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China's best friends

Yes indeed you are most correct. The friends or people that China have are also common to the US of A but the fact of the matter is this thread was specifically put on here by an Indian (pretending to be white American) and bash China.
Thet see things differently when the mentioning of the US of A. They tend to go weak at the knees followed by a bow to their choices of friends. Its a different matter when USA are involved. Reminds me of a George Orwell book - Animal Farm quote - "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."

This is your think tank view? to make racist remark about me and attack me personally to say if I have a certain opinion I must be wanna be white- :no:

We support all legitimate leaders, because we believe in self determination of nations, a founding principle of the United Nations charter.

So you support Hitler too , Legitimate leader and all . what's a few million killed among friends eh?

a genocidal maniac darinda modi has massive indian support to become the next PM of your country!!! he was even invited by the chinese to their country recently...why don't u ask them why they support him!!!

I can , when the topic is created here. and many topics are created here and many Indians dissent with Modi's actions ( including me and even India's supreme court in some instances). But why did you feel the urge to go off topic? Is it not ironical that US banned Modi and your all weather friend invited him?
We support all legitimate leaders, because we believe in self determination of nations, a founding principle of the United Nations charter.

Exactly the point. Chinese are also not too faced unlike others that only complain about human rights when they have ulterior motives
I can , when the topic is created here. and many topics are created here and many Indians dissent with Modi's actions ( including me and even India's supreme court in some instances). But why did you feel the urge to go off topic? Is it not ironical that US banned Modi and your all weather friend invited him?

isn't this ur topic "why does china support the worst of humanity". So I'm just adding another player to the game.

ur all weather friend US banned him and it still doesn't stick out to u guys how guilty this darinda is. disobeying your ur master :disagree:
isn't this ur topic "why does china support the worst of humanity". So I'm just adding another player to the game.

ur all weather friend US banned him and it still doesn't stick out to u guys how guilty this darinda is. disobeying your ur master :disagree:

the concept of off topic seems to have passed you- duly noted . and while coming to the aid of the Chinese, throwing words of " master" by Pakistani is ironical.
We support all legitimate leaders, because we believe in self determination of nations, a founding principle of the United Nations charter.

China for the Chinese, Not for Indians and Americans. So if they are satisfied with their leaders who are we to raise fingers?? Remember Americans were also satisifed with the war criminal W.Bush, the British were satisfied with the war criminal Tony B-Liar, and the Indians are also satisfied with their icon of colonialism "meem saab" & co.
With China now supporting Sri Lankan massacre , I thought we could take an Honest look at whom China supports.


When a habitual liar claims to be “honest”, Sivas start to laugh…

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

some of those were previously supported by your master america too

Well you forgot that India has also killed million of its citizens and staunchly supports some of these dictators.
Let's try something very simple for a change. Let me try asking the question in a different way. I would ask Indians to chill for a bit.

Question: Does any Chinese on these board think support Bashad ( Sudan's President) who has an international warrant for his arrest for crimes against humanity. Responsible for the deaths of 400,00 people ( include Muslims) should have been. continues to be supported by China?

The genocidal maniac was asked to come to china where he not only got more arms but was given a red carpet rollout. ANY Chinese here thinks that China should not support such players? 400,000! slaughtered...

Would like to hang those criminals first who have slaughted its own children 2,000,000 a year, and year after year.

In fact, in this world, no government would commit such a crime, much less every year.

Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

Mubutu Sese Koko did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

Alexander Lukashenko did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

Muammar Gaddafi did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

Idi Amin did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

Laurent-Desire Kabila did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.
Omar Al Bashir did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

Slobodan Milosevic did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

Fidel Castro did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

Bashar Assad did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

Zine El Abidine Ben Ali did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

Ali Khammenei did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

Thein Sein, Myanmar did not kill his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

Only democratically elected Indian government kills his own children 2, 000,000 a year, year after year.

in fact the Chinese government is great that it doesn’t have Indian criminal government as its friend. The rest is irrelevant.  
So China supports these bad guys and regimes not much surprise there. Its an alternative universe and somebody needs to lead them as well. Remember even bad guys need leaders and inspiration.

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