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China's economy in H1 2016

People think crazy things.

I have talked to many Indian economists, and even they consider your growth rate to be cooked to portray the Modi regime in a positive light because low caste Indians are uneducated and impoverished and have no idea about the reality.

I have listened to Trump, and he thinks US economic indicators are either fake or politically corrected.

You listen to Donald Duck Trump? :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

No NO. China has had a negative growth rate for the past 30 years. India has been growing 13% from 1995-2012. Indeed, India is the Alpha tiger of Asia.

Pretty sure he's not as blind and naive as you, Jlawless. :omghaha:
Let me know when you graduate from pre-school. I'll take you to the sandbox to play with your toys. :omghaha:
Actually I don't have any estimate except saying that the growth is below 6%.

There have been many independent indices to measure growth, all of which point to anywhere between 1% to 6% growth rates.

Which one?
I have talked to many Chinese economists, and even they consider your growth rate to be cooked.

So a nation that builds houses, office blocks, railways, motorways, ports, airports, bridges, tunnels, power plants etc and makes autos, home appliances, smartphones, computers, jet aircrafts, warships etc etc etc like there is no tomorrow cooks its econnomic growth figures, while a nation that sits on its hands and does nothing of the sort is supposed to be growing and faster?

Don't give me "the Indian economy is driven by consumption" sh1t

What spending power does an average Indian have?:lol::lol::lol:
Growth of business incubators in China
By Mariah Breeze
China.org.cn, July 29, 2016
The Chinese government has recently promoted innovation and entrepreneurship in an attempt to reverse the slowdown of the economy. This has contributed to the rise of startup companies and enhanced the development of the incubator industry.

China's first incubator appeared in 1987, and in 2005 there were already more than 500 incubators across the country. By 2015, that number had more than tripled, and there are expected to be at least 5,000 incubators in China by the year 2020.

Governmental policies support companies that encourage startups by providing free or low cost land, lower tax rates, subsidies for operational cost and financial assistance. Business incubators further contribute to the development of startups by offering benefits such as affordable office space, access to financial resources and different types of management and marketing training.

According to a report from iiMedia, most of China's incubation spaces stay empty, with an average occupation rate of less than 40%. However, there are some incubator businesses that have been able to avoid this problem.

HomeX Accelerator's Chief Operations Officer informs China.org.cn that her incubator business has had no trouble filling its offices. "We have 27 startups with more than 400 employees in our accelerator," said COO Bai Jie.

HomeX Accelerator was started by CEO, Zhang Zhihao in August of last year and carries out its business practices with a small staff of 17 people. The company, located in Wudaokou, focuses on technology startups and prides itself on being unique from most other incubators in its field.

"Our market position is quite unique compared to normal accelerators because our position is A Round Accelerator. A Round is the most difficult stage for a startup company, because at this stage you may have proven that your product is worthy, but you may not have the ability to bring your product to the market," said Bai. Most business incubators help startup companies during their early stages of development; however, as a startup accelerator, HomeX chooses to support startup companies at their point of breakthrough.

The word "Home" in the company's title is meant to represent the fact that they offer consistent support and serve as a home for ambitious startups. The "X" represents the unknown factor and stands for the infinite possibilities available to their startups.

To connect their startup clients with investors, the company often hosts a "demo day" which allows a few of their client companies to present their business projects to multiple investors at a time. So far these events have been successful for their clients, as it provides them with financial support and feedback about their products or services.

Sources of capital for China's incubation spaces primarily include government (28.4%), enterprise or private (22.8%) and universities (17.7%), with the remaining made up of other mixed resources.

As both the CEO and COO of HomeX are graduates from Tsinghua University, they have built relationships that allow them to continue to use the university as a resource. Since companies like HomeX can't expect to earn large short-term returns from the startups themselves, government incentives and university resources will continue to play a large role in the growth of the business incubator industry in China.
So a nation that builds houses, office blocks, railways, motorways, ports, airports, bridges, tunnels, power plants etc and makes autos, home appliances, smartphones, computers, jet aircrafts, warships etc etc etc like there is no tomorrow cooks its econnomic growth figures, while a nation that sits on its hands and does nothing of the sort is supposed to be growing and faster?

Don't give me "the Indian economy is driven by consumption" sh1t

What spending power does an average Indian have?:lol::lol::lol:
yup. their MBA grads only make 148 USD/month. Barely enough to cover my electricity bill in Canada
So a nation that builds houses, office blocks, railways, motorways, ports, airports, bridges, tunnels, power plants etc and makes autos, home appliances, smartphones, computers, jet aircrafts, warships etc etc etc like there is no tomorrow cooks its econnomic growth figures, while a nation that sits on its hands and does nothing of the sort is supposed to be growing and faster?

Don't give me "the Indian economy is driven by consumption" sh1t

What spending power does an average Indian have?:lol::lol::lol:
China's consumption is bigger than their entire GDP.

yup. their MBA grads only make 148 USD/month. Barely enough to cover my electricity bill in Canada
lol....Better to be cleaners in the township of Tibet.
LOL, yes. He appears to me more genuine than many other US politicians, past and present.

Besides, he is a money-monger before he is a war-monger.

It suits me.

I prefer the war mongers like George Dubuya Bush.

Get them stuck in another pointless quagmire fighting in god forsaken territory.
I prefer the war mongers like George Dubuya Bush.

Get them stuck in another pointless quagmire fighting in god forsaken territory.
Hillary seems more pro-war.
Trump is more about business.
Perhaps another Bush style president is better?
Drag US into another series of wars!
Who ever is going to be selected the next US president...
they have to first fix their economy. Their middle class is impoverished.

The best thing for the US is to join in OBOR and let China build american infrastructure.

Their current infrastructure does not befit a global hyper power.

But first they have to make peace with China and sign the mutual investment treaty.

All the small countries that could be destroyed are destroyed. Now america doesn't have many options for wars... only China and Russia are left.

But they will NEVER go to war with these giants.
I prefer the war mongers like George Dubuya Bush.

Get them stuck in another pointless quagmire fighting in god forsaken territory.

What scares me about Hillary is her Asia focus. If she would be a Middle Eastern president like Bush, then I would actually not care about her.

Nonetheless, this is a little selfish, because, a Middle East focus president means a couple of hundreds of thousands of people dead. Bill Clinton starved to death thousands of Iraqi kids. Maybe Hillary Clinton will carry on the torch.
LOL, yes. He appears to me more genuine than many other US politicians, past and present.

Besides, he is a money-monger before he is a war-monger.

It suits me.

He is an honest liar. :enjoy:

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