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China urges India to withdraw from fresh occupation by India

This is still not clear. China says India attacked it and India says PLA went too far and India prevented PLA going further into India. But we do not yet really know what is really happening.

All I can share from open source and some info on my own in other forums, a Chinese Patrol into Indian perception of LAC and maybe within Chinese perception of LAC was stopped and preempted by having troops move first hand, blocking and occupying the heights. It was not a small patrol, but a big one with tents came in to squat and change status quo. India has now changed status quo in that sector.

That's the news. We have not transgressed into the line where we believe the Chinese LAC starts.
Victory is not announced before it is attained. Are you claiming victory after attacking peaceful Chinese?

No, I'm saying that outcome will decide... it has just started... Victory, not yet...

PEACEFUL CHINESE... itna pyar... they started it on 28th... we are just reacting... but this reaction is brutal...
All I can share from open source and some info on my own in other forums, a Chinese Patrol into Indian perception of LAC and maybe within Chinese perception of LAC was stopped and preempted by having troops move first hand, blocking and occupying the heights. It was not a small patrol, but a big one with tents came in to squat and change status quo. India has now changed status quo in that sector.

That's the news. We have not transgressed into the line where we believe the Chinese LAC starts.

This fits what we have heard. The calling of transgressing depend on the side that says it. They also lie too. Both CCP and Indian government can be lying about transgression. And we haven't known whether it is transgression on who's version of LAC. But I think your version fits everything I read and is similar to three most possible scenarios.
Funny I read other OSINT saying the opposite.

Last time Indian supported OSINT claim 50 1960s PLA generals were killed by IA in 2020 somehow. Busted. Then they claimed with new fake names made up. No one verified the story except just one small US newspaper quoting Indian rumours.

Then Indians supported OSINT claim grave is killed PLA soldier but then was proven to be photoshopped. Then Indians used 2018 Chinese newspaper article photos of gravesite for old PLA soldiers with real names and dates shown (and you can do your own photo analysis). So those are all lies and proven. Now your mystery hidden Ukrainian OSINT says this hmmmmm.

I rarely quote OSINTS... and you won't find a single comment on GRAVES... by me...



India, China accuse each other of provocation in new border standoff
AFPUpdated 31 Aug 2020
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A view of Pangong Tso lake in Ladakh region, claimed by both India and China. — Reuters/File

A view of Pangong Tso lake in Ladakh region, claimed by both India and China. — Reuters/File
Indian army soldiers rest next to artillery guns at a makeshift transit camp before heading to Ladakh, near Baltal, southeast of Srinagar. — Reuters/File

Indian army soldiers rest next to artillery guns at a makeshift transit camp before heading to Ladakh, near Baltal, southeast of Srinagar. — Reuters/File
A view of Pangong Tso lake in Ladakh region, claimed by both India and China. — Reuters/File

India and China accused each other on Monday of military provocation on their contested Himalayan border where a deadly showdown erupted in June — even as commanders from the two sides held talks aimed at easing tensions.
China's military said Indian troops had crossed the border on Monday near Pangong Tso, a lake at 4,200 metres, and engaged in “open provocation and caused the border situation to become tense”.
“The Chinese military is taking necessary countermeasures,” the People's Liberation Army's regional command said in a statement, accusing India of “seriously violating China's territorial sovereignty”.
Earlier on Monday, India's defence ministry said Chinese troops had “carried out provocative military movements to change the status quo” in the eastern Ladakh region over the weekend.
Military commanders from the two sides held talks on Monday in a new bid to ease tensions between the nuclear-armed neighbours, who fought a border war in 1962 and have staged regular high altitude clashes since.
China did not confirm Saturday's incident, but the foreign ministry said its troops have “always strictly respected” the unofficial border known as the Line of Actual Control.
On June 15, troops from the two sides fought hand-to-hand combat in Ladakh in which 20 Indian troops were killed. China acknowledged casualties but did not give figures.
The two sides blame each other for recent clashes and the two armies have since poured tens of thousands of troops into the region. Military and diplomatic talks are at an apparent stalemate.
Massive troop buildup
Pangong Tso is one of several hotspots where troops have massed since June.
“Indian troops pre-empted this PLA activity on the southern bank of Pangong Tso lake, undertook measures to strengthen our positions and thwart Chinese intentions to unilaterally change facts on ground,” said India's defence ministry.
Senior officers met at a border post near the scene of the standoff on Monday, it added.
According to Indian military sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, Indian troops pushed back Chinese troops who crossed the Line of Control.
“PLA soldiers walked into our area near the south bank of Pangong, but our soldiers were prepared and quickly pushed them back without any violence,” said one source.
“They tried to come in again several hours later but we stood firm. There has been no such confrontation in this area in the past.”
China's foreign ministry said Chinese troops “have always strictly respected the Line of Actual Control and never crossed the line”.
“Border troops from both sides have maintained communication over issues on the ground,” foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told a press briefing.
Amid calls for boycotts of Chinese goods, India has stepped up economic pressure on China since the June battle and repeatedly warned that relations would suffer unless its troops pull back.
India has banned at least 49 Chinese owned-apps — including the TikTok video platform — frozen Chinese firms out of contracts and held up Chinese goods at customs posts.
China has complained about the action and warned that Indian consumers will suffer.
Well I just know to interpret information from the clutter. Anyway pdf doesn't appreciate anything if it goes against the PA or the PLA.
PDF doesn't want to spread misinformation. That's it.

