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China’s Five-Finger Punch Includes Indian Held Ladakh,Sikkim and Arunachel Pradesh: Brahma Chellaney


Sep 26, 2018
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Many Indian Defence analysts are worried about the Chinese and their future moves into Indian held Territories.Brahma Chellaney is quite candid in accepting that China does not accepts Indian hold on Ladakh,Sikkim and Arunachel Pradesh. In doing so he finds a convenient Scapegoat in President Xi.
Some Extracts from his article are below.

As the world struggles to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, which first emerged in China, Chinese President Xi Jinping is pursuing his quest for regional dominance more aggressively than ever. From the Himalayas to Hong Kong and Tibet to the South and East China Seas, Xi seems to be picking up where Mao Zedong left off, with little fear of international retribution.
For starters, Xi has cultivated a Mao-style personality cult. In 2017, the Communist Party of China enshrined in its constitution a new political doctrine: “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.” The ideology is inspired by Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, but its inclusion in the CPC’s constitution makes Xi the third Chinese leader – after Mao and the architect of China’s modernization, Deng Xiaoping – to be mentioned in the document. Last December, the CPC also conferred upon Xi a new title: renmin lingxiu, or “people’s leader” – a label associated with Mao.
Now, Xi is working to complete Mao’s expansionist vision. Mao’s China annexed Xinjiang and Tibet, more than doubling the country’s territory and making it the world’s fourth largest by area. Its annexation of resource-rich Tibet, in particular, represented one of the most far-reaching geopolitical developments in post-World War II history, not least because it gave China common borders with India, Nepal, Bhutan, and northernmost Myanmar.
In fact, Mao considered Tibet to be China’s right-hand palm, with five fingers – Nepal, Bhutan, and the three Indian territories of Ladakh, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh – that China was also meant to “liberate.” Mao’s 1962 war against India helped China gain more territory in Ladakh, after it earlier grabbed a Switzerland-sized chunk, the Aksai Chin region.
This past April and May, Xi had the People’s Liberation Army carry out a series of well-coordinated incursions into Ladakh, with the intruding forces setting up heavily fortified encampments. He then deployed tens of thousands of troops along the disputed Line of Actual Control (LAC) with Ladakh, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh.
The fifth “finger,” Nepal, has been drifting away from India and toward China since it came under communist rule two and a half years ago. Indeed, China aided the Nepalese communists’ victory, including by unifying rival factions and funding their election campaign. Since then, China has openly meddled in the country’s fractious politics, in order to keep the ruling party intact, with its ambassador acting as if she were Nepal’s matriarch.
But being in China’s strategic orbit has done nothing to protect Nepal from the CPC’s territorial predation. Last month, a leaked Nepalese agricultural department report warned that China’s massive road-development projects have expanded China’s boundary into northern territories of Nepal and changed the course of rivers.
The CPC has not forgotten about the other two fingers, Bhutan and Nepal. Just as China and India began withdrawing troops from the site of the June 15 clashes, Beijing opened another front in its bid for territorial expansion, asserting a new claim in Bhutan.
In 2017, China occupied the Doklam Plateau – at the intersection of Tibet, Sikkim, and Bhutan, and claimed by the latter – following a 73-day military standoff with India, the de facto guarantor of Bhutanese security. Now, China is laying claim to another 11% of the tiny kingdom’s territory, in an area that can be accessed only through Arunachal Pradesh (which Chinese maps already show as part of China). The move thus advances Xi’s efforts against two of the five fingers simultaneously.
Of course, altering Asia’s water map is nothing new for China. Tibet is the starting point of Asia’s ten major river systems. This has facilitated China’s rise as a hydro-hegemon with no modern historical parallel. Today, Chinese-built mega-dams near the borders of the Tibetan Plateau give the country leverage over downstream countries.
As the hand metaphor indicates, Tibet is the key to China’s territorial claims in the Himalayan region – and not only because of geography. China cannot claim the five fingers on the basis of any Han-Chinese connection. Instead, it points to alleged Tibetan ecclesial or tutelary links, even though Tibet was part of China only when China itself had been conquered by outsiders like the Mongols and the Manchus. Chinese current claims are nothing more than a power (and resource) grab.
In other words, the five-fingers strategy, coupled with Chinese expansionism elsewhere, is all about upholding the world’s longest-running autocracy. As long as the CPC – and especially the revisionist Xi – holds a monopoly on power, none of China’s neighbors will be safe.

