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China's Anti India initiatives: Tibet railway transports air combat readiness materia

For long India has been complacent about development of it borders with China thinking that this will help the Chinese to make fast inroads in to India.

A strategy for which we are paying now, Even though what happen was in China's national interests. There are reasons for India to be worried about because for long our forces were happy with the fact the Chinese side had major difficulties of logistic supply across Tibet.

Now they have just overcome one of those major limitations :coffee:
Which can affect us adversely in case of another skirmish ?

We need to develop our border regions and increase mobility of troops to go hand in hand or else we will feel threatened as usual.

This has nothing anti China in it. My comments are purely based on all positive outcomes of the move though not directed against India but can be used against India.

I think you have internalized the persistant myth propagated by Nehruvian apologist, that India let its guard down in the name of friendship and China some how took advantage of this. The Indian thinking goes this is what happened in 1962 and this is what's happening now, so we must act to stop this.

not true and this article will tell you why.

Laying the ghost of the India-China war
By Sultan Shahin
Whatever china is doing on there land is completly OK. But its a border area and no other conuntry will take chance.

This is all part of statergy. So just relax :pop: we dont need to worry. our security forces are very much capable to distroy anyones BACKBONE. Just work hard and provide strengeth to nation. We can screw any one if we have strong, educated and patriotic youth.
I think you have internalized the persistant myth propagated by Nehruvian apologist, that India let its guard down in the name of friendship and China some how took advantage of this. The Indian thinking goes this is what happened in 1962 and this is what's happening now, so we must act to stop this.

not true and this article will tell you why.

Laying the ghost of the India-China war
By Sultan Shahin

This is a better source, and it is by rediff a trusted Indian news site

rediff.com: rediff.com Special: Who was to blame for the 1962 war? Was it India or China who initiated the conflict?

Through the 1950s, that policy generated friction along the borders and so bred and steadily increased distrust, growing into hostility, between the neighbours. By 1958, Beijing was urgently calling for a standstill agreement to prevent patrol clashes and negotiations to agree on boundary alignments. India refused any standstill agreement, since it would be an impediment to intended advances and insisted that there was nothing to negotiate, the Sino-Indian borders being already settled on the alignments claimed by India, through blind historical process. Then it began accusing China of committing 'aggression' by refusing to surrender to Indian claims.

From 1961, the Indian attempt to establish an armed presence in all the territory it claimed and then extrude the Chinese was being exerted by the Army and Beijing was warning that if India did not desist from its expansionist thrust, the Chinese forces would have to hit back. On October 12, 1962, Nehru proclaimed India's intention to drive the Chinese out of areas India claimed. That bravado had by then been forced upon him by public expectations which his charges of 'Chinese aggression' had aroused, but Beijing took it as in effect a declaration of war. The unfortunate Indian troops on the frontline, under orders to sweep superior Chinese forces out of their impregnable, dominating positions, instantly appreciated the implications: 'If Nehru had declared his intention to attack, then the Chinese were not going to wait to be attacked.'
even when china send a trade delegate to its neighbours india will regard it as an anti india initiatives. lol
Think like we are in a defence forum not parliament or stock exchange.Taking cheap shots on what Indians think about Chinese recent moves is very womanly.

There is no harm to think preemptively and to name this thread like we have above. China has done this before and can do it again. India has officially directed its army to prepare for two front war. There must be a reason behind it and those amateurs who are making comments here must study a bit. The golden rule is see toward yourself not others. Don't comment like ******** on what India thinks but try to study about what is coming out of PLA and PA from last 10 years.

All sincere queries are welcome.
Think like we are in a defence forum not parliament or stock exchange.Taking cheap shots on what Indians think about Chinese recent moves is very womanly.

There is no harm to think preemptively and to name this thread like we have above. China has done this before and can do it again. India has officially directed its army to prepare for two front war. There must be a reason behind it and those amateurs who are making comments here must study a bit. The golden rule is see toward yourself not others. Don't comment like ******** on what India thinks but try to study about what is coming out of PLA and PA from last 10 years.

All sincere queries are welcome.

Before opening your big mouth bitching about others taking cheap shot at India, stop turning a blind eye on what your beloved countrymen did,change the title completely to provoke in the first place, naturally hash responses will be the end result.
At the end of the day , no one give a damn what a double standard loser think, as simple as that.:argh:
Honestly i think we indian in recent time become more paranoid about chinese due to war hysteria created by news channels in india for TRP purpose..............................................well on this issue i think every responsible country has a right to takes measures along there side of border which is completely legitimate............................................
I think for 99% of our history sino-indian relation were peaceful i think we need to remove border problem bet. us & i think we 2 have lot of convergence on global issues try to build frendship between two oldest civilisations of the world..................................................................
Honestly i think we indian in recent time become more paranoid about chinese due to war hysteria created by news channels in india for TRP purpose..............................................well on this issue i think every responsible country has a right to takes measures along there side of border which is completely legitimate............................................

