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China's forces lack strong naval tradition

Guys, it's needless to drag in Indians in each and every topic.

My question is: if PLAN has no tradition, if PLAN has poor handling of ships, if PLAN takes decades before being able to challenge US Navy, if (all sorts of wimpy things go into this if)… why the heck the “China threat”.

Does somebody suffer badly from bipolar disorder?
mate .. the fact PLAN is been compared to US navy show their state...
i dont believe US hs every bothered comparing its Navy with any other country... coz there could be no comparison but its is comparing PLAN so it takes PLAN as a future if not immediate threat!!!!!
So kudos to PLAN !!!!!
IN .... buck up mates ( u guys are doing grt anywayz :smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten:)

This I can agree with.

I think the PLAN already has more surface combatants than the USN.
:lol: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Again, no one can stop your dreaming.

First wake up and check the reality that what are the daewbacks your submarines facing

between India getting AKULA's which is you able to build after 15 years then cpc show it to the public that we already inducted it in 1900 and we kept it secret:rofl:
Guys, it's needless to drag in Indians in each and every topic.

My question is: if PLAN has no tradition, if PLAN has poor handling of ships, if PLAN takes decades before being able to challenge US Navy, if (all sorts of wimpy things go into this if)… why the heck the “China threat”.

Does somebody suffer badly from bipolar disorder?

sir first check who brought India here to earn 50cents:angry:
Sir, are you being an Indian again? There's concensus that the PLAN stands no chance against the USN this decade, not even in their own backyard, let alone their blue-water navy. China's still developing 3rd gen nuclear attack subs while the USN has 4th gen largely in service. The Chinese M. 46 torpedoes are a generation behind the American Mark 54. Let's not even mention the USN's experience in operating carrier battle groups and Aegis destroyers.

It's like saying the Indian navy won't stand a chance against the PLAN this decade. Though I don't think the IN will ever...

I don't know why you bolded that. It's saying that the US might be underestimating the Chinese due to over-confidence. It's better if you change it before others start dissing your English...

Are you sure? Then the US shouldn't threaten to use nuclear retaliation once China sinks one of their carrier with ASBM.

Sure, USN is far ahead of PLAN, but I don't think they are as immortal as some people here desire to portray, once they are patrolling too close to China's coast then the incoming danger would be unpredictable.
By the way, Soviet Union was also a traditional land power, yet during the Cold War their navy was the second most powerful only after the USN.
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the 3rd gen type 095 are rumoured being built already. 2 of them.

3.5 or close to 4th gen type 096 is rumoured scheduled at second half of this year. check : china-arsenal.blogspot.com/

As for India's Nuke attacked sub - it has to go a long way to reach the 1st generation yet....

The difference between current USA & China is great, but not as large as some Indians presume.

China is 1 generation behind USA in aircraft, and 1 generation behind in navy.

With the current fast pace of development in China (which is only accelerating), China will quickly close the gap to 0.5 generations within next 2 years, and within next 5 years will be EQUAL, and in 10 years will far surpass USA.

if we have no naval tradition then what is every other country?

soviet union had the 2nd greatest navy in the 20th century yet russia was a land power for 90% of its history.

besides, US always likes to play bipolar, one day they say we suck, the other they say we're super strong. just ignore them and get to work.
Guys in current situation USN is far ahead of China Navy in all the aspects. You see the Aircraft carrier , Nuclear submarines , Destroyers etc. Donot simply count the no of surface or under water vessels.
In case of AC, China is not even operating a single AC, how they can project any offensive action against US in coming decade. But on other hand US can do it anyday from its AC.
If you see the Destroyers and Submarines of China navy, which generations they belong to?? See the no of destoryers which are updated, see their Air defence, their land attack capability etc. Its latest generation technology which matters the most not just the nos. Check the history of WW-II, how many submarines Hitler had and what was their fate with advancement of tech. which adversaries had.
If you see the destoryer and nuclear subs of USN, they are almost 15-20 yrs ahead in terms of technology.
again, just keep in mind the vast lead china has over india. if we are nothing compared to USN, then india can be destroyed with 1 flick of USN's finger. here are some facts:

india has no long range air defense destroyers.
indian navy has no stealth destroyers.
india has less major surface combatants than TAIWAN and SOUTH KOREA.
india does not have an AEGIS equivalent radar.
indian navy has no functional nuclear submarine.
indian navy has no functional SLBM.
indian navy has ability to manufacture conventional submarines alone.
again, just keep in mind the vast lead china has over india. if we are nothing compared to USN, then india can be destroyed with 1 flick of USN's finger. here are some facts:

india has no long range air defense destroyers.
indian navy has no stealth destroyers.
india has less major surface combatants than TAIWAN and SOUTH KOREA.
india does not have an AEGIS equivalent radar.
indian navy has no functional nuclear submarine.
indian navy has no functional SLBM.
indian navy has ability to manufacture conventional submarines alone.

Hello Mr Over-confident, ... don't take india lightly, don't forget it broke Pakistan into two pieces by invading East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).

It has the potential to split China and occupy Tibet. It has already test fired nuclear capable missiles that can hit any location of China.

If you think, you are safe in China, I say, wake up. An indian missile can strike the roof of your building and kill you along with your near and dear ones. Just imagine the scene, you are bleeding to death and helplessly watching your parents lying here and there. What will you do then?

Wen Jiabao says indians are friends of China, but when india will attack China, Wen will be flying in the sky, but ordinary innocent Chinese people like you will be victims of indian invasion. The Chinese women will be raped by indians indiscriminately. Indians will not even spare the Chinese children....

Saddam also thought he was safe in his building in Baghdad, but see how Iraqis along with Saddam were killed.

Thats why you need to ask the govt how much the PLA is prepared to defend the Chinese nation, Mother China.

"It is better to kill the enemy, before it kills you." A renowned military expert said that. Think over it...
Hello Mr Over-confident, ... don't take india lightly, don't forget it broke Pakistan into two pieces by invading East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).

It has the potential to split China and occupy Tibet. It has already test fired nuclear capable missiles that can hit any location of China.

If you think, you are safe in China, I say, wake up. An indian missile can strike the roof of your building and kill you along with your near and dear ones. Just imagine the scene, you are bleeding to death and helplessly watching your parents lying here and there. What will you do then?

Wen Jiabao says indians are friends of China, but when india will attack China, Wen will be flying in the sky, but ordinary innocent Chinese people like you will be victims of indian invasion. The Chinese women will be raped by indians indiscriminately. Indians will not even spare the Chinese children....

Saddam also thought he was safe in his building in Baghdad, but see how Iraqis along with Saddam were killed.

Thats why you need to ask the govt how much the PLA is prepared to defend the Chinese nation, Mother China.

"It is better to kill the enemy, before it kills you." A renowned military expert said that. Think over it...

look a troll!
lol so you think india can split china... by invading tibet.... need i say more? and rain missiles in china cities all over... i think you are confusing india with china here.
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