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China wary of India's rise: Pentagon

strange for you to defend Pakistan all the time ?

I don't defend it...but I think his quotes about making a bomb...was not very good...hence I told him to calm his nerves.
Will Durrant's : The Story of Civilization, A Pulitzer Prize winning series gives a well researched account on Indic Civilizations and a whole book dedicated to "Bharata", unless you discredit that too. (but guy's an American not a Brit though so i hope source is reliable) :azn:


@Abu well I couldn't care less, even if he was descended from Martians
my advice to Chinese friends would be to sign a free trade agreement with the hindustanys.

At the end of the 2010, the trade deficit between PRC and hindustan will reach $20 billion; China enjoys a good penetration and good patronage by indian :)
I hope you know understand that most of Pakistan's identity is based on "Not India" and they'll try every miserable effort to prove it

Pakhtuns have about as much to do with hindustan as a Belarussian does with papua new guinea

we are not you or your people and never have been.... Move on though, and quit bringing up the same thing over and over.
I agree with first part of your post and for the second part,
Dude, we don't deny.. Historically, we are your Ancestors!!!
(now don't take it in a negative sense).

I was sometimes told that Pakistan was years behind India, but I never realized it was so far back. :cheers:

Btw Ancestors and the following generations belong to the same civilization.

I've never had ancestors from hindustan, never had any old kin who remotely had anything to do with hindustan. I'm relieved about that.
damn proud of that fact!

So you must be pretty worried and Ashamed of your brethren who migrated from India to Pakistan??

Whatever work of mixing civilization was incomplete - these men would have surely accomplished by mixing Hindustani blood with the hardcore Pakistani one.

Your future Generation will be surely denied of this pride.
Not sure whether this is one more propaganda by US to keep India & China away each other. West and US will be the biggest benefitor for any escalations between China & India, as none will be able to stand up against West & US for a century even if there is a small conflict between.
I have lived all across China for my whole life, and I have never seen such ultra-nationalism like I do on internet forums.

Believe it or not, but most Chinese people are down-to-Earth and greatly respectful of other cultures.

I'm sure you will see this for yourself when you visit. :cheers:

Please don't pay attention to ultra-nationalists on internet forums, they aren't representative of our people.

i'd like you to stop "representing" others. please speak for only yourself. labeling anyone that disagrees with you as an ultra nationalist is a dangerous form of thinking, after all hitler, stalin and the taliban use similar tactics.
On to a more serious issue...I don't think either China or India are wary of eachother....I mean they have great trade links...and that will only expand in the future....so there is no reason for them to be cautious of one another.

Dont change your behavior,Brits look good in their normal ignorant and crying way,you people suck in the present scenario:tdown:
IANS | Washington : China remains concerned about strategic ramifications of India's rising economic, political, and military power even as it quickly modernises its own military, according to a new US defence department report.

My God, Pentagon again~~
Pentagon appears most eager for the Indian to take on the Chinese - but do most Indians share the Pentagon's enthusiasm for confrontation - it does not appear so.
i do, because i recognize them as my countrymen as much as the ''next man'' inside the country....I was just stating that I (*personally*) dont have any ancestors who hailed from hindustan, and I'm happy about it. I am very adament to having people claim that my ancestors were ''indian'' and I would take offence to it.

In Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, people of all provinces come for business and other reasons. Therefore integration in my eyes is never a problem.

in fact, I feel real patriotism is shown also by people (economically well off, and not so well off alike) who migrated because of creation of Pakistan ---the physical land, the idea itself.

to me its a beautiful thing

p.s. on a side note, i feel luckily we have Urdu as national language; but that is a whole other subject and we have deviated considerably from topic
i'd like you to stop "representing" others. please speak for only yourself. labeling anyone that disagrees with you as an ultra nationalist is a dangerous form of thinking, after all hitler, stalin and the taliban use similar tactics.

Hey, this is my opinion. If you don't like it, then don't read it.

I never claimed to represent the political opinion of ALL Chinese. In fact I agreed with Cardsharp that my opinions are slightly more "liberal" than the average.

The simple fact is, the average Chinese person on the street does not have a "problem" with India at all.

Why would they? Most people don't even care about politics.

P.S. Hitler WAS an ultra-nationalist. He didn't label his enemies as ultra-nationalists, he labeled his enemies as communists.
I welcome the rise of India. :cheers:

Mutual prosperity will lead to peace and stability in Asia.

It's not a zero-sum game, we can all benefit from this. The future will be built on cooperation, not on conflict.
Unfortunately, the future will be a future of conflict. Why? Because the U.S. only understands the language of power and confrontation and domination. In western culture the concept of cooperation and mutually beneficial friendship doesn't exist. They believe that the one who is stronger has the right to dominate others. Do you think that the U.S. will allow friendly cooperation between China and India? Forget it. They will use India against China as much as they can in order to weaken China (to prevent China from being able to challenge U.S. domination). The U.S. is currently encircling China.

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