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China’s Deceptively Weak (and Dangerous) Military

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:lol: trival things? More like you are finding excuse for your super power incompetent India. Do you see military strong power outsource their own rounds?

The SSBN is just a test demo carrying a pathetic 700km range ballistic missile. The longer range one is far from commission and tested. Just sending a Mars orbiter doesn't suddenly make you a super power. The real fact India heavily depend on foreign power for weapons and spare is a fatal mistakes. With high inflated prices and subject to political situation.

Now India is bearing the burn as war toys start to fail with limited spares. Compare to China, India is in a pathetic and vulnerable state. It's no wonder Russia look to China as a strategic partner with bigger leverage as india do not provide anything except being a sucker for high inflated Russian export. :lol:

Who said anything about a superpower?

Yes, tank ammunition and rifles are trivial to a SSBN and SLBM, doesnt matter if its 700-1500 km range, it's still an SLBM and a tank ammo is still just tank ammo. There's no reason to hastily close down the INSAS production line. And there's no reason why the military are only looking at expensive foreign rifles when a domestic one is being tested. It's not a matter of them not being appeal to make it, it's a matter of them not having the foresight to make one for the T-90.



Arjun and T72 ones are already made.

Many of these stupid deals, someone in India is eating good.


T-90 ammunition.
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Who said anything about a superpower?

Yes, tank ammunition and rifles are trivial to a SSBN and SLBM, doesnt matter if its 700-1500 km range, it's still an SLBM and a tank ammo is still just tank ammo. There's no reason to hastily close down the INSAS production line. And there's no reason why the military are only looking at expensive foreign rifles when a domestic one is being tested. It's not a matter of them not being appeal to make it, it's a matter of them having the foresight to make one for the T-90.



Arjun and T72 ones are already made.

Many of these stupid deals, someone in India is eating good.
Excuse excuse and excuse to mask India incompetent. Rounds are basic neccesity for your military to keep going. Can you give me an example where major war power outsource their basic infantry and tank rounds from other countries? Even production cost is higher in US. They never outsource their rounds.

It's really ashame for Indians that their basic 5.56mm rounds still need to import from BAE. This is a clear signal all this years of India trying localise their military is a big failure.

India big mistake is always trying to brag and take big step without rectify the basic first. And taking small step first. But indian are too arrogant to see their incompetent and mistakes. :lol: a fine example like you who refuse to even admit India incompetent and all you do is just finding excuse to make you feel good. :lol: I feel sad for Indians.
Excuse excuse and excuse to mask India incompetent. Rounds are basic neccesity for your military to keep going. Can you give me an example where major war power outsource their basic infantry and tank rounds from other countries? Even production cost is higher in US. They never outsource their rounds.

It's really ashame for Indians that their basic 5.56mm rounds still need to import from BAE. This is a clear signal all this years of India trying localise their military is a big failure.

India big mistake is always trying to brag and take big step without rectify the basic first.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) acquired 1.41 million rounds of 5.56 mm L15 NATO ammunition from BAE Systems for USD744, 400 in late June for the Israeli Tavor-21 assault rifles used by its Garud special forces.

Industry sources told IHS Jane's that BAE Systems was competing against Israel Weapon Industries, Italy's Fiocchi Munizious, Spain's Expal, and US firm BEL Trading & Consulting for the 5.56 mm ammunition tender.

Official sources said additional 5.56 mm ammunition orders are expected from the Indian Army special forces and the Indian Navy's Marine Commandos, both of which operate Tavor-21 rifles.

India's Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) produces 5.56 mm SS-109 rounds at its Jabalpur unit in central India and even exported small quantities to Israel and Thailand in 2008-09, but domestic production declined drastically soon after.

BAE Systems wins IAF ammunition contract - IHS Jane's 360
I agree. india should attack china and take over all of tibet.
Provided India has the capabilities in the first place. I can bet their soldier will ran out of ammo w/o even advance more than 10miles from border since they even have to outsource infantry and tank rounds. :lol:

It's for Tavors. There are like a million IA soldiers and paratroopers armed with INSAS. That ammunition is made with in India.

