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China-US Vie for World Approval

It is one thing to chase skirts, it is quite another for a people to recognize that their men have so severely diminished chance for a family that they have to resort to kidnapping foreign women.

again tell that to your india

And how does this alleviate the current and future demographic problem in China? Many of those children will grow up to be Americanized.

They help make america a better country and a better world

They, especially the women, will be hesitant to leave the US for a culture that while share a common language in the family, is as alien as the Moon to the Earth. You obviously have little or no interactions with the Chinese in America and in Europe.

That is common to other ethnic groups as well. There are Chinese women who are willing to come back home

Saying that is not going to help. Your dream of a world dominating China will remain that -- a dream.

We have our dream but not the american one of world's police and the horrible BIG brother

So much for that 'high Chinese IQ'. It is as mythical as the unicorn.

I am doing okay with my IQ which is better than average but below my peers

what about you marginal! - dont reveal it for another embarrassment!
I am doing okay with my IQ which is better than average but below my peers

what about you marginal! - dont reveal it for another embarrassment!
Thirteen THOUSANDS primary schools were closed because of no children to populate them. And now China is facing a serious employment, or unemployment, problems for her college graduates.

The government reported, as much as statistics can be played with, that unemployment for college graduates ranged as low as 3% for 1997 and as high as 30% for 2007. That is a ten-fold difference in merely 10 yrs.

Lack of children and women, moving demographics of rural workers into the cities and urban areas, depression of wages, unemployment of those with the necessary education to grow the country, high food import, high energy import, conflicts with neighbors, high pollution and other environmental problems...

Oh...Yeah...China is well on her way to world domination and populate the Earth with the racially superior Han. :lol:
Yes, the Vietnamese member NiceGuy does talk about it. He boasts about Vietnam bullying other southeast asian countries in ASEAN and claims Vietnam will drive all of its opponents out the south china sea and ASEAN.
The Viets, as a group, have nothing close to how the Chinese group view China regarding global standing for their country.


Shintaro Ishihara was elected by the Japanese people as Governor of Tokyo. The same Ishihara who said post-menopausal women should die since they serve no use in society ( in other words he sees women as baby making factories, and once they can't make babies they serve no use to him), the same Ishihara who insulted and used slurs against blacks, Koreans, and Chinese, the same person who said Japan committed no aggresion in World War 2.

He wrote a book titled "The Japan That Can Say No", which boasts that Japan will become the leading superpower in asia and drive out all other competitors and lead the other asian countries. In short, what the Japaneese militarists from World War 2 wanted. But reality is slamming his country hard, and the reality is that their population will fall by a record amount and is also ageing rapidly.
May be you should take that as a lesson for China. Why/how is it that pointing out similar negative attributes in other countries make what is happening in China more palatable to Chinese?
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Thirteen THOUSANDS primary schools were closed because of no children to populate them. And now China is facing a serious employment, or unemployment, problems for her college graduates.

the employment problem of college grads is world wide
I have pointed out classes can be smaller for better teacher to student ratio

In fact some of the fresh grads can lower their expectation temporarily and settle in factory jobs

The government reported, as much as statistics can be played with, that unemployment for college graduates ranged as low as 3% for 1997 and as high as 30% for 2007. That is a ten-fold difference in merely 10 yrs.

Again it is a world wide phenonmenon. I dont think america is doing much better than and you have been using overseas military deployments as a conduit to solve part of your un-employment issues or the grads are looking for english turtoring jobs in China or somewhere

Lack of children and women, moving demographics of rural workers into the cities and urban areas, depression of wages, unemployment of those with the necessary education to grow the country, high food import, high energy import, conflicts with neighbors, high pollution and other environmental problems...

that is indian mentality

Dont repeat the same drivels will you? Have you taken your pills?

