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China-US Vie for World Approval

When a child is borned, we have an immediate consumer of resources but not a contributor and this condition will remain for at least 15 yrs. From 1950 to 1980, China's population doubled from 500 mil to 1 bil. This population explosion would be disastrous for any agrarian society and given that period involved the end of a hot and the duration of a cold war, it is inevitable that the Chinese government must do something and something drastic they did with that one-child policy. An immediate and extreme response to that population explosion would be a no-child policy in order to bring down the population to its previous level. But that would be impractical, if not immoral.

As the society gains sophistication, particularly the technological kind, what used to be 15 yrs of being a consumer before changing to become a contributor is now lengthened to 20 yrs or even longer due to necessary education. So now even if China immediately abolish the one-child policy and parents immediately increases their fertility rate to be comparable to developed countries, such as the US with 2 children per mother, China's population will explode again and this time it will take far longer for the next generation to become productive citizens. All the time this next generation is consuming to grow, cost of living inevitably increases and life expectancy increases, putting more strain on the system as a whole. A seventy-yr old will be statistically as productive as an eighty-yr old and we know this throughout history in every society, except in the old days, people rarely live to be in their sixties, let alone ten or twenty yrs more like today.

Relaxing the one-child policy rule? Urbanites tends to have less children because of the cost of living in cities. So if the Chinese government decide to instantly abolish that rule, is the Chinese government going force mothers to have more than one?

This grand experiment by a society is unprecedented in human history, according to sociologists, the same professional group that was shocked when they see North Koreans with stunted growth compared to their southern half in just one generation. This same professional group estimated that China's most productive demographic, the twenties and thirties, will shrink by 20% by year 2020. The rural poor of China will most likely die sooner than their wealthier and healthier urbanite fellow citizens, leaving the countryside stressed for workers and farmers.

So who is really living on borrowed time here, kid?

According to sociologists? Who you? :rofl:

So now you go from a former janitor in the Yankee military to a playstation player and now a sociologist?

The CPC can do whatever they want to ensure the future of China is damn strong. If they say have more babies, we will have more babies.

You wouldn't know the first thing about Chinese society kid.

We have more young people than there are people in Yankee land.

We have more people than the ENTIRE western world :lol:

Stop us if you can!!! :lol:

Yanks know their time at the top is all over and now

More people means bigger tax base and more revenue to outspend the Yankees.

Our fiscal revenue is already over $2 trillion and our economy is growing over 7%.
We will become largest economy by 2020, our military budget will be bigger than Yankee budget and our technological base will be equal to the Yanks by 2025.

Even if we lose a billion lives, we still have close to 400 million people that can overtake Yankees.

Yanks are powerless and helpless to stop us that now Yanks have to HOPE that we 'collapse'. :lol:

Oh how the all mighty hyperpower Yankees have fallen so much so that they now have to hope others 'collapse' to be number 1.

Keep dreaming kid, that's the only future you got. Because in 10 years we will be number 1 in most of the list that I gave. We vastly outnumber the Yankee population 4 to 1. You will see what it's like to face up to a real superpower.
Try bullying us instead of picking defenceless countries like Iraq and Afghanistan :lol:

Yankee destiny is being number 2 behind us, live with the shock, keep it bottled up inside you.
China have a gender imbalance issue.

Good then we can look somewhere for girls over the borders. And isnt that wonderful! We are sowing our seeds around the globe legitimately, and not by force - unlike some other countries which also have the problems of accute gender imbalance out of which the men resort to torture and violence for sex

There are less and less children as the years passes while the Chinese government 'discuss' the one-child policy. There are enough Chinese who leave China and do not return. Businesses know that there will come a point where it will take at least two elderly persons to do the work of one young person, physically and mentally. And China have 1/4 of arable land compares to the US, making China even more dependent on food import than US.

without the food import our favourable trade imbalance with the us is even wider. are you american?

