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China ‘very displeased’ with Japan’s White Paper

Singaporean Chinese are very different from CCP's internet brigade mate. Don't confuse the two.

May be....Even so many Chinese living in India everywhere. They are really nice people. They have same good feeling for Indian. Don't know why on Internet only, Chinese People with different opinion are visible. :undecided:
Japan will soon become yet again China's vassal state.
Yeah! Like Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Taiwan, and probably the US of A by 2050!
buddy you have to understand the indians mindset , doesnt matter what they say is logical or illogical or even make them look stupid , they will try for the sake of winning an arguement or to bash china.

by the way why dont u analyse the Chinese mindset???
This is not japan Bitc*ing, its the usa asking them to, the usa is the one worried about china's growth. but they can get a middle finger shown to them for that matter.
This is not japan Bitc*ing, its the usa asking them to, the usa is the one worried about china's growth. but they can get a middle finger shown to them for that matter.

Man sorry to say but you are talking like your President Ahmedinejad. He finds USA or CIA or Satan behind every stone on earth. :rofl:

From where did USA get in?? Look it was just for fun nothing serious!!!!
I think Japan and Phillipines has a military treaty with America whereby their security is guaranteed by American forces.. That is precisely why Japan has only a nominal Self Defence Force.. However the present Japanese military build up is not for expansionist aims but rather to counter the Chinese laying claims on resource rich south china sea and also due to disputed islands...
This is not japan Bitc*ing, its the usa asking them to, the usa is the one worried about china's growth. but they can get a middle finger shown to them for that matter.

Japan is held by the invisible chains of the USA. Probably better if it is so (they are too dangerous if left alone).

But still, Japanese opinion of China isn't very favorable.
No, I am in India as of now. I have some business dealing in Singapore. So, I do go regularly there. I don't have any Boss. :lol: Indeed, I have few very good Chinese friends who talk differently than Chinese poster here on PDF. I don't why. :what: Most of the Chinese like India (whom I met) and I also like China...But case is different on PDF.

Even Singapore Prseident is an Indian. S.R. Nathan

And I seriously don't hate China. Indeed, It's few Chinese Poster here only post anti-Indian comment, you can check. So, it was reply. Otherwise I personally want Good Relation with China so that both can become Great and Vibrant Economy . :tup:

Hmmm, your words contradicts in your post.Is there no anti-chinese sentiment here in PDF?Oh! mind you i do have indian friends in SG and MY,it's just that we dont talk about politics in real life cause we know where that would lead to.It seems that you are so proud of your dealings here and the current SG president is an indian.Dont mind if i ask you on what kind of bussiness do you do? maybe selling saree's,spices or bollywood?You must have a hard time marketing your stuff,:cheers:l.The thingy you mention about current president is an indian no doubt about that but did you make the effort on who was the founding fathers of SG and you naively think he runs everything,well it's the Lee's that has the final say!
Ah!China,yes she's very controversial.I dont blame her with so many disputes going on,isn't it natural that claimants hating each other?so does (Sg and My)Here's my point, bussiness doesn't mix with politicking in real life and i do vouch for world peace:angel: and not everything in China is propaganda or internet cencorship.
Btw do you still think i'm a good singaporean chinese the other way?:angel:
You could read the Japanese signboard, not because it was in Chinese, but because it was in Kanji
Kanji means 'chinese script' in japanese "dialect". Japan adopted chinese script so their educated can learn the science and politic of China easily.

in the same way english is used in India... or do you guys call it indianese over there?
Kanji means 'chinese script' in japanese "dialect". Japan adopted chinese script so their educated can learn the science and politic of China easily.

in the same way english is used in India... or do you guys call it indianese over there?

They use Hindi.
Kanji means 'chinese script' in japanese "dialect". Japan adopted chinese script so their educated can learn the science and politic of China easily.

in the same way english is used in India... or do you guys call it indianese over there?

Hindi is National Language. Followed by 26 Regional language for state specific like Tamil, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi and many others. English is not our main language. It's 2nd/3rd Language mainly due to professional reason. We know 2-4 Languages and that 100% includes Indian Language(s) and English is optional. :coffee:
Whatever progress China has made, it seems, has gone into its head. Why cannot China live in peace? It has problems with all its neighbours except Pakistan, NK and Burma?

