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China's best friends

well said india best friend is russia and yet india continue to vote in the un against russia interests with friends like these who needs enermies

Russia and China are coming around in regards to Syria since that last vote.
The title of this thread should be "China's best friends according to an indian troll"

Luckyly china is not india best friend you cannt backstab us any more

who is " us" ? you live in Britain , how can you be backstabbed when you chose to live in England and not China? Your tax dollars in England go to fund anti Chinese activities and your country ( UK) is a NATO anti Chinese country. How you getting backstabbed in the midst of Mayfair st.? :)
who is " us" ? you live in Britain , how can you be backstabbed when you chose to live in England and not China? Your tax dollars in England go to fund anti Chinese activities and your country ( UK) is a NATO anti Chinese country. How you getting backstabbed in the midst of Mayfair st.? :)

Britain is actually one of the more pro-China countries. They were the first Western country to recognize the PRC in 1950. China would love Britain to be a free and independent country again.
Britain is actually one of the more pro-China countries. They were the first Western country to recognize the PRC in 1950. China would love Britain to be a free and independent country again.

Oh lord- Okay.
Britain says China and Russia stirring 'civil war' in Syria
London - Britain accused Russia and China on Monday of increasing the likelihood of a civil war in Syria by vetoing the latest UN resolution and backing the 'doomed and murdering regime' of President Bashar al-Assad.
well said india best friend is russia and yet india continue to vote in the un against russia interests with friends like these who needs enermies

I think the russians regard the indians as a foolish and inept cash cow more than friends.
The title of this thread should be "China's best friends according to an indian troll"

Luckyly china is not india best friend you cannt backstab us any more

I have many Chinese friends but my issue is with your goverment not the people of China.

I think the russians regard the indians as a foolish and inept cash cow more than friends.

self delete
who is " us" ? you live in Britain , how can you be backstabbed when you chose to live in England and not China? Your tax dollars in England go to fund anti Chinese activities and your country ( UK) is a NATO anti Chinese country. How you getting backstabbed in the midst of Mayfair st.? :)

Iranians kicked US embassy out of their country and there are more Iranians than ever living in US and guess what Iranians are among the most educated and richest among the immigrant community of US. Recently they also kicked British out of their country and still there are Iranians in UK. What you fail to grasp is the difference between people living in another country and the diplomatic relations. These are two different things. For example there might be Americans living in Iran or vice versa but no diplomatic relations. Then there is the point that UK has immigrants because of its former colonial activities. A Chinese person is as much entitled to be there as is an Irish,Indian or German. As for UK, they were in India for more than 300 years with no visa and no public permission. They were also in Honk Kong I do not see why we can not be here in the UK for an equal amount of time.

Can we please now stay on topic and that is we are proud to be freinds of Chinese as a people and as a country
some of those were previously supported by your master america too

Yes indeed you are most correct. The friends or people that China have are also common to the US of A but the fact of the matter is this thread was specifically put on here by an Indian (pretending to be white American) and bash China.
Thet see things differently when the mentioning of the US of A. They tend to go weak at the knees followed by a bow to their choices of friends. Its a different matter when USA are involved. Reminds me of a George Orwell book - Animal Farm quote - "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."
8 PAGES! and not a single Chinese yet here dares to speak up against his country's record on just one single issue.! .

Let's try something very simple for a change. Let me try asking the question in a different way. I would ask Indians to chill for a bit.

Question: Does any Chinese on these board think support Bashad ( Sudan's President) who has an international warrant for his arrest for crimes against humanity. Responsible for the deaths of 400,00 people ( include Muslims) should have been. continues to be supported by China?

The genocidal maniac was asked to come to china where he not only got more arms but was given a red carpet rollout. ANY Chinese here thinks that China should not support such players? 400,000! slaughtered...

8 PAGES! and not a single Chinese yet here dares to speak up against his country's record on just one single issue.!

Let's try something very simple for a change. Let me try asking the question in a different way. I would ask Indians to chill for a bit.

Question: Does any Chinese on these board think support Bashad ( Sudan's President) who has an international warrant for his arrest for crimes against humanity. Responsible for the deaths of 400,00 people ( include Muslims) should have been. continues to be supported by China?

The genocidal maniac was asked to come to china where he not only got more arms but was given a red carpet rollout. ANY Chinese here thinks that China should not support such players? 400,000! slaughtered...

a genocidal maniac darinda modi has massive indian support to become the next PM of your country!!! he was even invited by the chinese to their country recently...why don't u ask them why they support him!!!

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