North Korea showed how a government can screw up an entire people in one generation. Sociologists are studying China with the same interests in that China will show how a government can screw up a country's rise in one generation.

only simpletons would listen to sociologists b/s. DPRK is living with more complex issues than food supplies and the health of its people

Enjoy life while you can...:lol:

Of course we are! Better worry about yours!
Good then we can look somewhere for girls over the borders. And isnt that wonderful! We are sowing our seeds around the globe legitimately, and not by force - unlike some other countries which also have the problems of accute gender imbalance out of which the men resort to torture and violence for sex
Not by force? :lol:

With 1-child policy, China 'missing' girls - Washington Times
This phenomenon of “missing girls” has turned China into “a giant magnet” for human traffickers, who lure or kidnap women and sell them — even multiple times — into forced marriages or the commercial sex trade,...
Is that what your 50-cent army shift stupor-visors told you? What a wonderful country where its citizens can be so proud that its men can regard foreign women to be nothing more than semenal wastebaskets.

only simpletons would listen to sociologists b/s.
The same group hired by the Chinese government to study the effects of the one-child policy? :lol:

Of course we are! Better worry about yours!
Am sure you are enjoying your life. Your China will not have one. :lol:
There is a soft opinion vs. facts. China never met a genocidal dictator it did not support 100%. They did not even come of age till they adopted western market policies.
tell that to your india
This is not about India.

the one-child policy is not going to be abolished over night and nationwide. It is not for your cheerleading party yet
If the one-child policy will not be rescinded, it will mean either China will slowly go out of existence, or China will become a warmongering country in Asia to abduct other Asian women. Of course, since the Chinese members here have no respect for women in the first place, the second option should not be difficult.

You dont need sociologist to have this finding when it is just common sense for a country which is under severe sanctions for a long period of time
The one-child policy was not because of sanctions -- ALONE.

Wrong! For athletes the prime is 20-30 years old. for labourers, it depends on which kind of jobs that they engage in. With the assistance of equip and machinery, their lifetime productivity will be extended to 40-50 or beyond. Improvement in education, nutrition, health and medicine also enhance the productivity of the workforce. And we are developing and investing in robots and automation. Heard about it, marginal?
The operative words here are 'most productive'.

Of course a person can be productive for many decades, but the most productive decades are from 20-30s or in a few professions, into the 40s. At that age group, the body is resilient and strong enough to handle more than just the standard 40-hrs work week. The person have the mental drive and the physical stamina to back it up into 60 or even 80 hrs work weeks, albeit for short bursts, rests, and do those short bursts again, without permanent injuries. But when a person, man or woman, decides to start a family, productivity will decline because of this non-professional responsibility. Not only that, there is no guarantee that a person, man or woman, will be promoted or given pay raises over the years no matter how productive he/she may be. If the person is a woman, her most professional productive years will coincide with her most biological productive ones. With the one-child policy, now the family must take advantage of the only chance the couple have in their lifetimes to have someone to carry on the family name and hopefully to take care of them in their old age.

The one-child policy is a severely shortsighted quick fix that does not taken into consideration these factors and their long term effects. So dream on about your robots, oh ye who is a 'bot himself. :lol:
Of course, I forgot that we can get women from our favourite neighbouring slave nation :D
Am willing to bet that all the Chinese members here are young men. Ignorant and arrogant, to boot. For YOU, ever wonder if your parents ever aborted a sister to have you? What a pathetic life you must have, day after day wondering if someone else -- a female -- was killed so you could come into existence and how that policy created a generation of misogynists famous throughout Asia.
Not by force? :lol:

With 1-child policy, China 'missing' girls - Washington Times

Is that what your 50-cent army shift stupor-visors told you? What a wonderful country where its citizens can be so proud that its men can regard foreign women to be nothing more than semenal wastebaskets.

I am referring that to the rape culture that is proliferating @ your army camp, college campuses where your much revered scumbags are taking the american women virgina as seminal dumpsites, mr marginal.

The concept of girl-chasing is not a pretty sight in China. But the trend is changing.

The same group hired by the Chinese government to study the effects of the one-child policy? :lol:

there are pros and cons in one policy. a lot of Chinese who are able to migrate to usa for example will have more of their kids there and the reason why you are unemployed

Am sure you are enjoying your life. Your China will not have one. :lol:

My China is still running as good as we can. Again you have to focus the worries on your own, mr marginal!
Is it true that in 2012, the Ministry of Education reported that about 13,000 -- THOUSANDS -- primary schools were closed because of no children? That elementary age children dropped by nearly 50 millions?
that situation can be allayed through classes of smaller sizes and better teacher to student ratio
this would actually improve the quality of our education for the kids
Say what...???

