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Chinas father of space technology dies at 98 (31)


Jun 27, 2008
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钱学森 男,汉族,浙江省杭州市人,中共党员。1911年出生,现任中国人民解放军总装备部科技委高级顾问,中国科协名誉主席,曾任全国政协副主席。著名科学家。


今年是新中国成立60周年,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝8月6日上午冒着细雨,先后登门看望了60年来为我国科技、卫生事业做出突出贡献的朱光亚、何泽慧、钱学森、王大珩和胡亚美,向他们致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿。这是温家宝看望著名科学家钱学森。新华社记者 李学仁 摄








  1957年获中国科学院自然科学一等奖。1979年获美国加州理工学院杰出校友奖。1985年获国家科技进步特等奖。1989年获“小罗克韦尔奖章”、“世界级科技与工程名人”奖和国际理工研究所名誉成员称号。1991年10月获国务院、中央军委授予的“国家杰出贡献科学家”荣誉称号和一级英雄模范奖章。1995年1月获“1994年度何梁何利基金优秀奖”。1999年,中共中央、国务院、中央军委决定,授予他“两弹一星功勋奖章”。 2006年10月获“中国航天事业50年最高荣誉奖” 。


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China’s “father of space technology” dies at 98

October.31 (China Military News cited from Xinhua) — China’s keystone space scientist Qian Xuesen, widely known as the country’s father of space technology, died here Saturday morning at the age of 98.

Qian, born in Hangzhou, capital of east China’s Zhejiang Province, was a major figure in the missile and space programs of China.

Qian, a member of both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934.

In 1935, he went to study in the aviation department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and later studied aviation engineering at the California Institute of Technology. In 1939, he received a doctorate in aviation and mathematics. He returned to China in 1955.

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钱学森 男,汉族,浙江省杭州市人,中共党员。1911年出生,现任中国人民解放军总装备部科技委高级顾问,中国科协名誉主席,曾任全国政协副主席。著名科学家。


今年是新中国成立60周年,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝8月6日上午冒着细雨,先后登门看望了60年来为我国科技、卫生事业做出突出贡献的朱光亚、何泽慧、钱学森、王大珩和胡亚美,向他们致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿。这是温家宝看望著名科学家钱学森。新华社记者 李学仁 摄








  1957年获中国科学院自然科学一等奖。1979年获美国加州理工学院杰出校友奖。1985年获国家科技进步特等奖。1989年获“小罗克韦尔奖章”、“世界级科技与工程名人”奖和国际理工研究所名誉成员称号。1991年10月获国务院、中央军委授予的“国家杰出贡献科学家”荣誉称号和一级英雄模范奖章。1995年1月获“1994年度何梁何利基金优秀奖”。1999年,中共中央、国务院、中央军委决定,授予他“两弹一星功勋奖章”。 2006年10月获“中国航天事业50年最高荣誉奖” 。



I translate it from here and we are sad to hear this news.

Xinhua News: China's famous scientist Qian Xuesen, 31, died in Beijing on the morning of the age of 98 years old.

Qian Resume

December 11, 1911 Health Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, in August 1959 joined the Chinese Communist Party, a doctorate.

From 1929 to 1934 Department of Mechanical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University study, living in America after graduating from Tsinghua University, apply for government scholarships, admission Jianqiao airport after the internship. From 1935 to 1939 in the U.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study aerospace engineering, received a master's degree. From 1936 to 1939 in the United States Department of Mathematics, California Institute of Technology Aeronautics and learning, received a doctorate. From 1939 to 1943 U.S. aeronautical engineering, California Institute of Technology researchers. From 1943 to 1945 of the United States aeronautical engineering, California Institute of Technology Assistant Professor (During this period: from 1940 to 1945 in Chengdu, Sichuan Airlines, Institute for Communications Fellow). From 1945 to 1946 of the United States California Institute of Technology associate professor of aviation. From 1946 to 1949 U.S. aeronautical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology associate professor, professor of aerodynamics. From 1949 to 1955 of the United States California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Director of the Center, Professor.

Returned in 1955. Served from 1955 to 1964 director of Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, researchers, the Ministry of Defense fifth president of the Institute. Served from 1965 to 1970 Deputy Minister of the Seventh Machine. Served from 1970 to 1982 and Industry for National Defense Science and Technology Committee deputy director, vice chairman of China Association for Science. Chinese Association of Automation has also served as the first and second president of the Chinese Society of Astronautics, the Chinese Society of Mechanics, the Chinese Society of Engineering, honorary president of Chinese Academy of Sciences Executive Director of the Bureau, mathematics, physics, aims at. From 1986 to 1991 he served as the Chinese Association of the Third 5 CHAIRMAN. In May 1991 at the China Association of the Fourth National Congress was elected honorary president of CAST. In April 1992 was appointed Honorary President of Chinese Academy of Sciences Division of the Bureau. In June 1994 was elected as the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Is the ninth to 12 th CPC Central Committee alternate member, sixth, seventh, eighth CPPCC National Committee vice chairman.

