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China-US Vie for World Approval

I just did not say History, I named the countries. Whole of the world knows that Bush was a war criminal, who criminally did a military invasion in countries. On fabricated reports of WMD intruded Iraq as aggressor. On the pretext of OBL, who was created and nurtured by them, in Afghanistan.

"No free lunch" is an american term. How do you expect Bush to help people in Africa for free. There has to be a commercial interest like USA had in Iraq and afghanistan.
American Age?
We are in the Chinese Age kid.

Every product Yankee bums consume is made by China. They now even buy our brands.

This is China's world, you just live in it!
It's our damn birthright to rule this planet, and that's exactly what we are going to do.
Yeah...Right on...With what?

Is it true that in 2012, the Ministry of Education reported that about 13,000 -- THOUSANDS -- primary schools were closed because of no children? That elementary age children dropped by nearly 50 millions?
Yeah...Right on...With what?

Is it true that in 2012, the Ministry of Education reported that about 13,000 -- THOUSANDS -- primary schools were closed because of no children? That elementary age children dropped by nearly 50 millions?

With our large population, with our soon to be largest economy, our growing military power, our growing technological base, our growing political power, our growing diplomatic influence.

We are unstoppable!

As I said, it is our birthright to dominate this world. With every passing day we are getting stronger.
It's our destiny to be number 1 and we will reclaim our rightful position as number 1.

No one will stop the rise of China!
I just did not say History, I named the countries. Whole of the world knows that Bush was a war criminal, who criminally did a military invasion in countries. On fabricated reports of WMD intruded Iraq as aggressor. On the pretext of OBL, who was created and nurtured by them, in Afghanistan.

Robert Fisk Interviews, Usama bin Ladin
"Personally neither I nor my brothers saw evidence of American help....

Or how about this kicker...Oleg Kalugin (KGB) revealed that communism have done more to create terrorism in general and Islamic fundamentalism in particular than anything the West may have done.

"No free lunch" is an american term. How do you expect Bush to help people in Africa for free. There has to be a commercial interest like USA had in Iraq and afghanistan.
Sure...For now, China is all over Africa. So you better get on with your loony conspiracy theories.
China's Global Ranking:

Nominal GDP (2)
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Manufacturing (1)
Consumer market (3)
Luxury market (1)
Agriculture (1)
Industry (1)
Services (3)
Household Wealth (3)
Millionaires (4)
Billionaires (2)
Fiscal Revenue (3)
Fiscal Expenditure (3)
Trade (1)
Exports (1)
Imports (2)
Annual FDI (2)
Total FDI stock (2)
Annual ODI (5)
Total ODI stock (10)
Foreign Exchange Reserves (1)
Sovereign Wealth Fund Assets (1)
Gold Reserves (5)
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SWIFT payments currency (14)
Banking Assets (3)
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Hedge Fund industry assets (?)
Mutual Fund industry assets (?)
Stock market cap (5)
Bond market size (5)
Foreign Exchange market (?)
Commodities trading market (?)
Derivatives market (?)
Military spending (2)
Weapons exporter (3)
Number of Scientists (1)
Number of Engineers (1)
R&D spending (2)
Patents granted by WIPO (?)
Fortune 500 global brands (2)
Supercomputers Top 500 (2)
Electricity production (1)
Electricity consumption (1)
Cement production (1)
Cement consumption (1)
Raw Material production (?)
Raw Material consumption (1)
Automobile production (1)
Automobile market (1)
Expressway Length (2)
High-Speed Rail Length (1)
Waterway length (1)
Pipeline length (1)
Rapid transit system length (1)
Airports (?)
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Ports (?)
Shipbuilding (1)

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IPO market (?)
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Entertainment & Media market (5)
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Music market (?)
Video Game market (?)
Online Gaming market (1)
Lottery market (2)
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Pharmaceutical market (5)
Medical Device market (3)
Cosmetic market (3)
Business-travel market (2)
Tourism earner (4)
Tourism spender (1)

• Base Metals:
Steel production (1)
Steel consumption (1)
Iron Ore production (1)
Iron Ore consumption (1)
Copper production (?)
Copper consumption (1)
Aluminium production (1)
Aluminium consumption (1)
Zinc production (?)
Zinc consumption (1)
Lead production (?)
Lead consumption (1)
Nickel production (?)
Nickel consumption (1)
Tin production (1)
Tin consumption (1)
Tin reserves (1)

• Precious Metals:
Gold production (1)
Gold consumption (2)
Silver production (3)
Silver consumption (2)
Platinum production (?)
Platinum consumption (1)
Palladium production (?)
Palladium consumption (1)

