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China's Anti India initiatives: Tibet railway transports air combat readiness materia

Don't know what's wrong with India. India seems to HATE China more than they hate the British who colonized them. Does India hate China because she lost the 1962 war ? Or India is just jealous because
China is doing so good economically and militarily than India ?

Can India tell China what can China do to help India get the hate off her chest ? Because too much hate is not a good thing for India and Indian Journalist who constantly bash China.

India whatever we dont like China is because China keeps asking for our land....!! (now u will see chinese frnds jumping here :smitten:))

though i am all for practical relations with China but not for trustowrthy one, and full vigil and preparation for all eventualities is a must till Chniese completely drop of claims in REALITY on Indian land.

On this issue i beleive the material can be used for both terrorist use and military use... so India will/should take it as latter and evaluate its impact.. and should take measures if necessary or if the latest movement causes some concern in security......

it is a must.... to maintain constant vigil and be aware of such happenings...proactiveness in this regard is a must...:cheers:
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Don't know what's wrong with India. India seems to HATE China more than they hate the British who colonized them. Does India hate China because she lost the 1962 war ? Or India is just jealous because
China is doing so good economically and militarily than India ?

Can India tell China what can China do to help India get the hate off her chest ? Because too much hate is not a good thing for India and Indian Journalist who constantly bash China.

Haha it is okay Chinese don´t care about the bashing. What Indians think is really irrelevant.
Haha it is okay Chinese don´t care about the bashing. What Indians think is really irrelevant.

Not true. When India thinks itself under siege and when every move Chinese move is interpreted as a deliberate design against India, what Indians think is very much relevant.
Not true. When India thinks itself under siege and when every move Chinese move is interpreted as a deliberate design against India, what Indians think is very much relevant.
so wat u want ignore the moves..:) why u do not like(rather do not want, is it??) if India takes counter measures..
as far as i know its india who started all this war hysteria **** first wid media then we saw su-30 now why they cry when chine starts to response...
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so wat u want ignore the moves..:) why u do not like(rather do not want, is it??) if India takes counter measures..

If you'd bothered to read my post carefully before responding, you'd see my statement was meant to say

China should care what Indians think (contrary to what conworldus states)

Haha it is okay Chinese don´t care about the bashing. What Indians think is really irrelevant.

Because, if India thinks itself under siege and under-threat it will do things that can escalate tensions.

If you'd bothered to read my post carefully before responding, you'd see my statement was meant to say

China should care what Indians think (contrary to what conworldus states)

Because, if India thinks itself under siege and under-threat it will do things that can escalate tensions.

so now u r threatening India...:lol:... buddy we will always do whatever we feel like in our area. rest is ur wish, either roll back ur escalation or attack...that is what we are preparing for... be ready for attack from China at any point...coz chinese never manage not to surprise you with their timing(or reason) of attack...:D:)

but really from ur replies it seems chinese take every move from India as an attempt to attack...:hitwall: why u concerned with what India does on its side... i think that is exactly u trying to say above to India but urself not following it dear....!!
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so now u r threatening India...:lol:... buddy we will always do whatever we feel like in our area. rest is ur wish, either roll back ur escalation or attack...that is what we are preparing for... be ready for attack from China at any point...coz chinese never manage not to surprise you with their timing of attack...:D:)

whatever arguing with you is stupid and pointless.
India should strengthen its border with its full might. Period. But not attack the other side first. Not even a bird should be able to come across the border to our side. Anything infiltrating in our territory should be killed.

Security is paramount for both economic development and respect.
furthur just strengthing border areas militarily is no reson for war I would say. Lets make India-China border the most secure on earth for both sides.:cheers:

anyhow China has much much moe infrastructure then India on its side...India needs to do a lot still to have parity. Hope we do it asap and go ahead even more then China if possible in infrastructure build up in those areas. Infrastructure helps the common man to live a better life, and could improve life in N-E India by leaps and bounds, which they surely deserve.
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so now u r threatening India...:lol:... buddy we will always do whatever we feel like in our area. rest is ur wish, either roll back ur escalation or attack...that is what we are preparing for... be ready for attack from China at any point...coz chinese never manage not to surprise you with their timing of attack...:D:)

Buddy, China is not fixated on whatever India is doing. The threat from India is quite low on China's list of priorities. The readiness and the quality of equipment of the Military Region in China(Chengdu MR) that facing India is ranked one of the lowest among the other MRs. The strategic aim of China is facing east, not Southwest.
Buddy, China is not fixated on whatever India is doing. The threat from India is quite low on China's list of priorities. The readiness and the quality of equipment of the Military Region in China(Chengdu MR) that facing India is ranked one of the lowest among the other MRs. The strategic aim of China is facing east, not Southwest.

How does China's Military regions work? ie Who is responsible for what?

Am I right to assume that if India invades over the Himalayas, the Chengdu MR would be given command of the overall response?
Buddy, China is not fixated on whatever India is doing. The threat from India is quite low on China's list of priorities. The readiness and the quality of equipment of the Military Region in China(Chengdu MR) that facing India is ranked one of the lowest among the other MRs. The strategic aim of China is facing east, not Southwest.

yes India is not a threat to China :cheers:
we should think about trade and not war, but borders need to be secured even if u r best of frnds.:)
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How does China's Military regions work? ie Who is responsible for what?

