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China warned Japan may intervene militarily if it invades Taiwan

US captured okinawa from Japan and returned it to Japan,it doesn't make any sense for chinese side to speak on behalf of the US using america's own edict.US took it and it's up to US to return it,Japan was rightful owner of okinawa since tokugawa era,before US was established.A Japanese/Ryukan inhabited island province historically belonging to Japan since Tokugawa era isn't something for Han Chinese to dream of having.

On September 7, 1945, by the signature of the Instrument of Surrender in the Ryukyu islands, the occupational administration by the US Military Government of the Ryukyu Islands.

In August 1950, the US Military Government established the island governments of Amami, Okinawa, Miyako and Yaeyama, and set the boundary of administration.

With the entry-into-effect of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, the Ryukyu Islands were formally placed under the administration by US.
Japan will concur in any proposal of the United States to the United Nations to place under its trusteeship system, with the United States as the sole administering authority, Nansei Shoto south of 29° north latitude (including the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands), Nanpo Shoto south of Sofu Gan (including the Bonin Islands, Rosario Island and the Volcano Islands) and Parece Vela and Marcus Island. Pending the making of such a proposal and affirmative action thereon, the United States will have the right to exercise all and any powers of administration, legislation and jurisdiction over the territory and inhabitants of these islands, including their territorial sea.

Some Chinese have some grand fantasy of Okinawa independence or Chinese occupation meanwhile in reality.

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How can Ming have Senkaku when Taiwan was incorporated in Qing by only 1683,for comparison satsuma already captured Okinwa by 1609. Your map is from Fujian Yanhai Zong Tu, in Volume IV of Chou Hai Tu Bian, Fujian Yanhai Zong Tu does not even illustrate Taiwan, Keelung Islet, or Pengjia Islet, let alone the Senkaku Islands.
At the time when Chou Hai Tu Bian was compiled, China's defense capabilities did not extend to the Penghu Islands. Therefore, it has been noted that its intention behind drawing the Senkaku Islands in Yanhai Shansha Tu was only to show that it was an area that needed to be paid attention to in order to defend the mainland, as these islands were on the route the wako used for their raids.

(Recompiled General Annals of Fujian, 1838) compiled by the Qing government, it seems clear that at that time, the Senkaku Islands were not included within the administrative scope of Fujian Province. Neither descriptions of the Senkaku Islands nor their depictions on the maps have been discovered in any of the Tongzhi documents.
Chinese gov claims to inherit the Qing gov and that's the only clause.

Chinese foreign minister Hong Lei stated that :"On January 14, 1895, Japan stealthily occupied the Chinese territory of the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands. The so-called 'pioneering' of this nature is absolutely nothing close to a graceful action."

Below are proper map with taiwan produced by the chinese gov before 1895.

Revised Book of Taiwan Province, published in 1693 compiled by Gao Gonggan and others, it is written that “To the north Jilongshan is 2,325 Ri (approx.1,296 kilometers) away and makes the boundary.” Jilong Castle, near the present-day city of Jilong, and Mount Jilongshan mark the northernmost boundary of Taiwan not senkaku.

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During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, the Kanxi Huang'yu quanlan tu (Complete atlas of the empire) was produced, This Kanxi Huang'yu chuanlan tu was the result of a geographical survey that Emperor Kangxi had commissioned the Jesuits to conduct.
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"Drawings of Taiwan" shows the northern border line of Taiwan as Jilong Fort jiè (boundary line). This confirms that the border of Taiwan was Jilong Fort or Mt. Jilong.

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This facts was inconvenient for China, which wished to depict the Senkaku Islands as an integral part of China. What the Chinese decided to use instead to back up their argument was records of the Qing's missions to the Ryukyus, including those that described navigational routes.

In Marine Country recorded the experiences of the main character in Six Phases of Fleet Life, who accompanied Imperial Mission Zhai Kun and went to the Ryukyus in 1808 ,zhai mentions“Jilongshan is the Chinese boundary” is also confirmed by the description “passing Jilongshan, the Chinese boundary”.

US and international community has always regarded Senkaku as part of Japanese Okinawa chain.View attachment 796349

And finally,in 1885, way before sino -japanese war, Japan launched an official survey of the Senkakus, and established terra nullius under international law ,if any nation had a legal (and historical) claim on the islands, it was Japan, for it had annexed the Ryukyu Kingdom and had thus established legitimate prior occupation and effective control over the islands.
That's real proof in international system that we operate.,rather than debate about 500 years old claims.
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So chinese claim that Japan stole senkaku in 1895 doesn't hold ground. There's ample proof that Japan had established terra nullius on senkaku before that,before any nation.
China has been blinded by Anti Japanese hate.

