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China warns US on Asia military strategy

LOL i thought vietnam wants to allies with philipine look like you got your answer here poor viet, no one wants you is the reality.all that bs talk of you viets united asean really make me laugh.

You or anyone don't want it, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the name is difference from United States of South East Asia) is still exist. You could laugh freely all the day be course it's free of charge.:rofl:
why isn't india (the 2nd largest developing country) warning the US against their intention to continue their occupation of asia? how long have india been under european ('white') influence and domination? seeing the above indian posts, it is very clear that indians not only are not against whites dominating asia but they welcome it.

if china becomes a spineless and weak country like india, then asia really has no more hope - asia, africa, etc will always be slaves to be exploited by the european "whites", just like we were then, just like we are now, and just like we will in the future.

you forgot that Indians have nostalgy of the formal colonial master, they dare not to defy white people or will have their country been colonized again.
nobody's bothered about you taking on the US, it is in your national interest so don't preach us that you are doing the rest of asia a favor.

As for India, we've been non aligned for a very long time and continue to do so.

Fair enough..sit and watch dragon and eagle to fight each other is much better than involve. I'm wondering myself if we chinese are stupid to make a show to free ticket spectators???. As for U.S. they know China's position, what ever they tried to gain in Asia at expense of China, we will make them lose somewhere else such Africa and Sud america...for now China's economy gain from U.S outweight the political lost such Taiwan and other geopolitical issues around the world...but when we gain nothing from U.S...than it will not be too late to go back to 1950s relation if necessary.

We chinese have never ask other for help for issue that concern us...if China need help certainly not from a country that was crying for help in the pass.

China should open up a ministry of warning affairs.
I lost count of their warnings last year but yes i kept the count for their actions- ZERO
Btw,first warning this year!
Japan,Vietnam,Philipinnes,India,South Africa,US
SUPAAAA POWAA China going to take them on all at once!

Seriously,wtf?Kids running China?

Last time we warned India..we got Aka chin, next time we warn India we will get arunachal pradesh

Let me guess...uhm...Oh, China will be enslaved by the White and the century of humiliation happen again bcz China's economy will collapse like USSR ??:woot:

dont flattered yourself, we have enslaved you for millenium and you also have been enslaved by white later on but we will continue to enslave you for depend on us for water...remember your red river.:lol:
We chinese have never ask other for help for issue that concern us...if China need help certainly not from a country that was crying for help in the pass.

Last time we warned India..we got Aka chin, next time we warn India we will get arunachal pradesh

dont flattered yourself, we have enslaved you for millenium and you also have been enslaved by white later on but we will continue to enslave you for depend on us for water...remember your red river.:lol:

He he, don't forget that Mao begged in crying Stalin to help China.
China is very big but Mongolia and Manchus enslaved you very very long time in the past ant then contiously Japanese did the same to you. You are shamelessly mentioned about it.
Yes china don't want to make any trouble right now, you could see their policy in south china sea and other dispute with foreign country. Why they are acting so coward? Because china always have a plan, and they love to done jobs step by step with patient, this is the charater of chinese. Other people may look down what chinese got right now. but they are aim for No.1 in the world and work hard to retive their position in history. And they are detemined to do it.
You're trully Ah Q descent, when you're bullied and can't protect youself , you persuades yourself mentally that you're spiritually "superior" to your oppressors :lol:

btw: run your plan faster, you have serious Aging problem now, you have to use many old and weak soldiers in the future and it will be so hard to even protect your own territories only, and of course taking back Taiwan only possible in your wet dream :lol:
Aging demographic threatens economy
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2011-05-03 08:47

China's population is getting older, and that could have a major effect on the nation's economic prosperity.

The emergence of negative growth in the total working-age population, which some demographers predict will happen as early as 2013, is likely to contribute to slower economic growth and higher inflation, according to analysts.

However, they said the demographic shift from a rural surplus of labor to a deficit will help to accelerate the transformation of the growth model from one which is export- and investment-led to one driven by services and consumption.

The latest census data, released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Thursday, showed that the proportion of the population aged between 0 and 14 fell to 16.6 percent in 2010 from 22.9 percent in 2000. Meanwhile the number of people aged 60 and above grew to 13.3 percent from 10.3 percent.
Aging demographic threatens economy_Macro-Economy--China Economic Net
He he, don't forget that Mao begged in crying Stalin to help China.
China is very big but Mongolia and Manchus enslaved you very very long time in the past ant then contiously Japanese did the same to you. You are shamelessly mentioned about it.

