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China warned Japan may intervene militarily if it invades Taiwan

There's something called generation karma. You can't erase it. Debt can be forgiven but not karma. Even Western texts like the Bible has examples where the forefathers committed some crime or sin and the kids are maid to pay for it until X generations have passed.
?Something called like you pulled something out of your head;it's neither fact nor reasonable.

You pull about bible excuse now? One of those propaganda mythical book created for a class of people to rule overs by inducing opium of mind under imaginary delusional faith preying on human's emotional weakness & vulnerability? Someone killing a guy because his father did something offensive toward him ,all this before the son was even born. If you find no problem in that you're a low IQ , insidious person.
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I'm not talking about Japanese homeland,China doesn't have the ability or viability of invading Japan,at least for now and some decades to come.
The concerned islands are legally owned by the Japanese gov who bought it to prevent a tokyo hyper rightwing gov from purchasing it,hence it's Japanese controlled,and by sending navy to contest that only portrays China like a lawless thug, the Chinese claim has no historical or current international legal basis anymore. Any Chinese contest over islands owned legally and historically by Japan ,leaves no room for Chinese to be seen as a fair agent in the SCS. Even if Japan didn't had rights legally or historically(which they do) China shouldn't have been so unempathetic in antagonizing a nation over irrelevant rocks,the geopolitical significance of Japan is way more important,if Japan was made an ally instead of an enemy,China would have no reason to bother who controls anything between China and Japan,
China basically donated vast swaths of lands so generously to Pakistan,Russia ,Afghanistan but willingly antagonistic to Japan over nationalistic politics for politicians' personal interest.

Either Chinese side is misguided in their claim due to heavy anti-Japanese ideology or they are willingly acting like this to stroke nationalism and capture islands using superior numbers,that's still very wrong and deserve condemnation as any self serving wrong policy by any other gov.

China may have deserved sympathy in the war against Japanese side,(though I personally don't think Chiang Kai sek's side deserve any sympathy.)but this isn't 1936,in 2021,China has no rights in antagonizing people and who were not even born back in 1936 for their ancestor's actions. It's like harassing kids of criminals who themselves have committed no crime on their own,under state sponsored anti japanese propaganda lens,Chinese seek to harras the very kids ,and in such situation the criminal isn't the kid.The situation is like this now.

China shouldn't be so insensitive and antagonistic to a nation which is so important and so powerful,China can be so generous to Pakistan ,why not try a bit toward Japan,the dividend would be way more greater in geopolitical terms.

Japan per its Instrument of Surrender is entitled to legally own the four main islands and their associated islets. Beyond that are all illegal possession or illegitimate claims.
If you find no problem in that your a low IQ , insidious person.

Let me give u a bit of advice. The thief always cry thief unto others. My experience has always been 100% whatever someone claims about someone else, it's always a reflection of themselves (or a criticism of their own self). In other words, whatever u write about me, u are actually writing about urself exposing it for all to see!

Since we're on this subject and also a thread about Japan... Don't you find it curious Japanese are such clean neat freaks? In the Bible the killer and murderer Caiphous (or was it Kaiphous) always washes his hands, so he's always germs free, sort to speak. Japanese are such clean phreaks because they have had blood on their hands...
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China shouldn't have been so unempathetic in antagonizing a nation over irrelevant rocks,the geopolitical significance of Japan is way more important,if Japan was made an ally instead of an enemy,China would have no reason to bother who controls anything between China and Japan,
China basically donated vast swaths of lands so generously to Pakistan,Russia ,Afghanistan but willingly antagonistic to Japan over nationalistic politics for politicians' personal interest.
That's also one question I have always asked myself. Seems I wasn't alone in this.
Funny thing is China made concessions amd renounced it's claims over far more larger territories/land with its inland neighbours like Russia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and even Vietnam etc to solve their border disputes.
However they adopted a very drastic and uncompromising stance towards the barren small rock dispute with a far more important country/power like Japan. This normally doesn't make any sense geo politically speaking.
I can only explain this with the CCP trying to use this issue for their own nationalistic/political benefit , by stirring the people and showing how tough they are on Japan and to legitimise their rule even more and show that they are the guarantor of the nation. Notice how they publicise and openly talk alot about the barren island dispute with Japan and portray /show how they send ships/planes over regularly to assert their control/influence over the island . This is all for internal purposes. Since they never publicised or talked much about the other concessions they made while solving their border disputes with their other inland neighbours or with Russia. But they do talk alot about anything that has to do with their own dispute with Japan.
So it's mainly for CCP propaganda purposes. They can use the island dispute issue for their own political benefits when it suits them, by fanning the nationalistic flames and playing on Chinese people resentment towards Japan. Notice how the CCP control media don't even talk much about their border issue with India, even when they closed and their soldiers were killed, they almost remained silent and low key. Compared this to their grandstanding and propaganda when it concerns Japan. Had this being Japan instead of India, you can be sure that their reaction (even in their state controlled CCP media would have been totally different and more publicised).
We can only say that Japan is unfortunate to have such neighbours (south Korea is the same towards them when it comes to using their dispute for nationalistic purposes . Lol ).
Lol, Chinese and Russian navy and air forces are helping Japanese self-defense Forces to patrol Japan's waters and skies on regular basis now, and Japan still has chance to worry about Taiwan?
Unless US military sets up a permanent base in Taiwan, there will be no credible deterrence for Chinese military action.