US administration of Okinawa is on behave of the UN under international trusteeship. US does not have nor does it ever claim to possess the sovereignty of the islands for it to hand it over to Japan.

U.S. SEEKS TO RULE RYUKYUS FOR U.N.; Trusteeship for Bonins Also Is Washington Aim as Talks on Japanese Pact Begin U.S. SEEKS TO RULE RYUKYUS FOR U.N. Soviet Withheld Veto - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

You have difficulty understanding the difference between sovereignty and administration, showing us administrative map of Taiwan in the early 1700s. Just as the French never fully controlled the French Louisiana territory with only two major settlements, others however cannot claim terra nullius over these territories. In 1874, Japan sent an expedition into Taiwan, attacking the aborigine's settlement, and it was the Qing that negotiated with Japan and paid for their withdraw. That's a clear sign of Qing considers the territory as a part of its empire.

Ming's control over Diaoyu island does not conflict with Qing's later incorporation, nor Satsuma's invasion of Okinawa as the Diaoyu island was never part of Ryukyus kingdom. The map from 1561 not only marked out Diaoyu island, but also Huangwei (kuba jima) & Chiwei (Taiso Jima), as they were part of the defense perimeter against Japanese pirates at the time.


Here is another map in 1579.

Qing map in 1863.


Even Japanese own map in 1875 marked the Diaoyu island.

Here is one published by Britian of Taiwan associated islands in 1867.

BTW you are contradicting yourself when Japan claimed the island as terra nullius in 1885, while arguing at the same time that the island was marked as Japanese territory in 1868. That's not how terra nullius works. Even during the so call thorough survey, the surveyor Inoue Kaoru send a letter to the Internal Affairs Ministry, stating that a Chinese newspaper had previously reported that Japan intended to occupy the islands near Taiwan of Qing Dynasty, and he advised that it would be better for Japan not to take any actions that may cause complications. So did the Japanese government consulted the Qing government or just pretend it never heard such in this thorough survey?


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The truth is none of them wanted nor can afford a war with China.
USA, Japan??? Stop wasting our time.

China knew USA wanted her to send her PLA troops into the street of Hong Kong back in 2019 but it did not happened.

Now USA is provoking China to send its troops into Taiwan. The strategists in USA may be dumb but not in China.

Not unless Umehara or Tsai do something stupid that crosses the Red Line e.g. proclaimed Independence, China will patiently waited for the righr moment e.g. economic collapse of USA.

Taiwan will be peacefully reunited with the mainland, it is inevitable event.

Question is is: Will USA default on her debts in Dec 2021 or Feb 2022?
It will be a painful process with a runaway inflation and a huge national debt.

Now an energy crisis as well. :coffee:
US administration of Okinawa is on behave of the UN under international trusteeship. US does not have nor does it ever claim to possess the sovereignty of the islands for it to hand it over to Japan.

U.S. SEEKS TO RULE RYUKYUS FOR U.N.; Trusteeship for Bonins Also Is Washington Aim as Talks on Japanese Pact Begin U.S. SEEKS TO RULE RYUKYUS FOR U.N. Soviet Withheld Veto - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

You have difficulty understanding the difference between sovereignty and administration, showing us administrative map of Taiwan in the early 1700s. Just as the French never fully controlled the French Louisiana territory with only two major settlements, others however cannot claim terra nullius over these territories. In 1874, Japan sent an expedition into Taiwan, attacking the aborigine's settlement, and it was the Qing that negotiated with Japan and paid for their withdraw. That's a clear sign of Qing considers the territory as a part of its empire.

Ming's control over Diaoyu island does not conflict with Qing's later incorporation, nor Satsuma's invasion of Okinawa as the Diaoyu island was never part of Ryukyus kingdom. The map from 1561 not only marked out Diaoyu island, but also Huangwei (kuba jima) & Chiwei (Taiso Jima), as they were part of the defense perimeter against Japanese pirates at the time.

View attachment 796473
Here is another map in 1579.
View attachment 796474
Qing map in 1863.

View attachment 796475
Even Japanese own map in 1875 marked the Diaoyu island.
View attachment 796477
Here is one published by Britian of Taiwan associated islands in 1867.