Mao can united Big China. Ho Chi Minh begged china for supplies and weapons during Viets war. If no China no Vietnam today, you got it? Soviet told Viet go get CHina for help, because USSR dont want to get involved. So who has helped VC? only china, then you turn around and bited china, so we have to teach you 1979 lessons. You did not need to pay any costs for that lessons.

---------- Post added at 01:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 PM ----------

You're trully Ah Q descent, when you're bullied and can't protect youself , you persuades yourself mentally that you're spiritually "superior" to your oppressors :lol:

btw: run your plan faster, you have serious Aging problem now, you have to use many old and weak soldiers in the future and it will be so hard to even protect your own territories only, and of course taking back Taiwan only possible in your wet dream :lol:
Aging demographic threatens economy_Macro-Economy--China Economic Net

Listen to this old people died, young generation grow up and next generation created another generation and it will keep moving on and on. Dont you learn this in school? With the Aging problem, USA not even dare to touch china. Only rounding up china into corners, one day china will burst and release it gas from the bum. US will got scared and will wrap all go home. lolz
Mao can united Big China. Ho Chi Minh begged china for supplies and weapons during Viets war. If no China no Vietnam today, you got it? Soviet told Viet go get CHina for help, because USSR dont want to get involved. So who has helped VC? only china, then you turn around and bited china, so we have to teach you 1979 lessons. You did not need to pay any costs for that lessons.

---------- Post added at 01:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 PM ----------

Listen to this old people died, young generation grow up and next generation created another generation and it will keep moving on and on. Dont you learn this in school?

Helped Vietnam in Vietnam war is socialist pack headed by Soviet Union, biggest help belong to Russian. China is are follower to get position for begging with USA in 1972 for join to UN and making betrayal policy against USSR and Vietnam in cold war. China attacked Vietnam 1979 after visit of Deng to Washington, to show his trust to new master USA.
Shameful for China when you mentioned about it.
Helped Vietnam in Vietnam war is socialist pack headed by Soviet Union, biggest help belong to Russian. China is are follower to get position for begging with USA in 1972 for join to UN and making betrayal policy against USSR and Vietnam in cold war. China attacked Vietnam 1979 after visit of Deng to Washington, to show his trust to new master USA.
Shameful for China when you mentioned about it.

This is what you did right now in East sea or south china sea, you begging Your enemy US of A to help you a hand, when you cannot stand up by your own-self? 1979 incident is create by Viets, you betrayed china and go ally with Russia when china helping you so much. China betray soviet in cold war hahahaha and today china is still communist? Soviet got betrayed by it own politicians, not China.
Helped Vietnam in Vietnam war is socialist pack headed by Soviet Union, biggest help belong to Russian. China is are follower to get position for begging with USA in 1972 for join to UN and making betrayal policy against USSR and Vietnam in cold war. China attacked Vietnam 1979 after visit of Deng to Washington, to show his trust to new master USA.
Shameful for China when you mentioned about it.

If China didn't provide sanctuary for Vietcongs...and allow Soviets to supplie weapons throught China by rails and by road..you vietnamese could only fight with stone and hammers against U.S B-52 superfortress's bombarments...U.S 7th fleet was there to set blockage against any soviet shipments by sea to Vietnam...without saying that we provide food and commodities to Vietcongs...it's OK we chinese don't expect anything from Vietname but at least we have achieve a geopolitical gain was to get U.S. out of our backyard

As for USSR and China...didnt get along since 1960s...you Vietnamese gorvernment knew that, 1972 was a golden opportunity and rare occasion (or window of opportunity) for China to join the world instead of playing stupid ideology game that only drain our resource, Nixxon came to China, Deng when to U.S , we stroke a win-win deal we didnt beg, in fact we gain more that we expect:

China recongition...Taiwan reconginze as China province only by western world
China got U.N permanant seat.
China join Europe and U.S
China got financial aid to develop economy

Later Breznev wanted to have good relation with China because Soviet knew there is no gain to have China as enemy...Deng didn't respond until Gorbachev came into power. if you want to call diplomacy with west is consier as betrayal...when Collapsed Soviet later join West and abolish communist and socialist system..then how you call that, at least China is still loyal to communism and keep it up until now...and how about Vietnam??you guy also later establish diplomacy with western world also..should we call you betrayl too?? ...China has shown the right path...than ex-U.S.S.R and Vietnam just follow...you vietnamese dont have destiny but just a follower and pursue other's food step..that what you're.
He he, don't forget that Mao begged in crying Stalin to help China.
China is very big but Mongolia and Manchus enslaved you very very long time in the past ant then contiously Japanese did the same to you. You are shamelessly mentioned about it.

