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China's aircraft-carrier

long long ago , when i was a boy ,i heard a lot about LCA and Arjun:partay:.Maybe i need more paatience for indian's product.

wow ,or a nuclear-powered submarine without nuclear driven.:pop:

Yea same i heard about JF-17 that Chinese AF is going to buy 250 numbers , what happen ? did they fall short?

Did i also heard that Chinese combat helicopter flew with civilian version of engine which china asked for civilian helicopter from Canada but when your own engine is failed they used those engine to fly

Well out Arjun is still better then your tanks which guns moves up and down when tanks move, its called standards , even one has different standards of acceptance, if Chinese accepted tanks which cant even fire straight while on the move, it dosent means it got successful. :azn:

if your ask i will put the video also which is came from your webside only ;)
How come India always release information about its weapon system before its completed. This put too much pressure on the people designing and building the system. In US, most projects are designed in secret and only release until the last possible moment. One example of such project is the F-117. In the US, stealth technology is a mature and a 70-80s technology. As a result, any new project using stealth can be publicly declared. As of now, no country can produce weaponry that US can come up with back in the 80s.:usflag: That is because the US manage its information correctly. India, on the other hand, like to boast about its future project. As the future projects encounter problems and delay occurs, India become the butt of jokes. I think India should keep its weapons development info secret and only release in the last possible moment. Even the Chinese are doing that very well.

Delays always happen in US also, see their 5 gen fighter plane program, well some of the US best technology got beaten in WAR, See how their Patorn tanks was destroyed by Indian guns .

After that us stop manufacturing it, they sabers taken out by Indian designed planes.

apart from Arjun it is best tank and even No projectile apart from De pleated Uranium can penetrate its Armour, as proved in test and it also declared best by Army . but due to corrupt people it didnt see a day of light
Congratulations! Building an AR is a very complex and difficult work.
Will India use CATOBAR or STOBAR?

Considering that Naval LCA Tejas will have arrester hook on its tail and is planned to have a more powerful engine for short take offs....I think it will be a STOBAR(Short Take Off But Arrested Recovery).
Enough'f Budget ? what is navy budget by the way? no complete over night but can complete in 5 years.

training Aircraft carrier? or you want to copy the same one into new one, you bought half finished one and couldn't complete till now?, Even Russia which don't have any blue print for aircraft carrier which they making for India able to complete it in these years.

troll,Varyag moved to drydock in 2006..... these things matter before we build a ACG: heavy-duty gas turbine(R0110) ,carrier-based aircraft(j11or J10 AC version) ,large frigate/ destroyer(bigger version of 054a/052c),decent SSN (095),similar Integrated System like Aegis(star of the sea) .these things=$$$ and years of test .without a good defense system , AC will be a cash-burning coffin. the main reason PLA build ACG is to deter U.S intervene in a Taiwan strait crisis
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Considering that Naval LCA Tejas will have arrester hook on its tail and is planned to have a more powerful engine for short take offs....I think it will be a STOBAR(Short Take Off But Arrested Recovery).
It's a good news for LCA.Which AWACS aircraft will the AR take? As I know STOBAR AR is very difficult to take off such big aircraft. In China we all hope our AR made indigenously will be CATOBAR, but I think it is very hard to develop.
troll,Varyag moved to drydock in 2006..... these things matter before we build a ACG: heavy-duty gas turbine(R0110) ,carrier-based aircraft(j11or J10 AC version) ,large frigate/ destroyer(bigger version of 054a/052c),decent SSN (095),similar Integrated System like Aegis(star of the sea) .these things=$$$ and years of test .without a good defense system , ACG will be a cash-burning coffin. the main reason PLA build ACG is to deter U.S intervene in a Taiwan strait crisis

AR can be moved with present independent ships also buddy, So you mean to say India already start building this and about to complete is ahead of China ;)
AR can be moved with present independent ships also buddy, So you mean to say India already start building this and about to complete is ahead of China ;)
China needs to catch up with India!
India already have 1 AC! I hope to see indigenous Chinese AC cruise in the ocean!
An Important Varyag Update
December 17, 2009: For seven years now, China has been tinkering with a half finished Russian aircraft carrier. Obviously, progress has been slow. But there has been steady progress. The latest development is the construction of a radar mast on the carrier. Officially, the Chinese say nothing. But the dockyard workers keep at it.

Earlier this year, China moved its aircraft carrier, the Shi Lang, into dry dock, apparently to install engines and other heavy equipment. A year ago, this ex-Russian aircraft carrier, Varyag, was renamed the Shi Lang (after the Chinese general who took possession of Taiwan in 1681, the first time China ever paid any attention to the island) and given the pennant number 83.

The Chinese have been refurbishing the Varyag, one of the Kuznetsov class that Russia began building in the 1980s, for a long time, with no announcements of what they are up to, or what to expect. However, it appears that the ship could be ready for sea trials in less than a year. Maybe. No one is sure exactly what plans the Chinese have for the Shi Lang, although work has been going on for years. Currently, it's widely believed that the carrier will eventually be used to train the first generation of Chinese carrier aviators and sailors. Or maybe not. No one who really knows anything about the plans for the Shi Lang, is speaking up. All is observation (from a distance, but good pix are numerous) and speculation.

The Varyag has been in a Chinese shipyard at Dailan since 2002. While the ship is under guard, it can be seen from a nearby highway. From that vantage point, local military and naval buffs have noted the work being done on the ship. Few visible signs of this work are visible; like a new paint job (in the gray shade used by the Chinese navy) and ongoing work on the superstructure (particularly the tall island on the flight deck.) Many workers can be seen on the ship, and material is seen going into (new stuff) and out of (old stuff) the ship. Shipyard workers report ever tighter security on the carriers, and stern instructions to workers to not report details of what is happening on the carriers.