BTW you are contradicting yourself when Japan claimed the island as terra nullius in 1885, while arguing at the same time that the island was marked as Japanese territory in 1868. That's not how terra nullius works. Even during the so call thorough survey, the surveyor Inoue Kaoru send a letter to the Internal Affairs Ministry, stating that a Chinese newspaper had previously reported that Japan intended to occupy the islands near Taiwan of Qing Dynasty, and he advised that it would be better for Japan not to take any actions that may cause complications. So did the Japanese government consulted the Qing government or just pretend it never heard such in this thorough survey?

US administration of Okinawa is on behave of the UN under international trusteeship. US does not have nor does it ever claim to possess the sovereignty of the islands for it to hand it over to Japan.

U.S. SEEKS TO RULE RYUKYUS FOR U.N.; Trusteeship for Bonins Also Is Washington Aim as Talks on Japanese Pact Begin U.S. SEEKS TO RULE RYUKYUS FOR U.N. Soviet Withheld Veto - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Firstly, the PRC has never recognized the legality of the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Treaty itself does not even clarify to what China Taiwan should be returned .

.[1] Article 3 of the treaty stipulated that the Nansei Shoto[2] south of 29° north latitude, the Nanpo Shoto[3] south of Sofu Gan and Parece Vela and Marcus Island would be placed under the trusteeship of the United States as sole administering authority.
Everyone went along with that,US fought and defeated Japan and did what they wanted.,everyone agreed and signed all the pacts by 1950s.

During the San Francisco Peace Treaty negotiations, the US agreed that Japan would retain `residual sovereignty` over Okinawa, and that the US would not require Japan to renounce its sovereignty over Okinawa. When the government of the Republic of China normalized diplomatic relations with Japan in 1952 (Treaty of Peace between Japan and the Republic of China), the subject of the islands had not been raised by either side. In a separate exchange of notes, both sides had agreed that the Treaty `be applicable to all the territories which are now, or which may hereafter be, under the control of its Government` which refers to the ROC government.

Okinawa has been a Japanese since the 16th century and a prefecture by 1879, whole world acknowledged Okinawa as Japanese for centuries.it's always supposed to be returned after capturing during the war, as the US captured far-flung islands outside of mainland Japan. Neither the rest of the world nor the Okinawans has any time for the bs spewed by some Chinese now.

Ming's control over Diaoyu island does not conflict with Qing's later incorporation, nor Satsuma's invasion of Okinawa as the Diaoyu island was never part of Ryukyus kingdom. The map from 1561 not only marked out Diaoyu island, but also Huangwei (kuba jima) & Chiwei (Taiso Jima), as they were part of the defense perimeter against Japanese pirates at the time.

When u pull the stuff about 500 years old Ming's confusing map without Taiwan , everyone senses the bs .And the CCP claims to inherit Qing not Ming ,we take ming as base,Chinese map will be different. Ming hadn't even captured Taiwan to get the island chain,that doesn't make sense.Chinese gov claims the islands are part of Taiwan . China can't simply claim islands right in the middle of the ocean.

Your second map and the rest isn't a territory-defining official map like the official map produced by Premier Li Hongzhang of Qing ,approved by the Qing before treaty with Japan.

I already mentioned China used the navigational maps to make ridiculous claims now,someof the maps include like you mentioned those drawn by Japanese gov in Taiwan regarding Japanese territory, since almost none of the official records from Qing supports the claim,in fact it points to the contrary.Guomintang themselves had no history or record of ruling taiwan and inherited Japanese maps and records,the prc even had much less experience ,they made shit up as they went ,trying to sort stuff out.

If being on a Chinese map was akin to being part of China then.......

BTW you are contradicting yourself when Japan claimed the island as terra nullius in 1885, while arguing at the same time that the island was marked as Japanese territory in 1868. That's not how terra nullius works. Even during the so call thorough survey, the surveyor Inoue Kaoru send a letter to the Internal Affairs Ministry, stating that a Chinese newspaper had previously reported that Japan intended to occupy the islands near Taiwan of Qing Dynasty, and he advised that it would be better for Japan not to take any actions that may cause complications. So did the Japanese government consulted the Qing government or just pretend it never heard such in this thorough survey?