Eh boy:

-Japan had invaded and caused 3 million of your pathetic fellows to death, don't you remember? Well today your VCs still love Japanese because they have so much money to spend on your shameless country.

-Vietnam is big, and Vietnam got invaded by Ancient Khmer, Champa and the latest one are Khmer Rouge and South Korea with a very small troops but made your VCs pissed in pants during Vietnam war, don't you remember? China ruled you over thosuand years and still happen until these days, no need to count!

-Yeah so shame for China because of Mao begging to Stalin for helps, but how about your hairy Uncle Ho bow his head and begged for helps from shameless Mao?

LOL It's so ridiculous to see two commies biting at each others! hehehe
feilong said:
This is what you did right now in East sea or south china sea, you begging Your enemy US of A to help you a hand, when you cannot stand up by your own-self? 1979 incident is create by Viets, you betrayed china and go ally with Russia when china helping you so much. China betray soviet in cold war hahahaha and today china is still communist? Soviet got betrayed by it own politicians, not China

If China didn't provide sanctuary for Vietcongs...and allow Soviets to supplie weapons throught China by rails and by road..you vietnamese could only fight with stone and hammers against U.S B-52 superfortress's bombarments...U.S 7th fleet was there to set blockage against any soviet shipments by sea to Vietnam...without saying that we provide food and commodities to Vietcongs...it's OK we chinese don't expect anything from Vietname but at least we have achieve a geopolitical gain was to get U.S. out of our backyard

As for USSR and China...didnt get along since 1960s...you Vietnamese gorvernment knew that, 1972 was a golden opportunity and rare occasion (or window of opportunity) for China to join the world instead of playing stupid ideology game that only drain our resource, Nixxon came to China, Deng when to U.S , we stroke a win-win deal we didnt beg, in fact we gain more that we expect:

China recongition...Taiwan reconginze as China province only by western world
China got U.N permanant seat.
China join Europe and U.S
China got financial aid to develop economy

Later Breznev wanted to have good relation with China because Soviet knew there is no gain to have China as enemy...Deng didn't respond until Gorbachev came into power. if you want to call diplomacy with west is consier as betrayal...when Collapsed Soviet later join West and abolish communist and socialist system..then how you call that, at least China is still loyal to communism and keep it up until now...and how about Vietnam??you guy also later establish diplomacy with western world also..should we call you betrayl too?? ...China has shown the right path...than ex-U.S.S.R and Vietnam just follow...you vietnamese dont have destiny but just a follower and pursue other's food step..that what you're.
So you guys here just keep posting again and again like clueless robots ??
Chinese are just a bunch of ingrates ,not VNese, they declare as a brach of Communist bloc, borrowed money from USSR, but they betray USSR-VN and sit inside US lap after that.

Western torn China to pieces, USSR helped you to united China, first, you kiss her @$$ hard , borrowd lot of money from her too but you betrayed her after that ,how ingrate you are :tdown:
Eh boy:

-Japan had invaded and caused 3 million of your pathetic fellows to death, don't you remember? Well today your VCs still love Japanese because they have so much money to spend on your shameless country.

-Vietnam is big, and Vietnam got invaded by Ancient Khmer, Champa and the latest one are Khmer Rouge and South Korea with a very small troops but made your VCs pissed in pants during Vietnam war, don't you remember? China ruled you over thosuand years and still happen until these days, no need to count!

-Yeah so shame for China because of Mao begging to Stalin for helps, but how about your hairy Uncle Ho bow his head and begged for helps from shameless Mao?

LOL It's so ridiculous to see two commies biting at each others! hehehe

I just love you Philippino...your honesty is really amaze me...we evil chinese commies will take that as compliments :tup:

So you guys here just keep posting again and again like clueless robots ??

Western torn China to pieces, USSR helped you to united China, first, you kiss her @$$ hard , borrowd lot of money from her too but you betrayed her after that ,how ingrate you are :tdown:

Clueless robots or not..we didn't expect you Vietnam to understand the global geopolitic and geostrategic game...you guys are just not in the league.
So you guys here just keep posting again and again like clueless robots ??


Western torn China to pieces, USSR helped you to united China, first, you kiss her @$$ hard , borrowd lot of money from her too but you betrayed her after that ,how ingrate you are :tdown:

If China know this niceguy really stupid and brain **** up, she should have shot this nice guy in da brain. So his brain functioning probably.
If China know this niceguy really stupid and brain **** up, she should have shot this nice guy in da brain. So his brain functioning probably.

Why bother?...it's more fun this way...for millenium Vietnam has been a tributary state of China for it big mouth.
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