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China’s ‘aircraft-carrier killer’ missiles successfully hit target ship in South China Sea, PLA insider reveals

We remember everything. Your paper missile is tested for first time after years of hype. Your technology is for third world country which has no access to other European or American technologies.
Jealous indians everywhere, sad sad sad delusional people indeed. But i don't blame you poor lots, you are living in the world's biggest cesspit and probably will remains a cesspit for the many years to come. Your infrastructure is literally third world, your people are so poor that you have to rely on cow piss for water source, your military? Uhh don't get me started, Pakistan can crash you hindus anytime and send you back to your delusional land.
Chinese Commercial Satellite, even can Live Tracking Moving Airplanes with all their speed and movement 8-)

And according to our indian troller, China still cannot tracking a big and slow Aircraft Carrier :rofl:

Just see how China from a moving space satellite tracked and focus and kept in the center of focus a moving rocket after launch of rocket. Can we agree that a moving rocket will be much much faster than a moving airplane?

Can the aircraft carrier move faster than that airplane or speeding rocket?

That same kind of information can be relayed onto DF21D DF26B as to where the carrier is and heading to.

Enough information to hit the medulla oblongata of that carrier.

And do not think 1 DF26B got one warhead only.
Remember the throw weight of DF26B is 1,800 kg, and half of that for DF21D.
A 100 kg of anything coming down at Mach 10 to Mach 15 will be very very bad news for anything that it hit.

It might amuse you all to know not only are there 300++ DF21Ds and DF26Bs.

There is a strong possibility that those are MIRVED. To maximise the chances of your brave sailors you send will remain forever young.

Do take a look at this video of DF26. On top of those 300++ numbers of DFs, DF26 appeared to be MIRVED as well.

And for all you guess, DF21Ds might well be MIRVED as well.

And even if not MIRVED, there are still 300++ of them. You hope, or think, everyone of them will miss? And same for the 3000++ Mach 3 AShMs?

USA ships and planes not going to have any bases west of Pearl Harbour once the shooting start.
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From Washington Post Dec. 13,

"Adm. Philip Davidson, who is nearing the end of his tour as the head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, has been warning about the changing military balance in Asia throughout his tenure. But his warnings have often fallen on deaf ears in a Washington mired in partisanship and dysfunction. The Trump administration talked a big game about meeting the challenge of China’s military encroachment, but Davidson’s calls for substantially more investment to restore the regional balance that has deterred Beijing for decades have gone largely unanswered.

China’s military has moved well past a strategy of simply defending its territory and is now modernizing with the objective of being able to operate and even fight far from its shores, Davidson told me in an interview conducted last month for the 2020 Halifax International Security Forum. Under President Xi Jinping, Davidson said, China has built advanced weapons systems, platforms and rocket forces that have altered the strategic environment in ways the United States has not sufficiently responded to.

“We are seeing great advances in their modernization efforts,” he said. “China will test more missiles, conventional and nuclear associated missiles this year than every other nation added together on the planet. So that gives you an idea of the scale of how these things are changing.”

Davidson confirmed, for the first time from the U.S. government side, that China’s People’s Liberation Army has successfully tested an anti-ship ballistic missile against a moving ship. This was done as part of the PLA’s massive joint military exercises, which have been ongoing since the summer. These are often called “aircraft carrier killer” missiles, because they could threaten the United States’ most significant naval assets from long distances.

“It’s an indication that they continue to advance their capability. We’ve known for years they’ve been in pursuit of a capability that could attack moving targets,” Davidson said. I asked him whether they are designed to target U.S. aircraft carriers. “Trust me, they are targeting everything,” he replied."

Been thinking about this for months. The only thing that would work are nuclear warhead torpedoes. Launch them from tubes 40km out to sea, they are in the water until they hit land and detonate. Any air launched ballistic missile is not going to hit the target. Too many threats in the air.

Also launch a flurry of dumb missiles from subs, a select few are nuclear.

China ain't gonna make these. US would make these before China. China's innovation is low.
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