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Many Indian Defence analysts are worried about the Chinese and their future moves into Indian held Territories.Brahma Chellaney is quite candid in accepting that China does not accepts Indian hold on Ladakh,Sikkim and Arunachel Pradesh. In doing so he finds a convenient Scapegoat in President Xi.
Some Extracts from his article are below.

As the world struggles to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, which first emerged in China, Chinese President Xi Jinping is pursuing his quest for regional dominance more aggressively than ever. From the Himalayas to Hong Kong and Tibet to the South and East China Seas, Xi seems to be picking up where Mao Zedong left off, with little fear of international retribution.
For starters, Xi has cultivated a Mao-style personality cult. In 2017, the Communist Party of China enshrined in its constitution a new political doctrine: “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.” The ideology is inspired by Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, but its inclusion in the CPC’s constitution makes Xi the third Chinese leader – after Mao and the architect of China’s modernization, Deng Xiaoping – to be mentioned in the document. Last December, the CPC also conferred upon Xi a new title: renmin lingxiu, or “people’s leader” – a label associated with Mao.
Now, Xi is working to complete Mao’s expansionist vision. Mao’s China annexed Xinjiang and Tibet, more than doubling the country’s territory and making it the world’s fourth largest by area. Its annexation of resource-rich Tibet, in particular, represented one of the most far-reaching geopolitical developments in post-World War II history, not least because it gave China common borders with India, Nepal, Bhutan, and northernmost Myanmar.
In fact, Mao considered Tibet to be China’s right-hand palm, with five fingers – Nepal, Bhutan, and the three Indian territories of Ladakh, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh – that China was also meant to “liberate.” Mao’s 1962 war against India helped China gain more territory in Ladakh, after it earlier grabbed a Switzerland-sized chunk, the Aksai Chin region.
This past April and May, Xi had the People’s Liberation Army carry out a series of well-coordinated incursions into Ladakh, with the intruding forces setting up heavily fortified encampments. He then deployed tens of thousands of troops along the disputed Line of Actual Control (LAC) with Ladakh, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh.
The fifth “finger,” Nepal, has been drifting away from India and toward China since it came under communist rule two and a half years ago. Indeed, China aided the Nepalese communists’ victory, including by unifying rival factions and funding their election campaign. Since then, China has openly meddled in the country’s fractious politics, in order to keep the ruling party intact, with its ambassador acting as if she were Nepal’s matriarch.
But being in China’s strategic orbit has done nothing to protect Nepal from the CPC’s territorial predation. Last month, a leaked Nepalese agricultural department report warned that China’s massive road-development projects have expanded China’s boundary into northern territories of Nepal and changed the course of rivers.
The CPC has not forgotten about the other two fingers, Bhutan and Nepal. Just as China and India began withdrawing troops from the site of the June 15 clashes, Beijing opened another front in its bid for territorial expansion, asserting a new claim in Bhutan.
In 2017, China occupied the Doklam Plateau – at the intersection of Tibet, Sikkim, and Bhutan, and claimed by the latter – following a 73-day military standoff with India, the de facto guarantor of Bhutanese security. Now, China is laying claim to another 11% of the tiny kingdom’s territory, in an area that can be accessed only through Arunachal Pradesh (which Chinese maps already show as part of China). The move thus advances Xi’s efforts against two of the five fingers simultaneously.
Of course, altering Asia’s water map is nothing new for China. Tibet is the starting point of Asia’s ten major river systems. This has facilitated China’s rise as a hydro-hegemon with no modern historical parallel. Today, Chinese-built mega-dams near the borders of the Tibetan Plateau give the country leverage over downstream countries.
As the hand metaphor indicates, Tibet is the key to China’s territorial claims in the Himalayan region – and not only because of geography. China cannot claim the five fingers on the basis of any Han-Chinese connection. Instead, it points to alleged Tibetan ecclesial or tutelary links, even though Tibet was part of China only when China itself had been conquered by outsiders like the Mongols and the Manchus. Chinese current claims are nothing more than a power (and resource) grab.
In other words, the five-fingers strategy, coupled with Chinese expansionism elsewhere, is all about upholding the world’s longest-running autocracy. As long as the CPC – and especially the revisionist Xi – holds a monopoly on power, none of China’s neighbors will be safe.