Indian Ordnance Factories: Ammunition, Explosives, Propellants & Chemicals
it doesn't matter. It's not some advance super dupe like turbofan or gas turbine engine that can't be localise and yet India is the incompetent that can't make themselves. :lol:

Especially T-90 is the elite tank of India army. Yet their basic 125mm rounds needs to be at the mercy of Russian import. Pathetic!
Very well said, all warfare is based on deception...I dont think China has to prove anything to the west or anyone else, what we need to do is when we're strong pretend to be weak and when we're weak we should claim to be strong, prescribed on the 35th chapter of Sun Tzu...in order to confuse these foes :cheesy:
Or change it up a bit. pretend to be strong when you are strong and weak when you are strong at the same time.
it doesn't matter. It's not some advance super dupe like turbofan or gas turbine engine that can't be localise and yet India is the incompetent that can't make themselves. :lol:

Or an ICBM, SLBM, SSBN, Space vehicles, etc, etc, etc. all of which India makes. It's not a matter of incompetence in producing ammunition, its a matter of poor foresight and planning. At on point India exported some rounds to Israel and Thailand.
We should be ready to launch nukes at India right now because we are expecting another forward policy. Who knows the Vietcongs might attack us any moment after the PLA is exposed of its true military prowess. I can't believe our secret got leaked, our nation is in danger we should be in panick mode.
You just posted state secret. We're coming after you.
Agreed. Time will show that more Uighur terrorists are put down like dogs with Turkey doing nothing because Turks are all talk.
Turkey has to deal with Kurdish problem so they have no right to talk about uyghur problem.
Turkey has to deal with Kurdish problem so they have no right to talk about uyghur problem.

They talk about Uyghurs all the time. The problem is that they refuse to own up to their own disgusting role in the Armenian Genocide. Therefore, they are in no position to pass judgement on China when they themselves are morally bankrupt.
You basically negate your prior assertion for why the US was pivoting to Asia - i.e. to counteract theoretical aggression from a weak Chinese military- by saying that actual Russian aggression doesn't count because Russia had "a good reason?" :lol: As if that factors into the US calculus regarding force deployment.

You're obviously willing to do any number of illogical mental somersaults to cling to your belief regarding the PLA, ignoring obvious and tangible evidence to the contrary (i.e. US pivot to Asia with 60% of its forces to counter a rising PLA). It's clear we're talking past each other.

But, as a parting gift, I'll leave you with this article. So by your reasoning, if the PLA is so weak, I wonder where the Indian army ranks? Doesn't look good. :omghaha:

India far behind China’s combat power
Rahul Singh , Hindustan Times New Delhi, December 12, 2013

First Published: 00:53 IST(12/12/2013) | Last Updated: 08:58 IST(12/12/2013)

India is years behind the Chinese military with the Communist neighbour currently outnumbering the country’s combat power by a 3:1 ratio, a defence ministry document has revealed.

India hopes to bridge the gap in the next 15 years by improving its fighting capacity with new stealth jets, aircraft carriers, nuclear-powered submarines, warships and land-based strike formations.

The document, accessed by Hindustan Times, predicts the picture will change by the end of the 14th Plan period (2022-27), with India narrowing the gap in combat power with China to a “desirable ratio” of 1.5:1.

The dynamics of combat power encompass elements such as a military’s firepower, mobility, logistic capability, manpower and sustainability — factors that ultimately determine the outcome of a war.

Strategic affairs expert air vice Marshal Kapil Kak (retd) said the “desirable combat ratio” appeared to be achievable.

Steps taken by India to counter China’s military build-up have led to a marginal improvement in the relative-force ratio, the document shows.

The setting up of two new infantry divisions in 2010 in the northeast has lowered China’s combat advantage to a “2.7:1 ratio”. Odds, however, are still stacked against the army.

“In a land battle, an army can only defend against an attacking force three times its strength,” a former chief said.

The raising of a new mountain strike corps — with 85,000 soldiers — to defend Arunachal Pradesh is expected to further reduce the Chinese military advantage to a ratio of 2.1:1 by end of the 13th Plan Period (2022).

The new strike formation will give the army the capability to mount offensive action into the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Experts warn China is expected to step up efforts to transform its military to retain an edge over India. China’s official defence budget for 2013-14 stands at Rs. 5,94,000 crore, compared to India’s Rs. 2,03,672 crore.

However, China’s actual military spending may be higher, with experts suspecting dramatic under reporting of its defence expenditure.

Let me also chip in a line. China is playing India and Indians don't have a clue about it. To keep India on it's toes, it needs to spend on it's defense. China can well afford multiple times of what India can, and when India tries to play catchup, it leaves it's infrastructure in tatters. A stone with two birds. :)
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