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China’s ‘aircraft-carrier killer’ missiles successfully hit target ship in South China Sea, PLA insider reveals

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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China’s ‘aircraft-carrier killer’ missiles successfully hit target ship in South China Sea, PLA insider reveals
  • DF-26B and DF-21D missiles launched in August struck moving vessel close to Paracel Islands, former senior colonel Wang Xiangsui says
  • ‘This is a warning to the US, asking it not to take any military risk,’ he says
Kristin Huang
Kristin Huang

Published: 7:00am, 14 Nov, 2020

Military vehicles carrying DF-26 ballistic missiles take part in a parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Beijing. Photo: Reuters

Military vehicles carrying DF-26 ballistic missiles take part in a parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Beijing. Photo: Reuters

The two “aircraft-carrier killer” missiles that China launched in August travelled thousands of kilometres and hit their designated target, a moving ship, near the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea, according to a Chinese military expert.

This is the first time the Chinese side has revealed details of the missile launches, which were first reported by the South China Morning Post in August. The news was later confirmed by the US military.

After the launches it was reported that the missiles fell into the South China Sea, but Wang Xiangsui, a former senior colonel who now works as a professor at Beihang University in Beijing, said they hit a ship, their intended target.

This is the first news of successful test of this missile which is hyped for more than a decades if the news has any official backing.
Chinese demonstrate their peaceful rise by firing missiles close to Vietnam coastal cities. But hey they only want to scare Donald Trump.
This is the first news of successful test of this missile which is hyped for more than a decades if the news has any official backing.
Please convince the U.S. Department of Defense, because they don't think this is propaganda.
This is the first news of successful test of this missile which is hyped for more than a decades if the news has any official backing.
We remember everything. Your paper missile is tested for first time after years of hype. Your technology is for third world country which has no access to other European or American technologies.
Chinese demonstrate their peaceful rise by firing missiles close to Vietnam coastal cities. But hey they only want to scare Donald Trump.
Apparently, CEP of this missile is 100+m.
This is Chinese missile so it must be minimum 300 to 500 meter.

This is Chinese missile so it must be minimum 300 to 500 meter.
U r the embodiment of "all iz well".

Any nation worth its salt takes the enemy seriously...bcuz they want to prepare for any and all scenarios. Take US for example...which has been a world superpower for decades now...and will continue to be for the foreseeable future...
...still they carefully consider the threat posed by China which could challenge them even though it doesn't yet match US...
...and even Iran and North Korea...all these threats are realistically considered...and war gamed

...then there is ppl like u...who just pass on one liners just so u can sleep easy. Ignorance is truly bliss.
U r the embodiment of "all iz well".

Any nation worth its salt takes the enemy seriously...bcuz they want to prepare for any and all scenarios. Take US for example...which has been a world superpower for decades now...and will continue to be for the foreseeable future...
...still they carefully consider the threat posed by China which could challenge them even though it doesn't yet match US...
...and even Iran and North Korea...all these threats are realistically considered...and war gamed

...then there is ppl like u...who just pass on one liners just so u can sleep easy. Ignorance is truly bliss.
all is well, why bother.
don't know why people keep on arguing about it, is this even a big deal for today's China? DF-21D and DF-26 is some decade old tech.
U r the embodiment of "all iz well".

Any nation worth its salt takes the enemy seriously...bcuz they want to prepare for any and all scenarios. Take US for example...which has been a world superpower for decades now...and will continue to be for the foreseeable future...
...still they carefully consider the threat posed by China which could challenge them even though it doesn't yet match US...
...and even Iran and North Korea...all these threats are realistically considered...and war gamed

...then there is ppl like u...who just pass on one liners just so u can sleep easy. Ignorance is truly bliss.

US has 1.2x higher GDP while China has 2x higher patents:

"China will be absolutely crushed by the US, it is not even close"

China has 5x higher GDP and 30x higher patents than India.

"GDP and tech doesn't mean everything, Indians have martial spirit"
This is the first news of successful test of this missile which is hyped for more than a decades if the news has any official backing.
Now its clear for you, they took a decade to correct the the system, no what you have to counter this threat, BARAK-8 or AAD or PAAD???
We remember everything. Your paper missile is tested for first time after years of hype. Your technology is for third world country which has no access to other European or American technologies.
just like your MAHAN RAPTOR OF THE EAST MKI can detect J-20 at long ranges, and J-20 can't detect your MAHAN MKI even more range than MKI detect J-20, and detection is the first procedure of an engagement, first you detect than continuously able to track and than able to engage, and in those term J-20 has a upper hand to destroy or at least abort its mission, because your MKI is not stealth jet
Apparently, CEP of this missile is 100+m.
And how do you know???
This is Chinese missile so it must be minimum 300 to 500 meter.
yeah yeah, and your Missiles have CEP of 0 meter

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