Am I right to assume that if India invades over the Himalayas, the Chengdu MR would be given command of the overall response?

China has 7 MRs currently, they are responsible for peacetime administration of PLA.

People's Liberation Army
Order of Battle

by Xinhui

Military Region ( Da Junqu ):

Military Regions (MR) only handles day-to-day peacetime management of the PLA. In time of war, a WarZone Operational command will be setup to take control of all aspect of the military operation in that area, including all service branch such as the militia, reserve, People’s Military Police (PAP), Air force, navy, second artillery (Tactical nuclear weapons), Special Operations, etc.

China is currently divided into seven Military Regions (MR). MRs are administrative headquarters, responsible for the army, air, and naval forces located in several provinces. Each MR is intended to be commanded by a Lieutenant General, though some are commanded by full Generals. MR commanders ( siling yuan ) are assisted by several deputy commanders (fu siling yuan), including the regional air force commander and naval commander, if naval forces are present within the MR; a political commissar ( zhengzhi weiyuan or zhengwei ); and a number of deputy political commissars (fu zhengwei) . MR staffs parallel, but are smaller than, the organization of the four General Departments and are overseen by an MR Chief of Staff ( canmou zhang ). Each MR has a headquarters, political department, joint logistics department, and equipment department. The presence of a “joint logistics department” (lian qin bu) indicates that this element is intended to provide support to army, naval, and air forces assigned to the region. -- >From Dennis Blasko "PLA Ground Force: Moving Toward a Smaller, More Rapidly Deployable, Modern Combined Arms Force"
Military Region
Military District
Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang
Hebei, Shanxi, Nei Menggu (Inner Mongolia)
Gansu, Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Ningxia, Qinghai
Shandong, Henan
Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi
Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Hainan
Yunnan, Xizang (Tibet), Guizhou, Sichuan

In addition to the Military District (MD) listed above, there are several garrisons that are equivalent to MD. Those include the Beijing, TianJin, Shanghai, Chongqing garrisons. Also note: The PLA 5 digit identification number I used in this document is dated; PLA apparently implemented a new five-digit system during October 2000. Military units assign directly to MD, are consider having the lowest level readiness, and have little military value. They generally referred to as Cat C formations, most of those units already converted into PAP and reserve formations, but some in the boarder regions remain (43rd divisions for example) boarder guards. While garrison of Beijing and TianJin, Shanghai, and Chongqing are consider to be elite troops. Not all MD created equal.

Red Army and PLA Major Reorganizations:

Adopted from The PLA As Organization by Kenneth W. Allen

Major Reorganization Events
First corps established
Juntuan and front armies created; 3-3 system codified
Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army created
New Fourth Army restructured
Field Armies created
PLA formalized; Bingtuan established; 5 military regions (MR) and 4 MR levels created
PLA Navy and Air Force established
National Defense Council and Ministry of National Defense created; Field Armies and Bingtuan abolished; Corps subordinated directly to MRs; 6 MRs renamed and expanded to 13 MRs; 3 fleets established; 6 MRAFs formed
PLA Air Defense Force abolished and merged into PLA Air Force
8 General Departments reduced to 3
13 MRs reduced to 11
11 MRs reduced to 7; major demobilization initiated
General Equipment Department created, additional demobilization initated

A note on our formation naming/numbering convention :
"Unidentified Armor Brigade" means we do not know its number; 4 Motorized Division refers to the Fourth Motorized Division. The unit HQ’s hometown is next to the unit number. (2) means 2nd formation bears the same name, for example 7 infantry divisions 7th and 9th division were combined as 3rd division in 1952, in 1969, a new 7th infantry division was formed in Xinjing in 1969. PLA Cavalry frontier defense units are horse based, not Helicopter based as that of the US/NATO.

CMC = Central Military Commission, ID = Infantry Division, FA = Field Army, older PLA army, pre-1985 reform. GA = Group Army, post 1985 Army organization.

Coy = company, Btn = Battalion, Regt =Regiment, Bgd = brigade, AAA = Anti-Aircraft Artillery. Arty = Artillery, Inf=infantry, AD =Air Defense. SSM (Surface to Surface Missile), ATGM (Anti-Tank Guided Missile), SAM (Surface to Air missile) MR = Military Region, MD = Military District, MRAF =Military Region Air Force.

According to Rick Kamer, the following is a possbile Army Aviation (LH LuHang ) Aircraft number system breakdown:
LH number
Military Regions
Y-8 (May include any transports)

xx1xx Alloutte

xx2xx S-70C

xx3xx Sa-342
Jinan MR
xx4xx Z-11
Chengdu MR
Not noted
Xinjiang MD
xx6xx Not noted
Beijing MR
xx7xx Mi-17/171

Beijing MR
Shenyang MR
Chengdu Military Region
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For long India has been complacent about development of it borders with China thinking that this will help the Chinese to make fast inroads in to India.

A strategy for which we are paying now, Even though what happen was in China's national interests. There are reasons for India to be worried about because for long our forces were happy with the fact the Chinese side had major difficulties of logistic supply across Tibet.

Now they have just overcome one of those major limitations :coffee:
Which can affect us adversely in case of another skirmish ?

We need to develop our border regions and increase mobility of troops to go hand in hand or else we will feel threatened as usual.

This has nothing anti China in it. My comments are purely based on all positive outcomes of the move though not directed against India but can be used against India.
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