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China's DF-31 missile stronger than Agni-III :IBNLive

Mam if you can please bring information on DF-31 against Patriotic-3? The reason i said patriotic-3 because indian anti-missile AAD is in same leaque. So i would love to know DF-31 against patriotic-3. Missile cant be superior until it ducks anti-missile. Even russia was worried about patriotic anti-missile system in europe because russia knew what patriotic capable of. Mam please if u have information how DF-31 can counter patriotic-3 and AAD by 2012. Thank you in advance mam.

first of all, congratulation to what your country and people have achieved, a patriot 3 like anti-missile. but i'm afraid you haven't fully understand what a missile defence system is. patriot 3 is to TMD as a gun is to a paratrooper, having the rifle doesn't make you a paratrooper. you also need earily warning system, tracking system, trajectory analysing system etc to establish a system to counter ICBMs.

btw, DF31 has nothing to do with india. this missile will only be used to nuke somewhere that is far far away from china, not conventional wars or conflicts, no india.
& there are ppl who are jealous of Pakistani missiles coz they never failed & and............
They like to drag in Pakistan in every Thread to divert the topic :coffee:

Yes Pakistani missiles never fail because they are already tested in china several times.
pakistan only change the stickers of the missiles.:rofl:
Yep, 30 years ago China had already developed DF-5 with a range of 10-12K km, DF-31 is just a continued work to upgrade Chinese long range defense system.
Understand Indian's urge to gain attention,
but sorry guys, you are not even on our radar:coffee:
Yup. Indian braggarts are too loud for their achievements. If it were me I would calmly develop and grow and then talk.
Yes Pakistani missiles never fail because they are already tested in china several times.
pakistan only change the stickers of the missiles.

Dont offend the Koreans. They should also get the credit. See we should not take credit away from them.

Any ways the Chinese missile system is far superior than that of Indians. But Indians though being at the tortoise pace are catching up. Indian failures can be attributed to as "We at least know how not to make missiles" Learning is a slow process but yeilds high dividends in longer runs.
Dont offend the Koreans. They should also get the credit. See we should not take credit away from them.

Any ways the Chinese missile system is far superior than that of Indians. But Indians though being at the tortoise pace are catching up. Indian failures can be attributed to as "We at least know how not to make missiles" Learning is a slow process but yeilds high dividends in longer runs.

well said brother. if any one whant to get success he should not afraid of failure. every failure teaches something new.

Thomas Edison failed 1024 times while developing electric bulb.
well said brother. if any one whant to get success he should not afraid of failure. every failure teaches something new.

Thomas Edison failed 1024 times while developing electric bulb.

We exported food for people in 1960s and even kept fast at the time of famine and today we have enough reserves.

There was a time when we were told after independece that if we were able to make a single brick of steal Mountbatten would eat it on its own and today we hold one of biggest steal industry.

We were denied access to cryogenic engine and today we went to moon.

India was termed to fail becuase of so many diffrences within the people still we survived.

We brought our first rocket on the bullock cart and ended with moon.

India was the land of snake charmers and today is the back office of the world.

Journey was tough we moved on.... but we have long way to go. We look upon chinese as the ones who have progressed in much better way. So this is something which we should learn from them....
Yes Pakistani missiles never fail because they are already tested in china several times.
pakistan only change the stickers of the missiles.:rofl:

Dont offend the Koreans. They should also get the credit. See we should not take credit away from them.

Any ways the Chinese missile system is far superior than that of Indians. But Indians though being at the tortoise pace are catching up. Indian failures can be attributed to as "We at least know how not to make missiles" Learning is a slow process but yeilds high dividends in longer runs.

Look who's telling us, what u ppl have is a 25o km Pritvi as the only operational missile & MKIs are yet to be modified to fire Bhramos, where as even our Mirage IIIs can fire Ra'ad, ur cry wont Change the fact that we are ahead induction of missiles & they r operational & btw don't forget to give Russians & Russians & americans must not forget to Give credit to Germans & ppl will fail when they will try to re invent wheel & when they will be over confident
Look who's telling us, what u ppl have is a 25o km Pritvi as the only operational missile & MKIs are yet to be modified to fire Bhramos, where as even our Mirage IIIs can fire Ra'ad, ur cry wont Change the fact that we are ahead induction of missiles & they r operational & btw don't forget to give Russians & Russians & americans must not forget to Give credit to Germans & ppl will fail when they will try to re invent wheel & when they will be over confident

See things which are already operational do not fail.... If they were Russian they would have never failed.

