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China’s disregard of PCA ruling may damage its image: RoK expert


Aug 19, 2015
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Viet Nam
Viet Nam
China’s disregard of PCA ruling may damage its image: RoK expert
China may damage its image in the international community if the country ignores the ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague on the Philippines’s lawsuit against China’s claims in the East Sea, an expert in international law of the Republic of Korea (RoK) has said.


Dr. Seo In Won from the RoK’s Asian Social Science Research Institute.

Such behaviour may also affect China’s diplomatic position on its path towards a developed nation, said Dr. Seo In Won from the RoK’s Asian Social Science Research Institute.

The expert told the Vietnam News Agency on July 23 that the court’s ruling that rejects China’s sovereignty claims in the East Sea is an example of peaceful solutions to maritime disputes.

He underlined the need for the international community to observe the ruling in order to settle disputes over marine resources and territory peacefully in the future.

As a member of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982 UNCLOS), China must accept and abide by the ruling, he stated.

On July 12, the PCA issued the ruling on the case brought by the Philippines against China’s nine-dash line claim in the East Sea, saying China’s claims to historic rights for waters within the nine-dash line are contrary to the 1982 UNCLOS.

The Hague Tribunal also finds no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to resources within the nine-dash line.

The country has no historic title over waters of the East Sea. At the same time, China has caused permanent and irreparable harm to the coral reef ecosystem at Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago, the court said.

From history, we all knew that China don't give a shit about these....
Some Western media always China will lost face these and that, they can keep crying.
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Does US care about its image for using fake excuse to invade Iraq and murdering all those poor innocent people? This crime against humanity doesn't bother US at all on the contrary and China has to worry its image getting damaged for not accepting the illegal verdict?:rofl: These Viets are so desperate i just can't stop laughing
That kangaroo court decided 17 cases in its history, and was ignored 17 times. That included Japan, UK and Russia.

China would damage its reputation if it actually paid attention to those clowns.
From history, we all knew that China don't give a shit about these....
Some Western media always China will post face these and that, they can keep crying.
Actually, in trying to negotiate individually, China does care about these issues. An internationally recognized body carries with it an implied approval from the international community.

For example...If you are an IEEE member, any document that you read from its library carries with it the tacit approval from professional peers that the document is technically sound and relevant to the industry and its members. If IEEE does not approve, that does not mean you cannot take your document elsewhere for dissemination. But it is very difficult to beat the IEEE.

The fact that China works very hard at negotiating with individual countries using economic and trade incentives or even outright bribes to those leaders mean that the PCA's decision is at the very least morally significant.
Actually, in trying to negotiate individually, China does care about these issues. An internationally recognized body carries with it an implied approval from the international community.

For example...If you are an IEEE member, any document that you read from its library carries with it the tacit approval from professional peers that the document is technically sound and relevant to the industry and its members. If IEEE does not approve, that does not mean you cannot take your document elsewhere for dissemination. But it is very difficult to beat the IEEE.

The fact that China works very hard at negotiating with individual countries using economic and trade incentives or even outright bribes to those leaders mean that the PCA's decision is at the very least morally significant.
Behind the American conspiracy.
If Most asian nation werent American stooges then there wouldnt have been any conflict in SCS. Americans are making life miserable for all Asian nations.

Totally wrong.
Conflicts have been happening long before the presence of American.
They might have happend in past bcz of regional conflicts but right now Americans are using Asian nations against china.

How they do it? if those Asian nations have no issue with China?
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In the recent ASEAN - China ministerial meeting, there was no mention of the SCS tribunal in their communique.

Everyone has moved on, Philippines has lost USD $30 million for a worthless piece of paper. Bad luck!

The fact is all ASEAN countries are looking at China's very big wallet (and hoping to get a small slice.)

The US has nothing to offer. Instead their pivot to Asia gave China a very good reason to build up the islands in the SCS. The US grossly underestimated the engineering and infrastructure capabilities of China.

Looking back, if there was no "US pivot to Asia" and SCS tribunal, China would only have had a few tiny outposts that were more of a liability than asset. But now, China has three spanking new airfields and 5 lighthouses in the Spratlys. All the airfields are 3 km long and very capable of supporting large military planes and fighter jets.

For the Vietnamese and Philippines' members here, the US was stirring up troubles in SCS to get access to your military bases and to sell you more second rate weapons. This is good for them but bad for you.

Countries don't have permanent allies, they just care about their interests.
Image? :lol:

These lunatics actually think China will sacrifice its core interests to gain the approval of a bunch of anti-Chinese Western countries and its stooges.

China will stand against the entire world if it means defending its core interests.
Image? :lol:

These lunatics actually think China will sacrifice its core interests to gain the approval of a bunch of anti-Chinese Western countries and its stooges.

China will stand against the entire world if it means defending its core interests.
Correct. But then do not preach others to denounce their own national interests. There is conflict of intetrest in SCS. US has no role to play, and ideally matters should be resolved bilaterally. But, it is not going to happen, so every party is concerned to take their case to global bodies to gain approval of their point of view.
This becoming from funny to pathetic...

If China does not agree to what we say...then China looses image and will not look pretty in the picture! If you don't believe..look here is the expert telling the truth. Blieve the expert, please...

This circus is useless but will keep going for a while. The allies of the pivot from north to south, will keep repeating the lines written by their master.

Why must we suffer the fools?
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