No ,I never said the Island was marked as Japanese territory in 1868,but many western countries already viewed it as Japanese territory and part of okinawan chain .I said after Meiji restoration in 1868 Okinawa was officially designated as a prefecture of Japan. In 1879 Okinawa was a Japanese prefecture same as Kyoto or Osaka.
So your fumbling with Okinawa issue is absolutely ridiculous,it's not a colony but a Japanese prefecture captured by US since it was so far-flung.

The government of the PRC claimed the islands only in December 1971 after a report in 1969 by an UN-related organization mentioning the possibility of substantial oil and gas reserves around the area.China never claimed the noman's land before. This late claim was also very much in response to the Guomindang government in Taiwan which had already in February 1971, publicly opposed the return of the Senkaku Islands as part of the reversion of Okinawa to Japan in 1972.

China might have discovered it earlier,but discovery=/= ownership obviously,otherwise the worldmap would be different.Chinese are acting like ,they discovered it earlier so it must have been theirs.
The Shimonoseki Treaty which included the cession of Taiwan and the Pescadores , did not mention the Senkaku Islands. The latitude and longitude of the Pescadores were given and a joint committee for demarcating territories was set up.9 In the map of Taiwan printed at the time the Senkaku Islands were not included.
if Japan didn't claimed sovereignty over it ,than china also for sure didn't ,it was an uninhibited noman's island before Japan inhibited it.

And here's the thing ,applying contemporary rules of international law, the Japanese side has a strong claim to sovereignty over the islands because of the incorporation as vacant territory, and Japan`s effective control which went unchallenged for such a long time. China has nothing but navigational marking in old maps ,and never inhibited it like the Japanese did.

But get real,the Ryukan kingdom likely had most contact with the islands,the Okinawa chain is the closest to senkaku,and okinawa is part of Japan.

China claims to almost the whole of the South China Sea by revealing: the 9 dash line (originally 11 dash line) on which China`s claims to the South China Sea is based was already established in 1947 but had appeared in Chinese maps in one form or the other since 1936, and was then taken over in 1949 by the PRC,meanwhile, until the ECAFE survey of the East China Sea, the islands were not claimed by either the PRC or the ROC governments, and Japan`s control over the islands had been uncontested.This prolonged absence of objection is a sold case in favor of Japan.

BTW,Japan even courted both ROC & Korea to survey the natural resources before , but PRC later decided to make Japan and official enemy to bolster nationalism ,and sniffed political points in confronting japan over the islands .If resources was all to it,Japan is up for negotiation.
Firstly, the PRC has never recognized the legality of the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Treaty itself does not even clarify to what China Taiwan should be returned .

.[1] Article 3 of the treaty stipulated that the Nansei Shoto[2] south of 29° north latitude, the Nanpo Shoto[3] south of Sofu Gan and Parece Vela and Marcus Island would be placed under the trusteeship of the United States as sole administering authority.
Everyone went along with that,US fought and defeated Japan and did what they wanted.,everyone agreed and signed all the pacts by 1950s.

During the San Francisco Peace Treaty negotiations, the US agreed that Japan would retain `residual sovereignty` over Okinawa, and that the US would not require Japan to renounce its sovereignty over Okinawa. When the government of the Republic of China normalized diplomatic relations with Japan in 1952 (Treaty of Peace between Japan and the Republic of China), the subject of the islands had not been raised by either side. In a separate exchange of notes, both sides had agreed that the Treaty `be applicable to all the territories which are now, or which may hereafter be, under the control of its Government` which refers to the ROC government.

Okinawa has been a Japanese since the 16th century and a prefecture by 1879, whole world acknowledged Okinawa as Japanese for centuries.it's always supposed to be returned after capturing during the war, as the US captured far-flung islands outside of mainland Japan. Neither the rest of the world nor the Okinawans has any time for the bs spewed by some Chinese now.

When u pull the stuff about 500 years old Ming's confusing map without Taiwan , everyone senses the bs .And the CCP claims to inherit Qing not Ming ,we take ming as base,Chinese map will be different. Ming hadn't even captured Taiwan to get the island chain,that doesn't make sense.Chinese gov claims the islands are part of Taiwan . China can't simply claim islands right in the middle of the ocean.

Your second map and the rest isn't a territory-defining official map like the official map produced by Premier Li Hongzhang of Qing ,approved by the Qing before treaty with Japan.