This has nothing to do with quality of education. When you have primary schools closed because of LACK OF CHILDREN, this is about workers for the next generation. You can have a one teacher to five students ratio and it would not matter one whit to make up for the loss of children.
I am referring that to the rape culture that is proliferating @ your army camp, college campuses where your much revered scumbags are taking the american women virgina as seminal dumpsites, mr marginal.

The concept of girl-chasing is not a pretty sight in China. But the trend is changing.
It is one thing to chase skirts, it is quite another for a people to recognize that their men have so severely diminished chance for a family that they have to resort to kidnapping foreign women.

there are pros and cons in one policy. a lot of Chinese who are able to migrate to usa for example will have more of their kids there and the reason why you are unemployed
And how does this alleviate the current and future demographic problem in China? Many of those children will grow up to be Americanized. They, especially the women, will be hesitant to leave the US for a culture that while share a common language in the family, is as alien as the Moon to the Earth. You obviously have little or no interactions with the Chinese in America and in Europe.

My China is still running as good as we can.
Saying that is not going to help. Your dream of a world dominating China will remain that -- a dream.
Am willing to bet that all the Chinese members here are young men. Ignorant and arrogant, to boot. For YOU, ever wonder if your parents ever aborted a sister to have you? What a pathetic life you must have, day after day wondering if someone else -- a female -- was killed so you could come into existence and how that policy created a generation of misogynists famous throughout Asia.

Enjoy the disaster in your native country before lecturing others. Also the same aging disaster is slamming Japan, South Korea, Thailand. Japan's population is crashing downward and they are rapidly ageing as we speak.

The fertility rate in Vietnam is 1.83, lower than the replacement of 2.1


This article is years old, since it came out the fertility rate dropped further. It talks about how the fertility rate of minorities in Vietnam is higher than ethnic Kinh Vietnamese.


And this came out recently

Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily | HCMC couples urged to make more babies

Aging in Vietnam

Vietnam faces aging population problem | DTiNews - Dan Tri International, the news gateway of Vietnam

Vietnam's population is aging rapidly - News VietNamNet

Ageing population to stretch health services - Social Issues - VietNam News

Vietnam's ageing population to stretch health services - ANN


UNFPA Vietnam - The ageing population in Viet Nam: Current status, prognosis, and possible policy responses

Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily | Vietnam population ageing rapidly: conference

Vietnam to face aging population in 2010 | VOV Online Newspaper


Sex ratio of boys to girls is higher in Vietnam since more boys are being born than girls due to sex selective abortion.

AmCham Vietnam | Gender imbalance threatens crisis in Vietnam

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Abortion causing huge gender imbalance in Vietnam, UN admits

BBC News - UN warns on Vietnam birth ratio

Vietnam in the face of growing gender imbalance | VOV Online Newspaper


SGGP English Edition- Gender imbalance worrisome for Vietnam

News VietNamNet

Gender imbalance at birth terrible Implications | DBV | VietNam News


In Rapidly Aging Japan, Adult Diaper Sales Are About to Surpass Baby Diapers - Adam Pasick - The Atlantic

Japan's population suffers biggest fall in history - Telegraph

Japan's population decline highlighted - UPI.com

Japan's population faces dramatic decline - CNN.com

Japan’s Demographic Disaster | The Diplomat

Japan's population falls by record level | The Japan Times

Declining Populations Make Peaceful Neighbors - Forbes

South Korea-

South Korea's Elderly Population Booming, One Third Of Country To Be Over 65 By 2040

South Korea Prepares The Young For A Rapidly Aging Population : NPR

South Korea: Ageing Tiger : Global Brief

S. Korea is least prepared for aging among OECD countries | YONHAP NEWS




Thailand's Aging Population Poses Challenges

Thailand faces rapidly aging population CCTV News - CNTV English

Thailand faces ageing population | My Sinchew

Ageing population may overwhelm Thai pension system: research - The Nation

This is not about India.

then why you have an indian cheerleading mindset?

