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China’s ‘aircraft-carrier killer’ missiles successfully hit target ship in South China Sea, PLA insider reveals

This is the first news of successful test of this missile which is hyped for more than a decades if the news has any official backing.
Like what would you know.
US has 1.2x higher GDP while China has 2x higher patents:

"China will be absolutely crushed by the US, it is not even close"

China has 5x higher GDP and 30x higher patents than India.

"GDP and tech doesn't mean everything, Indians have martial spirit"
The bendians have GAO muttar to drink. It gives them wings
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DF21 tested very well already in 2010
The target was Yuan Wang 4.

Fitted out with radar reflectors as YuanWang4 was 12,000 tons to give image size of 100,000 tons, like that of Murican carrier.


Even so , shot hitting YuanWang 4 was the equivalent of a hit on medulla oblongata on moving target from 1000 km away. Yuanwang 4 was one tenth the size of Murican carrier.

To announce the test was too provocating. So China kept quiet about the test and after the test.

China not like Murican who like to boast of their artillery and MLRS accuracy and power in pdf and everywhere when China dwarfed what Muricans got in accuracy , the bang, the reach, and numbers.

The chinese did not announce this DF21 test. They did not have to.

But they knew Murica was watching via their satellite , and knew especially when Murica searching frantically for the path of YuanWang 4 and records of YW 4.

And so was the Russians watching too. The Russians laughed and gloated Murica was taught a lesson by China in that test.

Murica, true to themselves and the lies that they spewed, never admitted that this test took place. And went around declaring the only evidence was that shot in Western Desert of China which was not moving.

China never announced this either. This was picked up by a very sharp eye Argentinian watcher on Google Earth in 2013. That might not even be when those shots were fired.

Google Earth image published at SAORBOATS Argentinian internet forum



Murica can deny that no longer.

But we all knew that.

That was in 2010.

You bet in 2020, China got even more accurate with all her missiles and tracking.

Can even do a root canal job with DF21D DF26B on Murican Admiral sitting in the office of his base in Japan with then millimeter accuracy of Beidou 3. But the Admiral must not move or root canal job be done on wrong tooth. And that be very sad.


So any time Murica continue on with their phony FONOPs in South China Sea , they do so with the grace of China.

And China got the following as well as the DF21D and DF26B

Note the DF100s antiship missiles . Revealed only in Oct 2019. Mach 5 and range of 1000 km.



China got 3000++ of Mach 3s YJ-12 and YJ18 to throw against the 11 carriers USA want to bring to their self declared FONOP.
Or at least 300++ Mach 3s on each carrier group.
Assuming only 20 % of those will hit. So be assured that at least 10 missiles will hit the carrier and not just 1 missile.
And not just the warhead, there will be 2–3 tons of missiles coming behind the warhead at Mach 3 tearing into the bulkheads and ordnance and aviation fuel and the poor men and women in the carrier. Those 2–3 tons of missile body will be tearing in the bulkheads faster and more deadly then APFSDS. Andf carrying its own unburned fuel to add to the fun.
Even steel will burn when hit with hell fire and tons of steel and debris coming in at Mach 3. The aviation fuel, and paint on walls, the bombs and ordnance will all cook off and add to the huge huge fire inside the carrier. Regardless if carrier under Condition Zebra or Donkey or Jackass.
The brave sailors in those carriers will not care or worry and be happy that their carrier not sinking. And only burning and burning from one end to the other end.


Isnt it better to live in peace , smell roses and wine dine with your wife or GF and play with your kids instead?

So please be nice and respectful and no phony FONOPs or claiming of China territories that not yours to begin with.

Or have the war that you yearning for. :enjoy:
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Why do you hurt the hearts of Indians?
Pdf was down yesterday, so to get my fix I crossed the border in to bendian defence.
I've never read so much codswallop in my whole life.
The bendian mindset revolves around maligning Pakistan and it's people.
The bendian forgets the lack of toilets and the open defecation in the street but has made its mind up that it had won a war against China and Pakistan jointly
The obvious response of a carrier being sunk would be that all sea trade between China and other countries would be stopped.
China does not have the Navy to protect its trade.
The obvious response of a carrier being sunk would be that all sea trade between China and other countries would be stopped.
China does not have the Navy to protect its trade.
To be fair though, the Chinese are engaging in a massive naval buildup. If their ambition of 10 carriers by 2035 is realized, then they will arguably dominate the Indian Ocean and eastern Pacific unless the US responds in kind (i.e. shifting even more forces to the Pacific and engaging in its own buildup). By then, they will most likely be toe to toe with the US Navy in a global presence.
To be fair though, the Chinese are engaging in a massive naval buildup. If their ambition of 10 carriers by 2035 is realized, then they will arguably dominate the Indian Ocean and eastern Pacific unless the US responds in kind (i.e. shifting even more forces to the Pacific and engaging in its own buildup). By then, they will most likely be toe to toe with the US Navy in a global presence.

Need to rapidly increase Type 055 cruiser and Type 095 SSN production. It’s time to pump out the heavyweight assets as quickly as possible.
We remember everything. Your paper missile is tested for first time after years of hype. Your technology is for third world country which has no access to other European or American technologies.
Confirmed and tested are two different things, we may have tested it quietly for 15 years and only reveal it recently. Unlike Indians who brag 20 years in advance and in the end, get shit stuff like nirbhay and insas we Chinese do deliver our plan.
This is Chinese missile so it must be minimum 300 to 500 meter.
No no, our millimeter accuracy beidou is fake, no worries bhai. Its all fake. All is good and happy, now do a Bollywood dance. Lol

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