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China's DF-31 missile stronger than Agni-III :IBNLive

Ofcourse saptain obvious we all know this.

now i wonder why my fellow india are so keen on proving this wrong ?????

guys we have failure in our stride many times because of goverment agencies. like drdo.

stop living in denial. time to check our self , and accept the fact, and try to make things better.

this is a negative apoprach to delude the facts , we have to accept that we lack here, and try to hit again keep hitting till you get sucess.

but lets not be big mouth and talk rubbish.
Look who's telling us, what u ppl have is a 25o km Pritvi as the only operational missile & MKIs are yet to be modified to fire Bhramos, where as even our Mirage IIIs can fire Ra'ad, ur cry wont Change the fact that we are ahead induction of missiles & they r operational & btw don't forget to give Russians & Russians & americans must not forget to Give credit to Germans & ppl will fail when they will try to re invent wheel & when they will be over confident

Are your sure your Ra'ad (or Red) works ? The issue is not merely inductions, maybe even some African countries have inducted missiles. Important thing is to develop your own technology, I'll tell you why, because technology improves and if you are not in the development mode you will keep on importing, what fun is there in that. That is why Indians dont take their losses to heart. They will bear the fruits of their labour today or tomorrow, it will happen. As for China I repeat, it is a country which has to be respected. They too have worked hard to come where they are today.
Mam after reading your post i think am gonna agree with you that india is a fool. India developing AAD anti-missile but not the whole system? Thats foolishness by indian sciencetist. i dont know how they claimed that AAD would be ready fully by 2011. By the way mam how our AAD shot Agni missile? Am just wondering without any system how can AAD shot agni missile. i will later post u both videos mam. India not only developing just Anti missile but also whole package with it mam. That's why our goverment not buyed patriotic-3 from america. Its believed that our ADD can also shoot russian missile that fly's ZIG-ZAG. i will post u the link. i hope that would let u know what AAD is and why pakistan said they would then move missiles very close to borders. AAD will be india's symbol. Only america has it while india and japan making it. Russia dont have it. Let alone china mam.

I believe Russia has the S300, which India has too, but dont think it is as effective as the Patriot
I believe Russia has the S300, which India has too, but dont think it is as effective as the Patriot

Sir the russia S300 cant shoot missiles. Its made for anti jet fighter. Only 3 countries have and working on project that specificly designd as anti-missile system. Russia s300 symbol of anti-jet fighter and was build to counter F-22 raptor late 80's to 90's.
Mam after reading your post i think am gonna agree with you that india is a fool. India developing AAD anti-missile but not the whole system? Thats foolishness by indian sciencetist. i dont know how they claimed that AAD would be ready fully by 2011. By the way mam how our AAD shot Agni missile? Am just wondering without any system how can AAD shot agni missile. i will later post u both videos mam. India not only developing just Anti missile but also whole package with it mam. That's why our goverment not buyed patriotic-3 from america. Its believed that our ADD can also shoot russian missile that fly's ZIG-ZAG. i will post u the link. i hope that would let u know what AAD is and why pakistan said they would then move missiles very close to borders. AAD will be india's symbol. Only america has it while india and japan making it. Russia dont have it. Let alone china mam.

mate, just compare the range,speed,trajectory etc and you will notice the differneces. or have you got any info that indicating the ADD has succeed in intercepting any ICBMs? an AGNI 1 launched 250KMs away is not that difficult to intercept, even a s300-pmu2 battalion "alone" could do that, especially when you are at full alert of what,when,where and how the target is coming.
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Are your sure your Ra'ad (or Red) works ? The issue is not merely inductions, maybe even some African countries have inducted missiles. Important thing is to develop your own technology, I'll tell you why, because technology improves and if you are not in the development mode you will keep on importing, what fun is there in that. That is why Indians dont take their losses to heart. They will bear the fruits of their labour today or tomorrow, it will happen. As for China I repeat, it is a country which has to be respected. They too have worked hard to come where they are today.

Well u know the problem of Duds is not with Pakistan, that problem is only with Indians, despite of spending so much still half of their R-77s are duds & every one outa three grenade & the list goes on
agree just as Agni III has nothing to do with Pakistan. But still the rattling goes on. I think its just psychological to consider everything to be a threat

Why don't u tell this to ur fellow Indians who when see that they ve been beated on Chinese side turn their keyborad guns toawrds Pakistanm & start ranting BLAH BLAH & BLAH....
at the start of this thread i told to stop dragging in Pakistan & talk about DF-31 & agni but no way u ppl have to show ur 'looser attitude'
Lets know some facts :
A. Q. Khan meets program head Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood in Belgium and then begins to steal an unprecedented amount of information from the company he works for, a European nuclear company called Urenco, to support the nuclear program. Khan sent everything from centrifuge designs and technical literature to parts and lists of suppliers. He even sent blueprints of an entire uranium enrichment facility. In at least one instance, Khan sent a discarded component from a uranium centrifuge. He evens asks a photographer he shares an office with to photograph some centrifuges and components.:pakistan:

