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China trying to outperform Russia on weapons exports

@mike2000 :

I think you are not taking into account the explosion of Chinese exports when it matures it's engine
technology in the next 5-10 years.

China will be the next superpower in 10 years and will compete head-to- head with US in global arms deliveries.

Russia will be reduced to becoming a middle-ranked supplier like France And UK.
Wait till China matures it's jet-engine technology by 2020 and see how many times more the Chinese can sell abroad than now.

Planes are one of the most profitable parts of the arms trade.

@Beidou2020 :

It is funny to see whites thinking that tiny Russia will remain a big player
in the global arms market ten years from now.

Too much white-pride is at stake for them to admit that China will soon leapfrog
Russia in weapons exports and compete head to head with the US.
For me China is roughly about 2.5 to 3 decades behind US and 1.5 to 2 decades behind Russia in certain aspects you and russians invested hugely for a long period. I'm not denying we are catching up as quickly as we can but all you guys are keeping advancing too, so it will take times, say 1 decade to narrow the gap to 1 or 1.5 decade. Russia do not need to compete with others in all aspects today so although their R&D investments are less, they could use them more efficiently to keep competitive in critical factors. Considering their weaponry income is pretty lucrative and important to the finance, they can keep a comparatively higher R&D investment

AGREE. :tup:
@Beidou2020 :

It is funny to see whites thinking that tiny Russia will remain a big player
in the global arms market ten years from now.

Too much white-pride is at stake for them to admit that China will soon leapfrog
Russia in weapons exports and compete head to head with the US.

China is already exporting trainer jets, AWACS and drones. Next will be exporting fighter jets and transport aircraft once the turbofan engines have matured. China always upgrades itself while West always talk down China. China will be the biggest supplier to the developing world because they trust China than the West or even Russia. China brings a no-strings-attached policy and gives a good package such as training, tech transfers, etc.
@mike2000 :

China will be the next superpower in 10 years and will compete head-to- head with US in global arms deliveries.
:o:........................................o_O . You seem to be even more optimistic than the Chinese themselves. lol calm down bro.
So China will catch up with the U.S in arms exports/deliveries/influence/superpower in 2025??o_O hmmmmmmmm..............
:o:........................................o_O . You seem to be even more optimistic than the Chinese themselves. lol calm down bro.
So China will catch up with the U.S in arms exports/deliveries/influence/superpower in 2025??o_O hmmmmmmmm..............

Compete "head-to-head" does not mean equality. Just like the Soviet Union was not exactly equal to US but was considered a peer.

China will have a slightly larger overall economy(and growing quicker) but will lag especially in Navy by 2025 compared to the US. It's army will easily be the most powerful in the world by then and an airforce 2nd only to the US and much more powerful than Russia in 3rd place.

China will be able to supply the complete range of weapons systems by 2025, including stealth fighters, and that is why I said compete "head-to-head". US may still sell more weapons overall but China will have competitive offerings across the whole range of arms.
England was super power for centuries, now look at the size and population of England of that era

England depended heavily on its colonies as you can see once those colonies gone it's no more super power now it's strive to stand among the G8.

:o:........................................o_O . You seem to be even more optimistic than the Chinese themselves. lol calm down bro.
So China will catch up with the U.S in arms exports/deliveries/influence/superpower in 2025??o_O hmmmmmmmm..............
Well take to consideration the amount of money the Chinese pour on R&D, It's not idling they use the money to be there.

I believe soon they will surpass Russia in every field within 10 years they will.
We are matchable with Russia in land system,maybe a decade or less behind Russia in Navy and Airforce. I am very confident we can catch up with Russia 10years later. But Russia is not our potential target,we will not fight with them.
Maybe we are behind USA more than 30 years,we just can protect our national intrrest around us now,but we are helpless if war is far from us. If fighting a war with NO1,even you are NO2 in the world is useless. For Russia and China,USA is too poewrful and too ahead ,that makes the world very unstable,they should cooperate or exchange technoloy to develop some weapon to counter USA,orelse both of them are losers.
This discussion is basically pointless, as some debaters think that weapons exports mean that a country has the "best weapons".

That's definitely not the case. Russia, France and Germany have of course "good stuff"; however, that's not the point. The point is that they have neglected their own armed forces over a number of years, and have chosen to supply other countries with weapons instead of their own armed forces, thus making weapons exports priority over their own forces.

The U.S. is the only one (but for very long) that has the capacity to both arm their own forces and supply other countries with weapons at the same time, due to its Imperial Military Complex that even Eisenhower warned about when he was the president.