• Energy:
Energy production (1)
Energy consumption (1)
Shale Gas reserves (1)
Coal production (1)
Coal consumption (1)
Oil production (4)
Oil consumption (2)
Natural Gas production (7)
Natural Gas consumption (4)
Nuclear production (?)
Nuclear consumption (?)
Hydropower production (1)
Hydropower consumption (1)
Wind power production (1)
Wind power consumption (1)
Solar power production (1)
Solar power consumption (1)

• Agriculture:
Cereal production (1)
Cereal consumption (1)
Rice production (1)
Rice consumption (1)
Wheat production (1)
Wheat consumption (1)
Corn production (2)
Corn consumption (2)
Soybean production (4)
Soybean consumption (1)
Cotton production (1)
Cotton consumption (1)
Sugar production (3)
Sugar consumption (2)

Meat production (1)
Meat consumption (1)
Pork production (1)
Pork consumption (1)
Beef production (3)
Beef consumption (1)
Poultry production (1)
Poultry consumption (?)
Fish production (1)
Fish consumption (?)

Fruit production (1)
Fruit consumption (?)
Apple production (1)
Apple consumption (?)
Orange production (4)
Orange consumption (?)
Banana production (3)
Banana consumption (?)
Pear production (1)
Pear consumption (?)
Peach production (1)
Peach consumption (?)
Plum production (1)
Plum consumption (?)
Watermelon production (1)
Watermelon consumption (?)

Vegetable production (1)
Vegetable consumption (?)
Tomato production (1)
Tomato consumption (?)
Carrot production (1)
Carrot consumption (?)
Potato production (1)
Potato consumption (?)
Cabbage production (1)
Cabbage consumption (?)
With our large population, with our soon to be largest economy, our growing military power, our growing technological base, our growing political power, our growing diplomatic influence.

We are unstoppable!

As I said, it is our birthright to dominate this world. With every passing day we are getting stronger.
It's our destiny to be number 1 and we will reclaim our rightful position as number 1.

No one will stop the rise of China!
Not going to happen. China will grow old before at least half of her citizens will get to middle class status, not to say anything about wealthy beyond middle class. That is China's destiny.

Robert Fisk Interviews, Usama bin Ladin
"Personally neither I nor my brothers saw evidence of American help....
Or how about this kicker...Oleg Kalugin (KGB) revealed that communism have done more to create terrorism in general and Islamic fundamentalism in particular than anything the West may have done.

Problem with you Amerians is that you people are legend in your own mind. Not ready to face the reality or truth. If mirror shown to you, you digress from topics.

You think yourself to be Rambos and macho men. Your international and World starts from NY and ends at Bahamas. Your development is on the shoulders of other nationalities, otherwise beer and monday blues are what originally is your.

Problem with you Amerians is that you people are legend in your own mind. Not ready to face the reality or truth. If mirror shown to you, you digress from topics.

You think yourself to be Rambos and macho men. Your international and World starts from NY and ends at Bahamas. Your development is on the shoulders of other nationalities, otherwise beer and monday blues are what originally is your.
Please explain why did Osama bin Laden contradicted you, via Robert Fisk, when you declared that we had anything to do with him in Afghanistan when the country was under Soviet occupation.

FYI -- Robert Fisk is no friend of US.
Not going to happen. China will grow old before at least half of her citizens will get to middle class status, not to say anything about wealthy beyond middle class. That is China's destiny.

Old or young, doesn't make a difference. We are rising and absolutely nothing will stop us. The one child policy is already being relaxed and discussion about abolishing it is going on.

I think more Han Chinese people there are on earth the better this earth will be. 50% of the world population should be Han Chinese by 2050. That should be a goal of the CPC.

We have ALREADY surpassed the Yanks in many areas as I have shown in that list.

We have more young people than there are people in Yankee land.

Our destiny is to rule this world. And little Vietmam will return as a Chinese province because Vietnamese like you are a by-product of our civilization. Vietnamese were created from our sperm so you are a product of our sperm. Embrace it little Viet.
Please investigate past and at that time present of OBL. Please find out why OBL and USA match financing during Afghan war. Please find out how playboy of Beirut ended up into Afghanistan and projected as a saviour. You will get all your answers. US media shows what its government wants it to show. Mr Robert has given his views in the interview. Do you think if a covert nexus prevails, it will be allowed to be reflected in interviews, talk shows, press releases etc etc.
Old or young, doesn't make a difference. We are rising and absolutely nothing will stop us. The one child policy is already being relaxed and discussion about abolishing it is going on.

I think more Han Chinese people there are on earth the better this earth will be. 50% of the world population should be Han Chinese by 2050. That should be a goal of the CPC.

We have ALREADY surpassed the Yanks in many areas as I have shown in that list.