I already mentioned China used the navigational maps to make ridiculous claims now,someof the maps include like you mentioned those drawn by Japanese gov in Taiwan regarding Japanese territory, since almost none of the official records from Qing supports the claim,in fact it points to the contrary.Guomintang themselves had no history or record of ruling taiwan and inherited Japanese maps and records,the prc even had much less experience ,they made shit up as they went ,trying to sort stuff out.

If being on a Chinese map was akin to being part of China then.......

No ,I never said the Island was marked as Japanese territory in 1868,but many western countries already viewed it as Japanese territory and part of okinawan chain .I said after Meiji restoration in 1868 Okinawa was officially designated as a prefecture of Japan. In 1879 Okinawa was a Japanese prefecture same as Kyoto or Osaka.
So your fumbling with Okinawa issue is absolutely ridiculous,it's not a colony but a Japanese prefecture captured by US since it was so far-flung.

The government of the PRC claimed the islands only in December 1971 after a report in 1969 by an UN-related organization mentioning the possibility of substantial oil and gas reserves around the area.China never claimed the noman's land before. This late claim was also very much in response to the Guomindang government in Taiwan which had already in February 1971, publicly opposed the return of the Senkaku Islands as part of the reversion of Okinawa to Japan in 1972.

China might have discovered it earlier,but discovery=/= ownership obviously,otherwise the worldmap would be different.Chinese are acting like ,they discovered it earlier so it must have been theirs.
The Shimonoseki Treaty which included the cession of Taiwan and the Pescadores , did not mention the Senkaku Islands. The latitude and longitude of the Pescadores were given and a joint committee for demarcating territories was set up.9 In the map of Taiwan printed at the time the Senkaku Islands were not included.
if Japan didn't claimed sovereignty over it ,than china also for sure didn't ,it was an uninhibited noman's island before Japan inhibited it.

And here's the thing ,applying contemporary rules of international law, the Japanese side has a strong claim to sovereignty over the islands because of the incorporation as vacant territory, and Japan`s effective control which went unchallenged for such a long time. China has nothing but navigational marking in old maps ,and never inhibited it like the Japanese did.

But get real,the Ryukan kingdom likely had most contact with the islands,the Okinawa chain is the closest to senkaku,and okinawa is part of Japan.

China claims to almost the whole of the South China Sea by revealing: the 9 dash line (originally 11 dash line) on which China`s claims to the South China Sea is based was already established in 1947 but had appeared in Chinese maps in one form or the other since 1936, and was then taken over in 1949 by the PRC,meanwhile, until the ECAFE survey of the East China Sea, the islands were not claimed by either the PRC or the ROC governments, and Japan`s control over the islands had been uncontested.This prolonged absence of objection is a sold case in favor of Japan.

BTW,Japan even courted both ROC & Korea to survey the natural resources before , but PRC later decided to make Japan and official enemy to bolster nationalism ,and sniffed political points in confronting japan over the islands .If resources was all to it,Japan is up for negotiation.

Mate your wall of text here is soaked in emotional biases. You are inherently tone deaf as if Japan was a long established dominant power a long term arch rival of China. If you look back at Japan 2000 years history, 95% of the time Japan was a backward disease ridden poor country an absolute nobody. Japan has not won a war against major foreign powers in Asia as an aggressor before 19th century. They could not even manage to conquer much less populated Hokkaido. It is actually more appropriate to label Imperial Japan a kingdom instead of a self proclaimed empire given that Japan has never effectively ruled a land mass greater than 1 million square kilometers for at least 100 years. Japanese king has been usurping the title of "Emperor".
Japan did not even have a decent sizeable navy at the time of the Nagasaki incident in which Chinese sailors beat local Japanese policemen to death Chinese navy threatened to bombard Nagasaki downtown forced Japan to make reparation. It is hard to believe Japan with a weak navy that could not even defend its most important port its own version of Shanghai had the means to own an island so far away from its mainland with an independent Ryukyu kingdom in between.
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China has been warned to stay alert to the possibility Japan will intervene militarily in the event of an attack on Taiwan.

A research paper said recent gestures of support for the island indicate that Japan and the United States have been discussing the scenario and are making plans to deter Beijing from using force to take the island.


If Japan intervenes in Taiwan, it will give China a chance to avenge Japan’s previous war of aggression against China.
Firstly, the PRC has never recognized the legality of the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Treaty itself does not even clarify to what China Taiwan should be returned .