How can China become a superpower, if it cultivates enemies around it;
Hey, buddy. I think u do need one thing-------mirror.
Yeah! Like Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Taiwan, and probably the US of A by 2050!

That's not funny if it become true in the next hundred years. In fact, German had occupied France in the past like nobody known it!!!
Japan under fire for 'China threat theory'

BEIJING - China has expressed its "strong opposition" to Japan's latest defense white paper, saying it has ulterior motives to play up a "China threat theory".

The Defense Ministry on Thursday joined the Foreign Ministry in condemning Tokyo's defense report, which voiced concern over China's military modernization and recent maritime activity.

"China unswervingly adheres to the path of peaceful development, sticks to the policy of building friendships and partnerships with neighboring countries and pursues a defensive policy," Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng said in a statement.

Geng said that China is modernizing its defense systems and armed forces only to safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity and to ensure smooth economic and social development.

The Japanese defense report contained "irresponsible comments", Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said late on Wednesday.

He asked Japan to focus on the economic opportunities brought by China's growth instead of Beijing's military modernization.

China has never, and will never, constitute a threat to any country, he said.

"We hope that the Japanese will use history as a guide and reflect on their defense policy earnestly and make more efforts to enhance mutual trust with their neighbors," Ma said.

The defense white paper is Japan's annual report evaluating its regional security environment but this year it paid special attention to China's maritime activity and for the first time mentioned the South China Sea, analysts said.

"Given the modernization of China's naval and air forces in recent years, its sphere of influence is likely to grow beyond its neighboring waters," the white paper said.

"It is expected that China will try to keep expanding its area of activity and to make naval activity routine practice in waters surrounding Japan, including the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean, as well as in the South China Sea," it said.

Tokyo-based Kyodo News carried an article that said concerns over China's expanding military buildup can be seen everywhere in the white paper, The Defense of Japan 2011. It is obvious, the article said, that Japan intends to work with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries to encircle China in a strategy based on the US-Japanese alliance.

An editorial published on Thursday's Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) called for the strengthening of the US-Japanese alliance as well as cooperation with ASEAN countries, the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Australia. This strategy, the editorial said, is a "necessary step that Japan ought to take" to urge China to exercise "self-control".

Gao Hong, deputy director of the Institute of Japanese Studies with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that Japan has exaggerated "threats" from China for years in its annual defense white papers and that this year it even used the wording "high-pressure confrontation".

"Personally, I find the accusation does not have a leg to stand on. So-called high-pressure confrontation between states means a country uses its power to confine, force and even prosecute the other," Gao said.

He said that Japan, an island nation that has long pursued maritime interests due to limited resources, now feels more anxious and impatient following the earthquake and tsunami in March and the ensuing nuclear crisis.

The white paper was an attempt to shift attention from its domestic political problems and restore confidence following the events in March that caused a feeling of insecurity, even though the report will cause offense in neighboring countries, he said.

Wu Huaizhong, a researcher also with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told People's Daily that Japan's efforts to play up the "China threat theory" is to boost its own defense spending.

"In order to get a bigger budget for its military buildup, it has to use neighboring countries, including China, as an excuse," he said.

Wu believed that the real "threat" to Japan is how to deal with the aftermath of the quake and tsunami.

Responding to Japan's mention about the South China Sea issue in its defense report, Li Jie, research fellow with the Naval Military Studies Research Institute, said it is a matter between China and the countries involved.

"China does not need a third country to add fuel to the fire," he said.

Japan's move has also angered other Asian countries, such as the ROK.

ROK officials on Tuesday slammed Japan's description of disputed islets in the Sea of Japan as its territory in the report. According to Yonhap News Agency, Japan has been using the same language since 2005 to refer to the disputed islets, known as Dokdo by the ROK and Takeshima by Japan.

The ROK foreign ministry said that Seoul would discuss countermeasures against Tokyo's latest claim. ROK President Lee Myung-bak is reportedly considering canceling a visit to Japan scheduled for later this year in protest.
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