for several weeks, then you'll get it! It's nothing "established". Almost any Jack can do it

It in itself is not "hard" either. Brazilian, Indian, Thai navies and potentially most other countries that could afford purchasing the necessary gears involved are all largely at this level with a slight difference on how much they used to "ride" / drill it .

Anyone thinks otherwise needs to have his brain scanned, an ex-millitary or not.

What is established then?

It, however, takes a long time to become a world class player - an established one, which by default embodies world class hardware ( Read : home-made, not imported!) , world class strategy/ operating precedures , world class peripheral hardware assets ( subs, other ships, radars, AWACS, sats, missiles, etc, etc - Again Read : home-made, not imported!) which are mostly used in combination with naval planes, and most importantly world class BRAINS that behind every move of ops. All these, when coupled with years of drills and high average level of education, discipline, dedication and aspiration of naval personel (think in line of Olympics Opening Ceremonies; or CWG Opening Ceremonies as an alternative) , make a truely established navy, to which Indian navy doesn't belong by any stretch of imagination, oke, fanbois?
Naval aviation in its simplest form is nothing more than launching an aircraft from a flattop, taking several circles nearby launching a missle or two, before landing back on it in one piece, ok?

oh my God !!! any God, all Gods !!

Connection with the real world is rather more than playing battlefield or the like my friend.
Please, come to your senses.

I don't even want to think what will happen to that comment once Gambit gets his hands on it. I'd edit it if I were you before you embarass yourself any further.
oh my God !!! any God, all Gods !!

Connection with the real world is rather more than playing battlefield or the like my friend.
Please, come to your senses.

I don't even want to think what will happen to that comment once Gambit gets his hands on it. I'd edit it if I were you before you embarass yourself any further.

call all the Gods you wish, but the facts are facts, non-negotiable. :D
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