.[1] Article 3 of the treaty stipulated that the Nansei Shoto[2] south of 29° north latitude, the Nanpo Shoto[3] south of Sofu Gan and Parece Vela and Marcus Island would be placed under the trusteeship of the United States as sole administering authority.
Everyone went along with that,US fought and defeated Japan and did what they wanted.,everyone agreed and signed all the pacts by 1950s.

During the San Francisco Peace Treaty negotiations, the US agreed that Japan would retain `residual sovereignty` over Okinawa, and that the US would not require Japan to renounce its sovereignty over Okinawa. When the government of the Republic of China normalized diplomatic relations with Japan in 1952 (Treaty of Peace between Japan and the Republic of China), the subject of the islands had not been raised by either side. In a separate exchange of notes, both sides had agreed that the Treaty `be applicable to all the territories which are now, or which may hereafter be, under the control of its Government` which refers to the ROC government.

Okinawa has been a Japanese since the 16th century and a prefecture by 1879, whole world acknowledged Okinawa as Japanese for centuries.it's always supposed to be returned after capturing during the war, as the US captured far-flung islands outside of mainland Japan. Neither the rest of the world nor the Okinawans has any time for the bs spewed by some Chinese now.

When u pull the stuff about 500 years old Ming's confusing map without Taiwan , everyone senses the bs .And the CCP claims to inherit Qing not Ming ,we take ming as base,Chinese map will be different. Ming hadn't even captured Taiwan to get the island chain,that doesn't make sense.Chinese gov claims the islands are part of Taiwan . China can't simply claim islands right in the middle of the ocean.

Your second map and the rest isn't a territory-defining official map like the official map produced by Premier Li Hongzhang of Qing ,approved by the Qing before treaty with Japan.

I already mentioned China used the navigational maps to make ridiculous claims now,someof the maps include like you mentioned those drawn by Japanese gov in Taiwan regarding Japanese territory, since almost none of the official records from Qing supports the claim,in fact it points to the contrary.Guomintang themselves had no history or record of ruling taiwan and inherited Japanese maps and records,the prc even had much less experience ,they made shit up as they went ,trying to sort stuff out.

If being on a Chinese map was akin to being part of China then.......

No ,I never said the Island was marked as Japanese territory in 1868,but many western countries already viewed it as Japanese territory and part of okinawan chain .I said after Meiji restoration in 1868 Okinawa was officially designated as a prefecture of Japan. In 1879 Okinawa was a Japanese prefecture same as Kyoto or Osaka.
So your fumbling with Okinawa issue is absolutely ridiculous,it's not a colony but a Japanese prefecture captured by US since it was so far-flung.

The government of the PRC claimed the islands only in December 1971 after a report in 1969 by an UN-related organization mentioning the possibility of substantial oil and gas reserves around the area.China never claimed the noman's land before. This late claim was also very much in response to the Guomindang government in Taiwan which had already in February 1971, publicly opposed the return of the Senkaku Islands as part of the reversion of Okinawa to Japan in 1972.

China might have discovered it earlier,but discovery=/= ownership obviously,otherwise the worldmap would be different.Chinese are acting like ,they discovered it earlier so it must have been theirs.
The Shimonoseki Treaty which included the cession of Taiwan and the Pescadores , did not mention the Senkaku Islands. The latitude and longitude of the Pescadores were given and a joint committee for demarcating territories was set up.9 In the map of Taiwan printed at the time the Senkaku Islands were not included.
if Japan didn't claimed sovereignty over it ,than china also for sure didn't ,it was an uninhibited noman's island before Japan inhibited it.

And here's the thing ,applying contemporary rules of international law, the Japanese side has a strong claim to sovereignty over the islands because of the incorporation as vacant territory, and Japan`s effective control which went unchallenged for such a long time. China has nothing but navigational marking in old maps ,and never inhibited it like the Japanese did.

But get real,the Ryukan kingdom likely had most contact with the islands,the Okinawa chain is the closest to senkaku,and okinawa is part of Japan.

China claims to almost the whole of the South China Sea by revealing: the 9 dash line (originally 11 dash line) on which China`s claims to the South China Sea is based was already established in 1947 but had appeared in Chinese maps in one form or the other since 1936, and was then taken over in 1949 by the PRC,meanwhile, until the ECAFE survey of the East China Sea, the islands were not claimed by either the PRC or the ROC governments, and Japan`s control over the islands had been uncontested.This prolonged absence of objection is a sold case in favor of Japan.