One-child policy has its pros and cons and I have said than several times. You are so boring.
Depression of wages will increase our export competitiveness
Shortage of labour which may cause lower productivity will be partly compensated by the world wide problems of youth unemployment, and the rest through mechanization, automation, retraining and re-allocations of job. I have said those and do you want me to repeat everything at least twice?

Conflicts with neighbours are on diplomatic levels. Unlike your adopted countries where you are brutally military intervening into many other nation's affairs

Environment is a problem for us but the bright side of it is we are having another environmental cleaning industry on which we shall build our business and extend jobs to those unemployed

we are more able to solve the problems than other country with comparable size from where you were born

Oh...Yeah...China is well on her way to world domination and populate the Earth with the racially superior Han. :lol:

Of course we are good but we never claim our supremacy unless objective data push us to another level where we can't help avoid

Thanks but no need for you to acknowledge us for something we are aware of!

We are not going for domination in the american manner. See the main drives of our foreign policy even though you pretend to appear blind for time to time.

Now time to take your pills!
American Age?
We are in the Chinese Age kid.

Every product Yankee bums consume is made by China. They now even buy our brands.

This is China's world, you just live in it!
It's our damn birthright to rule this planet, and that's exactly what we are going to do.

You are not a Yankee, you are just a low class Vietnamese bum that happened to work as a janitor in the Yankee military. Probably a bum that got captured during the Vietnam war and taken back to Yankee land as a slave like Africans were.

Yank goon squad loves raping Viet girls and beating up little Viet boys like you.

America has its good qualities and its bad. But so does china. It is China's world if it can come out as a hegemonic power in the East! Anyway, it's the East's turn to rise!
Am willing to bet that all the Chinese members here are young men. Ignorant and arrogant, to boot. For YOU, ever wonder if your parents ever aborted a sister to have you? What a pathetic life you must have, day after day wondering if someone else -- a female -- was killed so you could come into existence and how that policy created a generation of misogynists famous throughout Asia.

Am willing to bet you're over 40 years old and still a walking virgin.
That's why you're name from now on will be the.......SHERMINATOR

Me a pathetic life? :rofl:

How ironic coming from an old Vietnanese poofter that have absolutely nothing in his life apart from writing paragraph after paragraph ALL DAY LONG going from thread to thread on a defence forum desperate to get 'thanks' from Indians and give your famous 'lol' emoticon.
How's that for a life?

You are just a bum with no job, no wife and no friends. The only life you have is in cyber world. You're the definition of a total loser.

You're a typical Vietnamese man, no wonder Vietnamese women who jump across the border are so desperate to be with Han Chinese men.
Thirteen THOUSANDS primary schools were closed because of no children to populate them. And now China is facing a serious employment, or unemployment, problems for her college graduates.

The government reported, as much as statistics can be played with, that unemployment for college graduates ranged as low as 3% for 1997 and as high as 30% for 2007. That is a ten-fold difference in merely 10 yrs.

Lack of children and women, moving demographics of rural workers into the cities and urban areas, depression of wages, unemployment of those with the necessary education to grow the country, high food import, high energy import, conflicts with neighbors, high pollution and other environmental problems...

Oh...Yeah...China is well on her way to world domination and populate the Earth with the racially superior Han. :lol:

- We have more newborns every year than most countries on earth.
- We have our own women and our cheap Vietnamese sperm dumpsters to fill the gap.
- Urbanisation is the reason for growth.
- Wages are rising extremely fast in China.
-Jobs are being created, and we have a very skilled population. Service sector is being developed for them.
- We have over 90% self-sufficiency in grains. Soybean makes up the VAST majority of our food imports. And that's for animal feed.
- We have the world's largest shale gas reserves, growing oil & gas output from onshore and SCS.
- Conflicts with neighbours just motivate us more to develop faster our economy, military and technology. Our sheer size gives us a massive advantage to push around these little poofter countries.
- Pollution is already being addressed.
- Again they are already being addressed.

I just busted all your myths :lol:
Come on, I know you can do better than that Sherminator.

