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China USA Anchorage meeting descends into war of words

I disagree. China had a fear of the US. But Trump pushed confrontation to the tilt and China is stronger than ever so it removed the fear.
not fear, I would rephrase it as concerns.
China US relationship is China most important diplomacy, no doubt. But it doesn't mean China need a good China US relationship. From China perspective, this is not our goal at all, not worthy it.

China only need to manage China US relationship, so does US. A good relationship is unrealistic, both side knew it very well decades ago.

China is too big to be ally, and too dangerous to be enemy, vice versa. China understood it well, it's time for US side to accept the reality.

Once both sides has the consensus, then we can manage our relationship on 4C.

  1. Cooperation 合作
  2. Competition 竞争
  3. Confrontation 冲突
  4. Coordination 协调
The Yankees are just Pride and Prejudice, they haven't seen that American Golden Times has come to an end, new game started, not the way they like.

The earlier Yankees wake up, the better for them. US keep making mistakes, no strategy at all, so pathetic.
If you take a very close look, Blinken's eyes blinked, and he rubbed his hands again and again. I can see his nervousness. :D
He was as nervous as a 13 year old asking his crush to a date.
Trump is the one who initiate more confrontational policy to China from USA side and look like it will be followed by other US President, regardless it is Republican or Democrat. What I can say is that Trump has gotten its objective and now his policy is accepted by US establishment, including their political opponent (Democrat). About removing the fear, it is normal for some one being attacked to attack back, just an example of that is Iran.
True. But China is not Iran. Once the fear of the US wore off, China shifted from defense to offense. The US will undoubtedly be too arrogant to seek a mutually beneficial relationship with China so we will see this play out in an ugly way.
See how this idiot blinken gives opening comments infront of media, is that the way to talk? How can u openly give statements abt internal issues of a powerful sovereign country, as if ur theit master here to judfe them for their behavior. These westerners never get out of colonial mindset.
The Americans can only write fiction where China's capabilities are present day but USA capabilities are forecasted into the next decade :lol:

The fact is USA will surrender unconditionally after the first nuclear warheads detonate over their cities.

You are misreading American Culture and the American elite. They already have places around the world in place to go to in the event of a Third World War. Also, as the US marines say, you hit them, they will come back ten times back on you. If the last decades of war have proved anything, America doesn’t back down from a fight. They’ll ride their weapons themselves right onto to you. So cool it with the empty rhetoric, we know both sides will posture, and if there is detente, China will probably take Taiwan with little to no interference from the US, if they come to some kind of understanding.

Otherwise, you need to remember that the good ‘ole boys (who live mostly in the rural areas not the cities for the very reason to be dispersed) aren’t afraid to “mosey on down that road” like they did with the soviets.

He was as nervous as a 13 year old asking his crush to a date.

True. But China is not Iran. Once the fear of the US wore off, China shifted from defense to offense. The US will undoubtedly be too arrogant to seek a mutually beneficial relationship with China so we will see this play out in an ugly way.

The weakness about China is that about half of its trade surplus comes from US-China trade and it is also the position where US can claim it is more stronger. The fight will only be in a form of trade and technology, similar like what is happening during cold war minus proxy war. If China is still complying with previous trade deal under Trump that favor US, US will likely become less aggressive on trade front, where in other front it can possibly still continue its blunt comments over China.
The US side is speaking from written lecture notes.

The Chinese side is speaking without any written notes perhaps were not expecting this kind of US response
The US side is speaking from written lecture notes.

The Chinese side is speaking without any written notes perhaps were not expecting this kind of US response
If you take a very close look, Blinken's eyes blinked, and he rubbed his hands again and again. I can see his nervousness. :D

It wasn’t nervousness, but shock and surprise at the level of undiplomatic behavior.

This meeting supposedly solidified that the unipolar world is over and they are not gonna take it anymore. On the contrary it was a sign of the Weakness from the side of the Chinese delegation, to show anger in public. They have revealed their intentions (fight over detente), and made the US lose face on its own soil. I understand the Chinese delegation did not want to lose face in front of the media either, and they will say they were provoked, but they have given up the ability to deceive. “all war is deception” as Sun Tzu once said.
Ooh... Harsh words! American frustration is visible hearing tough response which they aren't trained to hear yet. I wonder what happened in the actual session when the "welcome" was this bad. :pop:
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Rules based international order. That was epic. I mean it's like snakes demanding venom free world.

I would say the meeting is a declaration of cold war against China in a blunt way. I havent seen this even during Trump administration, particularly when they have a formal meeting like this with their China counterparts.
The weakness about China is that about half of its trade surplus comes from US-China trade and it is also the position where US can claim it is more stronger. The fight will only be in a form of trade and technology, similar like what is happening during cold war minus proxy war. If China is still complying with previous trade deal under Trump that favor US, US will likely become less aggressive on trade front, where in other front it can possibly still continue its blunt comments over China.
  1. If US believe they can cut the trade as they claimed, Trump had already done it. They just can't.
  2. The truth is US need China product and market as much as China need US's. So it's win win situation.
  3. If US cut China import, China will import much less from other countries as well. A lot of components come from US, Korea, Japan, EU, and Taiwan providence. The global supply chain is so complex nowadays, it's mutual dependence.
  4. China export iPhone to US, hundreds of billion dollars. But the chips come from Taiwan, panel and NAND come from Korea, a lot of electronic come from US, Japan.
If US cut China import completely, US has to find another supplier, because those products won't be made in US anyway. While China will cut US import and close China markets.

China export much more to US, that's true. But you know what, US company made more money in China market, such as Hollywood, General Motors, Boeing, GE, fashion industry, Financial industry.

US has some leverage, but not that much. US is an empire, there are a lot of global interest needs to be taken care of. How much resource US want to wasted on China?

As I said, US debt clock tik tok. everyone saw it. US is extremely weak at least during Biden regime.

It's China actually hold the bargaining chip. Blinken better understand it asap. Otherwise he will got humiliated publicly.
The weakness about China is that about half of its trade surplus comes from US-China trade and it is also the position where US can claim it is more stronger. The fight will only be in a form of trade and technology, similar like what is happening during cold war minus proxy war. If China is still complying with previous trade deal under Trump that favor US, US will likely become less aggressive on trade front, where in other front it can possibly still continue its blunt comments over China.
  1. If US believe they can cut the trade as they claimed, Trump had already done it. They just can't.
  2. The truth is US need China product and market as much as China need US's. So it's win win situation.
  3. If US cut China import, China will import much less from other countries as well. A lot of components come from US, Korea, Japan, EU, and Taiwan providence. The global supply chain is so complex nowadays, it's mutual dependence.
  4. China export iPhone to US, hundreds of billion dollars. But the chips come from Taiwan, panel and NAND come from Korea, a lot of electronic come from US, Japan.
If US cut China import completely, US has to find another supplier, because those products won't be made in US anyway. While China will cut US import and close China markets.

China export much more to US, that's true. But you know what, US company made more money in China market, such as Hollywood, General Motors, Boeing, GE, fashion industry, Financial industry.

US has some leverage, but not that much. US is an empire, there are a lot of global interest needs to be taken care of. How much resource US want to wasted on China?

As I said, US debt clock tik tok. everyone saw it. US is extremely weak at least during Biden regime.

It's China actually hold the bargaining chip. Blinken better
More thorough and complete

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