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India far behind China’s combat power

bhai sahab.....aap bari jaldi gussa ho jate ho..
its a fact that they have quantitative advantage over us.
Yes they don't have JF-17 because they have J-10 and J-11 and SU-27 and SU-30 and really very soon J-15 and J-16
I know what they have or will have. JF-17 was news to me :no: and that was pure sarcasm ;)
bhai sahab.....aap bari jaldi gussa ho jate ho..
its a fact that they have quantitative advantage over us.

They always had quantitative advantage. They had quantitative advantage against Japanese in 1937.

They always had quantitative advantage. They had quantitative advantage against Japanese in 1937.
but today they have a decisive leadership
Sorry Duby difference in not that High. Pl look at the chart. They have mentioned JF 17 as Chinese fighter. In fact China do not operate JF 17. They do not have anything World class in their plane arsenal except SU 30 MKK which are very inferior to SU 30 MKI.

We have ray gun called KALI. Read it.

We have to realistically patriotic! Su 30 MKI is superior to Su30MKK, but not very much. Its still good to give Indian fighters run for their money.
Tanks are of no use in Indo-China Scenario. As for ratio in infantry we are still backwards. Till we raise the mountain division and operationalise them we are threatened.
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Instead of China vs India. Let us compare it with Russsia and U.S.

First here is the video of future and present of Chinese military.Very informative vid.

And now here we see future of Russia.Over here this guy did poorly on spell check but still a good informative vid.

And this video shows only U.S air force but as we look that U.S is now using air crafts as old as 40 years old. Important thing to note is that China is using much newer military hardware plus testing much more new stuff compared to both these countries. This vid also skips F-18 and harriers but maybe because its part of NAVY.

As you can see now, China in future will be much much more advance then both of these countries, and comparing it with India is; i guess not right :what:

but today they have a decisive leadership

They had never been a warrior community and reality has not changed today. Look at Vietnam. It kicks their asses every day. They talk of friendship.

Its still good to give Indian fighters run for their money.

Pl explain How?

Tanks are of no use in Indo-China Scenario.

Not at all. There are many area where tanks can play an Important role.

Till we raise the mountain division and operationalise them we are threatened.

We will remain threatened even after that. The only thing is that risk will reduce. On deploying of Brahmos, and Globe master and improvement in infrastructure, risk has reduced. What we need is light howitzer, Prahar batteries and Pinaka sort of stuff along with LR SAM . That will improve our strategic profile.
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Both have NO FIRST STRIKE so NUKES r use less
Only fools think TANKS cross HIMALAYAS:smitten:
INDIA CAN STOP china ships at ANDAMAN china can stop taiwan ships:bunny:
india missiles cover entire china 5500 or 30000 KM missile range who cares :yahoo:
and finally UNCLE SAM:usflag: eagerly waiting/provoking china if china falls in its TRAP just remember USSR:bounce:
Both have NO FIRST STRIKE so NUKES r use less
Only fools think TANKS cross HIMALAYAS:smitten:
INDIA CAN STOP china ships at ANDAMAN china can stop taiwan ships:bunny:
india missiles cover entire china 5500 or 30000 KM missile range who cares :yahoo:
and finally UNCLE SAM:usflag: eagerly waiting/provoking china if china falls in its TRAP just remember USSR:bounce:
If China were to attack India they will come from Kashmir side. They can garrison their army at Pakistan.
This is alarmist Rahul Singh, Hindustan Times and to some extent retired Air Marshall Kak's view.

Not really, any part of this article is true in terms of details given in the paper. China does not have 3500 combat aircraft which can fly and dog fight. About 1600 of these planes not fighters But are trainers which will never see combat duty. Half of the remaing are MIG 21 copies called J 7. India is retiring them, but China still flies these home made copies. The Chinese version is as accident prone as the Indian version is. There are only 600 planes in Chinese inventory which can be called modern copies of SU 27 or MiIG 27/29. A few more are transport planes, all of which are Russian supplied or copied.

Hence Rahul lied on the onset of his news article lied and continued. China cannot bring all the planes to Tibet to counter the growing Indian might. They have to position two third of the planes opposite South China Sea and Tiawan, Japan and American Seventh Fleet.

Same is true about the land forces. China has 2.2 million men under arms. All of them cannot be brought to Tibet. Then again what will they do opposite South China Sea. The maximum number of battle ready troops they can support in Tibet is about 400,000. Half of these are needed for security duty to maintain peace in restive Tibet. India on the other hand has about 100,000 troops all the time opposite China border and reinforce it with another 200,000 in case of conflict. This ratio swings in India's favor when India's strike Corps of 80,000 troops is ready in five years.

In the naval side India has advantage as soon as Chinese in their overconfidence cross into the Indian Ocean. Nothing but sure death awaits them with killer Indian missiles, survaillance planes, and shore based bombers. I am sure the Chinese know about it hence would not dare any action in Indian Ocean. On the other hand, during hostilities India can block all their trade and oil supplies and Chinese would be able to do nothing.

Hence by all account this is a alarmist and useless paper by Rahul Singh, Marshal Kak's and Hindustan times.

A forum member earlier said that this paper is an attempt to garner more cash and more money for the Indian Armed forces. That view is probably is true. It is a miserable attempt at that.
They had never been a warrior community and reality has not changed today. Look at Vietnam. It kicks their asses every day. They talk of friendship.

Pl explain How?

Not at all. There are many area where tanks can play an Important role.

We will remain threatened even after that. The only thing is that risk will reduce. On deploying of Brahmos, and Globe master and improvement in infrastructure, risk has reduced. What we need is light howitzer, Prahar batteries and Pinaka sort of stuff along with LR SAM . That will improve our strategic profile.

Su-30 MKI is better in software and has TVC! However it does not make it invincible, its not an F22! Tactics on fighting a enemy is more important! They basically have the same architecture! Its all down to the situation, the pilots operating the fighters at that time, but we are technologically better than the chinese version. Ours is good, theirs is better!
Tanks can be used in Ladakh, but still the war will be decided primarily in mountains! And i rarely doubt Chinese will use tanks!
Last point, I agree with u! For now we are vulnerable!
China is not interested in a war with India, that's all.

India is too far away from China.
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