I agree India has the right to do what it likes within its own border, but I'll make this point. Wouldn't you feel a bit nervous if your neighbour next door started buying loads of guns and talking about how he doesn't like you much?
I am in no way trying to condone the title of thread i was only implying that China can do anything within its border wrt to its military ...............................................
Indian can also do wat its deem to be fit only keeping one thing in mind that & its for both of them..... that it shouldn't be directly detrimental to other neighbour upto that point every thing is fine........................................
I agree India has the right to do what it likes within its own border, but I'll make this point. Wouldn't you feel a bit nervous if your neighbour next door started buying loads of guns and talking about how he doesn't like you much?

yes exactly n dats wats goin on now at every hook n corner. esp. this part f the world.US n europe is making money by fuelling arms n friction.This shud b resolved sooner,bfr its too late.True its d right fr every nation to secure its boundaries bt its also d right fr one to live peacefully.Truly in favour f a formidable power comprised f all south asian/asian countries n dnt let outsiders interfere in neways.
Well if india can raise china specific mountain divisions,deploy all the frontline fighter aircraft near chinese border,create new airforce bases near chinese border,china have every right to militarily secure their side of border.Portraying such things as "evil" when china does it is pure hypocracy.
Before opening your big mouth bitching about others taking cheap shot at India, stop turning a blind eye on what your beloved countrymen did,change the title completely to provoke in the first place, naturally hash responses will be the end result.
At the end of the day , no one give a damn what a double standard loser think, as simple as that.:argh:

Oh its hurting your big mouth...I recon i have hit the right target.

First learn to say properly what you want to say before crying foul as a victim. My post has nothing to offend anyone but person like you. Stop pretending like a China Internet moon warrior and tell everyone about your previous ID for all us explore your legendary rants on the record.

As for as this thread is concerned you are behaving like a looser who has nothing else to say but ***** about the title of this thread when your own posts and thread are nothing but flames.
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Oh its hurting your big foul mouth...I recon i have hit the right target.

First learn to say properly what you want to say before crying foul as a victim. My post has nothing to offend anyone but person like you. Stop pretending like a China Internet moon warrior and tell everyone about your previous ID for all us explore your legendary rants on the record.

As for as this thread is concerned you are behaving like a looser who has nothing else to say but ***** about the title of this thread when your own posts and thread are nothing but flames.

Look who is talking, tell me one thing in your post thats related to the topic?
Seriously, please be a little civilize on a public forum, anyway who the heck do you think you are to question my identity, is there a proper way to find out from the management?:lol:
On a side note, no offence, what did you have for dinner? may be you should consider something else other than....cos your breath... like...:azn:
PS, how did you finally manage to spell the word Chinese right?:rofl:
I think for 99% of our history sino-indian relation were peaceful i think we need to remove border problem bet. us & i think we 2 have lot of convergence on global issues try to build frendship between two oldest civilisations of the world..................................................................

Border problems were thrust upon us by China. One must not get lost in Chinese propaganda of fallacious allegation on India for forward policy. It is on the record of Indian parliament sessions when JL Nehru was bashed by opposition for not doing anything about Chinese incursions way before so called forward policy. Froward policy was in a response to Chinese encroachment following its Tibet invasion. China attacks weak Tibet and 1962 are typical examples. Indian politics was expecting china to understand our constrains and share the common value of nation born against imperial forces and idiotically expecting that China will be warned against such incursion if India will start patrolling its legal borders. India's only fault was that Nehru trusted on adversary who was already acclimatizing army in mountains and smuggling logistics for its army via very own Indian ports into north east and Tibet. In layman's words backstabbing.

Even if one believe that India was at fault (once) by upsetting China. Then one must ask what the hell they are doing since then against India. 1.recent encroachments {India reacted with military build up}, and now this recent offencive move to consolidate its logistics for future incursions 2.skirmishes on border, 3. bullying local tribes on Indian side of border 4.opposing our loan from ADB, 5.opposing India's bid for permanent seat, 6.nuclear proliferation to Pakistan, 7.poking nose in ***, 8. misuse of veto to protect terrorist organization, 9. creating pressure on its borders when India at war with Pakistan, 10. hopeless role post 26/11 etc etc.

Whereas for last 60 years when we as a union of India never recognised HH Dalia Lama as leader of Tibet, supported their Permanent seat in UN, recognised Tibet as integral part of China, blacked out Tiananmen square massacre in print and national TV, etc.

No one is going to listen to what an ordinary Chinese or a politician has to say about this offencive move of PLA. Cause PLA do not design its policies on civilian perceptions. India's defencive posture demands such discussion and awareness cause we have seen the trend and know the two front war is inevitable (from military body language of both). At present we do not pose any threat to China and we are maintaining the status co. Actually we do not have capacity to go on offencive against china so we are defencive at the fence. However China will continue to blackmail us by creating pressure on our borders and to give breathing space to Pakistan. As every thing is fare in war therefore Chinese on Internet must alight form their hypocritical horse of fake righteousness, to be realistic, cause all PA, InA and PLA men know well about this cat and mouse game but not net jingo........ no bitching around be fair and reasonable......
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