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Chinas father of space technology dies at 98 (31)

I translate it from here and we are sad to hear this news.

Xinhua News: China's famous scientist Qian Xuesen, 31, died in Beijing on the morning of the age of 98 years old.

Qian Resume

December 11, 1911 Health Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, in August 1959 joined the Chinese Communist Party, a doctorate.

From 1929 to 1934 Department of Mechanical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University study, living in America after graduating from Tsinghua University, apply for government scholarships, admission Jianqiao airport after the internship. From 1935 to 1939 in the U.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study aerospace engineering, received a master's degree. From 1936 to 1939 in the United States Department of Mathematics, California Institute of Technology Aeronautics and learning, received a doctorate. From 1939 to 1943 U.S. aeronautical engineering, California Institute of Technology researchers. From 1943 to 1945 of the United States aeronautical engineering, California Institute of Technology Assistant Professor (During this period: from 1940 to 1945 in Chengdu, Sichuan Airlines, Institute for Communications Fellow). From 1945 to 1946 of the United States California Institute of Technology associate professor of aviation. From 1946 to 1949 U.S. aeronautical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology associate professor, professor of aerodynamics. From 1949 to 1955 of the United States California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Director of the Center, Professor.

Returned in 1955. Served from 1955 to 1964 director of Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, researchers, the Ministry of Defense fifth president of the Institute. Served from 1965 to 1970 Deputy Minister of the Seventh Machine. Served from 1970 to 1982 and Industry for National Defense Science and Technology Committee deputy director, vice chairman of China Association for Science. Chinese Association of Automation has also served as the first and second president of the Chinese Society of Astronautics, the Chinese Society of Mechanics, the Chinese Society of Engineering, honorary president of Chinese Academy of Sciences Executive Director of the Bureau, mathematics, physics, aims at. From 1986 to 1991 he served as the Chinese Association of the Third 5 CHAIRMAN. In May 1991 at the China Association of the Fourth National Congress was elected honorary president of CAST. In April 1992 was appointed Honorary President of Chinese Academy of Sciences Division of the Bureau. In June 1994 was elected as the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Is the ninth to 12 th CPC Central Committee alternate member, sixth, seventh, eighth CPPCC National Committee vice chairman.

China's space science and technology pioneer and an outstanding representative, known as "Father of China's space" and the "king of rockets." Studying in the United States during the study period, cooperate with others to complete the "long-range rocket's comments and preliminary analysis," laying the ground-ground missiles and sounding rockets theoretical basis; with others made by hypersonic flow theory, for the development of aerodynamics laid the foundation. Early in 1956, the CPC Central Committee and State Council that "the establishment of China's national defense aviation industry submissions." In the same year, the State Council and Central Military Commission in accordance with his proposal of setting up a missile, aviation and scientific research, the lead agency - Aviation Industry Committee, has been appointed as members. In 1956, appointed to the formation of China's first rocket, missile Institute - Ministry of National Defense Research Institute and served as the first Dean of the fifth. He presided over the completion of the "jet and rocket technology, to establish a" plan, participated in the short-range missiles, short-range missiles and China's first artificial earth satellites, using the direct leadership of the short-range missile carrying an atomic bomb, "with two shells "test, involved in the development of China's short-range missile carrying an atomic bomb," two bombs with "test, involved in the development of China's first interstellar aviation development plan, development on engineering cybernetics and systems science. In aerodynamics, aeronautical engineering, jet propulsion, engineering, control theory, physical and mechanical technologies have made pioneering contributions to scientific fields. China's modern theoretical and applied mechanics and engineering research of the founders and advocates.

Natural Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1957, received the first prize. California Institute of Technology in 1979, received Distinguished Alumni Award. In 1985 won the national prize for science and technology. In 1989 was "small Rockwell Medal", "world-class technology and Engineering" award and the International Institute of Technology Institute for the title of honorary members. In October 1991 by the State Council and Central Military Commission awarded the "National Outstanding Contribution Scientist" title of honor, and a heroic medals. In January 1995 of the "1994 Annual Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Award of Excellence." In 1999, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, Central Military Commission decided to grant him "missiles plus one satellite Merit Medal." In October 2006 was "China's aerospace industry for 50 years the highest honor award."

Author of "engineering control theory," "On Systems Engineering", "Introduction to space flight" and so on.

September 10, 2009, at the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Organization Department, the Central United Front Work Department, Research Office, the Central Party History Research Office, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Human Resources Social Security, the National Federation of Trade Unions, Communist Youth League Central Committee, the National Women's Federation, 11 departments such as the PLA General Political Department jointly organized the "10 0 for the founding of new China made outstanding contributions to heroes and models, and 100 moved by China since the founding of New China, People" selection activities, Qian was named "100 moved to China since the founding of New China, People. " (By Kim Jin-rong, Liu Wu, Qi Fang)

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...A great Man indeed. RIP to him...
No disrespect here, but the news was more than 2 years old. It seems to me that some people just realize it now somehow.
These are the people that change the world. They are in the background working. China is totally indebted to people like these who help China create a credible deterrent against aggression which allows her to have stability to have progress. Thank all in part to American sino-phobia and racism, many more Chinese and Indian too will go back to develop their own motherland.

After all, Chinese researcher in US university making America great, who in turn used her influence to contain China and making Chinese life harder. White society are cunning in the recruiting lackey and traitors.
I know this is a pretty old thread. However I wish wherever he is, is peaceful. Rest in peace Mr. Qian Xuesen, and condolences to the family.
You cannot simply consider those who develop science and technology in U.S. are traitors if they are Chinese or Indians.

Otherwise, you may have alienated a great number of scientists and engineers that will have helped China in the long run. Do not be such short sighted.

Even Qian has conducted research and worked in U.S. army for many years.

These are the people that change the world. They are in the background working. China is totally indebted to people like these who help China create a credible deterrent against aggression which allows her to have stability to have progress. Thank all in part to American sino-phobia and racism, many more Chinese and Indian too will go back to develop their own motherland.

After all, Chinese researcher in US university making America great, who in turn used her influence to contain China and making Chinese life harder. White society are cunning in the recruiting lackey and traitors.
You cannot simply consider those who develop science and technology in U.S. are traitors if they are Chinese or Indians.

Otherwise, you may have alienated a great number of scientists and engineers that will have helped China in the long run. Do not be such short sighted.

Even Qian has conducted research and worked in U.S. army for many years.

Of course, I don't mean Chinese or Indian scientist doing research for US are traitors. Many have to do the research to progress and the US have a developed foundation for their research.

I am only suggesting that Chinese and Indian research in US are inevitable contributing to White society, as White American will continue to sow discord and contain any rising power. Most white people in American deeply fear that one day they will no longer dictate to other and fear retribution.
While, your words " White society are cunning in the recruiting lackey and traitors." really confuses me what you try to say there.

Of course, the research done by Chinese scientists in U.S. will contribute to U.S. either militarily or non-militarily. Otherwise, why the heck does U.S. institutions hire you to conduct such research?

As far as retribution, I think deterrence may be a better word. More and more countries will have deterrence mechanism that make themselves being invaded less likely.

Of course, I don't mean Chinese or Indian scientist doing research for US are traitors. Many have to do the research to progress and the US have a developed foundation for their research.

I am only suggesting that Chinese and Indian research in US are inevitable contributing to White society, as White American will continue to sow discord and contain any rising power. Most white people in American deeply fear that one day they will no longer dictate to other and fear retribution.
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