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China’s Deceptively Weak (and Dangerous) Military

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Do you think the mental toughness of a chinese soldier from 1950 is the same as the mental toughness of a new gen chinese soldier from 2014 ?

In the past the average chinese came from tough background that made them tough people, look around china today and ask yourself how tough is the new gen.

I would said the mental toughness today is even better than 1950s, at that time our options was limited, only enemies can hit us and bomb our soil and we couldn't hit back in their territory, our warships were confined to coastal defense, most 1950's army came came from peasant family, they were more less trained and professional. Now, the psychogical, moral and trainined of today PLA is much better than 1950 because we know we can hit our enemies back regardless how far they're and we don't give up to seach for parity and asymmetrical warfare solutions to deal with our potential foes.
Su-30MKI crashed this year.


Brand new C-130J crashed this year.

Pilot error led to C-130J Hercules crash: IAF sources | The Indian Express

India has crashed 482 out of 872 MiG aircraft over the past 40 years, at a cost of over 200 lives.

Indian Air Force lost half of MiG fighter jets in deadly crashes : North, News - India Today

Flying coffins: Half of MiGs are lost in deadly crashes | Daily Mail Online

India can't make domestic tank ammo for the T-90. Gets ripped off by Russia.

India Gives In to Russia's Terms For High-Priced Tank Ammunition | Defense News | defensenews.com

India can't even design a proper assault rifle.

Army to get new assault rifles, junk INSAS - The Times of India

Has to import a foreign rifle.

Indian Competition to Replace INSAS Begins - The Firearm Blog

We should be ready to launch nukes at India right now because we are expecting another forward policy. Who knows the Vietcongs might attack us any moment after the PLA is exposed of its true military prowess. I can't believe our secret got leaked, our nation is in danger we should be in panick mode.
About the author,

Ian holds an M.A. in China Studies from National Chengchi University in Taiwan and a B.A. in International Studies from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He also holds a certification in advanced Mandarin Chinese, having formally studied the language at Fudan University in Shanghai, and National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei. Ian’s research has been featured in major media outlets in the United States and Asia, including the New York Times, Reuters, US News and World Report, Huffington Post, NHK, CCTV, the Diplomat, and the Taipei Times. He has testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, and lectured at the U.S. Naval War College, Japan’s National Defense Academy, and Taiwan’s National Defense University.

Now listen to the other side of how major media uses ppl with no credentials, or lack of, ppl with the right experience and background to CHANGE, CHALLENAGE OR PUSH AGENDAS!
I've said it before and I'll say it again - the United States Military wouldn't be pivoting to Asia with 60% of its forces if the Chinese military wasn't a force to be reckoned with. Actions speak louder than words and for the world's mightiest military - the United States armed forces - to consider you a legitimate threat to the point where they array the majority of their forces against you despite active Russian military action and a renewed terrorist threat in the middle east, well anything you Indians blabber about after that is background noise.

And Indians - LMAO. Like they're ones to judge. Indians should be the last ones to talk. :agree:
Su-30MKI crashed this year.


Brand new C-130J crashed this year.

Pilot error led to C-130J Hercules crash: IAF sources | The Indian Express

India has crashed 482 out of 872 MiG aircraft over the past 40 years, at a cost of over 200 lives.

Indian Air Force lost half of MiG fighter jets in deadly crashes : North, News - India Today

Flying coffins: Half of MiGs are lost in deadly crashes | Daily Mail Online

India can't make domestic tank ammo for the T-90. Gets ripped off by Russia.

India Gives In to Russia's Terms For High-Priced Tank Ammunition | Defense News | defensenews.com

India can't even design a proper assault rifle.

Army to get new assault rifles, junk INSAS - The Times of India

Has to import a foreign rifle.

Indian Competition to Replace INSAS Begins - The Firearm Blog


Indians are the last ones to talk. LMAO. A veritable list of Indian failure. :rofl:
Here's another Indian joke, made by their president no less:

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - Economic Times

I Observe Last Episode of Indian Army in 2030........Let them enjoy about their TOYS

The Indians keep breaking all their toys. From their brand new fighters to their Russian aircraft carrier (boiler explosion). Even when their toys are docked, they still explode:

August 2013: Blasts ripped through the torpedo compartment of the INS Sindhurakshak (S63) while it was berthed at the naval dockyard off the Mumbai coast. Fifteen Sailors and three officers were killed.[15] Other sources state that a small explosion occurred around midnight which then triggered the two larger explosions.[16] The disaster was thought to be the Indian navy's worst since the sinking of the frigate INS Khukri by a Pakistani submarine during the 1971 war

I always have said this. Chinese army is a paper tiger that is why they are trying to show off and even fail at showing off. Real military powers don't have the need to show off. They believe in their own strengths. Weaker wannabe countries have the need to look stronger than they really are. This counted also for Iraqi army. We just need to wait for an event that will expose the farse.