Ukrain's OSINT, Serbia's OSINT, random Indian sources on twitter are what make you guys look bad, really.

Your comment was sensible and I also believe that India transgressed into Chinese perception of the LAC.

China is also confirming the same.. Your story is in line with the claims.. although I don't know about whether the heights have been captured by India... Maybe satellite imagery will confirm something in the coming days.
Well I just know to interpret information from the clutter. Anyway pdf doesn't appreciate anything if it goes against the PA or the PLA.

This fighting all comes from different version of where the border should be. Ignoring the definitions and words, the strategy is interesting. If India is not simply reacting to PLA move deeper into India then it is new development and may simply let CCP consider either to use it as reason for war or to just go back to Chinese side of Chinese version of borderline.

If it is India going beyond Chinese version of borderline, then CCP will be more likely to escalate. This will also be first time since June fighting where Indian side went on attack. While June fighting is unclear still whether it was attack or mix of ambush and planned fighting.

First scenario CCP may back off unless it is hoping to use this as reason for war (but I don't think so as tension with Taiwan is rising) whereas second scenario is more likely going to lead to smaller escalation.
This fits what we have heard. The calling of transgressing depend on the side that says it. They also lie too. Both CCP and Indian government can be lying about transgression. And we haven't known whether it is transgression on who's version of LAC. But I think your version fits everything I read and is similar to three most possible scenarios.

I can also tell with near confidence that some sort of clash did take place. A very small one as per info available. No deaths on any side but Indians this time had the advantage of heights and says no soldier was injured on their side. This report won't be confirmed by any official agencies even if true.
You are unable to understand.. China has officially painted you as aggressor. Your PM should have done the same when Galwan clash happened.

I am commenting impartially right now. China has played its cards very well.

Indians feel so humiliated that they only want to hear about some PLA soldiers being killed by Indian Army instead of being concerned about losing huge swathes of land to China.

I am just baffled.
Nopes, you clearly are aggressors this time.. Your defence journos are in a very good mood too.
Yes India has been willingly painted as the aggressor and is happy about it. In reality though, the poster you're responding to is correct - China has moved the line of actual control west. All very predictable behaviour from the Indians.
No deaths on any side but Indians this time had the advantage of heights and says no soldier was injured on their side.
If no deaths and no injuries, then there is a very good possibility that Indian Army found an opportunity to cross LAC where Chinese presence is non-existent, or very thin.

You capturing Chinese land without them putting up a fight and ended up in casualties is just unbelieveable.
The most dramatic version of these is CCP is setting up for war and wants to have a war with India. I don't believe this because with calling India aggressor it is not anything new. CCP always posture like this. In June same thing called itself victim and India aggressor. In May when PLA captured IA, it also said the Indians came to Chinese side (which is true according to Chinese version of border) and PLA had to subdue IA. So this is quite unlikely unless India has really attacked deep into China which is also unlikely because CCP knows they have gained quite a forward position since June and LAC shifted to China's version while in the past both sides patrol into each other's definition of border.
I can also tell with near confidence that some sort of clash did take place. A very small one as per info available. No deaths on any side but Indians this time had the advantage of heights and says no soldier was injured on their side. This report won't be confirmed by any official agencies even if true.

Their are casualties... on Indian side too... number is unknown as of now... to me...
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