Earlier this week, we could read that the U.S. Defence was the biggest employer in the world. However, China's PLA / PLAN / PLAAF was the 2nd biggest employer in this world with 2.3 million employees, whilst the U.S. had 3.2 mill employed in this sector.

China's military output has still not realized it's full production potential regarding the infrastructure for a mass-production of high-end items (with exception of few items such as the Navy DDGs, frigates & corvettes).

China is still only spending 2% of its GDP on defence, while the U.S is spending 3.6% and Russia 4.5%. Still China can match many items the U.S. and Russia have.

But as I said earlier, China is focused on suppying its own forces first, and not letting too much of the production potential being tied to exports to other countries.

In this regard, being already a 3rd weapons exporter is a huge achievement.

If China wasn't happy with its own products, such as fighters, attack helicopters, diesel subs, etc, China would still be importing these products from Russia.

But the fact is, China hasn't imported anything for the past few years, except engines and some transport helicopters to fill in the gap temporarily. The trend regarding imports from Russia is clear; it has decreased considerably.

And yes, I know "all about" those S-400, Lada/Amur SSK & Su-35 rumors, but I'll believe them when I see them.

In the meantime, Russia is unfortunately having trouble with even making their frigate and corvette to float, since the gas turbine engines were from Ukraine.

So the point is, "everyone has their own engines problems sometimes". Russia regarding frigates and corvettes, and China regarding jet engines. But both are working hard on fixing the problem. U.S. have had a lot of problems with their F-35 too, and several other items.

It is also important to note that top three weapons importers from Russia are India, China and Algeria. These three stand for more than 60 percent of Russian weapons imports.

However, when you look closer at the numbers, you will see the real facts, which are: 40% are from India, 11 percent from China and 10% from Algeria, for totla of 61 percent. Then you have Vietnam with almost another 10 percent. That pushes the number up to 70% percent.

Then you have Venezuela with another 5 percent, which pushes the total number to more than 75 percent for top 5 arms importers of Russian origin.

These number tell how vunerable Russian export numbers are. The biggest allies of Russia - India and China - are pursuing their own products more and more, hence there is not much potential to expand beyond the current numbers (40 and 11 percent respectively).

Then you have Algeria that has started to buy more weapons from China and Germany.

On 4th place, there is Vietnam, but it is very limited what they can buy from now on, due to their very small economy, and since they already have splashed 3 billion USD for 6 SSK Improved Kilos.

On 5th place, well, I don't even need to mention the state of Venezuelan economy these days, so there is not much potential for new or "important" sales for a very long time.

Then you have the U.S. that is supplying a lot of (useless) weapons to terrorist / Wahhabi regimes within GCC, who prefer to pay blood price for some shiny d!ck measurment toys because Damascus, Baghdad and Teheran are so "naughty", according to Wahhabis, lol.

That of course puts the U.S. sligthly ahead of Russia. What a great "achievement" for the U.S. right there regarding weapons exports. "Great" Wahhabi clients.

No wonder the U.S. is first when Wahhabis pay more than 90 billion USD for weapons over the past 4 years.

How U.S. weapons will play a huge role in Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen - The Washington Post

China on the other hand, has resonable prices for their friends and allies (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Algeria, Thailand) to mention a few.

It is also important to point out that many of these arms deals are purely political, as they are rarely open to free competition. There is always pressure involved which the U.S. and France are especially using and denying their friends and allies to buy from other countries.

While Russia is just sticking to its friends and allies, mainly from the Cold War, where Russia still has leverage, and has used economic debt relief & sanitation to several countries, in order to "bag in" new deals. Many of these contries had also traditional Soviet weaponry, thus, making it also more practical to order new weaponry which they're accustomed to.

That means there is no point in ordering equally good weapons from other sources, if you're already familiar with something from earlier on.

Don't even let me start with France. They practically attacked two countries (Libya and Mali), just to prove that their Rafale works "excellent" against two defenceless countries in Africa, which is a disgusting thing to do, but this is the way French as "marketing" their weapons.

Then we know how excellent U.S. weapons work by raping several defenceless countries for the past 24 years. And then I guess, Russia also "got experience in Georgia and Ukraine" over the past few years.

I have to laugh each time when someone says that "Chinese wepoans aren't proven on the battlefield". Ok, that practically means that China needs to rape a few defenceless countries to get "more experience" and then increase its exports. Right, lol. I am glad that China is not doing this, but it's funny because those are the same guys that would say that "China is aggressive" if China lifts one finger; the same guys than have no problem with raping defenceless countries in the Balkans and MENA region.