Well since the Chinese army is such a paper tiger, it really should be no problem at all for mighty Turkey to liberate Xinjiang from the evil commies. After all, your Uighur terrorist friends are being executed left and right. The Turkish army should mobilize and invade China. It will definitely end well for you guys. ;)
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I would said the mental toughness today is even better than 1950s, at that time our options was limited, only enemies can hit us and bomb our soil and we couldn't hit back in their territory, our warships were confined to coastal defense, most 1950's army came came from peasant family, they were more less trained and professional. Now, the psychogical, moral and trainined of today PLA is much better than 1950 because we know we can hit our enemies back regardless how far they're and we don't give up to seach for parity and asymmetrical warfare solutions to deal with our potential foes.

Exactly, at that time, we were weak and poor, but we had nothing to lose, so that's why we fought fearlessly.

But today we have the capability to destroy the whole world, but we won't take the war lightly because we have simply too much to lose.
India can't make domestic tank ammo for the T-90. Gets ripped off by Russia.

India Gives In to Russia's Terms For High-Priced Tank Ammunition | Defense News | defensenews.com

India can't even design a proper assault rifle.

Army to get new assault rifles, junk INSAS - The Times of India

Has to import a foreign rifle.

Indian Competition to Replace INSAS Begins - The Firearm Blog


It sent a orbiter to Mars and has an SSBN and and it's SLBM currently testing.

Tank ammunition and rifles are trivial things.




And it is working on a INSAS replacement. Multi Cal rifle, will it go through endless trials and not get picked and a outside one picked? Maybe.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - the United States Military wouldn't be pivoting to Asia with 60% of its forces if the Chinese military wasn't a force to be reckoned with. Actions speak louder than words and for the world's mightiest military - the United States armed forces - to consider you a legitimate threat to the point where they array the majority of their forces against you despite active Russian military action and a renewed terrorist threat in the middle east, well anything you Indians blabber about after that is background noise.

And Indians - LMAO. Like they're ones to judge. Indians should be the last ones to talk. :agree:

Indians are the last ones to talk. LMAO. A veritable list of Indian failure. :rofl:
Here's another Indian joke, made by their president no less:

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - Economic Times

The Indians keep breaking all their toys. From their brand new fighters to their Russian aircraft carrier (boiler explosion). Even when their toys are docked, they still explode:

August 2013: Blasts ripped through the torpedo compartment of the INS Sindhurakshak (S63) while it was berthed at the naval dockyard off the Mumbai coast. Fifteen Sailors and three officers were killed.[15] Other sources state that a small explosion occurred around midnight which then triggered the two larger explosions.[16] The disaster was thought to be the Indian navy's worst since the sinking of the frigate INS Khukri by a Pakistani submarine during the 1971 war

Well since the Chinese army is such a paper tiger, it really should be no problem at all for mighty Turkey to liberate Xinjiang from the evil commies. After all, your Uighur terrorist friends are being executed left and right. The Turkish army should mobilize and invade China. It will definitely end well for you guys. ;)
Time will show what will happen
My problem with the article is that it makes these hasty assertions based on the author's personal extrapolation of what he interprets as the current state of the country's military.

Nowhere does he provide numbers, statistics, white paper documents, technical analyses of equipment, or objective indicators of "strength" and "capability". Rather, the author resorts to "what if" scenarios that seem to be drawn from his own understanding of the current state of affairs and his personal interpretations of the implications of military exercises, despite the secretive nature of the latter.

What's even more awkward is the author's attempt to single-handedly analyze what a potential "Taiwan" scenario would entail without given a single iota of consideration of the massive discrepancy between the forces of the mainland and Taiwan as well as the effect of tactics and military strategy involved in such an undertaking. Instead, he gives an almost quixotic prediction of what will happen "if" the defending forces managed to hit their targets without detailing how they will go about doing so. By his lofty standards and conceited "analyses", even the Iraq government would have had a fair chance of defeating a US-led coalition in 2003.