Yes we accept you are better then us in missiles. didnt you saw aaj tak..... :victory::victory:
Look who's telling us, what u ppl have is a 25o km Pritvi as the only operational missile & MKIs are yet to be modified to fire Bhramos, where as even our Mirage IIIs can fire Ra'ad, ur cry wont Change the fact that we are ahead induction of missiles & they r operational & btw don't forget to give Russians & Russians & americans must not forget to Give credit to Germans & ppl will fail when they will try to re invent wheel & when they will be over confident

Fire on the mountain run run run :flame:, Fire on the mountain Run Run Run:flame: .... hahahaha.:woot:
Look who's telling us, what u ppl have is a 25o km Pritvi as the only operational missile & MKIs are yet to be modified to fire Bhramos, where as even our Mirage IIIs can fire Ra'ad, ur cry wont Change the fact that we are ahead induction of missiles & they r operational & btw don't forget to give Russians & Russians & americans must not forget to Give credit to Germans & ppl will fail when they will try to re invent wheel & when they will be over confident

Lets know some facts :
A. Q. Khan meets program head Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood in Belgium and then begins to steal an unprecedented amount of information from the company he works for, a European nuclear company called Urenco, to support the nuclear program. Khan sent everything from centrifuge designs and technical literature to parts and lists of suppliers. He even sent blueprints of an entire uranium enrichment facility. In at least one instance, Khan sent a discarded component from a uranium centrifuge. He evens asks a photographer he shares an office with to photograph some centrifuges and components.:pakistan:
first of all, congratulation to what your country and people have achieved, a patriot 3 like anti-missile. but i'm afraid you haven't fully understand what a missile defence system is. patriot 3 is to TMD as a gun is to a paratrooper, having the rifle doesn't make you a paratrooper. you also need earily warning system, tracking system, trajectory analysing system etc to establish a system to counter ICBMs.

btw, DF31 has nothing to do with india. this missile will only be used to nuke somewhere that is far far away from china, not conventional wars or conflicts, no india.

Mam after reading your post i think am gonna agree with you that india is a fool. India developing AAD anti-missile but not the whole system? Thats foolishness by indian sciencetist. i dont know how they claimed that AAD would be ready fully by 2011. By the way mam how our AAD shot Agni missile? Am just wondering without any system how can AAD shot agni missile. i will later post u both videos mam. India not only developing just Anti missile but also whole package with it mam. That's why our goverment not buyed patriotic-3 from america. Its believed that our ADD can also shoot russian missile that fly's ZIG-ZAG. i will post u the link. i hope that would let u know what AAD is and why pakistan said they would then move missiles very close to borders. AAD will be india's symbol. Only america has it while india and japan making it. Russia dont have it. Let alone china mam.
Our armed forces don't have to attack anyone or to kill a dozen of million people. They just have to deter them. dongfeng-31A would serve the purpose.

A different point is that the country we have to deter is the united states, so the missile got to be capable to fly across the pacific and penatrate their defense. sinse our american friends are developing NMD systems, we have no choice but to increase the numbers of DFs and enhance their quality.

Absolutely agree with you. Deterrence is what every nation should seek. War will not help anybody.China today has an image to protect, and it does not have to prove to anybody especially India how strong it is. So prudence from China will only furhter its case
Yep, 30 years ago China had already developed DF-5 with a range of 10-12K km, DF-31 is just a continued work to upgrade Chinese long range defense system.
Understand Indian's urge to gain attention,
but sorry guys, you are not even on our radar:coffee:

better check your radar, your beeps are showing
first of all, congratulation to what your country and people have achieved, a patriot 3 like anti-missile. but i'm afraid you haven't fully understand what a missile defence system is. patriot 3 is to TMD as a gun is to a paratrooper, having the rifle doesn't make you a paratrooper. you also need earily warning system, tracking system, trajectory analysing system etc to establish a system to counter ICBMs.

btw, DF31 has nothing to do with india. this missile will only be used to nuke somewhere that is far far away from china, not conventional wars or conflicts, no india.

agree just as Agni III has nothing to do with Pakistan. But still the rattling goes on. I think its just psychological to consider everything to be a threat
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