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China wants military base in Pakistan

So what about Turkey? They have a very powerful and formidable army, navy, and air force and there's a American base in Turkey? Does that mean Turkey is weak? I'd say Turkey can kick india's but any day!

In fact this has helped Turkey by allowing to access to high tech American military hardware and this has made Turkey a regional power and a key player in world politics!


Am talking about the nations that dont offer its soil for anybody's millitary no matter how big the booty is. Turkey may be a regional power but thatz not a criteria of a true powerfull nation. To give u an idea....the league of US, UK, France, Russia, India, China.

Now, one can claim to be a powerfull nation at the same time lack the voice to say "NO". There are nations outthere that arent influenced or feard of anybody's geopolitical tactics, am talking about them. Am just sayin try to be one of them, thatz the whole point.
i don't like repeating myself, but since your ignorant and didn't read my previous post, i'll repeat:

So what about Turkey? They have a very powerful and formidable army, navy, and air force and there's a American base in Turkey? Does that mean Turkey is weak? I'd say Turkey can kick india's butt any day!

In fact this has helped Turkey by allowing to access to high tech American military hardware and this has made Turkey a regional power and a key player in world politics!


just an advice there is no need to go for personal insult...Anyways what specific thing that you will achieve by having a Chinese military base in Pakistan??? What is not on offer to you that will be made available to you????

P.S : Allowing someone to have a military base in your country is nothing but a sign of weakness...What other purpose a military base can do for you??? Please care to explain...

As far as Turkey kicking Indian arse..well only time will tell...As of now we have decent relations with them....So have some :coffee:
My fellow forum members, in all our excitement around a Chinese base in Pakistan we are missing a key factor here. Its called the United States of A.

US, inspite of all its gung ho trade relations with China, sees China as its military adversary, potential one at least. And we all know the influence American money and diplomacy (and I mean the hardball kind) has with the Pakistani establishment. Like it or not, its pretty significant.

At least till the WoT is going on, US and Nato would never allow the presence of a military base of a country that in the past has criticized the WoT and the way its been carried out. Even after the war is over, the US will still maintain enough military interests and influence in the region to thwart any such base.

Now if China joins the ISAF, then thats a different matter. May be I am wrong but the US was contemplating inviting China to send its forces to Afghanistan.

So it all pretty much depends on the US and its wishes. At least for now. If the world balance changes and US influence in the region declines then its a different ball game altogether.
but wait what abut aar paar ki larai slogen?
What about it??? please don't post off topics and even if you choose to do at least extrapolate on it so that i can make sense out of it and respond meaningfully...

WHy sud a nation allow some other nations naval base or for that matter any base ?? u cud get support in developing one but sud never allow such things... I wud be against any of those even if it's from closest o f close friends of India too !!

why becoz , did any bells ring how great powers come to new nations in the first place ? East India company, US, France, Japan or any colonial powers ? It always starts with gud will gesture but again leads to state interference one way or other. And how many Pakistanis felt the same when they grew close to USA early 70s... must have felt the same way too....

My point is, No Strong Nation allows some foreign nation to build and base its forces with in it's territories... but yeah nations can help eath other out which is altogether a different ball game. I know people here in their blind or justfied hatred towards India wud opt for it.. but in the long term i see a major setback to Pakistan only....


US and China are Super Powers but when one looks for protection from a minute Zionist State like Israel, that is both depressing and embarrassing.:azn:
Pakistan inaugurated its third deep sea port in Gwadar in March 2005. It became operational in March 2008 when first the ship carrying 52000 tonnes of wheat from Canada berthed here. In my opinion a great news of development for Pakistan, especially as a project whose foundation stone was laid just three years ago on March 22, 2002 and its first phase got finished on time in March 2005. Phase I includes building of three multipurpose berths. Gwadar port operations are run by the Port of Singapore Authority (PSA) under a 40-year agreement.

So far so good. But what are the strategic and political implications of this project. A quick search on internet will reveal a plethora of conspiracy theories. Some even call it a useless port for Pakistan. Others call it a part of new Great Game being played across the Balochistan province of Pakistan. So what is it?

In my opinion this is a brilliantly planned project and a great strategic move by Pakistan. With Pakistan Motorway Project connecting Gwadar to Peshawar via Punjab, a World Class Coastal Highway (N10) connecting Gwadar to Karachi, it may very well become the trade hub for this century. But while Pakistan has played its best move, other regional and global powers are also not sitting silent and they are making their own moves making Gwadar port a project with multi-dimensonal consequences.

Dimension One: Pakistan’s Strategic Interests

(1) Gwadar is located only 180 nautical miles from the Strait of Hormuz through which 40% of World’s Oil passes. Gwadar could thus emerge as the key shipping hub in the area providing mass trade to central asian republics as well as across Pakistan and China. A road from Gwadar to Saindak is completed. Saindak is already connected to the RCD Highway (N35) and through Quetta-Chaman it provides the shortest route for trade with Central Asian Republics.