Of course, that is just the tip of the massive, convoluted iceberg of problems that the article presents. We haven't even touched upon the numerous US defense documents that seem to contradict this author's opinions. Nor have we looked into just how authentic the author's technical assertions were. Granted, the country's military is far behind that of the United States in terms of technical and academic prowess, but that isn't defined by what is stated in a mere article. And what is comical is the number of people spinning this piece as technical fact.

This article was published in a reputed magazine as the diplomat. It is full of insight for those who live outside china.

China is spending on their military industrial complex because they know that their soldiers cannot win wars for them any more. That is exactly what the article says. China relying more on missiles and gadgets to win wars.

An article "full of insight" wouldn't go about its humorous assertions without giving credible evidence to back it up.

I always have said this. Chinese army is a paper tiger that is why they are trying to show off and even fail at showing off. Real military powers don't have the need to show off. They believe in their own strengths. Weaker wannabe countries have the need to look stronger than they really are. This counted also for Iraqi army. We just need to wait for an event that will expose the farse.

You're drawing your conclusion regarding one of the most secretive forces in the world from a civilian-written article that relies on personal interpretations, unsupported assertions, and idealistic extrapolations?

Good lord.
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About the author,

Ian’s research has been featured in major media outlets in the United States and Asia, including the New York Times, Reuters, US News and World Report, Huffington Post, NHK, CCTV, the Diplomat, and the Taipei Times. He has testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, and lectured at the U.S. Naval War College, Japan’s National Defense Academy, and Taiwan’s National Defense University.

The author's credentials are not necessarily predictors of the quality of his articles; we've seen this over and over again, especially regarding matters that are highly sensitive towards certain people, the discussion of which can evoke strong emotions in authors.

And how do you know that? Are you better aware of the state of the Armed Forces than an ex colonel who has served the PLA for most of his life? Are you serving in the Army? If not, then you need to pipe down. You're just an ordinary civilian who knows jack about the armed forces. Getting your 'knowledge' from tabloids and blogs doesn't make you an expert.

Talk about some introspect...

Read the article again.

An unprofessional army is more likely to go to war than a professional army. Now ask you question again and find the answer.

An ironic thing to assert, considering that history proves just about the opposite.

Its about tasting blood. Chinese Army saw and tasted blood some 35 or 37 years ago i.e in 1979. Lets assume the youngest soldier at that time would be of 22 years. So the men who had a fight at that time may have retired or on the verge of retirement. So no battle experience for the current soldiers.

While the NATO countries are battle hardened, so do Pakistan, India, Afganistan, Mexico (with drug Gangs), Many Middle East countries, Many African countries, some South American countries like Columbia. See, when in a war, you see your fellow soldier gets his hand or legs or head ripped off by the bombs, gun shot, the inexperienced ones those who have never seen or heard of these things, gets panicky. In this case the Chinese generals may get panicky and press the button (know what I mean) quickly. That makes them Dangerous!!

@OrionHunter @Pulsar @levina @wolfschanzze

Then by your logic wouldn't an inexperienced army be less predisposed to start a war? Beijing's reluctance to take part in a more active role in recent international crises seem to corroborate with that trend.

Do you think the mental toughness of a chinese soldier from 1950 is the same as the mental toughness of a new gen chinese soldier from 2014 ?

In the past the average chinese came from tough background that made them tough people, look around china today and ask yourself how tough is the new gen.

With the increase in living standards across most countries, more prevalent globalization, and less polarity in international politics, that trend shouldn't be exclusive for the Chinese.
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china has no external threat,the threat to china is internal.
It sent a orbiter to Mars and has an SSBN and and it's SLBM currently testing.

Tank ammunition and rifles are trivial things.




And it is working on a INSAS replacement. Multi Cal rifle, will it go through endless trials and not get picked and a outside one picked? Maybe.
:lol: trival things? More like you are finding excuse for your super power incompetent India. Do you see military strong power outsource their own rounds?

The SSBN is just a test demo carrying a pathetic 700km range ballistic missile. The longer range one is far from commission and tested. Just sending a Mars orbiter doesn't suddenly make you a super power. The real fact India heavily depend on foreign power for weapons and spare is a fatal mistakes. With high inflated prices and subject to political situation.

Now India is bearing the burn as war toys start to fail with limited spares. Compare to China, India is in a pathetic and vulnerable state. It's no wonder Russia look to China as a strategic partner with bigger leverage as india do not provide anything except being a sucker for high inflated Russian export. :lol:
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