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China warns US it will be defeated if the two superpowers go to war

Taiwan matter so much more to China then to the US, at some point the CCP would have to take it back, no matter the cost, because the alternative is losing the “mandate of heaven”. IMHO, China won’t force the issue unless the west looks like it has speed up and China can no longer rely on the saying “you have the watches we have the time”. At current pace, China’s GDP will over take the US in 2028 but will lose it permanent back to the US by 2060. If a war does happen it will probably be when China thinks it has relatively peak power, economically, politically, and militarily relative to Taiwan and its allies. That day is not today, but it’s all about perception within the Chinese leadership. Psychologically it will probably happen before the 2049 100 year anniversary of the PRC. The goals of 2025 economic development and 2035 military development would probably have to be achieved before any invasion, so we are at least a decade away but probably not more than 3 decades away from a big confrontation.

The date of war is far sooner than you may anticipated, actually most in China suspect it will happen within the third term under Xi, about the time of 2022-2025.

Actually the plan become an open secret in China, to the degree the government even publish a plan to building an oversea bridge between China and Taiwan by 2035, such project will take usually 10 years to finish and they don't bother to ask Taiwan's opinion there.
The date of war is far sooner than you may anticipated, actually most in China suspect it will happen within the third term under Xi, about the time of 2022-2025.

Actually the plan become an open secret in China, to the degree the government even publish a plan to building an oversea bridge between China and Taiwan by 2035, such project will take usually 10 years to finish and they don't bother to ask Taiwan's opinion there.
China does not need to invade Taiwan. Bombing/Missle attack on TSMC and Samsung chip factories will destroy wall street and American pension funds. America understand this and does not want direct conflict with another nuclear power on their turf. Cia want proxy wars, India is the most likely candidate since India oligarchs are easily bribed. Fangs bought up 30% OF RELIANCE SHARES in 2020. Modi need to decide if he has the stomach to fight a real suicidal war. Xi wants a secure western front. Dangerous posture for both parties.
Only US?? Russia can beat entire NATO single handedly.
Only US?? Russia can beat entire NATO single handedly.
The date of war is far sooner than you may anticipated, actually most in China suspect it will happen within the third term under Xi, about the time of 2022-2025.

Actually the plan become an open secret in China, to the degree the government even publish a plan to building an oversea bridge between China and Taiwan by 2035, such project will take usually 10 years to finish and they don't bother to ask Taiwan's opinion there.

that seems more like rhetoric. There doesn’t seem to be enough ships (landing craft for example) and planes ready for an invasion fleet at the moment. It could all change very quickly if China decides I agree.

got those that say China won’t have to actually invade Taiwan and will subdue it with shashojian tactics and Taiwan will capitulate, should anticipate US stealth drone swarms taking out Chinese forces.

china has to be ready to actual mount a full Normandy style invasion sand be able to hold a foothold in Taiwan for a conquer to take hold, otherwise once hostilities begin, and any part of the coercion plan fails, China will have no real options left. The moment a war starts, China will be on what Sun TU calls “Fatal Terrain”.

There was a book by an American author on this very subject, China coercion instead of full invasion in a Taiwan conquest scenario called “Fatal Terrain” by Dale Brown. It’s an interesting book (ignore the fact the Americans fight with a “stealth B-52” which is an oxymoronic idea, but the overall story was just this very scenario)
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By 2060, US could have broken into many smaller states like in South America

The US is more resilient then you think. Latinos are being assimilated. Frankly, light skinned Latinos are being told they are or will soon be considered “white”. The actress that plays “Cheyenne” on the TV show “Reba” is actually a blonde Latina, so simple words like Latino don’t fully explain the diversity of the Hispanic community. Two generations ago southern Italians were not considered fully white, and now they are. It will be the same with Latinos.

Also, economically and politically with the amount people move around the country, you can see regional accents fade and most people speaking a more neutral American accent. The American identity is a more resilient identity then you are willing to accept. Don’t underestimate America or Americans.
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China is not covid. China will not target American civilians if American carriers enter Taiwan strait to fight China. However, all American warships and submarines will be sunk in Taiwan strait and all American fighter and bomber pilots and all American ship and submarine crew will be killed in Taiwan strait. China will not take any American service man or woman who fight in Taiwan strait prisoner. That means thousands of American service men and women die in Taiwan strait. Do you think American president can still win election under such circumstance? :china:
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idk what your CCP propganda has taught you. but Korean war even though ended in ceasefire
- you lose territory
- loss 10x as more men
- your invasion was stopped

what you also often fail to mention is that in both wars you had major backing of soviet union but you pretend like you fought it alone and in both wars US was not the main adversary it was the supporting power . you had the equipments and firepower from the soviets that rivaled the US so its not like you were some underdawg.

vietnam was bad for US because of overwhelming superiority of Mig-21 against F-117

you lost to indians in 1967 which makes you lose respect for your entire military. becasue india is a nation that is 10x bigger in manpower, budget, equipment than pakistan but still gets its handed to it by pakistanis from time-time where infact it shouldx overwhelm pakistan in an instant if you compare how huge of an advantage it has

the only reason you won with india in 1962 is because you had 4x the man power. so peer-peer you cant even beat indians
:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
I advise you to read REAL history before posting.