We have more young people than there are people in Yankee land.

Our destiny is the rule this world. And little Vietmam will return as a Chinese province because Vietnamese like you are a by-product of our civilization. Vietnamese were created from our sperm so you are a product of our sperm. Embrace it little Viet.
China have a gender imbalance issue. There are less and less children as the years passes while the Chinese government 'discuss' the one-child policy. There are enough Chinese who leave China and do not return. Businesses know that there will come a point where it will take at least two elderly persons to do the work of one young person, physically and mentally. And China have 1/4 of arable land compares to the US, making China even more dependent on food import than US.

North Korea showed how a government can screw up an entire people in one generation. Sociologists are studying China with the same interests in that China will show how a government can screw up a country's rise in one generation.

Enjoy life while you can...:lol:
China have a gender imbalance issue. There are less and less children as the years passes while the Chinese government 'discuss' the one-child policy. There are enough Chinese who leave China and do not return. Businesses know that there will come a point where it will take at least two elderly persons to do the work of one young person, physically and mentally. And China have 1/4 of arable land compares to the US, making China even more dependent on food import than US.

North Korea showed how a government can screw up an entire people in one generation. Sociologists are studying China with the same interests in that China will show how a government can screw up a country's rise in one generation.

Enjoy life while you can...:lol:

BEIJING - A total of 272,900 Chinese students returned home after finishing their education abroad in 2012, up 46.6 percent from 2011, said a senior human resources official on Thursday.

Since China's reform and opening up began in 1978, 1.09 million Chinese who studied abroad have returned home, said Yin Weimin, minister of human resources and social security, at a meeting.

In recent years, there has been a greater tendency for such Chinese overseas students to return after finishing their studies. More than 800,000 have returned in the last five years, with the annual number growing by an average rate of 36 percent each year, Yin said.

"China will further establish a sound system for the returnees, including visa, residence, medical care, insurance and housing," the minister vowed.

The Chinese government launched a drive to recruit experts from abroad in 2008, offering favorable policies in terms of taxation, insurance, housing, settlement for spouses and children, career development, research projects and government awards.

As of last year, more than 1,100 top-level experts have been recruited to work in China under the program, according to Yin.

More Chinese overseas students return home |Hot Issues |chinadaily.com.cn

Gender imbalance is being sorted out with one child policy relaxation.

We still have 90% self sufficiency in grain (rice, wheat, corn) and soybean. It's only in grain that's growing fast. We are now relying on non-US sources for our grain imports.

Most of our food imports from the US are corn and soybean. We just approved GM corn to be imported from Brazil and Argentina and also Ukraine. We are going to other countries to buy the food we need.

Corn and Soybean imports are not used for human consumption, it's for animal feed.

Our output of grains will increase as we develop larger farms and our agricultural mechanisation improved from a very low rate currently. Also most of the domestic production is wasted in storage so that can be improved.
The food security problem will be sorted out through adopting advanced technology.

Enjoy being at the top while you are. Yanks are on borrowed time kid.
BEIJING - A total of 272,900 Chinese students returned home after finishing their education abroad in 2012, up 46.6 percent from 2011, said a senior human resources official on Thursday.

Since China's reform and opening up began in 1978, 1.09 million Chinese who studied abroad have returned home, said Yin Weimin, minister of human resources and social security, at a meeting.

In recent years, there has been a greater tendency for such Chinese overseas students to return after finishing their studies. More than 800,000 have returned in the last five years, with the annual number growing by an average rate of 36 percent each year, Yin said.

"China will further establish a sound system for the returnees, including visa, residence, medical care, insurance and housing," the minister vowed.

The Chinese government launched a drive to recruit experts from abroad in 2008, offering favorable policies in terms of taxation, insurance, housing, settlement for spouses and children, career development, research projects and government awards.

As of last year, more than 1,100 top-level experts have been recruited to work in China under the program, according to Yin.

More Chinese overseas students return home |Hot Issues |chinadaily.com.cn

Gender imbalance is being sorted out with one child policy relaxation.

We still have 90% self sufficiency in grain (rice, wheat, corn) and soybean. It's only in grain that's growing fast. We are now relying on non-US sources for our grain imports.

Most of our food imports from the US are corn and soybean. We just approved GM corn to be imported from Brazil and Argentina and also Ukraine. We are going to other countries to buy the food we need.

Corn and Soybean imports are not used for human consumption, it's for animal feed.

Our output of grains will increase as we develop larger farms and our agricultural mechanisation improved from a very low rate currently. Also most of the domestic production is wasted in storage so that can be improved.
The food security problem will be sorted out through adopting advanced technology.

