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China warns US it will be defeated if the two superpowers go to war

The US cannot call all of NATO unless China attacks the US's territory ,which it is not stupid enough to do.
A Vietnamese has no business coming here. There are no Chinese or Vietnamese or Singaporean here but pakistani false flaggers whose only objective is to run propaganda. But not everyone has low IQ as theirs. Vietnamese hate chinese because they have occupied their lands. No Vietnamese can ever support China.

I have been here since 2009 and worked mostly at China and Far East section. However, there is no restriction that Vietnamese cannot join this one.

And about the sentiment of Vietnamese toward Chinese, it is complicated. In short, our political relationship is good. The first visit of new Vietnamese Defense Minister is to China last month. Most pro-West elements among top leaders have been purged during Jan 2021 VCP Congress XIII and I believe in next 5 - 10 years, Vietnam will lean toward China than the West politically.
Yes in doklam and in 1967. Come again if you want more.
China and India had only one war, we all know it. If you like to have another one, bring it on. but not now, we don't take advantage when you are fighting the worst possible war right now at home.
China was directly involved in real battles with US in Korea and Vietnam, and both didn't end well with US.
Objective take is following:

1. China managed to save North Korea and USA managed to save South Korea in the Korean War. This was job well done by both camps in hindsight. Both USA and China can fight well on land.

2. US-led forces and Vietcong were at stalemate in Vietnam but these were times of racial crises in US mainland which in turn disturbed cohesion of US-led forces on the ground and Nixon administration pulled the plug on Vietnam consequently. China invaded Vietnam at a later stage as well but was unable to liberate Cambodia in the process which was the motivating factor of this war in the first place. Both USA and China suffered significant losses in Vietnam by the way.

3. China and USA never had naval battles in the Pacific. This is where US-led forces are most capable.
we don't take advantage when you are fighting the worst possible war right now at home.

What does not kill you makes you stronger.

H.G. Wells
“By the toll of a billion deaths man has bought his birthright of the earth, and it is his against all comers; it would still be his were the Martians ten times as mighty as they are. For neither do men live nor die in vain.”

― H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds

3. China and USA never had naval battles in the Pacific. This is where US-led forces are most capable.

This is only true if they fight beyond 2,000 km of Chinese mainland, but within 2,000 km of Chinese mainland Chinese naval aviation dominates. Chinese land based naval aviation is unparalleled on the planet, equipped with KJ-500H AWACs, H-6DU aerial tankers, J-11BH/BSH air superiority fighters, H-6N strategic anti ship bombers, JH-7A anti ship bombers, KQ-200 anti sub planes. Land based aviation typically dominate carrier based aviation due to unrestricted runway length. On top of that, accidents on carrier runways due to wartime nervousness, stress, fatigue quickly diminish carrier sorties.

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Are you a mental retard or something? When did Iran and Vietnam become China's allies? Even Russia or North Korea won't even come to China's aid if the US decides to go after them. This is not cold war era.
@waz @LeGenD @PakSword @krash

Please check on this foul mouth who has no intention to debate! Thank you.
A Vietnamese has no business coming here. There are no Chinese or Vietnamese or Singaporean here but pakistani false flaggers whose only objective is to run propaganda. But not everyone has low IQ as theirs. Vietnamese hate chinese because they have occupied their lands. No Vietnamese can ever support China.

You are delusional beyond belief. Everything is a Pakistani conspiracy when you can't stomach narratives against India's favour exist. To make yourself feel better you call them Pakistani lol.
@Capt. Karnage

Please control your temper and convey your POV in sensible manner. If a statement offends you, no need to type your response on immediate basis. Taking a short break to cool-off and then type your response.
You are delusional beyond belief. Everything is a Pakistani conspiracy when you can't stomach narratives against India's favour exist. To make yourself feel better you call them Pakistani lol.

You are a moderator and I trust you know that this website is banned in china and I am sure logging with vpn is not allowed. I don't believe in conspiracies but in logic. Why would a Vietnamese or Singaporean or American troll on affairs that doesn't even concern his country.
You are a moderator and I trust you know that this website is banned in china and I am sure logging with vpn is not allowed. I don't believe in conspiracies but in logic. Why would a Vietnamese or Singaporean or American troll on affairs that doesn't even concern his country.

They log through other IP's not hard.
I've spent pretty much most of my online life on forums and people from other countries write about all sorts.
The chinese here keeps saying that PRC can win a war against the US but never specify how to win a war against a coalition of countries that not only have the technological edge, but also experience in modern warfare.
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In summary:
The Indian propaganda mouthpiece is talking out of its butt. "China" never expressed any "warning" that the U.S. willl be defeated. The original article proposed that to prevent conflict the U.S. should believe it would be defeated if it started a war in Chinese waters.

Free Fakenews:
Indian state propaganda says
British state propaganda cites
Global Time reporting that
China warns U.S. it will be defeated

British state propaganda made citations from Global Times but they were completely unrelated to the claim about defeating anyone.
British state propaganda did not cite the claim about about defeating the U.S. from Global Times, but claimed RT said it.
British state propaganda clearly had the original Global Times editorial, but went out of its way to cite RTs paraphrazing, not what the Global Times editorial actually said.

RT didnt cite Global Times either, it was paraphrasing the editorial. RT actually said
"[China] is ready to 'defeat' US militarily if pushed" and
"the editorial piece says U.S. will be defeated if it enganges with China in its neighbouring waters
and in a fleeting comment
"the editorial piece says U.S. would be defeated if any conflict in the SCS would break out"

Finally what the Global Times editioral actually said, was that as a response to the U.S. provocations, the U.S. must become sure that if it launches a war in Chinas adjanct water it will be defeated. That is the exact opposite of what the Indian and British article claim. The thousand year old art of winning without fighting was spun into another "Chinese aggression" hitpiece by disgusting Western media.

Here is the real citation:
"China should respond to the US' strategic provocations in two ways. First, China should unswervingly ensure its own security. With China's strength, it needs to make the US be increasingly sure that if the US launches a war with the People's Liberation Army in China's adjacent waters, it will be defeated. China's strength in air force, navy and ground-based missiles is sufficient to overwhelm US troops and its allies. And China has a strong will to use these forces to defend its core interests. China is also confident that its nuclear deterrent will ensure that the US dares not engage in nuclear blackmail against China."

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