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China versus India - a thorough analysis

Perhaps India needs a revolution. Not just a political revolution, but a social revolution as well, preferably imposed from topdown to hasten change.

Not possible. Otherwise, it would have taken place long ago.

There are many reasons, I don't want to go into details.

Honestly, bro, I stopped caring about India long ago, nobody cares, why should I? And if you really care, you will be either stabbed to death or shot dead. This is the irony.

In India one can only survive if he becomes a good predator. Fact!
Not possible. Otherwise, it would have taken place long ago.

There are many reasons, I don't want to go into details.

Honestly, bro, I stopped caring about India long ago, nobody cares, why should I? And if you really care, you will be either stabbed to death or shot dead. This is the irony.

In India one can only survive if he becomes a good predator. Fact!

are you living in India??
Yes. Since my birth.

If you see no hope for India in your lifetime, then leave the country and join the NRI community.

You seem a very intelligent fella with your heart in the right place. You should make a difference elsewhere if you can't do the same in India.
Who even thinks India is better than China is obviously mentally retarded, or a brainwashed Indian. Not sure if they are different.

Only mentally retarded or brainwashed chinese think that they are better than Indians. Not sure, if they are different.

Anyway, this forum has completely stopped comparisons betwen India and Pakistan - Pakistanis like Icewolf included.

Perhaps, all Pakistanis (like Icewolf) have concluded that Pakistan is way better than India ... (except mentally retarded or brainwashed people). :laugh:
Only mentally retarded or brainwashed chinese think that they are not better than Indians.

In that case, your understanding of "mentally retarded or brainwashed" is different from what is normally understood in English language.

As per your "definition", only mentally retarded or brainwashed chinese do not exchange their kidney for an iphone.
In that case, your understanding of "mentally retarded or brainwashed" is different from what is normally understood in English language.

As per your "definition", only mentally retarded or brainwashed chinese do not exchange their kidney for an iphone.

Only mentally retarded or brainwashed Indians think that they should not rape.
you mean all people in this world except for Indians are retarded or brainwashed?

no, i mean all people in world in the world do not think that chinese are better than indians ... except the retarded or brainwashed, off course.

so .. are you mentally retarded or brainwashed.. or neither?
We KNOW we are superior to Indians. Indians are low IQ people that have rape problems. They are not in the same league as us Chinese.

Indians are closer to Africans.
If you see no hope for India in your lifetime, then leave the country and join the NRI community.

You seem a very intelligent fella with your heart in the right place. You should make a difference elsewhere if you can't do the same in India.

Ohi toh musibad hai humre, ye heart jo right place me aa gaya... the heart should have been in the wrong place.

Nothing will change unless there is a war... full scale war, a nuclear one may be. Otherwise, millions of innocent souls will still be bought and sold like cattle.

Its an organized crime where money is involved. Its the most dangerous crime in this part of the world. You buy a fair skinned tribal virgin girl of 10-12 years old from a remote village of India's northeast or from Nepal for a mere five 5000 rupees depending on the beauty. The moment she is kidnapped, she is done. Now you sell her to someone in Varanasi for rupees 25,000 and you make a profit of rupees 20,000. Now as virgins are in high demand as people believe that having sex with a virgin cures AIDS, so the girl will be resold to a rich customer who will pay 10,000 for deflowering her. Now the girl is robbed of her innocence and becomes a randi (prostitute) and acts like one. Since girls from Northeast or from Nepal are fair skinned, customers pay high prices for having sex. She receives talim/training in all types of seductive art and erotic dancing and is again resold to pimps who will take her to different red light areas where human cages are present. As long as she is young, she can fetch high amount of money to the pimps. Cops are either bribed or are threatened not to interfere and so expect no police action. She then again gives you profit by giving birth to female babies who become randis/prostitutes the moment they are born. Every girl has to satisfy at least 90/100 customers per day. Imagine?

This is just one part of the story, there are many types of human trafficking and slave trade.

This fcuk goes on.

Call me a war monger or what but I want war for a valid reason. I know, a full scale war will kill many people. Suppose, there are nuclear strikes in India, I myself will be among the dead persons. But that is OK with me. There were many such people, like me, who died in wars in the history of mankind. They didn't matter. I, too, don't matter. Millions of souls who are victims of slave trade matter. At least for these unfortunate souls, I will tolerate the pain of death. The pain of death lasts only a few moments. It does not matter much at least to me.

But after the war, there will be new people who will build a new society free of sexual slavery. Have you ever seen any woman giving birth to a new baby? Do you know why a new baby cries the moment her mother gives delivery?

Yes, birth is always painful. But birth gives new life.

A new life matters.
Nothing will change unless there is a war... full scale war, a nuclear one may be. Otherwise, millions of innocent souls will still be bought and sold like cattle.

Wars only make things worse: complete breakdown of law and order leads to lots of misery for lots of people for a long time.

What you are describing is not unique to India, and neither is the mentality. I have lived in US, Europe and Australia and I can assure you 100% that the mentality of people is the same everywhere. You can see old men ogling young, even pre-teen girls.

The only reason people behave in the developed world is because the law enforcement is stronger. When there is a temporary breakdown of law and order, as in during riots or natural calamities, the base nature comes out.

The solution for India lies in the same direction: improved law and order. When the fear of the law becomes credible, then people will curb their instincts.
Public safety!

Listen dude, India is not what here some members try to portray. Many of them are paid by concerned intel agencies to post here.

It is a free society and here every powerful kills the less powerful to survive. Its nothing less than the theory of survival of the fittest.

If you are weak, you won't survive here. You will become a prey of a predator.

But I love it, its fun, its adventurous once you get used to it! I know, may be in the next few hours, I might get shot and die but thats what I have to live with. When you are always under constant threats, at certain point you won't even feel threats anymore. You will know that you will have nothing to lose apart from your life. And there you actually conquer death since it is no longer a fear factor. We all were born because we all have to die someday.

What is the situation of handguns in india?

so india is like a war zone, internecine killings and fights between religious sects, gangsters ...etc are truefully described in the oscar winning movie?

if india is what it looks like today, can you imagine the year when india surpasses China as the no.1 largest populated country in the world?

Another of your problems which equals if it is not a lot more serious than rape is narcotics and substance abuse! Our drug problem is also on the rise but we are taking zero tolerance or death to the traffickers
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