Yup, your darn right we are on our way to being number 1. By 2020 we will be the number 1 economy. We have the money, talent, technology and political will to do anything we damn well please.

This is China's world, you just live in it!
So much for that 'high Chinese IQ'. It is as mythical as the unicorn.

Yes, it's as mythical as Yankee military 'invincibility' :lol:

The only reason Viets have a half decent IQ is because of the Chinese genes inside you Vietnamese. Vietnamese are a by-product of our civilization. Vietnamese are an inferior version of the Han.
Yes, it's as mythical as Yankee military 'invincibility'
:lol: The US never claimed to be 'invincible'. So yes, that 'high Chinese IQ' is indeed mythical.

The only reason Viets have a half decent IQ is because of the Chinese genes inside you Vietnamese. Vietnamese are a by-product of our civilization. Vietnamese are an inferior version of the Han.
Considering you Chinese performance here, I say the Viets are doing pretty good. And please keep that 'superior' Han Chinese sh1t to the Chinese. I have been to China when I used to work for MT. I was not impressed. :lol:
You are just a bum with no job, no wife and no friends. The only life you have is in cyber world. You're the definition of a total loser.
This is coming from Chinese with no military experience yakking on a military oriented forum? :lol:
:lol: The US never claimed to be 'invincible'. So yes, that 'high Chinese IQ' is indeed mythical.

Considering you Chinese performance here, I say the Viets are doing pretty good. And please keep that 'superior' Han Chinese sh1t to the Chinese. I have been to China when I used to work for MT. I was not impressed. :lol:

Oh never claimed huh? :lol:
Look harder, you will find it. Go on.

I highly doubt your claims about work. I doubt you ever worked in your life. You sound like a bum living on the welfare. Too much time on your hands in here for you to be working.

As for being not impressed with China...that's not what most Viet girls think mate. Believe me, they are extremely impressed. Even married Vietnamese women come over to China and have affairs with us Han men :lol:

This is coming from Chinese with no military experience yakking on a military oriented forum? :lol:

You're right, I don't have the playstation military experience like you do Sherminator :lol:
Oh never claimed huh? :lol:
Look harder, you will find it. Go on.
You mean you could not find a single quote from the US military that we are 'invincible'. So yes, that 'high Chinese IQ' is indeed mythical.

I highly doubt your claims about work. I doubt you ever worked in your life. You sound like a bum living on the welfare. Too much time on your hands in here for you to be working.
You are a nobody on this forum. Nobody asked for your technical and military opinions. So your doubts are worthless.

As for being not impressed with China...that's not what most Viet girls think mate. Believe me, they are extremely impressed. Even married Vietnamese women come over to China and have affairs with us Han men
Believe you? Based upon what? Your racism and misogyny? :lol:

You're right, I don't have the playstation military experience like you do Sherminator :lol:
Even worse, the only 'joystick' you ever held is your own. Get it, conscript reject? :lol:
You mean you could not find a single quote from the US military that we are 'invincible'. So yes, that 'high Chinese IQ' is indeed mythical.

You are a nobody on this forum. Nobody asked for your technical and military opinions. So your doubts are worthless.

Believe you? Based upon what? Your racism and misogyny? :lol:

Even worse, the only 'joystick' you ever held is your own. Get it, conscript reject? :lol:

I'm a nobody in here? Nope.
I'm the guy that will keep Sherminators like you in check in here.

I brought you back down to earth like the little low class Vietnamese that you are mate.

Joystick jokes (I guess you speak from experience)? That's the best you've got?
Ahhh come on, thought you could do a wee bit better than that old fella.
Go on, have another go.

I have throughly humiliated you wherever you go on this forum.
Look at your replies, sign of a beaten and battered little Vietnamese man.

You are not even worthy of my time, you challenged me and got smacked.

I'm done with you, if I continue you might start crying (probably cried to the mods already).
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