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China warns US on Asia military strategy

I know some Indians may disagree cos of Indian border disputes etc with China but on the whole I think Chinese seem more peaceful and less war hungry than Americans

---------- Post added at 07:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:41 PM ----------

Oh stop going to the nth degree to support your local team?? what you a cheerleader for Americans?? Whichever way you want to look at it Chinese fund American deficit

Bro calling me a american cheerleader, open your eyes and ears wide how different are your thoughts different than mine, in fact we Indians don't have anything much to do with the US of A where as at the moment your only friend is China you calling me a Cheerleader what an epic.
LOL at the indians dancing like monkeys. Our warning come with killings too, remember? China already killed some Tibetan border patrol a few months ago.

When we warn the US, we are not joking around. We already have many plans for lots of killing but are waiting for the right time.
Getting back on topic guys I think the Chinese have far more influence on Americans than Americans dare admit publicly. When push comes to shove guys you have to listen to your bank manager when in debt. Remember Clinton called China their banker in the past
so much for peaceful rise...

It's peaceful until a war starts ;)

---------- Post added at 04:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 AM ----------

LOL at the indians dancing like monkeys. Our warning come with killings too, remember? China already killed some Tibetan border patrol a few months ago.

When we warn the US, we are not joking around. We already have many plans for lots of killing but are waiting for the right time.

I'm not aware of any such plans unless it's to kill Corrupt officials or Criminals to purge our society I'm all for it.
LOL at the indians dancing like monkeys. Our warning come with killings too, remember? China already killed some Tibetan border patrol a few months ago.

When we warn the US, we are not joking around. We already have many plans for lots of killing but are waiting for the right time.

When it's the USA there is noting to joke about, our leaders can understand that now and forge stronger Ties with Other countries and Bulk the PLA and China up.
Good work china , very realistic warning , China is indeed military and economic world super power. USA future is not so good because of economic issue where as china is doing very.
Thousands of troops are expected to be axed over the next decade under the far-reaching defence review.

Expect suicide rates in US army to hit new highs ... There ai'nt not enough jobs anymore ...

another warning:lol:

Bit off topic but are you comparing it to the way Indian govt warns Pakistan about attacks on its soil but then does nothing lol

---------- Post added at 09:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 PM ----------

Expect suicide rates in US army to hit new highs ... There ai'nt not enough jobs anymore ...

What do you mean expect yaar they already are

Soldiers and suicide | Chris Miller | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Thirty-two American soldiers committed suicide this July, the highest number since the Army started releasing monthly figures. That is one soldier per day, and one more than died in the recent helicopter attack that killed 31 American troops, including more than 20 Navy Seals. The annual number of suicides in the Marine Corps, which doesn't release monthly figures, is on pace with the Army. These figures do not include the suicide rate among veterans, which averages 18 per day.
The title of thread is misleading, the article came from an editorial on Xinhua, and it didn't actually warn US, they merely expressed concern about rising militarization.
The title of thread is misleading, the article came from an editorial on Xinhua, and it didn't actually warn US, they merely expressed concern about rising militarization.

We should listen to the concerns.
Getting back on topic guys I think the Chinese have far more influence on Americans than Americans dare admit publicly. When push comes to shove guys you have to listen to your bank manager when in debt. Remember Clinton called China their banker in the past

^^ You are wrong and it is the other way around or mutual the business given by the americans to china is huge.

China's Top Trade Partners, 2010 ($ billion)

Source: PRC General Administration of Customs, China's Customs Statistics

Rank Country/region Volume % change over 2009 1 United States 385.3 29.2 2 Japan 297.8 30.2 3 Hong Kong 230.6 31.8 4 South Korea 207.2 32.6 5 Taiwan 145.4 36.9 6 Germany 142.4 34.8 7 Australia 88.1 46.5 8 Malaysia 74.2 42.8 9 Brazil 62.5 47.5 10 India 61.8

^^^ You are wrong and it is the other way around or mutual the business given by the americans to china is huge.

China's Top Trade Partners, 2010 ($ billion)

Source: PRC General Administration of Customs, China's Customs Statistics

Rank Country/region Volume % change over 2009 1 United States 385.3 29.2 2 Japan 297.8 30.2 3 Hong Kong 230.6 31.8 4 South Korea 207.2 32.6 5 Taiwan 145.4 36.9 6 Germany 142.4 34.8 7 Australia 88.1 46.5 8 Malaysia 74.2 42.8 9 Brazil 62.5 47.5 10 India 61.8


Wrong not to address the concerns of this ? I was not talking about business however business goes as usual.

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