It's like asking a martial arts master to kick a baby, because that gives "combat experience and proven battle skills", lol.

Ukraine..Syria....Balkans....it is all Russia vs USA battlegrounds, not China vs USA.

Why would USA try to weaken Russia on economy field, if that move make China economy stronger?

Please, if I had to choose between you and Zbigniew Brzezinski, I will choose him. No offense.

He said "From WW2 to 1989 our biggest enemy was USSR, now (2010), we have two biggest enemies - Russia and China.

"When a country doesn't have money to pay its soldiers, it can't sustain a war with a super power or a block like Nato for more than a few weeks with equipment breaking."

You simply discredited yourself in this conversation with this.


Please mate, you dont know nothing about me, my two grandfathers was Yugoslav Partizans who fighting against elite SS troops. One of them was biggest russophobe I ever met, becouse of Stalin and 1948 (Yugoslavian-USSR split) . He was impressed with our Yugoslavian socialism, our social system was second to none in socialist world. So please dont mark me as russophile who speak emotionally.

When I see your posts, it is all about China. You are not a Chinese but their best lawyer. You know very little about geopolitics but love to speak about that. Guys who studied political science will probably laugh at you becouse of your look at world future like it is weather forecast :D. No offense.
So you accused me to be subjective but you are most subjective member on PDF. :D
I will never reject my knowledge from best university of Balkans (Belgrade University) becouse of some guys on PDF who dont know where Balkans is. (I am not talking about you).

I wish you all the best.
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@DejanSRB :

Dude when you say that tiny Russia can stay ahead of massive China for decades to come
expect to be laughed at.

China is already more richer than US in PPP and will in 15-20 years be as rich as the whole West put together.

China only sees the US as competitor and not tiny Russia.
You are sadly mistaken if you are putting China vs. Russia. I, like the remainder of the Americans, consider China the main threat to the United States, and Russia a big foe, but a bit more serious than say Iran or North Korea with a bigger force of course. When a country doesn't have money to pay its soldiers, it can't sustain a war with a super power or a block like Nato for more than a few weeks with equipment breaking. Period.

On the other hand, the Chinese are creating a blue water Navy, only second to the US. I know for a fact that they are still a decade behind the US, but that's not to say they will not be a super power in a decade. Unlike Russia, the Chinese hold a HUGE trade advantage around the world, and can actually support a much larger war machine than Russia.

There is a reason why the West decided to put money into India to have some hedge against the Chinese at its door steps. Problem is, knowing the Indians and their philosophy, they are using the West to their advantage, to take our money and grow large, economically and militarily. I think we are being blind sided by the Indians and Western leaders won't open up their eye due to Indian lobby and $$$$ being poured in to keep their eyes shut. When shiit hits the fan, India won't jump in to support the West, and will simply say, we don't have a direct conflict with the Chinese and that our democratic system runs on people, and people want NO war with the Chinese. End of the story.

At the end, a war with China and the West, would weaken both sides and it would give birth to a new power called India, which otherwise will never be a super power under the current status quo. So here's the great world plan and Russia is no where in this game and definitely not a super power able to project anything 500 away from its borders.

See, why you are tagging Trade and War together??? as you are investing Billions, we have to fight your war??? will US jump in case of a war between India and China??? Indian companies are also investing Billions in your country... Dude you are not hiring private army to fight... you are Investing those money to get profited... without any gain why would USA invest into India.... Why do we need to fight with China on behalf of USA... USN 7th fleet was directed to attack us to help pakistan in 1971...we have problems with china, a war with china will never be an answer to our problems... If war came to us... we will fight with them.... but not others war....

You realize buying Weapons system isn't buying Candy right? India's getting to a point where she needs to be, and then it'll stop or 80% of it would stop. These weapons systems usually remain operational for 2-3 decades. So what you've been buying since 2010, won't continue in the same pace forever, its coming to a slow down.

Second, what the hell does India has to do in a conversation about Russia, China and the US? These are weapons "PRODUCING" countries and you brought India as a weapons buyer. Before you add India to every single bathroom or newsroom on the planet, you should realize the point of the conversation and associated current and future realities.

You bring India into the thread, bro... chill..
If the Russians get it they get it. Congrats!
If we are awarded the weapon export contracts. then it is our credit. Congrats!

It is pure nonsense to compare on fourm with our strategic ally, meter by meter
Let the buyers decide!

No need to put down the Russians, esp from our Chinese-flagged members!


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