China's space science and technology pioneer and an outstanding representative, known as "Father of China's space" and the "king of rockets." Studying in the United States during the study period, cooperate with others to complete the "long-range rocket's comments and preliminary analysis," laying the ground-ground missiles and sounding rockets theoretical basis; with others made by hypersonic flow theory, for the development of aerodynamics laid the foundation. Early in 1956, the CPC Central Committee and State Council that "the establishment of China's national defense aviation industry submissions." In the same year, the State Council and Central Military Commission in accordance with his proposal of setting up a missile, aviation and scientific research, the lead agency - Aviation Industry Committee, has been appointed as members. In 1956, appointed to the formation of China's first rocket, missile Institute - Ministry of National Defense Research Institute and served as the first Dean of the fifth. He presided over the completion of the "jet and rocket technology, to establish a" plan, participated in the short-range missiles, short-range missiles and China's first artificial earth satellites, using the direct leadership of the short-range missile carrying an atomic bomb, "with two shells "test, involved in the development of China's short-range missile carrying an atomic bomb," two bombs with "test, involved in the development of China's first interstellar aviation development plan, development on engineering cybernetics and systems science. In aerodynamics, aeronautical engineering, jet propulsion, engineering, control theory, physical and mechanical technologies have made pioneering contributions to scientific fields. China's modern theoretical and applied mechanics and engineering research of the founders and advocates.

Natural Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1957, received the first prize. California Institute of Technology in 1979, received Distinguished Alumni Award. In 1985 won the national prize for science and technology. In 1989 was "small Rockwell Medal", "world-class technology and Engineering" award and the International Institute of Technology Institute for the title of honorary members. In October 1991 by the State Council and Central Military Commission awarded the "National Outstanding Contribution Scientist" title of honor, and a heroic medals. In January 1995 of the "1994 Annual Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Award of Excellence." In 1999, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, Central Military Commission decided to grant him "missiles plus one satellite Merit Medal." In October 2006 was "China's aerospace industry for 50 years the highest honor award."

Author of "engineering control theory," "On Systems Engineering", "Introduction to space flight" and so on.

September 10, 2009, at the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Organization Department, the Central United Front Work Department, Research Office, the Central Party History Research Office, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Human Resources Social Security, the National Federation of Trade Unions, Communist Youth League Central Committee, the National Women's Federation, 11 departments such as the PLA General Political Department jointly organized the "10 0 for the founding of new China made outstanding contributions to heroes and models, and 100 moved by China since the founding of New China, People" selection activities, Qian was named "100 moved to China since the founding of New China, People. " (By Kim Jin-rong, Liu Wu, Qi Fang)

Convert Chinese language from there : Text and Web - Google Translate
a truely great man !!

立言,著述万卷; 立功,航天之父; 立德, 毁家纾国难; 三不朽!!!
A sad news!!!

I'd like to add a few more points I read about Qian Xuesen:

1. He is the youngest life-time professor in MIT history

2. He started Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Caltech and was its director
for 6 years , being one of the leading figures in Jet Propulsion in the US.

3. He was amongst one of a few masterminds behind the design of the first
long-distance ballistic missile for the US millitary, being one of the
pioneers of US ballistic missles program.

4. He was sent to Europe in 1945 as an Army colonel with a security clearance,
on a mission to examine captured rocket technology from Nazi Germany.

5. He studied German V2 rocket and interviewed Wernher von Braun, V2's chief designer,
who then helped in founding American manned space program.

6. He almost single-handedly set up China's first missile and rocket research institute.

7. He famously said in 60s: whatever Amercians can do, we Chinese can do as well !

8. He was the chief designer of China's first nuclear-armed ballistic missiles and
the first satellite, which launched in 1970.

9. His research was the key foundation of Long March CZ-2F rocket which sent
the first Chinese into space in 2003.

10. One of his nephews was Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry.

11. Earlier this year, he said "I'm trying to live to be 100 years old..."


May Qian Xuesen rest in peace!
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Asteroid 3763 Qianxuesen was named after him.

During the 1940s Tsien was one of the founders of Jet Propulsion Laboratory

During his incarceration Tsien received support from his colleagues at Caltech including Caltech President Lee DuBridge, who flew to Washington to argue Tsien's case. Caltech appointed attorney Grant Cooper to defend Tsien. Later, Cooper would say, "That the government permitted this genius, this scientific genius, to be sent to Communist China to pick his brains is one of the tragedies of this century."

A great mind indeed! RIP to a genius! May his achievements inspire future generations!
Truly sad to hear the news. :cry:

Wish he RIP, for he has fulfilled his Chinese dream he had nurtured since he left US, and in a splendid way...

Just want to provide some pictures to capture some of his life in the US.

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Giving graduate lectures in Cal Tech


Qian Xuesen(R) discusses with F.Marble(L) and another colleague when he teaches at Caltech in 1949. [Photo: CFP]


Qian Xuesen(R2) and his colleagues working for the launch of the initial American rocket "Private A" in the Leech Spring Base in December, 1944. [Photo: CFP]

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As a director of Cal Tech Jet Propulsion Lab, Dr. Qian posed with his colleagues.

Left to right: Ludwig Prandtl (German scientist), Colonel Tsien Hsue-sen, Theodore von Kármán. Prandtl served for Germany during the World War II; von Kármán and Tsien served for US Army; Prandtl was doctoral advisor for von Kármán; von Kármán was doctoral advisor for Tsien (Qian).

Dr. Qian was a ranked US army officer (Colonel). After he left US for China, reportedly Mao said if US could offer him Colonel, we should offer more. Dr. Qian was given Lieutennant General. He was the only Lieutenant General in PLA who had never had bettle field experiance.

What a history!
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I don't know about the great man, however, the respect and affection shown by our chinese brothers for him is enough evidence to prove the services rendered by this great man.

and if there is someone for whom our chinese brothers have so much respect for, then i must have greater respect for the great man.

MAY HE REST IN PEACE...:pakistan::china::pakistan::china:
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