Originally the Kuznetsovs were to be 90,000 ton, nuclear powered ships, similar to American carriers (complete with steam catapults). Instead, because of the high cost, and the complexity of modern (American style) carriers, the Russians were forced to scale back their plans, and ended up with the 65,000 ton (full load ) ships that lacked steam catapults, and used a ski jump type flight deck instead. Nuclear power was dropped, but the Kuznetsov class was still a formidable design. The thousand foot long carrier normally carries a dozen navalized Su-27s (called Su-33s), 14 Ka-27PL anti-submarine helicopters, two electronic warfare helicopters and two search and rescue helicopters. But the ship can carry up to 36 Su-33s and sixteen helicopters. The ship carries 2,500 tons of aviation fuel, allowing it to generate 500-1,000 aircraft and helicopter sorties. Crew size is 2,500 (or 3,000 with a full aircraft load.) Only two ships of this class exist; the original Kuznetsov, which is in Russian service, and the Varyag.

The Chinese have been in touch with Russian naval construction firms, and may have purchased plans and technology for equipment installed in the Kuznetsov. Some Chinese leaders have quipped about having a carrier by 2010 (this would have to be a refurbished Varyag). Even that would be an ambitious schedule, and the Chinese have been burned before when they tried to build new military technology in a hurry.

Late last year, China announced that its first class of carrier aviators had begun training at the Dalian Naval Academy. The naval officers will undergo a four year course of instruction to turn them into fighter pilots capable of operating off a carrier. China already has an airfield, in the shape of a carrier deck, built at an inland facility. The Russians have warned China that it may take them a decade or more to develop the knowledge and skills needed to efficiently run an aircraft carrier. The Chinese are game, and are slogging forward.
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An Important Varyag Update
December 17, 2009: For seven years now, China has been tinkering with a half finished Russian aircraft carrier. Obviously, progress has been slow. But there has been steady progress. The latest development is the construction of a radar mast on the carrier. Officially, the Chinese say nothing. But the dockyard workers keep at it.

Earlier this year, China moved its aircraft carrier, the Shi Lang, into dry dock, apparently to install engines and other heavy equipment. A year ago, this ex-Russian aircraft carrier, Varyag, was renamed the Shi Lang (after the Chinese general who took possession of Taiwan in 1681, the first time China ever paid any attention to the island) and given the pennant number 83.

The Chinese have been refurbishing the Varyag, one of the Kuznetsov class that Russia began building in the 1980s, for a long time, with no announcements of what they are up to, or what to expect. However, it appears that the ship could be ready for sea trials in less than a year. Maybe. No one is sure exactly what plans the Chinese have for the Shi Lang, although work has been going on for years. Currently, it's widely believed that the carrier will eventually be used to train the first generation of Chinese carrier aviators and sailors. Or maybe not. No one who really knows anything about the plans for the Shi Lang, is speaking up. All is observation (from a distance, but good pix are numerous) and speculation.

The Varyag has been in a Chinese shipyard at Dailan since 2002. While the ship is under guard, it can be seen from a nearby highway. From that vantage point, local military and naval buffs have noted the work being done on the ship. Few visible signs of this work are visible; like a new paint job (in the gray shade used by the Chinese navy) and ongoing work on the superstructure (particularly the tall island on the flight deck.) Many workers can be seen on the ship, and material is seen going into (new stuff) and out of (old stuff) the ship. Shipyard workers report ever tighter security on the carriers, and stern instructions to workers to not report details of what is happening on the carriers.

Originally the Kuznetsovs were to be 90,000 ton, nuclear powered ships, similar to American carriers (complete with steam catapults). Instead, because of the high cost, and the complexity of modern (American style) carriers, the Russians were forced to scale back their plans, and ended up with the 65,000 ton (full load ) ships that lacked steam catapults, and used a ski jump type flight deck instead. Nuclear power was dropped, but the Kuznetsov class was still a formidable design. The thousand foot long carrier normally carries a dozen navalized Su-27s (called Su-33s), 14 Ka-27PL anti-submarine helicopters, two electronic warfare helicopters and two search and rescue helicopters. But the ship can carry up to 36 Su-33s and sixteen helicopters. The ship carries 2,500 tons of aviation fuel, allowing it to generate 500-1,000 aircraft and helicopter sorties. Crew size is 2,500 (or 3,000 with a full aircraft load.) Only two ships of this class exist; the original Kuznetsov, which is in Russian service, and the Varyag.

The Chinese have been in touch with Russian naval construction firms, and may have purchased plans and technology for equipment installed in the Kuznetsov. Some Chinese leaders have quipped about having a carrier by 2010 (this would have to be a refurbished Varyag). Even that would be an ambitious schedule, and the Chinese have been burned before when they tried to build new military technology in a hurry.

Late last year, China announced that its first class of carrier aviators had begun training at the Dalian Naval Academy. The naval officers will undergo a four year course of instruction to turn them into fighter pilots capable of operating off a carrier. China already has an airfield, in the shape of a carrier deck, built at an inland facility. The Russians have warned China that it may take them a decade or more to develop the knowledge and skills needed to efficiently run an aircraft carrier. The Chinese are game, and are slogging forward.

is there a link?
Agni-5, India's latest long-range nuclear-capable missile under development, can target China's northernmost city of Harbin, a leading Chinese newspaper has claimed amid a slew of strident anti-India articles over the status of Arunachal Pradesh.

Reacting strongly to the Chinese objection to Singh's visit, India said the comments were disappointing as the state is an inalienable part of the country and such remarks do "not help" the process of talks on boundary issue.
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