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China won, but never wanted, Sino-Indian war

Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Sino-Indian War (Hindi: भारत-चीन युद्ध Bhārat-Chīn Yuddh), also known as the Sino-Indian Border Conflict (simplified Chinese: 中印边境战争), was a war between China and India that occurred in 1962. A disputed Himalayan border was the main pretext for war, but other issues played a role. There had been a series of violent border incidents after the 1959 Tibetan uprising, when India had granted asylum to the Dalai Lama. India initiated a Forward Policy in which it placed outposts along the border, including several north of the McMahon Line, the eastern portion of a Line of Actual Control proclaimed by Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in 1959.

Unable to reach political accommodation on disputed territory along the 3,225-kilometer-long Himalayan border,[7] the Chinese launched simultaneous offensives in Ladakh and across the McMahon Line on 20 October 1962, coinciding with the Cuban Missile Crisis. Chinese troops advanced over Indian forces in both theatres, capturing Rezang la in Chushul in the western theatre, as well as Tawang in the eastern theatre. The war ended when the Chinese declared a ceasefire on 20 November 1962, and simultaneously announced its withdrawal from the disputed area.
trolling starts. lets accept facts here. lets honor the dead in 1962. THEY fougt because we dont have to fight again and learn the mistakes on both the sides.
but even after 50 years bosting about the ration of how many INDIAN soldier died vs how many CHINESE soldiers died is utter rediculus and is a shame that we do to our soldiers.

I agree, always a pleasure to read your posts.
Of course China never wanted the war.

We were in the middle of the worst famine in Chinese history (1959-1961). And at that point we were also the sworn enemy of BOTH the superpowers, the USA and the USSR, who had us surrounded on all sides by their allies and proxies.

And the above two points were of course, the reason why Nehru refused to negotiate with us, and instead carried out his Forward Policy against us.

India saw a China that was collapsing from starvation and unrest, and surrounded by both the superpowers... and decided to seize the opportunity.
Revisiting the Sino-Indian War of 1962
Revisiting the Sino-Indian War of 1962 | Hidden Harmonies China Blog

It is often claimed in the general media in both the west and in India that the war of 62 was started after China “invaded” or “attacked” India. There are many examples of this and it is rare to unheard of to see a mass media article about the war or anything in mentioning it in passing that doesn’t explicitly or implicitly imply that the war was China’s fault.

The facts suggest otherwise.

The war was started after India invaded both disputed and then undisputed Chinese territories. The areas that are under dispute are rather large, roughly 47,000 square miles. But because there are little natural resources in these regions and only one region, namely, Aksai Chin, has some limited strategic value for the Chinese, China was willing to negotiate with India a border settlement. China’s relationship with its neighbor was too valuable to let a border issue devolve into acrimonious or worse situations despite the fact that India’s claim on both regions seem to be based wholly on forged British imperialist evidence (maps, etc).

In 1961, the task of implementing Indian claims was taken over by the army as a strategic “foward policy” which by steadily infiltrating and progressively dominating territory claimed by China, would ultimately make it untenable for the Chinese and induce their withdrawal—a hare-brained scheme born of Gandhian “non-violence” mated with amateurish militarism. (Maxwell)

Nehru was likely influenced by the many hawkish members of his government, the Indian media and Indian society at large to “get tough” on China.

Many Indians must have questioned India’s actions…, north of the McMahon line (and Nehru’s orders to push the Chinese back even further); pushing military force past India’s claimed boundary clearly made India the aggressor in this and some subsequent clashes. Much of the more serious fighting…was not in areas which both China and India claimed, but in areas…where China had a legitimate claim or where India had pushed be
guess chinese trolls ve lost all other debates in other threads hence resorting again back to their only and densly propogated 62 victory....literally...chinese are the biggest and worst trolls...they are as cheap as their products! a$$holes!!
Summary of the war:

War Files: Sino-Indian War (1962)

Sino-Indian War (1962)--A short war between India and China in 1962 over their disputed border.

The Sino-Indian War Began: October 20, 1962

TheSino-Indian War Ended: November 21, 1962

The Sino-Indian War Was Fought Between: China vs. India

Location of the Sino-Indian War: China and India fought along the entire length of their common border.

The Sino-Indian War Resulted In: Chinese victory

The Length of the Sino-Indian War: One Month

Sino-Indian War Casualties:

Indian Military Casualties: 1,383 Killed; 1,047 Wounded ; 1,696 Missing; 3,968 Captured

Chinese Military Casualties: 722 Killed; 1,697 Wounded

I dont know how many soldiers were involved in both sides, anybody know a reliable site has those info?
''China also carefully treated Indian prisoners of war. Injured Indian soldiers were given proper medical treatment and were sent back to their homeland. Chinese soldiers were even ordered by their commander to polish seized Indian weapons and return them back to the Indian army. This was unprecedented.''

the Indians that gave up were treated well, they were feed, their weapons cleaned and no harm was done.