To read the full article follow the link below...

I don't think Mao had any intention of invading or "liberating" Bhutan or Nepal ...
They considered them parts of extended Tibet. Saying that Nepal is very much becoming a Chinese region with a rail link from China very much on its way.
When did Mao or the PRC ever regard Nepal or Bhutan as an "extended Tibet." Provide a source please.
When did Mao or the PRC ever regard Nepal or Bhutan as an "extended Tibet." Provide a source please.

Last Updated : Jul 06, 2020 09:20 AM IST | Source: Moneycontrol.com
China says Bhutan's Sakteng Sanctuary is 'disputed territory', objects to development funds at GEF meet
China objected to Bhutan's request for funds to develop Sakteng wildlife sanctuary saying "it was disputed territory".


When did Mao or the PRC ever regard Nepal or Bhutan as an "extended Tibet." Provide a source please.
Please read the full article above, China already lays claims to more than 11% of Bhutan from East to West .The main target is the SILIGURI corridor to access the Bay of Bengal.
Last Updated : Jul 06, 2020 09:20 AM IST | Source: Moneycontrol.com
China says Bhutan's Sakteng Sanctuary is 'disputed territory', objects to development funds at GEF meet
China objected to Bhutan's request for funds to develop Sakteng wildlife sanctuary saying "it was disputed territory".

That is just a border dispute ... the author in the OP's post said that China wanted to "liberate" Nepal and Bhutan as a whole since the Chinese consider them to be part of Tibet.
That is just a border dispute ... the author in the OP's post said that China wanted to "liberate" Nepal and Bhutan as a whole since the Chinese consider them to be part of Tibet.

Of the five fingers 1 finger (Nepal) is already being liberated. The other four will follow.
As long as the source of any of these "China claims" and "Mao wanted to Im heavily implying occupy but just saying liberate in quotes because nobody said anything about occupying or annexing or anything" is an Indian source, who see it as a national duty to project Indians beligerence towards all its neighbours with the most blatant lies about China allegedly laying claims or having disputes with countries that have actually no open border disputes with China, even referring to some long overriden and abondoned thousands years dating back historical tributary concepts, which would make the entire Indian subcontinent "disputed" territory of a dozen European countries, they are not worth any consideration and discussion.
As long as the source of any of these "China claims" and "Mao wanted to Im heavily implying occupy but just saying liberate in quotes because nobody said anything about occupying or annexing or anything" is an Indian source, who see it as a national duty to project Indians beligerence towards all its neighbours with the most blatant lies about China allegedly laying claims or having disputes with countries that have actually no open border disputes with China, even referring to some long overriden and abondoned thousands years dating back historical tributary concepts, which would make the entire Indian subcontinent "disputed" territory of a dozen European countries, they are not worth any consideration and discussion.
Relax. Sometimes being thought of as a warmonger isn't that bad. In life a kid need to get in a fight once to establish confidence and character.
Relax. Sometimes being thought of as a warmonger isn't that bad. In life a kid need to get in a fight once to establish confidence and character.
Deflecting hard I see. Dont worry, China can decide very well on its own when its time to kick some butt. China does not need some kid to start fights with Chinas neighbours on Chinas behalf. Nobody does.
Deflecting hard I see. Dont worry, China can decide very well on its own when its time to kick some butt. China does not need some kid to start fights with Chinas neighbours on Chinas behalf. Nobody does.
India is no kid. Its a big mole on your face with hair grown over it.

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