That will give China reason to invade Taiwan as China don't allow foreign military on it's soil, as Taiwan is Chinese land it will invoke Chinese response.
China has been warned to stay alert to the possibility Japan will intervene militarily in the event of an attack on Taiwan.

A research paper said recent gestures of support for the island indicate that Japan and the United States have been discussing the scenario and are making plans to deter Beijing from using force to take the island.

Does Japan even have enough young people for an army? they should worry about their aging population first.
China has been warned to stay alert to the possibility Japan will intervene militarily in the event of an attack on Taiwan.

The paper they cite didnt say what is misleadingly suggested here, nevermind the absolutely nothing saying butchered half sentence they quoted from the paper at the start of their article. The paper discusses Japans options to intervene, since as a puppet state of the U.S.A. it has no other choice anyway, in face of Japan not wanting to escalate a response from China over Taiwan. Its about Japans options besides a full scale military intervention or even a single offensive opperation against Chinese forces by Japan
That's also one question I have always asked myself. Seems I wasn't alone in this.
Funny thing is China made concessions amd renounced it's claims over far more larger territories/land with its inland neighbours like Russia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and even Vietnam etc to solve their border disputes.
However they adopted a very drastic and uncompromising stance towards the barren small rock dispute with a far more important country/power like Japan. This normally doesn't make any sense geo politically speaking.
I can only explain this with the CCP trying to use this issue for their own nationalistic/political benefit , by stirring the people and showing how tough they are on Japan and to legitimise their rule even more and show that they are the guarantor of the nation. Notice how they publicise and openly talk alot about the barren island dispute with Japan and portray /show how they send ships/planes over regularly to assert their control/influence over the island . This is all for internal purposes. Since they never publicised or talked much about the other concessions they made while solving their border disputes with their other inland neighbours or with Russia. But they do talk alot about anything that has to do with their own dispute with Japan.
So it's mainly for CCP propaganda purposes. They can use the island dispute issue for their own political benefits when it suits them, by fanning the nationalistic flames and playing on Chinese people resentment towards Japan. Notice how the CCP control media don't even talk much about their border issue with India, even when they closed and their soldiers were killed, they almost remained silent and low key. Compared this to their grandstanding and propaganda when it concerns Japan. Had this being Japan instead of India, you can be sure that their reaction (even in their state controlled CCP media would have been totally different and more publicised).
We can only say that Japan is unfortunate to have such neighbours (south Korea is the same towards them when it comes to using their dispute for nationalistic purposes . Lol ).

Your explanation is very much flawed as Diaoyu island in dispute with Japan is traditionally associate islets of Taiwan. The mass movement in protesting against Japanese claim over the island initially started in Taiwan and HK in 1971. That was before Japan has even establish diplomatic relation with PRC. Remember the backdrop of all this was Kissinger's visit to China, followed by Nixon's visit, removing of ROC from UN, and end to the diplomatic relationship between Japan/US & ROC.
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As powerful as the Japanese military is they better stay away from this.
Soon, our Ryukyuan brother will be Independent 😍

These are the ones closest to the rogue province (closest Island is 60 KM away). I don't agree with the term "disputed". By any definition, these Islands belong to China.