^^^ no it wasn't fought along the whole border, just in a few isolated outposts

and btw, who cares what happened 50 years ago:rolleyes: Today is a new day, and Co operation is the way forward now.............let us set aside our differences and and act like the ancient, mature civilisations that we are. Together we can bring back the glory of having the most rich and powerful countries, that for a long time was the East's, until West overtook us.............:enjoy:
Together none can stop us.......:)

@ Hu Songshan Why aren't I able to thank you man??:undecided:
It was from India media Radiff:

The Rediff Special/ Dr Gregory Clark
rediff.com - Oct 24, 2002

Remembering a War - The 1962 India-China Conflict

Even more disturbing was New Delhi's demand that China evacuate the entire territory before there could be serious border talks.

In short, it was obvious that Beijing was preparing for a very reasonable compromise settlement to the frontier dispute, namely giving up the NEFA claim in exchange for India accepting China's Aksai Chin claim.

At the time the details of how India had co-operated with the CIA in helping foment the 1959 Tibetan uprising were not known. But Beijing was already providing good evidence of Indian involvement. In short, and even without looking at the facts on the ground, it was very likely that New Delhi, not Beijing, was instigating border tension.

A key piece of evidence showing that Beijing was not trying to be aggressive along the border was the so-called Tibetan Documents --- material captured from a Chinese frontier post in mid-1962 and smuggled out to the West via Washington. Careful reading of the documents made it clear that Beijing was very concerned about Indian policies over Tibet, and warned Chinese officials constantly about the danger of Indian provocations.

In other words, China was clearly on the defensive. But none of the people around me at the time seemed very interested in this kind of reliable inside evidence of Chinese thinking. They had already decided that Beijing was aggressive, and that was that.

When serious fighting broke out on October 20 as Chinese troops moved south across the Thag La Ridge area following Nehru's October 12 order to have Indian troops occupy the Dho La Strip territory, I made it my job immediately to check where the disputed Dho La Strip territory was actually located. Extremely detailed and seemingly objective material coming out of Beijing, including copies of the original McMahon Line agreement, complete with maps, seemed to confirm that both the Dho La Strip and the Thag La Ridge were indeed north of where the McMahon Line was supposed to be. In which case, India was clearly the aggressor.
^^^ no it wasn't fought along the whole border, just in a few isolated outposts

and btw, who cares what happened 50 years ago:rolleyes: Today is a new day, and Co operation is the way forward now.............let us set aside our differences and and act like the ancient, mature civilisations that we are. Together we can bring back the glory of having the most rich and powerful countries, that for a long time was the East's, until West overtook us.............:enjoy:
Together none can stop us.......:)

@ Hu Songshan Why aren't I able to thank you man??:undecided:

Yes I agree 1962 has been fought it's the past important thing right now is the the present and future. :enjoy:
It seems chinese have better memory of 62 conflict with India but guess purposely avoiding what was done to them by Japanese...what a shameless ppl are these!!

shame to shameless people dont admit the facts. hate people lie.
^^^ no it wasn't fought along the whole border, just in a few isolated outposts

and btw, who cares what happened 50 years ago:rolleyes: Today is a new day, and Co operation is the way forward now.............let us set aside our differences and and act like the ancient, mature civilisations that we are. Together we can bring back the glory of having the most rich and powerful countries, that for a long time was the East's, until West overtook us.............:enjoy:
Together none can stop us.......:)

@ Hu Songshan Why aren't I able to thank you man??:undecided:

The highlighted item - you know the tangible loss - India lost to China. do you know the intangible loss? It is way greater. India was a power though not proven one till 1962 and US/USSR were wooing India with offers about SC seat. They stopped recognizing India as a major power and starting treating India as another third world country. Pakistan, who were more worried about China, wanted a treaty with India(I posted the link in another posting of mine) as Pakistan was leaning towards west at that point. Pakistan went and signed a treaty with China post-1962 and that treaty is the biggest threat for India securitywise.

Coming back to the present, India is trying to grow up economically and also grow its military strength and go back to the pre 1962 days when the world powers courted India but this time the poverty will not be there in India if the poverty reduction program is on target. Is China ready to accept another center of power in Asia along with herself down the road? If China is prepared and is not doing anything on the contrary then let India set aside the past and go for cooperation. As a first, China need to clarify what it is doing in Srilanka, Coco islands of Myanmar, Nepal and in Kashmir.

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