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China vs Japan in India : Advantage Indian Infrastructure!

LOL its not like you guys have a choice. Japanese products and services are expensive so the only option left is Chinese unless you want to commit national suicide. Also you can learn a lot from China on how to run a diverse country, educate women and maintain social order.

From when China become diverse country? :rofl:
LOL its not like you guys have a choice. Japanese products and services are expensive so the only option left is Chinese unless you want to commit national suicide. Also you can learn a lot from China on how to run a diverse country, educate women and maintain social order.

Are you really this ignorant or your morbid hatred for anything 'Indian', has blinded you to this extent?

Not only are you not on topic, but spectacularly ignorant too!

Here is how China managed their own diversity (which was rich as a result of their thousands of years of continued existence)!

Cultural Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- Basically by suppressing all religions, killing the preachers and followers, by ransacking all cultural sites, banning arts, banning all other languages, killing countless who had different political opinions - in addition to their continued cleansing of the ethnic minorities in the Chinese occupied territories of Tibet, Xinjiang and elsewhere!

In short, they managed their diversity basically by killing it with brute force! Isn't that a textbook-definition of cultural/political/religious/linguistic/ethnic genocide?

Is that how you want India to deal with its own diversity?

I have come to realize lately not to expect anything better from SL members, but you guys are really losing it fast!
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