Enjoy being at the top while you are. Yanks are on borrowed time kid.
When a child is borned, we have an immediate consumer of resources but not a contributor and this condition will remain for at least 15 yrs. From 1950 to 1980, China's population doubled from 500 mil to 1 bil. This population explosion would be disastrous for any agrarian society and given that period involved the end of a hot and the duration of a cold war, it is inevitable that the Chinese government must do something and something drastic they did with that one-child policy. An immediate and extreme response to that population explosion would be a no-child policy in order to bring down the population to its previous level. But that would be impractical, if not immoral.

As the society gains sophistication, particularly the technological kind, what used to be 15 yrs of being a consumer before changing to become a contributor is now lengthened to 20 yrs or even longer due to necessary education. So now even if China immediately abolish the one-child policy and parents immediately increases their fertility rate to be comparable to developed countries, such as the US with 2 children per mother, China's population will explode again and this time it will take far longer for the next generation to become productive citizens. All the time this next generation is consuming to grow, cost of living inevitably increases and life expectancy increases, putting more strain on the system as a whole. A seventy-yr old will be statistically as productive as an eighty-yr old and we know this throughout history in every society, except in the old days, people rarely live to be in their sixties, let alone ten or twenty yrs more like today.

Relaxing the one-child policy rule? Urbanites tends to have less children because of the cost of living in cities. So if the Chinese government decide to instantly abolish that rule, is the Chinese government going force mothers to have more than one?

This grand experiment by a society is unprecedented in human history, according to sociologists, the same professional group that was shocked when they see North Koreans with stunted growth compared to their southern half in just one generation. This same professional group estimated that China's most productive demographic, the twenties and thirties, will shrink by 20% by year 2020. The rural poor of China will most likely die sooner than their wealthier and healthier urbanite fellow citizens, leaving the countryside stressed for workers and farmers.

So who is really living on borrowed time here, kid?
When a child is borned, we have an immediate consumer of resources but not a contributor and this condition will remain for at least 15 yrs. From 1950 to 1980, China's population doubled from 500 mil to 1 bil. This population explosion would be disastrous for any agrarian society and given that period involved the end of a hot and the duration of a cold war, it is inevitable that the Chinese government must do something and something drastic they did with that one-child policy. An immediate and extreme response to that population explosion would be a no-child policy in order to bring down the population to its previous level. But that would be impractical, if not immoral.

tell that to your india

As the society gains sophistication, particularly the technological kind, what used to be 15 yrs of being a consumer before changing to become a contributor is now lengthened to 20 yrs or even longer due to necessary education. So now even if China immediately abolish the one-child policy and parents immediately increases their fertility rate to be comparable to developed countries, such as the US with 2 children per mother, China's population will explode again and this time it will take far longer for the next generation to become productive citizens. All the time this next generation is consuming to grow, cost of living inevitably increases and life expectancy increases, putting more strain on the system as a whole. A seventy-yr old will be statistically as productive as an eighty-yr old and we know this throughout history in every society, except in the old days, people rarely live to be in their sixties, let alone ten or twenty yrs more like today.

Relaxing the one-child policy rule? Urbanites tends to have less children because of the cost of living in cities. So if the Chinese government decide to instantly abolish that rule, is the Chinese government going force mothers to have more than one?

the one-child policy is not going to be abolished over night and nationwide. It is not for your cheerleading party yet

This grand experiment by a society is unprecedented in human history, according to sociologists, the same professional group that was shocked when they see North Koreans with stunted growth compared to their southern half in just one generation.

You dont need sociologist to have this finding when it is just common sense for a country which is under severe sanctions for a long period of time

This same professional group estimated that China's most productive demographic, the twenties and thirties, will shrink by 20% by year 2020. The rural poor of China will most likely die sooner than their wealthier and healthier urbanite fellow citizens, leaving the countryside stressed for workers and farmers.

Wrong! For athletes the prime is 20-30 years old. for labourers, it depends on which kind of jobs that they engage in. With the assistance of equip and machinery, their lifetime productivity will be extended to 40-50 or beyond. Improvement in education, nutrition, health and medicine also enhance the productivity of the workforce. And we are developing and investing in robots and automation. Heard about it, marginal?

Since when have the cheerleaders engaged you as their doomsday spokesman?

So who is really living on borrowed time here, kid?

You have invented all these out of voodoo sociology, marginal!
Yeah...Right on...With what?

Is it true that in 2012, the Ministry of Education reported that about 13,000 -- THOUSANDS -- primary schools were closed because of no children? That elementary age children dropped by nearly 50 millions?

that situation can be allayed through classes of smaller sizes and better teacher to student ratio
this would actually improve the quality of our education for the kids
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