Senkaku Islands, Japan
A group of disputed islands, Uotsuri island (top), Minamikojima (bottom) and Kitakojima, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China is seen in the East China Sea, in this photo taken by Kyodo in Sep. 2012. Photo: Reuters/Kyodo
Japan has a very tough attitude towards China, and has a soft attitude to Russia and the US, although Russia and the United States are two countries took away a lot of Japanese territories after World War II. The reason is that China is not brutal like Russian and American
You mean to say, Japan only learns when it receives a good beating?
I'm not talking about Japanese homeland,China doesn't have the ability or viability of invading Japan,at least for now and some decades to come.
The concerned islands are legally owned by the Japanese gov who bought it to prevent a tokyo hyper rightwing gov from purchasing it,hence it's Japanese controlled,and by sending navy to contest that only portrays China like a lawless thug, the Chinese claim has no historical or current international legal basis anymore. Any Chinese contest over islands owned legally and historically by Japan ,leaves no room for Chinese to be seen as a fair agent in the SCS. Even if Japan didn't had rights legally or historically(which they do) China shouldn't have been so unempathetic in antagonizing a nation over irrelevant rocks,the geopolitical significance of Japan is way more important,if Japan was made an ally instead of an enemy,China would have no reason to bother who controls anything between China and Japan,
China basically donated vast swaths of lands so generously to Pakistan,Russia ,Afghanistan but willingly antagonistic to Japan over nationalistic politics for politicians' personal interest.

Either Chinese side is misguided in their claim due to heavy anti-Japanese ideology or they are willingly acting like this to stroke nationalism and capture islands using superior numbers,that's still very wrong and deserve condemnation as any self serving wrong policy by any other gov.

China may have deserved sympathy in the war against Japanese side,(though I personally don't think Chiang Kai sek's side deserve any sympathy.)but this isn't 1936,in 2021,China has no rights in antagonizing people and who were not even born back in 1936 for their ancestor's actions. It's like harassing kids of criminals who themselves have committed no crime on their own,under state sponsored anti japanese propaganda lens,Chinese seek to harras the very kids ,and in such situation the criminal isn't the kid.The situation is like this now.

China shouldn't be so insensitive and antagonistic to a nation which is so important and so powerful,China can be so generous to Pakistan ,why not try a bit toward Japan,the dividend would be way more greater in geopolitical terms.

"legally" under japanese law, not international or chinese law. and this isn't the 1800s, japanese domestics law dont mean shit to china. or would you find it acceptable if my father(who don't legally own your house) "sold" your house to me, by your logic you should move out immediately since the house belongs to me now.

and "historically" yea i already told you it was stolen through war. specifically the first sino-Japanese war as a part of japanese imperial expansion that saw millions murdered. the island were historically used by china long before japan took them in war.

your "legally" and "historically" is one sided and essentially boils down to "might is right but only when the side i like is more powerful"
heck if we go by your argument, legally, in chinese law it belongs to china, and historically we and everyone else admits chinese use through and around the island well before japan ever claimed it.
so japan should stop claiming what is legally and historically chinese.

moreover you state that chinese claims somehow makes it not a fair agent in the SCS. yet you still have not referenced Japan's own claims on both islands it stole from china in war, but also islands russia took from them in war. so which is it? taking land in war is okay or not? from the Japanese perspective? can they at least be consistent? while china has a clear and consistent policy, its land claims are fully based on historical claims, stemming from the RoC(which has nearly the same claims as PRC) and from the Qing dynasty before that. exemption are the lands it no longer claims due to negotiations.

see that? negotiations, yes china has fully settled almost all land its borders though negotiation, except for india and its puppet of bhutan. its as fair as a nation could be about its land claims. japan does not wish to negotiate, they want the whole thing just like india does not wish to negotiate they want the whole thing based on well.... nothing except imperial ambitions. unfortunately for them, this is a china of 2021 not 1895.

and im not sure where you got your information (sounds like they're from a right wing Japanese school), but china did not "donate" any land to anyone. it negotiated borders with pakistan, getting some of its claims and relinquishing other claims, you know, being fair as you alluded to earlier.
it negotiated borders with russia, with each getting about half the claims.

and why the hell do you think china should be generous to japan? japan has never been generous to china, it has always been antagonistic to china. how about japan show good will by giving up the claims to chinese islands and not interfering in the chinese civil war. how about japan clear up its past by not electing officials who supposedly" officially" acknowledge japanese war crime in ww2, yet consistently deny them all the time in public. japanese people today may not have been the ones to commit the crime personally, but they continue to make claims based on those crimes and still makes noises about taking side in a potential taiwan scenario that does not involve them whatsoever unless they choose to be involved. literally talking about supporting one side of a civil war and you you think china(the side they will not be supporting) should be "generous" to them? Do you also remind your robber that you have a cell phone too after they take your wallet?

and lastly. even if china gave up all its disputes with japan and left taiwan alone. japan would STILL be antagonistic to china. Japan is essentially an occupied country, it does what the us dictates as far as foreign policy is concerned. if the us doesn't allow it, Japan will never have good relations with china so long as it still houses us troops and bases. why the hell should china show good will to the dog, when it should really be talking to the owner.
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