USA only agreed to come to the negotiating table after its humiliating defeat at the Battle of Kumsoon. China send its poorly equipped PVA to assist North Korea but not for conquering South Korea.

BTW 1967 was not a war but an artillery exchange and China was in a midst of the Cultural Revolution. Initially it was reported by India that 30 Chinese soldiers were killed but every decade India decided to add some more and now it is in thousands.

China won't waste their time in a tirade of words of war e.g. Galwan where 5 Chinese Border Guards was seriously wounded after being attacked by 600 indian Jawans unprovoked. One Chinese soldier survived.

100 Chinese reinforcement arrived and 20 Indian Jawans died on the spot with 27 later died in ICU.
70 Indian Jawans were captured.

To save Modi India face, China withheld its evidence, a video of the incidence and only released it after continuous provocation and disinformation by Indian Media.
Now you are still up to your trick distorting the truth when it is already exposed.

My advice to you is to stop trolling.

What has CCP got to do with you or the other?
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The US is more resilient then you think. Latinos are being assimilated. Frankly, light skinned Latinos are being told they are or will soon be considered “white”. The actress that plays “Cheyenne” on the TV show “Reba” is actually a blonde Latina, so simple words like Latino don’t fully explain the diversity of the Hispanic community. Two generations ago southern Italians were not converted white, and now they are. It will be the same with Latinos.

Also, economically and politically with the amount people move around the country, you can see regional accents fade and most people speaking a more neutral American accent. The American identity is a more resilient identity then you are willing to accept. Don’t underestimate America or Americans.

So you don't agree USA is a racist nation?
It is hard to be resilient in USA esp. If one is a non White...
Who do you think is most affected by inflation and now staistics shown every 55 seconds one of them will be losing their home.

So you don't agree USA is a racist nation?
It is hard to be resilient in USA esp. If one is a non White...
Who do you think is most affected by inflation and now staistics shown every 55 seconds one of them will be losing their home.


You’ve read my post, you’ve seen the implied white/other paradigm I have outlined. We know there is systemic racism.

I was responding to a post that said the US would break up into smaller nations akin to how it is in South America. The US already went through a civil war, and we have had successionist movements in the US since the beginning, but while regions of the country can get hostile to minorities, the nation as a whole won’t break up. At worst it will have areas that become more xenophobic to minorities.
Taiwan matter so much more to China then to the US, at some point the CCP would have to take it back, no matter the cost, because the alternative is losing the “mandate of heaven”. IMHO, China won’t force the issue unless the west looks like it has speed up and China can no longer rely on the saying “you have the watches we have the time”. At current pace, China’s GDP will over take the US in 2028 but will lose it permanent back to the US by 2060. If a war does happen it will probably be when China thinks it has relatively peak power, economically, politically, and militarily relative to Taiwan and its allies. That day is not today, but it’s all about perception within the Chinese leadership. Psychologically it will probably happen before the 2049 100 year anniversary of the PRC. The goals of 2025 economic development and 2035 military development would probably have to be achieved before any invasion, so we are at least a decade away but probably not more than 3 decades away from a big confrontation.

Taiwan is not that important for China. China is #1 with or without Taiwan. Plus, Taiwan is not historically Chinese land. In Ming dynasty it was not part of China. Unlike Hainan which is historically part of China.

I believe China will defeat the US in a conventional war setting in scenarios like Taiwan war or war at East/South China sea or both etc.

The one major yet only uncertainity is the nuclear weapons, regardless of whatever study, it is generally believed that China's strategic nuclear arsenals, especially the delivering vehicles that could hit the enemy state, is at a significant disadvantaged position WRT the US.

Such position, if not addressed properly, will encourage the enemy using nuclear threat in a conventional war to limit the optioins for PLA to fight or even the weapons they use.

I think senior leaders in CCP know this as well, thats why China will need to significantly expand our strategic nuclear arsenal before a war with US, which could lead to a war once and for all.

Judging by China's giant industrial power and with the help of China's friends, especially these central Asian states who has large U mine, I think it may take just 5 years or so before China get sufficient ICBMs to prevent US from even think about using nuclear bombs in a war they will doom to lose otherwise.

Thats why China plan to take back Taiwan in 2025 or so.

US won't fight China directly so close to China, it will be through Proxy and the goal will be to inflict as much cost and pain as possible on China.
China does not need to invade Taiwan. Bombing/Missle attack on TSMC and Samsung chip factories will destroy wall street and American pension funds. America understand this and does not want direct conflict with another nuclear power on their turf. Cia want proxy wars, India is the most likely candidate since India oligarchs are easily bribed. Fangs bought up 30% OF RELIANCE SHARES in 2020. Modi need to decide if he has the stomach to fight a real suicidal war. Xi wants a secure western front. Dangerous posture for both parties.

Indians are basically used as cannon fodder for the Australians. They expect millions of Indians to get mauled down on Chinese shores. Covid is the best prep for that. Millions of Indians are getting slaughtered by covid. it's all part of the psych op to desensitize the Indian public to massive Indian deaths.
Taiwan is not that important for China. China is #1 with or without Taiwan. Plus, Taiwan is not historically Chinese land. In Ming dynasty it was not part of China. Unlike Hainan which is historically part of China.

It’s not about territory “from ancient times”, but In a way the conclusion of the Chinese civil war; I.e. the “mandate of heaven”
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