If the one-child policy will not be rescinded, it will mean either China will slowly go out of existence, or China will become a warmongering country in Asia to abduct other Asian women. Of course, since the Chinese members here have no respect for women in the first place, the second option should not be difficult.

Whew straight out of your holes! The one-child policy is under review and we will calibrate the law according to the social necessities.

Amerca is already a warmonger for centuries long before we are anything close to be one

Women over the borders will come to us and be a part of our family. There is no evidence that Chinese members here have no respect for women. Tell that to your indian cheerleading colleagues

The one-child policy was not because of sanctions -- ALONE.

we are talking about DPRK and your voodoo sociological logic for which your were busted once again

So the score line is 0-7 or 0-8 in my favour marginal?

The operative words here are 'most productive'.

you are defeated.

As I said it depends on what kind of jobs that you are undertaking. I think you must be aging faster than anyone that you fail to realised nutrition, medical technology and pharmacy have done great jobs in maintaining a persons' productivity.

Of course a person can be productive for many decades, but the most productive decades are from 20-30s or in a few professions, into the 40s.

what 40s? an admission of your shallowness and error? you have been bragging about 20~30 are the best?

so 0-8 or 0-9, marginal

At that age group, the body is resilient and strong enough to handle more than just the standard 40-hrs work week. The person have the mental drive and the physical stamina to back it up into 60 or even 80 hrs work weeks, albeit for short bursts, rests, and do those short bursts again, without permanent injuries. But when a person, man or woman, decides to start a family, productivity will decline because of this non-professional responsibility. Not only that, there is no guarantee that a person, man or woman, will be promoted or given pay raises over the years no matter how productive he/she may be. If the person is a woman, her most professional productive years will coincide with her most biological productive ones. With the one-child policy, now the family must take advantage of the only chance the couple have in their lifetimes to have someone to carry on the family name and hopefully to take care of them in their old age.

apart from the above mentioning of food, medical tech ... etc I have also mentioned about mechanical assistance and the advance in robotic and automation technology

another aspect of maintaining extended productivities and career life is through re-allocation of jobs and re-training, get it marginal

The one-child policy is a severely shortsighted quick fix that does not taken into consideration these factors and their long term effects. So dream on about your robots, oh ye who is a 'bot himself. :lol:

there are pros and cons in the policy and right now China is reaping profit out of it. It is not burdening the rest of the world because of our population. And look at the place of your ethnic origin - india which is disastrous just to keep hungry mouths fed!
about 2 million, JUST COUNTING THE UNDER 5-Year-old GROUP, are perished or undernourished. What is your opinion about that? Have you made donations to your motherland?
Enjoy the disaster in your native country before lecturing others. Also the same aging disaster is slamming Japan, South Korea, Thailand.

The fertility rate in Vietnam is 1.83, lower than the replacement of 2.1
That is their problem. Not America's.

As for lecturing, it is the Chinese members here who needs the lectures. Do the Viets here talks about dominating Asia? Do the Japanese? Do the Koreans?
That is their problem. Not America's.

As for lecturing, it is the Chinese members here who needs the lectures. Do the Viets here talks about dominating Asia? Do the Japanese? Do the Koreans?

Yes, the Vietnamese member NiceGuy does talk about it. He boasts about Vietnam bullying other southeast asian countries in ASEAN and claims Vietnam will drive all of its opponents out the south china sea and ASEAN.


Shintaro Ishihara was elected by the Japanese people as Governor of Tokyo. The same Ishihara who said post-menopausal women should die since they serve no use in society ( in other words he sees women as baby making factories, and once they can't make babies they serve no use to him), the same Ishihara who insulted and used slurs against blacks, Koreans, and Chinese, the same person who said Japan committed no aggresion in World War 2.

He wrote a book titled "The Japan That Can Say No", which boasts that Japan will become the leading superpower in asia and drive out all other competitors and lead the other asian countries. In short, what the Japaneese militarists from World War 2 wanted. But reality is slamming his country hard, and the reality is that their population will fall by a record amount and is also ageing rapidly.
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