Lets face another simple fact Indians didnt reinvented nuclear technology, they did got help from Russikies but the only difference is that Pakistan didnt got any 'official' help now u ppl cant digest the fact that Pakistan is a nuclear state ready to take an enemy 7 times its size head on each & every Inch of Indian soil is under Pakistani missiles,so after the revelations about Pokhran Tests & the operational status of ur missiles u ppl have nothing but to else to do except rant, so rant man, ur ranting wont change the facts...

Now if u don't have anything to say regarding DF-31 & Agni i suggest u shut up & dont drag in Pakistan
If u really want to talk about Pakistan go make a thread for it, dont rant here
With regard to this discussion, I think people just believe the results. any weapons requires human to operate, it is not a panacea. Chinese are not God, and Indians too. India likely to lavish praises on China's missile technologies, but their technics development quickly,and we have not stopped some new attempts.
mate, just compare the range,speed,trajectory etc and you will notice the differneces. or have you got any info that indicating the ADD has succeed in intercepting any ICBMs? an AGNI 1 launched 250KMs away is not that difficult to intercept, even a s300-pmu2 battalion "alone" could do that, especially when you are at full alert of what,when,where and how the target is coming.

Sir why china or pakistan need ICBMs to hit india? We are close enough. Now sir our AAD shot down Agni-1 because it was her first test. Do you want india to jump directly on to Agni-2 and agni-3? AAD not ready made anti-missile sir. We take step by step. Next year one more test will be held sir. About hitting longer range missiles are easy then to hit short range because in short range missile we dont have much time to shoot it down. The longer the range the better to detect it. Now sir please wait till next year. Its even more tough test. By 2012 it will be installed in all major cities and by 2014 on most india's part which are left. AAD is symbol of india. Two tests were superb sir. U can g0ogle it and search the videos. Its most beautiful videos i seen ever sir.
Why don't u tell this to ur fellow Indians who when see that they ve been beated on Chinese side turn their keyborad guns toawrds Pakistanm & start ranting BLAH BLAH & BLAH....
at the start of this thread i told to stop dragging in Pakistan & talk about DF-31 & agni but no way u ppl have to show ur 'looser attitude'

Mam you are right. We should not drag pakistan because topic is agni-3. Agni-3 not for pakistan. Agni-1 and agni-2 for pakistan which are inducted already.
Sir why china or pakistan need ICBMs to hit india? We are close enough. Now sir our AAD shot down Agni-1 because it was her first test. Do you want india to jump directly on to Agni-2 and agni-3? AAD not ready made anti-missile sir. We take step by step. Next year one more test will be held sir. About hitting longer range missiles are easy then to hit short range because in short range missile we dont have much time to shoot it down. The longer the range the better to detect it. Now sir please wait till next year. Its even more tough test. By 2012 it will be installed in all major cities and by 2014 on most india's part which are left. AAD is symbol of india. Two tests were superb sir. U can g0ogle it and search the videos. Its most beautiful videos i seen ever sir.

Sir it didnt shot down an Agni sir, it shot down a Dhanush sir, sir get ur facts right sir, yes sir AAD & PAD will get rid of every missile threat posed by Pakistani & Chinese missiles sir, ur right sir, now plz sir stop ranting sir, thank u in advance sir
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Sir it didnt shot down an Agni sir, it shot down a Dharauv sir, sir get ur facts right sir, yes sir AAD & PAD will get rid of every missile threat posed by Pakistani & Chinese missiles sir, ur right sir, now plz sir stop ranting sir, thank u in advance sir

Mam it doesn't matter dharuv or agni. What matter is will it be superior to patriotic-3? And the answer is below link
India to test Anti-Missile Defence System today
mam the link below shows what AAD is. It can detect target within 30 seconds. Mam now pakistan and china dont have missiles that fly's hypersonic. Our radars for AAD can detect around 200 targets. By 2011 it will be inducted. The link is below
India’’s ballistic missile defence system to be operational by 2011
Mam i also have 3rd successful test video also. If u need then please let me know. Thank you.
Sir it didnt shot down an Agni sir, it shot down a Dhanush sir, sir get ur facts right sir, yes sir AAD & PAD will get rid of every missile threat posed by Pakistani & Chinese missiles sir, ur right sir, now plz sir stop ranting sir, thank u in advance sir

Mam we both are wrong. It wasn't dharuv and agni. It was dhanush he he he.
Oops sorry mam. You are right. It was dhanush. i read wrong. My mistake as always. My eyes weak. Thank you.
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