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China's best friends

If everybody has a saying in the goverment policy, then the developent efficiency will be extremely low like what happen now in India. We choose economic development first and political reform second. You must ensure every one has safe place to live and enough food to eat before you have saying in the goverment policy.
China does not care for human rights it cares for it's own interest and agenda very simple.

how is Indian human rights record? what is the agenda there?
very simple or not very simple?
We are talking about now, not the past. There are millions of Indian is starving now every seconds and mimutes instead of you talking human right behind your computer, you don't konw nothing about human right. save your time kid....

This thread is about China's human rights record not India incase you failed to read.
Yes instead u have burning monks, hans dying like dogs in mines and kids being stabbed to death

One day in India kills more people than all of the people dying in China's mines for an entire year.

Kids being stabbed to death is tragic but is just a blip on the statistics. Same for the monks.

Hunger isn't as a dramatic way to die as being stabbed burned or crushed but it still kills and they are still people.

This is why India is backwards.

China cares about its own citizens. In 2008, Wen Jiabao forced soldiers to search for weeks for any signs of life, even when it was clear that no one would make it, he still forced them to search, because even a corpse would be better than nothing.

In India, people drop like flies every day and die with no dignity.
how is Indian human rights record? what is the agenda there?
very simple or not very simple?

Syria and Sri lanka two countries where India took a positive stand unlike the Chinese.

One day in India kills more people than all of the people dying in China's mines for an entire year.

umm no we don't unless you can prove it.
how is Indian human rights record? what is the agenda there?
very simple or not very simple?

You will probably ban me for asking you this- because you love doing that to me here. BUT would you like me to open a thread about india's human rights? when Pakistanis post about India's human rights with Muslims in India. Do you come asking what is Pakistan's human rights as a moderator?
India's human right and deplomacy didnt bring any edge regarding military or living welfare to China. For example, India's population is overrun compared to its land mass and food provision, you fail to implement one child policy like China controlling its population due to so called human right. Whichever party supporting one child policy will recieve zero vote in India, let more kids starving to death due to overpopulation. Make sure you could feed those kids before you give birth to them.
Syria and Sri lanka two countries where India took a positive stand unlike the Chinese.

umm no we don't unless you can prove it.

Hunger kills 6,000 Indian kids daily - Health News - IBNLive

INDIA Every day hunger kills 6,000 children in India - Asia News

Mining accident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2006, according to the State Work Safety Supervision Administration, 4,749 Chinese coal miners were killed in thousands of blasts, floods, and other accidents. For example, a gas explosion at the Nanshan Colliery killed 24 people on November 13, 2006; the mine was operating without any safety license and the Xinhua News Agency claimed the cause was incorrect usage of explosives. However, the 2006 rate was 20.1% less than 2005 despite an 8.1% increase in production.[8]

Seems like the days of China getting away with it are over and the world has wised up now from Africa to Burma.
You sure buddy have u checked history more than 30 million Chinese did starve to death

just in recent years, india has 2 million kids die each year. more than 60 years have passed since independence.
60 x 2,000,000 = 0.12 billion kids have succumbed. Mind you the figure is conservative.
We have not counted the deceased adults or the elderly and the 2 million death of kids are occurring in their improving economy meaning more kids have died each year before they pick up their economy.

The no of starvation death in india's history is so GIGANTIC that it is absolutely TERRIFYING!
Let's try something very simple for a change. Let me try asking the question in a different way. I would ask Indians to chill for a bit.

Question: Does any Chinese on these board think support Bashad ( Sudan's President) who has an international warrant for his arrest for crimes against humanity. Responsible for the deaths of 400,00 people ( include Muslims) should have been. continues to be supported by China?

The genocidal maniac was asked to come to china where he not only got more arms but was given a red carpet rollout. ANY Chinese here thinks that China should not support such players? 400,000! slaughtered...

Well you forgot that India has also killed million of its citizens and staunchly supports some of these dictators.

very True,in the end one look up after their Own strategic interest

What India does in Kashmir Is same as what Pakistan does in PoKashmir and Balochistan,China in Tibet,East Turkistan
One day in India kills more people than all of the people dying in China's mines for an entire year.

Kids being stabbed to death is tragic but is just a blip on the statistics. Same for the monks.

Hunger isn't as a dramatic way to die as being stabbed burned or crushed but it still kills and they are still people.

This is why India is backwards.

China cares about its own citizens. In 2008, Wen Jiabao forced soldiers to search for weeks for any signs of life, even when it was clear that no one would make it, he still forced them to search, because even a corpse would be better than nothing.

In India, people drop like flies every day and die with no dignity.

your comment worth 2 cents....
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