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China's Choice: India or Pakistan?

They were sent to Japan to find and retrieve the herb of eternal life by the emperor. So desu!
No, we DPRK Liu Han royal family comes from, you say that person is Xufu, who lived in the Qin Dynasty.

Really? You have that documented , too ?
There genealogy, but destroyed during the war, this is my father told me.
Your family has experienced great history.

There are quite a lot of Japanese people who do have Chinese ancestry. What I admire about them is that they preserve , for posterity, that they are from China. I think this is what we Japanese admire about Zainichi Chugokojin -- , no matter how many generations they live in foreign lands, they always never forget they are from 中国.

Years ago, especially during the war, many Japanese with Chinese ancestry were looked down for being Chinese. Many had to hide that they were Chinese, for fear of discrimination. But still, they never fail to remind their children of their relation to China.

That is very resound. Admirable character.
There are quite a lot of Japanese people who do have Chinese ancestry. What I admire about them is that they preserve , for posterity, that they are from China. I think this is what we Japanese admire about Zainichi Chugokojin -- , no matter how many generations they live in foreign lands, they always never forget they are from 中国.

Years ago, especially during the war, many Japanese with Chinese ancestry were looked down for being Chinese. Many had to hide that they were Chinese, for fear of discrimination. But still, they never fail to remind their children of their relation to China.

That is very resound. Admirable character.
Thank you for your praise! This is a common East Asian nation, are very focused on the origin of the tradition and roots.
Its a truth just like Soviet Union helped India in defence technology on the basis of 20 years defence treaty that Brezhnev and Indira signed? And like Indians believe it was APJ Abul Kalam who built Atomic Bomb and Missile Technology! You guys are really funn! Just don't want to see the reality.

LOL. India exploded our first Nuclear bomb in 1974. The preparation for which started in 1944 when Homi J. Bhabha founded the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. The US even assassinated this great man in 1966 to prevent India go Nuclear.

Later Physicist Raja Ramanna played an essential role in research into nuclear weapons technology. He expanded and supervised scientific research on nuclear weapons and was the first directing officer of the small team of scientists that supervised and carried out the test of the nuclear device.

The Plutonium for which came from Canadian Cirrus reactor. So if you want to credit anyone, you must credit Canada not Russia :lol:

Abdul Kalam was no where in the picture in 74, he is a missile man. Nothing to do with Nukes, except for helping put Nukes on missiles.
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They can't do shit, it has been decades now and mighty chinese army plays hide and seek now. Well they need some entertainment so can't blame them!

Stop trying to make peace happen. It's not gonna happen, you just cam't change nature of humans. Sorry!

Why not join India army instead of posting here? You seem to be very brave and want to
sacrifice everything for your country.

Your Navy is not SDF opponent, never has been.

When war starts, all your ship yards will be destroyed. There will be no ship-to-ship confrontation.

Sadly, Japan is too close.
Why not join India army instead of posting here? You seem to be very brave and want to
sacrifice everything for your country.

You are too naive, we have an agreement with the United States, we will jointly fight back.
When war starts, all your ship yards will be destroyed. There will be no ship-to-ship confrontation.

Sadly, Japan is too close.
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