BTW,Japan even courted both ROC & Korea to survey the natural resources before , but PRC later decided to make Japan and official enemy to bolster nationalism ,and sniffed political points in confronting japan over the islands .If resources was all to it,Japan is up for negotiation.

Did I say anything about the SF treaty? You obviously don't know how international treaty works. There is no issue with SF treaty's legality, but rather it has no relevance to China as China is not a participant or a signatory to the treaty. Treaties are only applicable to their signatories, and regarding to Taiwan, there is the Treaty of Taipei that saw the hand over the island back to China.

And no, there is no text in the SF treaty that says anything about residual sovereignty as it was a later US "interpretation". Japanese sovereignty over Okinawa was severed under its instrument of surrender, and US under the SF treaty only obtained administrative power, whereas the sovereignty of Okinawa shall be determined by itself per UN charter as all territory under international trusteeship shall.

The remaining of your long winding denial is either irrelevant or have already been repudiated in prior conversation.
Did I say anything about the SF treaty? You obviously don't know how international treaty works. There is no issue with SF treaty's legality, but rather it has no relevance to China as China is not a participant or a signatory to the treaty. Treaties are only applicable to their signatories, and regarding to Taiwan, there is the Treaty of Taipei that saw the hand over the island back to China.

And no, there is no text in the SF treaty that says anything about residual sovereignty as it was a later US "interpretation". Japanese sovereignty over Okinawa was severed under its instrument of surrender, and US under the SF treaty only obtained administrative power, whereas the sovereignty of Okinawa shall be determined by itself per UN charter as all territory under international trusteeship shall.

The remaining of your long winding denial is either irrelevant or have already been repudiated in prior conversation.

You are using a treaty that China hasn't signed on to talk up stuff.... the concerned parties have settled it outsiders have no business .
Okinawans are more Japanese than Japanese themselves go talk to a wall instead,neither the Okinawans like china nor they fancy any form of independence from Japan,they only want the US military gone,that's it. Neither the Okinawans nor anybody else in world talk nonsense about Okinawa like ya.Your UN charter excuse is only good for fooling oneself.

First ,it's different. Okinawa, as stipulated by Article 3 of the Treaty of San Francisco, could have been placed under the trusteeship of the United Nations if the United States had proposed to do so,but US took its upon themselves to adminster,none objected.

Secondly being under UN trusteeship doesn't imply irrevocable transfer of territory since Japan hasn't renounced it,it's just a transfer for rights to adminster.US & Japan considered the islands and its people under de jure Japanese sovereignty.
You are using a treaty that China hasn't signed on to talk up stuff.... the concerned parties have settled it outsiders have no business .
Okinawans are more Japanese than Japanese themselves go talk to a wall instead,neither the Okinawans like china nor they fancy any form of independence from Japan,they only want the US military gone,that's it. Neither the Okinawans nor anybody else in world talk nonsense about Okinawa like ya.Your UN charter excuse is only good for fooling oneself.

First ,it's different. Okinawa, as stipulated by Article 3 of the Treaty of San Francisco, could have been placed under the trusteeship of the United Nations if the United States had proposed to do so,but US took its upon themselves to adminster,none objected.

Secondly being under UN trusteeship doesn't imply irrevocable transfer of territory since Japan hasn't renounced it,it's just a transfer for rights to adminster.US & Japan considered the islands and its people under de jure Japanese sovereignty.

Administration is trusteeship, whereas transfer of sovereignty is annexation. UN trusteeship doesn't imply irrevocable transfer of territory, but based on UN charter, it does mean these territory shall be granted an opportunity for self-determination which Ryukyu was never given. If what you say is true of Okinawans, then Japan shall have no fear of an independence referendum.
Administration is trusteeship, whereas transfer of sovereignty is annexation. UN trusteeship doesn't imply irrevocable transfer of territory, but based on UN charter, it does mean these territory shall be granted an opportunity for self-determination which Ryukyu was never given. If what you say is true of Okinawans, then Japan shall have no fear of an independence referendum.
Firstly of all ,Okinawa wasn't a trust region.Its just a Japanese territory occupied by US ,there were 11 trust territories, Okinawa isn't one of them.Okinawa was and has been and will always remain Japanese as long as Japan remains.
Japanese navy is very very advanced and modern second only to USA...... their Kongo class warships are unparalleled in whole Asia....
If Japan is entering war then enemies must beware......
The biggest losers in a war over Taiwan will be Taiwan, Japan, Australia.

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