(2) Pakistan also needed a deep sea port away from Karachi so that in times of hostilities Pakistan Navy doesn’t get blockaded. With all the navy ships concentrated at Karachi port, a blockade of Pakistan had been quite easy in the past. With Jinnah Naval Base at Ormara and Gwadar port, PN should be able to spread out its assets. For reference, Gwadar port is 450 km further away from Indian Border than Karachi Port.

(3) Gwadar port will directly and indirectly bring lots of wealth, trade and infrastructure advancement to the area which has been traditionally left behind in developement. Compare it to how Karachi port transformed a once sleepy fishing village to a megapolis.

This is all good news for Pakistan.

The photo above is courtesy of Zahid Shahid at flickr.com

Dimension Two: Chinese Interests in Reaching Blue Waters

(1) It is also widely claimed that there is a Chinese interest in reaching the blue waters of Arabian Sea. This is cited as a strategic move by Chinese as they funded US $198 million (out of total phase I cost of US $248 million) and also provided 450 Engineers on site to finish the project on time. It is said that China is trying to develop its Western regions at par with its Eastern regions to reduce the economic gap within China and to stop the internal migration of people from West to East. It is famously called their ‘Go West’ policy. To market products produced in Western China, ports of Shanghai or other eastern ports are almost 3000 km away from the western production centers where as Gwadar provides access to a port at just 1500 km.

(2) There is another dimension to this project where Gwadar port is considered as the naval outpost for the Chinese. It has been called part of ‘String of Pearls’ strategy of Chinese where they’ve got hold of strategic ports in Gwadar, Bangladesh, SriLanka, Burma, Thailand, Combodia, and South China Sea etc. On a world map, these ports form of string (of pearls) which may form as Chinese line of defense to control oil movement. 80% of oil used in China goes through shipping lines of Malacca Straits. This strategy of a series of ports along the oil shipment routes gives China a forward footing. It is said that China is also wary that US may cut off its oil supplies through Malacca straits in case of any increase of hostilities on Taiwan issue.

(3) China has however, always denied that Gwadar will ever be used by Chinese military. Publicly they have always called it a civilian port of Pakistan.

Dimension Three: Iranian and Indian Interests in the Area

(1) Gwadar port is also making regional players nervous. Iran which is only 72 km away from Gwadar considers it as an economic threat taking business away from Iranian ports. So in competition to Gwadar, Iran has developed its own port called Chabahar with the help of India. Chabahar is located in Iranian Balochistan province of Seestan. India is also building 213 km long road to connect this Iranian port with Afghanistan. India is eyeing this Iranian port as its own shortest route to Central Asian markets and may be a counter balance to Chinese influence in Gwadar.

(2) India may also consider the Chinese influence in Gwadar as a move by China to encircle India, hence their interest in developing Iranian port of Chabahar.

Dimension Four: Baloch Nationalist Interests

(1) Now if you thought that was all, don’t forget the nationalist angle to Gwadar port. Baluchi people in whose province this port has been developed are not 100% behind the project. Their apprehensions are that other provinces will reap the real economic benefits of this development. There is also a resentment against the labor for the port coming from other provinces as well as the real estate boom that Gwadar is seeing is going to people from outside Balochistan. This has resulted in some violence in the area including some attacks even targeted against the Chinese engineers.

The attacks against the Chinese also gives rise to the speculation that our friendly neighbors may be inciting Balochi nationalism for their own economic agenda but there has to be some truth that Baluchis deserve more share in their province’s resources.

Reference: Gwadar Port: A Great Development Project Or A Great Game? : ALL THINGS PAKISTAN

I have posted this before a few times but i think its relevant to the above post.

Just from the number of piplines-roads and now the rail link between pakistan-iran-turkey shows why the US-allies can not see it happen.

With chinese already having secured the china sea ,its now moving into the indian ocean and leaving the atlatic and pacific to the US.
Take also into account the deals the chinese have made in africa and the extra amount of traffic that will flow from africa to gwadar to end up in china.
^^^ Both United States and China!

Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

offtopic i know, but its JFYI.

this is nonsense! were American or Chinese troops fighting indians on the battlefield?

In this same way i can say the Soviets were protecting india during the 1971 war by openly supplying indians with weapons, while Pakistan was fighting with decades old f-86 sabre's, and America imposed arms embargo's on Pakistan!

come up with something logical, or else stop posting BS!
this is nonsense! were American or Chinese troops fighting indians on the battlefield?

In this same way i can say the Soviets were protecting india during the 1971 war by openly supplying indians with weapons, while Pakistan was fighting with decades old f-86 sabre's, and America imposed arms embargo's on Pakistan!

come up with something logical, or else stop posting BS!

read ur own post below.
Who said US was protecting Pakistan? and who said China will protect Pakistan?

In all of the previous indo-Pak wars, who was protecting Pakistan?

ur question: who was protecting Pakistan?

my answer: United States and China.

end of story.
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